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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 31, 1966, p. 1

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ads jjwtjay 0741 avrioi ar nlltna tkvltanu b afcm yw win am hw raarits yoa printing publishing the home newspaper for georgetown and district i feet qrtfc dept ottawa esei far jwyamnt f astw in cash owsrfletown ont march j 1st 1966 5410 par ymtj single copy men tea cent 111 memorial arenas seams akbia custombts stand shoulder to shoulder in the streetend section of george town memorial arena sunday when two thousand adults and children passed by the box office to watch a junior c hockey playoff pitting georgetown raiders against milton merchants the crowd is a modern day record but not an alltime record fifteen years ago 2200 watched the intermediate version of the raiders on a playoff encoun ter an estimated 600 were in their places an hour and a half before game time sun day and the seats were threequarters full an hour before pfay close to a hundred people asked and got their money refunded when they could not find vantage points half an hour before the game however other latecomers were willing to snatch up the ducatsand take their chances opinions reversed tetains purchase with two readings for a bylaw which would havel dropped town purchase rights to industrial land fronting noj 7 highway council reversed its decision monday and vetoed the bylaw last year georgetown pur chased an industrial acreage from delrex developments re- ceiving at the same time first right of purchase on 70 morel highway acres on which a ceil ing price of 5000 per acre was jet for ave years t metropolitan halton develop ments which subsequently tugnt the land from delrex has asked the town to waive these rights last week town solicitor fredl helson told council that the clause meant little to the town as it does not constitute an op tion and it is only a cloud on the firms title to the land deputy reeve young and cr ballenune disagreed and at the deputys request third reading of the bylaw was delayed week until reeve hunter turned from vacation on monday crs harrison emmenon and smith reversed their opinion and with reeve hunter also opposing the bylaw it was lost by a 63 vote cr hyde made a strong plea for council to showgod faith with the developer and get on the right foot with the new owner he said if council does not agree with the solicitors opin ion the town should try to exer cise its rights and buy some of the land deputy reeve young said hel has talked to three members of last years council former indu atrial commissioners and member of the delrex firm and all are of the opinion that the town has a purchase right to the lands reeve hunter said if the town is to surrender its purchase rights h should demand that a buy back clause which gives the development firm the right to repurchase town owned land at 100 an acre should also be dropped with the reeve and deputy burling accusations of railroad ing cr hyde hotly denied this there are a lot of sidewalk solicitors here tonight be said aid and maybe ym 01 perhaps the only opinion from nothersolichor cr arthur speight expressed agreement with this if we get a different opinion from snothervsollcitor what are you going to do get a referee said mayor gibbons he said the debate was away off the track that council should be primarily concerned with getting industry heres a simple matter something that doesnt mean anything he ssm tf were go- ing to get industrial assessment 1 and more employment what are we qutbbling about weve got acres of land that we arent ev- en getting taxes on are you saying we dont want industry youre asking ns to release this firm from clause in the contract that hasnt a thing to do with indust ry said cr harrispn it could mean the difference between getting it or not sisted the mayor reeve hunter said he can see no hurry 1 haventneard of any indus- try going on this property and when id be the first ohe to release the land he said why the hurry said the mayor this was delayed week because you werent at last weeks meeting its my pri- tutors chefs icing artist shows skill at high school tf talented cake decorator mr meier of toronto who is known for his work in tutoring wouldbechefs demonstrated the various ways a cake can be transformed into a work of art when he addressed a class of high school girls hern monday girls of grade 4b10h and the grade 10 occupation class wat ched intently as the king artist went about fashioning pictur esque pieces of cookery from square and round sponge cakes taking the square sponge cake first he covered it with chocolate butter cream icing and between the layers spread marmalade and butter cream he explained that the layer of marmalade was put on before the icing to keep the icing from soaking into the cake and spoil ing its flavour he used a blend of icing in a piping bag to embellish the top with a bouquet of pink and white roses he gave the same cinderella treatment to two plain round and rectangular sponge cakes and later let member3 of hs young audience try their hand at the art mr meier described the tools he uses in his work to the stu dents a pallet knife saw knife cloth piping bags wax piping bags and decorating beads ask government study rapid rise in prices the town of espanola is see king support to have the gov ernment appoint a select com- mission to investigate sharp in creases in the cost of goods and and services the council of that town would have the commission recommend controls to ensure 1 that canadas present standard of living be maintained and curb inflationary tendencies georgetown council endorsed the espanola move though rath er unenthusiastically in a mo- tion passed monday after y plans to sell unicef cards again the georgetown ymywca decided this week to sell uni cef christmas cards for the third straight year next winter the local branch of the y sold s303 worth of unicef 1 cards at christmas in 1069 unicef recently received the nobel peace prize for 1965 the i united nations agency has earnj vilege and duty to bring urgent matters before council ypure inferring there was something shady in my calling a meeting last saturday i wasnt notified of the meet ing and if so i would have been here said the reeve he said a motion had been on the table three weeks ago and asked why it hadnt been pres ented to council then i didnt sign the motion then either said cr hyde because i wanted certain answers i want ft clearly understood that even though i suggest an opinion from another solicitor i am in full accord with the town solic- iters opinion at this point the mayor and reeve continued an argument about whether an attempt had been made to contact the reeve to inform him about saturdays meeting til stake my seat that it waafsbid the mayor i opposed this last week and it almost went through before other members realized the im portance of the bylaw said cr ballenune it took council eight months to make an agree ment with delrex last year and now you want to change one of the main clauses in two weeks the bylaw was lost on a 63 vote with the mayor crs hyde and speight the only supporters cr sri hyde who voted afj ainst the resolution along with a couple of other councillors ol pined that the commission would onlymean more expense for the country we know why costs are go- ing up we dont need a com mission to tell os why he said he said the matter would be better brought up at the assoc- iation of mayors and reeves would extend parking downtown for 30 cars extension of a free parking area behind one main st block was requested by georgetown parking authority monday henry helfant an authority member asked council to lease land from john cordaro which he said will allow 30 more park ing spaces in the area rental fee would be 60 monthly and the land would be filled in extend the present parking fac ilities i thought this was for shopl pers observed cr fred harris on tve noticed cars with last years licence plates sitting in the lot mr helfant said it was diff icult to enforce regulations in the area and that aome study will be given to this problem the request was referred fay wacaadirjxj this i toget an council to commutes study hillsburgh musicians assist at st rauls in st pauls baptist church i sunday rooming friends from hulaburgh baptist church were present some of whom provided music for the service solos were sung by miss emily hatheaon and barry burt alec matfceson and clay ton root played a trumpet duet bbert taylor brought greet- 1 ikjs from me mens brother- hood of the guelph association of baptist churches next sunday morning guests from first baptist church in georgetaown will visit ssfnt pauls the will sing- fly up converts 9 brownies to guides nine brownies of the 6th i georgetown pack flew up into guides at the holy crops audit orium monday night elizabeth catling debbie car uso debbie brick heather hulme patricia syme patricia layton cathleen heaney rosa lie spitxer and anna wilcox re- eelved their wings from brown owl mrs a syme and tawny owl mr kay collier they went through the tunn el from brownies to guides and were presented to the guide captain mrs b freeman and lieut arlene dean they joined the first guide co for gi and refreshments good friday one week from tomorrow of the world through its cenj earn and programs of aid for children the ymca for years has sup ported the work of unicef this support was acknowledged by victor de keysettng of the united states committee for unicef in s letter to the which states in part the ymca officers and members are cerl tainly entitled to feel that they have a personal share in nobel peace prize for 1965 forecast 7 interest highest in history debentures which the town must issue for jts share of the purchase cost of cedarvale school could bear an interest rate of 7 monday council received offer to buy 6 debentures from a toronto brokerage firm at 97 per hundred this would entail raising extra money obtain the necessary sum mayor gibbons said he antic- 1 ipates a 7 rate if the debentj ures are to sell at par people are paying 7 for wellsecured first mortgages he said and 7 would be a reasonable interest for municip- al bonds at the present time he added that this rate would be unprecedented in the towns history the highest rate up to now has been 6 he said kanaka to perform at dog show in guelph a georgetowngerman shep herd will be a major attraction at the tricounty pure bred dog club show in the guelph armoury thursday april 7 kanaka from the stock of tanhardt kennels rr 1 geor getown now with the ontario provincial police canine carps ed the respect and admiration will go through us amazing routine with opp constable bo- jeyjn one oithe shows hlgh- lights a drill team of ten german shepherds which received acc laim for then- 1966 sportsman show performance is also o the card still at larc1 roman paul beaulleu who escaped from the halton caun thelty jail march 15 is believed to be in the irwin pa vicinity an as fet ttmiamed flrmi which optioned 35 acres 61 townowned industrial land month ago has been granted a months extension by council on its option but meanwhile a 5000 deposit cheque became the towns property- when the option expired on march 23 the extension request was dealt with and accepted at a special council meeting satur day afternoon the option deal in the name of a toronto aoudtor bj prta gle act 1000 an acre as that price of the land the firm had also optioned extra acreage from metropolitan halton dev elopments new ownjera of the former delrex properties a 200000 square foot factory employing 250 would be the first stage of what could event ually he a factory four times that size according to informat ion relayed to council by the firm mayor disputes councils solution for closing hour another meaningless resol ution said mayor gibbons as council voted 53 to set town council meetings hours as 730 pm to 11 pm on monday the resolution would allow the mayor to extend a meeting by not more than 30 minutes if the amount of business on the agenda justified mis or arthur speight said he was making the motion because be is disgusted with the way the matter of council meeting hours has been bandied about for the past two weeks the ma yor and cr era hyde have shar ply differed on an interpretatl ion of councils procedural by- law the mayor says that if majority agree to continue meetinttlpajrt the 11 pjn dead- line auttttisiness must be con cluded cr hyde argues that- it is possible to continue for only part jof the busess t dont think council should he used for personality clashes between members said or speight my motion is to gat a peaceful solution to ihe nrob- cr hyde said be would rath er the question be discussed first in committee as there are other areas of the bylaw which might be studied t really dont care if thlsl motion carries or not said the mayor i can come to a meet ing at five oclock and stay till morning if you want me to the mayor doubts if there la such a thing as a peaceful coun cil you certainly get some rid iculous things in our house of commons at ottawa be said at least none of us here stoop to things that go on there when i leave this table i have no animosity and igo home to sleep cr speight said he isnt a pouyanna and that council shouldnt take its cue from aen- lor g but for the towns good aft er the adverse publicity we have had for some years we should have as much harmony as possible he said it was 1030 pm at this stage and no more motionshad been placed on the tawe can we adjourn now or do we have to wait until 11301 joked mayor gibbons so emneu on one of its rare occasions ended their half an hour early oldist msidint hom1 joejiartta georgetownaoldk est resident was released from hospital yesterday afternoon two months after breaking fail hip he will mark his 100th birthday quietly tomorrow georgetown overpowers milts to enter junior c league final with a modern day record crowd of 2000 roaring in thelr ears georgetown raiders over whelmed milton merchants 41 to capture their bard fought i oha junior c semifinal series in georgetown memorial arena sunday georgetown won the first twol games and lost the next pair before rising up to bounce the merchants into an early spring in game five the score was a fair indication i of raiders superiority in thei dedder they consistently beat merchants to the puck outhust- led them and threw a wrencbf into the milton strategy with a pesky forechecking campaign that made the difference betw- een their sun sparkle and fri days frustration merchants evj ened the series with a 104 vie- j tory friday which forced a fifth game georgetown owned a territor- ial edge but neither team scor ed in the scintillating first per iod mike cummins beat milton once radial station reformed church building sold the christian mkwmtd chuttch building on main street north has been sow to an unnamed purchaser the deal was com- pleted last jweek the large two storey structure which was cwtginahy the station for the toronto suburban seetrk railway male quartette i was a dairy for many yars and briefly a discount house before it was purchased by fhe christian raforrned church goalie frank marshiorl from in iclose to start georgetown away at 41 of the second period terry lane assisting don nor ton pumped in raiders second from doug selby 38 seconds la ter and bill dwyer enabled the home club to cany a 34 advant age out of the second period when he threaded the short side with a shot with a minute and a half to go paul robinson and simon llewellyn set it up bob allen pulled the rug from under merchants plans to erase the difference when he put into afl lead at the start of the third allen sentenced near the end of the second per iod for a high stick had just stepped onto the ice after serv ing his time when he streaked to marshlaris doorstep and rammed in the rebound after ron lanes chance was block- georgetown goal keeper tom ivyers came within 20 seconds if keeping merchants off the core sheet altogether he ap- pared to have preserved his ihutout when fie robbed merch- mt joe hore on miltons best chance with a minute to gd it wasnt their last dong hearts saved his dub from a blanking when he broke in on ayers with 20 seconds left and back handed a shot between ayers i pads the spoiler was small consolation for rooters from ag- gleviue raider coach gerry ingbi had more than a finger in this pie the georgetown mentor pitted his talent against merchant gen- eral murray grenhe like chess player inglis polled buss hartley back to the bloeline corps where hes- most eff tossed mike cummins and terry lane as a penalty killing unit at grenkes power play reducing it to a very ordina force and pulled his people to the bench for a fresh replacement at the slightest indication of leg wear iness his forward line combination were the same ones that he us- ed to produce a record 14 game win string in the last part of the schedule his biggest role was as a nee die pacing behind his charges- on the bench inglis was good vocal competition for the capac- ity crowd as hekept bis hid from resting each time they increased their margin for the georgetown- fans the triumph proved the old about silence being golden to their esra the humble hush that feu over the traditionally noisey milton contingent to th third period was 24 karat ice chips georgetown meets new hamburg in the first game of the league finals hersr- wednesday march so game h in new hamburg friday night and the third back here sunday the balance of the sev en game schedule is still to be drawn up haider trtayerg got more than satisfaction out of their semifinal win alpine recreational club offered them free steam baths and rub downa earls fish and chip gave free orders of fish and chips and soft drinks and a fan ken bob- inson will pick up the tab for s steak dinner a look at the weather march j3 wed mtbim s m m sm jl sun 53 a 51 jt m it it js t 30 a a hldi for 1 b lo predpiutlon 00 baba rmlb moiaefcnw uetercboolt r

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