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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 7, 1966, p. 1

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ads that pay you can place an ad in the heralcre classified pages by phoning i77m0k buying or telling the herald is where you will find the resulta you rant- the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing tha oeoroetown herald hit aarved gaergetewn end die trlct prlntan and pgbllshara sine 1867 efferlne th beat 1ft line printing and naws cever autherlaed aa saaand claia malt peer office deet ottawa and fpr paymant aff peerage in caah georgetown ontario thursday april 7th 1966 500 par year single copy price ten cant raring to go foresees sinclair guelph sts busy corner gf asks control sophisticates not so cool at curtain time members of the broadway sophisticates number which opened the ice carnival pro gram rn the memorial arena saturday night jam the door to the ke surface moments before show time obviously anxious to work off their stage jitters the ice carnival around the world on ice was produced by the georgetown figure skating club council wants brampton firm to find municipal building site over the objections of mayor x gibbons and couns e hyde and w emmerson a motion to have mitchell associates brampton carry out a complete study of the location of a mun- icipal building was passed the cost of the study is not to ex ceed 500 coon emmerson asked if this additional 1900 was included in the budget th be more inclin ed to go along with it if an ov- erali plan was to be made c coon e lhessorb00 lor one step and then another for the next step doesnt seem businesslike to me conn hyde stated thaj the first 500 study was included in the budget but he was almost that one thousand dollars had been set aside he claimed that the first study had served its purpose by showing council the folly of extending the pres ent building but felt this study ta premature surely members of this coun cil and future councils will have better idea of the location of our municipal building than two men from brampton marked the mayor coun fred harrison took is sue with the words two men from brampton he stressed that these men had completed studies all over canada one reason outside consultants were hired stated coun harrison was the fact thishas been a political football in the past in reply the mayor contend ed that the towns planning con sultant should do the job is this not town planning he de manded the mayor stated that r was far fetched even to pect our own planning consult ant to know where a municipal building should be forty years from bow in supporting the study coun a speight argued that only pro fessional engineers could get all the facts i would like to see a much broader plan implem ented he continued since our first 500 commitment did settle on 7aaember board for cedarvale not give us what we want i feel we have to have the sec ond reeve hunter reminded coun cil that the engineers office was a little hole in the wall and the police quarters were crowded where are we gojng to them he asked deputy reeve young based his support on the possible lack of a site in four or five years wc dont have to build right away but if we wait there may be no land available he added the community centre board which will operate cedarvale community centre was appoint ed monday night at council the five citizen members are mrs d sutherland mr a bre wer rev l fleming mr c walker and mrs j rundle couii w emmerson and w smith will complete the seven man board a motion passed february 21 in which the members were to be appointed one from the ym- ca one from the red cross one from the horticultural soc iety one from the ministerial association and a combined ap pointee from the lions kinsmen rotarians and legion was res cinded councillor w smith pointed out that they had been unable to get a 5th member from the combined service clubs and le gion under the circumstances i feel there is nothing to do but rescind the february motion he concluded the original motion was res cinded and the motion appiont- ing the board passed church daughters see europe slides mrs william mcnally was hostess to the daughters of the church a ladies group at georges anglican church last week mr and mrs mcnally show ed pictures of their european trip last year and described some of the countries they visit ed during their three weeks tour on the continent arrangements for the lunch eon held each month at the church were completed mrs don wingrove was the conven er for march the hostess was assisted b y mrs wingrove and mrs a w gilmer in serving lunch 1 consideration of traffic lights at sinclair and no 7 highway was asked by general fireproof- ing of youngstown ohio in a letteatjto council monday night the letter pointed out that traffic will increase considerably from their plant on the high way they admitted it was pre mature right now but added they knew it wouljltake time to get all the approvals maple avenue and the no 7 highway corner should come before this opined road chair man hunter coun w smith suggested that the town try to obtain prior approval from the department of highways so that if the traf fic lights became necessary the process- would be speeded up in reply coun harrison point ed out that a traffic count now at that intersection would prob ably 6hownatnough cars and in the long run would simply delay any action coun hyde advised that be as courteous as possible to a new member of the family and tell them we will consider it from traffic lights the discus sion ranged to traffic islands the mayor wondered if the town could dispose of the is lands at guelph and maple and install traffic lights instead have we committed ourselves to the flashers on the islands he asked coun emmerson informed council the flashers were pur chased and delivered the und erground duct work bared and the electrical contractor ready to go a new typeoftrafjrc separa tion was explained by coun harrison it is ridged concrete with no curb which gradually rises in the centre with no dam age done to a car if it runs up on it coun speight advised coun cil to instal the flashers since the town is in litigation over an accident at the islands he claimed that the case could be prejudiced i see no alternative but to instal the flashers admitted the mayor by motion electrical contract or dave williams was instruct ed to instal the flashers at a cost not to exceed 100 pay for property take back for servicing lot mr john underbill 232 del- rex blvd owner of the lot at the corner of maple and main will be paid 1500 for a triangle of his property to be used for road widening it was decided at council monday night how ever he will not be richer by that much since he will pay 1500 for the installation of a sanitary sewer to service his property the sanitary sewer line will run down the north side of maple avenue to join up with a main sewer by the creek the cost is not to exceed 1500 and will be paid by mr underbill reformed church seeks cafeteria the christian reformed churefc which sold its main st building to an undisclosed buy er two weeks ago has applied to the high school board for use of the cafeteria as a temporary meeting place for sunday ser vices they have been asked to vacate their building by april 15 like kids ljke playoff ho ckey the internationl bantam hockey tournament will dish up one whole week of both commencing tomorrow at geor getown memorial arena fortyfour teams more than attended any of the five fore going tourneys will take part in this years edition they will put their chances for a grand championship on the line in over 80 elimination games in cluding final playoffs the teams will meet their opponents twjtfe in total goals sets trophies to be ogled and aim ed at by the young players in volved include the champion ship cup runnerup trophy a b c and d division trophies as well as awards for the most valuable iplayer the members of the grand championship team will receive individual tro phies theyve been donated by the jaycecs parks board rotary club canadian tire h c mc- clurc iga henrys clothing and the kinsmen teams in division a include rochester ny winnipeg man itoba verdun que oshawa kitchener guelph and oak- ville division b teams are from port huron mich chatham woodstock waterloo riverside brampton richmond hill gait and belleville division c geor getown milton streetsville meadowvale paris markham grimsby preston leamington winona lindsay ingersoll and tillsonburg division d glan- worth walkerton hespeler wilton grove aylmcr exeter norwich woodbridge horne- payne acton thornhill cop per cliff levack stoneybrook essex and the sarnia- indian reserve first year teams are the es sex wilton grove stoneybrook and sarnia indian reserve teams the indian team wears war paint when they play and a feature of the tourneyweek will be tribal dances by the re serves recreation group wed nesday before the 3 oclock rme y local people will also be wat ching a former georgetown boy greig higham who is a mem ber of the gait team in b div ision the georgetown bantams gi ven a good chance to get a shot at the tournament title this year plays on the first day theyve been pitted against till sonburg at 915 and 115 and go again saturday if they win the complete schedule of ga mes is contained in the tourn aments souvenir program av ailable at the arena teams coming a distance will be billetted in local homes and take their main meals at the legion hall and loof hall vol unteer womens groups will balanced diet of fun work joe martins longevity tip dennison manufacturing eye site in township want water property money buys air hammer how do you keep to a bud get when somebody else is spen ding your money demanded reeve wm hunter when a mot ion to purchase a 400 road- breaker was presented by pro perty chairman emmerson coun emmerson explained that in hlftppinion it came und- er property otherwise he would have consulted reeve hunter if it would be charged- to roads i agree with the reeve- he added coun e hyde pointed out that roadbreaker was a trade te and the equipment was an air hammer which would be charged to each department in which it was nsed the motion to purchase the air hammer passed unanimous- a request for town water services from dennison manu facturing co for a proposed in dustrial building on the 7th line atthe 17th sideroad esquesin sparked a lengthy discussion of events leading op to the request the concluding paragraph of the letter from dale bennett latimer and baines expressed regret that they could not loc ate in town since evidently they did not come up to the towns specifications deputy reeve j young led off saying he had spoken to man from the company today who claimed that while they planned to build only 25000 sq feet immediately they would in three years plan on 150000 sq feet deputy reeve young poin ted out that he didnt know if this information was accurate in what little negotiations i had with mr connor of denni son manufacturing explained cr hyde he never suggested any expansion he was offering to build a steel storage ware- bouse of 26000 sq ft with no guarantee of any expansion the mayor then stated emph atically that no firm offer of any kind had been received they told us nothing let them submit plans so we can what we might receive in es added the mayor the lots under discussion were lots 44 45 and 46 cr emmerson asked if lots 35 36 and 37 had been offered as alternative cr hyde replied they hadnt since they seemed interested in the original three deputy reeve young raised the possibility of esquesing servicing them and perhaps de veloping an industrial park wed be in the bind then if we ever wanted to annex he opined both cr smith and deputy reeve young wondered why the i tmtu uamw whole committee wasnt in on a oram 13 student ann hardy wascrowned queen uli- meeting which had consls- of the georgetown and district high school dance friday ted ofttupnayor cr hyde and night the theme of this years belj was shangrila i mr bruce m rv g hail queen ann i was called to attend i didnt call a meeting retorted cr hyde i had thirty minutes notice be added the mayor explained it was not a committee meeting he stated on short notice he called the chairman of the industrial committee cr hyde what else could i do he demanded he stressed that the firm had made no concrete offer no con firmation of any reasonable as sessment or any employment if there is an offer or any proof of assessment then the situation will be different he concluded t think you put it clearly stated cr a speight this firm has never made an offer i sug gest we write mr raines and ask for all pertinent informa tion this way well keep the avenues open in conclusion cr speight commended the mayor i think you acted properly he said at times a snap decision has to be made and its up to council to back it prepare and serve the meals under the supervision of cater- ing supervisor mrs jessie ha- yes- walter red asseltine is the tournament president and dir- ector mrs jean asseltine is secretary roy norton sr is the treasurer mrs ida alcorn bil leting chairman brian lewis referee in chief and peter jones handled the program printing kinsmen will provide trans portation to and from the arena for the billeted boys each of the eight days of the tourney except sunday will be packed full of bantam hockey commencing approximately at 830 every morning and conclud ing at about 830 every night championship rounds will be on the final day saturday april 16th enjoy life have a balanced diet of wor and fun and you may live to see your 100th birth day that was the tip for longevity offered by georgetowns oldest resident joe martin 9 union st when he marked his 100th birthday at home friday although he offered no pro found reasons for his long life mr martin looks on bis century on earth as one of hard work good times and the occasional hard luck he does not smoke and ex cept for an occasional sip on special occasions does not drink i tried smoking when 1 was about 10 i got so sick i never tried it again he explained in recent years mr martin has been retiring at about oclock but on his 100th birthday he stayed up until 1 am despite an exhausting day a recent hiplnjury has temp orarily curtailed mr martin well known step dancing but he can still play the bones and demonstrated for guests and re latives with his 80 year old set of ebony bones as his daughter hazel on piano a son fred violin and longtime friend vince mountford of brampton accompanied his exhautless energy was ev ident when he was still raring to play one more tune 10 hours later his enthusiasm for danc ing and playing the bones took him to fairs garden parties and competitions throughout the province youll be dancing again in no time mr mountford who accompanied him on many his prize winning trips in the last twenty years told him fri day he probably is right at 100 mr martins physical condition is extraordinary the hip oper ation the result of a fall could only keep him in hospital for 8 weeks he was released last wednesday and is walking ag ain with the help of canes he received many visitors and cards throughout the day but after supper it was just mr martin and his immediate fam ily marking the occasion togeth er until after midnight a telegram from queen eliza beth and cards from prime minister pearson and harry harley mp for halton were a- mong the many tributes a spe cial tribute came from the hal ton county warden hji bert hinton who placed his chain of office on mr martin making him honorary warden for the dav born on a farm in caledon east the son of john and jane martin mr martin was one of seven children his four sisters and two brothers predeceased him in 1928 with his wife clara and daughters hazel and edna and sons john fred and clinton he moved to a 100 acre farm in chinguacousy while there his wife and son clinton died at 80 he decided to retire from farming he has lived with his daughter hazel and her hus band george glassford since then his oldest son john is now living in london hazel is in georgetown fred is in concord and edna mrs jack armstrong is also in georgetown martin name bob gougeon rotarian chief robert gougeon was elected rotary club president for the coming year at the clubs din ner meeting last week also elected to the executive were r burns vicepresident ralph ursel secretary ernie pearce treasurer and bud bish op and r macdonald directors the election followed dinner prepared by rotary anns leaves hospital to mark 100 years of living hanked by nurses nws joyce cox and mrs lorraine kennedy georgetowns old est resident joe mattin leaves georgetown and district memorial hospital where he has been recovering from a fractured ktp since late january mr martin was released from hospital wednesday afternoon two days before celebrating his 100th birthday at the home of his daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs george glassford 9 union street welfare spending georgetowns welfare depart ment spent 2334223 in 1965 the auditors report now being printed discloses assistance payments took 2013266 administration and supervision of the department 2500 burial of indigents 411 and maintenance of residents in training schools nursing homes and other institutions 28257 a look at the weather high 41 34 low 20 33 march 30 wed 31 thurs april 1 fri 2 sal 3 sun hon 5 tues 41 2 march precipitation 245 inehea rain 450 inches mow march high 64 ubtfc low x 811 alicia fc scott

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