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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 2, 1966, p. 1

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pejjb8w5fw7s mftwwmxjimthgyfi yjjvyyp- v iuber highway to link ieorgetown toronto belfleldfreewaywill triple population i freeway linking georgetown i metro toronto was one oi l plans disclosed by the out- irio department of highways n they made public their 30 r scheme of construction u j peehalton area last week the belfteld freeway win nm it from georgetown pass ot brampton cross no 7 hway east of- dixie rd and i south into metropolitan ttto it will cross no 37 hwaiy and connect with the im approximately 2 miles east t7 tfcer ontario dept of hlgb- jpys estimated the freeway will tuple the combined populations of georgetown brampton and bramalea in 15 yean and quadruple it in so years the freew gets its name from the fact it starts on bel fteld drive in etoblcoke at the belfteld rd end probably su lanes wide an access route will take through traffic directly into downtown toronto a highways department rep resentative told thfe herald the fr may be constructed on the present no 7 highway sec tion between georgetown and no 10 highway or it may be bnot north of- this section of no 7 paralleling it the decision will hnge on the expense invot d he said studieshave shown that most traffic coming down no 10 highway tbroogh bramp tons main st is destined lor metro the belfleld freeway will drain off the toronto bound traffic north of brampton- he said highway no 7 from the bel- field freeway junction east will be widened to four lanes highways minister charles menaughton said his depart ment estimates 4000a to doooo ears a day will use the belfteld freeway with the vast increase in toronto companies in high rise buildings the majority of workers will think nothing of a fast 20 minnte downtown ride a few years from now he stated the beuield freeway is ily part of a haltonpeet program which will see a completely nsw- freeway no 403 rise from the queen elizabeth way at burling ton running 24 miles across the two counties north of highway no 5 and linking up with 401 east of no 27 also 4ncludedin the plans are a four mile spurline from the qew to the new 403 at the 8th line oakvllle dropping high way 2 and highway 122 from the system converting high- ways 25 and 5 jnto four lane ex pressways and extending no 25 south along the 2 lane bronte boad from highway 5 to qew ads that pay youcan place aa ad in ifie closstftaa pases by 772201 bwyfivg er jno herald la wwsio i win and the resells yew the home newspaper for georgetown and district the oeerfetewn herald haa nd dis trict as printers and publishers since 1167 offering the best hi fine printing end news caver i s seoaw om ah fawf offlc ikapc oftawat seal far arman mf postage in cash o ontario tbursilay june 2nd 196 500 pec yaaq stogja copy prion tn carta lo new mountainview bridge lespite delegations appeal another motion to launch the i of the kh line on mountainview rd again defeated at this fs council meeting as it at last weeks the vote i five to four against the mo- with no councillor ehang- t his stand from the previous tbrieen area residents i before council to protest e weeks votes with delmar j presenting a petition by two hundred and s taxpayers of the same nting- from last weeks we waimjiiwm qaeri- rvmexnbers statements who ttbe big brass referred to tumn w hontert he began j mayor said you ta favor leaving lives is a utile fir dont think that u far he continued as a 1 1 know the feeling when i send children out on that i especially in the winter fbeferring to conn w smiths t that most of the peo- i using the bridge lived out- the corporation mr em- commented daring tvttves we au travel on streets i we dont contribute r taxation j up his argument j emmerson remarked that i money would come fi laame soorce as always the i think this area has i overlooked long enough concluded inreply the mayor denied hi t the matter of human life fcf but pointed out be was advocate of keeping taxes i the ability of the people ftpsry in my opinion the john underpass is more danger- he contended and i cant i my opinion from last briefly reeve hunter explain- that the big brass meant b cnr the dept of transport 1 the dept of highways who i have to be in on negotia- r deputy reeve j young wond ered if it was really necessary to go from a twenty foot bridge to a sixty foot bridge especially when the road on both sides is narrow he suggested a thirty foot bridge similar to the one on highway 7 at norval with a sidewalk would be enough theres a lot more traffic on no 7 than on mountainview he concluded cr e hyde agreed with the deputy i feel were wrong going hog wild with a four lane bridge he contended he chal lenged the pedestrian safety factor if the bridge was widen- etvsuggesting the danger would be accentuated if only the brid ge was reconstructed he felt a footpath and a sidewalk woold be swath safer for pedestrians be frftffryd or eannersons con tention that they did not know what they would pay and ctoinv ed six to eight feet of fjll would be needed to raise the grade cr ballenttne supported the motion saying that the town owes the industry in that area some consideration in getting their products out to market in representing the petition d majuery told of his wife counting 49 trucks and buses crossing the bridge in an hour and a half that morning we have five youngsters going to school and the thought of tueir safety is in our minds every day till they return he con cluded the recorded vote saw reeve w hunter cr f harrison cr b ballentine and cr a speight in favour and mayor j gibbons deputy reeve j young cr e hyde cr s emmerson and cr w smith opposed u of t western accept 7 town gr 13 students in a radically new departure in ontarios secondary educat ional system seven members of the grade 13 classes at george town district high school have been accepted as university students in september until mis year results of the grade 13 departmental exams issued in august were necess ary before any high school stud ent was certain of being able to continue on to university under the new planpplicaots who had high marks in grades 11 and 12 and did weu on their christmas exams and easter grade 13 exams have been not ified that they will be uncondi tionally admitted to university while final grade 12 results will not affect their acceptance exams must stut be written in the subjects required for admis sion these will be used as the basis for admission scholarships six students accepted at the university of toronto are elean or brown ragnar eeg yolanda gaudeketting simon llewellyn cornelias sommer and philip walker james harris has been accept ed as a student at the univer sity of western ontario london lomes pipe drum majors to lead cne massed bands going to africa fred harrison remind- i council that everyone who hves a car pays gasoline tax f they help to pay for any whether or not they live i locality t think these people want to r why we voted against this stated cr emmerson i motion was placed on this b for 36500 wben we dont iow bow much the county the tad or the dept of hlgb- i will pay in his report ks 1sjx for land and 1 f or a detour and 1 do t know what land or what de- at it also mentions a bailey but nobody has gone ov lit paragraph fay paragraph to ta cost lt will cost us 10 of be the same as the highway v retorted reeve hunter he 1 there were holes in the i big enough to put a toot w the towns expenditure of j0000 would save one life it weu worth it declared cr jbt he went on to suggest tnembers go and stand on i bridge when a track passes wayjthey would flnit out themselves now the bridge arhe claimed the bulge need a new top recent graduate of the school of nursing at st jos ephs hospital toronto ad- rienne nurse is planning to spend two years in west africa with the canadian university services overseas daughter of mr and mrs- fled nurse of ashgrove she re ceived the dr horace mcmaster memorial prise for general ex cellence in nurring at the grad uation ceremony tor a class of 97 she is a graduate of geor getown district high school the pipe and drum majors of the lome scots regiment will lead the massed pipes and drums at canadas largest an nual massed military band con cert sunday pipe major joe sellofs and drum major finn mccallum will be in charge of about 200 drummers and pipers at the military band concert in the cne stadium toronto june 5 the two men arc the senior pipe and drum officials in the canadian army reserve sun days show will feature 800 bandsmen and is presented by headquarters central ontario district as well as the lome scots pipe and drunr band their reg iment will also send its brass and reed military band to the spectacle altogether 90 men from the regiment will be play ing in the show a total of 21 militia reserve and auxiliary bands will take part in tbe show the weather ma hljh low 23 wed 73 43 a 11111 to 51 j7jb r 79 51 u sl 65 40 2s sub 32 53 30 hon 37 as si toat 3 33 ryerson grad catherine bishop catherine bishop daughter of mr and mrs c g bud bish op glen williams has gradua ted from ryerson institute of technology in the home econ- omlcs- ffashidn option course she is a graduate of gdhs rexway drive house new st johns manse st johns united church has purchased a house at 82 rex way dr as a new manse the house formerly owned by rich ard c perrott became the churchs last week the house at 51 market st wbicfi for years served as the church manse has been sold to o r morgenstern current residents in the manse are rev and mrs ian fleming and family smile at the peak of the cold and virus season last winter the fam ily doctor was giving a record number of penicillin injections tacked to the door of his inner office one afternoon was this notice to save time please back into office crew begins calls seek federal census statistics the king size job of counting noses officially began yesterday wednesday june 1st however very few people in the george town area got a call from the census taker that day in fact only a small proportion of the area population will be enumer ated this week stated george mnndy census commissioner for this districl it wont be until the third day that the door knocking begins in earnest and will continue the week starting june 6 until it is completed the population cen sus is expected to be completed entirely within two weeks and the farm census within three veeks in the georgetown district twenty enumerators will ask fewer and simpler questions than ever before the only one likely to give any trouble is tbe age question the questions are name relationship to hesd of household sex age marital status and owner or tenant there are no questions on housing automobiles household appliances income schooling or religion mr mundy stressed the need for public cooperation he said that this need was emphasized by the slogan being used for the 1966 census be counted for canada the law requires ev erybody to answer the census questions but the census can only be complete and accurate if the public cooperates he said the information given to the census taker is absolutely confi dential there w no esttrmow whatsoever even the dominion bureau of statistics may not di vulge any individual statistics to any other federal- govern ment agency thus the individ ual need not fear that informa tion given in confidence can be used for purposes of taxation investigation or regulation of any kind census taking is not one of these new tangled meddlesome ideas in fact early records show that in babylonia in 3000 bc in china in 3000 bc and in egypt in 200 bc populat ion and agricultural censuses were carried out the romans were assiduous census takers under the king the republic and the empire julius caesar gave the census its name censere so wben the doorbell starts ringing dont assume its anoth er salesman open the door and welcome the official nose count- smili boy to boy i had a talk with my father about girls he does not know anything about them either children with matches blamed for signal company fire monday georgetown police stated wednesday morning that juv eniles suspected with causing the 70000 blaze at the eagle signal division of the bliss reject 2100 offer for hyde park lots the offer of purchase for lots 1 and 3 on hyde park drive made by charles dykstra last week was turned down by coun cil monday night charles dykstra appearing be fore council said the name on the offer could be changed from his own to john medema he said mr medema was unasle to be here last week i would definitely like to know what they are selling for stated mr dykstra it looks sil ly to refuse 32100 when they were selling so cheaply before conn a speight asked when council decided to put the pro perty in the hands of a realtor mr dykstras offer clearly said that the town would pay hm ten per cent at no time did the property committee place town property in the bands of a realtor coun emmerson declared mr dykstra told council he would present another offer with the name of the builder on it plant threatened may precipitation 100 snow 146 rain may high 79 low 21 alicia fc scott smoke eaters battle eagle signal georgetown fhtthorttfts pour water into th1 burning warehouse at th rter oteagle signal ltd guelph st where a fire lato tuesday aftomoon did oxtensivo damagawand mcknafltarily rhrwatanod to raza the main plant company ltd on guelph st east monday night will be char ged this week tbe fire damaged the rear of the companys warehouse large onantipta of pew cardboard cartons a van and smoke and water caused damage to elect ronlc assemblies in the plant and inventory the blase was discovered at s m and raged but of control until 0 pjn firemen doused the last flames shortly before 11 pjil but jre chief erwin lew is posted two men at the scene during the night and kept one hose coupled to a hydrant a bliss employee ernie gray turned in the- alarm he was about to leave when ha noticed children near the back of the plant he chased them away from the building and then not iced flames licking from a lean- to shed attached to the comp anys warehouse an employee of neighbouring standard prod ucts spotted the smoke at about the same time and turned in an alarm seconds later chief lewis heaped praise on bob webster of eagle signal and bui wen- of standard who operating their employers lift trucks hauled flaming debris through the back wall to allow the hose men to get at the base of the flames a company spokesman don ald knudson said the overall damage will run between 380- 000 and 70000 on top of this will be loss of production all of tbe firms thirty employees were st work the next day how ever most of them checking on damage to assemblies it appeared at one point that the fire would break through to the main work rooms add a paint shop full of highly flam mable materials but the fire men were able to halt the pro- gress of the flames just short of the section chief lewis said the nature of tbe fires orgin delayed the triggering of the companys sprinkler system he said the fire crept through to the ware house from the leanto shed under the metal sheeting wall and consequently got a good foothold in lower layers of card board cartons before the heat was sufficient to touch off the sprinklers eagle signal moved into the former sykes tool plant five years ago car hits bridge wall then speeds away georgetown police are invest igating a hit and run accident at the white bridge on main st which occurred late monday afternoon chief constable roy haley akld witnesses reported a car slammed into one of tbe bridges iron walla and then sped awey there was no dam- i age to the bridge l

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