Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 16, 1966, p. 4

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georgetown herald yvulahwrj by horn newspapers limited v 22 main street s georgetown ontario w c ww publisher afie4 tfltirsday june 16th 1v66 editorial comment itter bugs a nuisance a resident of the downtown district tie asked us to editorialize on littering i my our town is becoming one of the atnwslest towns en the district and points to w accumulation of waste paper and bro ken glass whibh plaguet not only this area t every part of town we would like to disagree but we 4nt although georgetown has no corner df the lirterbug market despite waste cans on main street and af del rex market centre a large pro portion of people seem to drop their refuse wherever the spirit moves them could it be otherwise in time yes if we started with the children we suggest that in public school health classes should stress along with personal health habits and neatness community cleanliness a good part of what a child is told in school stays with him in later life and once indoctrtna ted with the clean up habit we could even tually have a town and countryside which would show off its natural beauty rather than peeking through piles of rubble we far one have stressed this in our family and can boast that our children ne ver consciously throw garbage out a car window or drop a chocolate bar wrapper on the street if more and more people joined the crusade we might still have a main street which didn t look on sundays as if a paper invasion had taken place from the sky and a highway stretch which didn t collect litter from passing motorists along the seed house fence a poor frame for the floral beauty of that firms fields we live in one of the worlds most beautiful scenic regions could n t we all resolve to give nature a hand and not de spoil it with our careless littering for freedom nof against a disregard for the law often the rule instead of the exception was noted in a fine sermon we heard recently minister pointed out such instances bs people objecting to speeding offences checked by policemen in plain domes to statements by union leaders and politicians defying court injunctions against mass pick eting during strikes he did not argue that our laws are always right and should not be subect to change but he pointed out that true freedorru- an isonly possible with a system of laws which protect us aga nst our feller men without law the rule of the ungle would apply property could only be kept if one were stronger than another who cov- summer evening drive eted it ones life itself would depend on your own powers of protection far from being free one would live under constart fear of his fellow man a speeder should not consider he is fighting in a battle of wits with a police man whose job it is to ensure safety on a highway if you re speeding you re speed ing and there is nothing unfair in being checked by a policeman out of uniform picketing laws aa made for the equal protection of labclandjitflft5gement in union disputes anlf jhosi whcturge de fiance are undermlnirjcjta syflert which has bee set up to protect hern one has every right to challenge a law which seems unfair to try every legal means of having it corrected but defiance and incitement are contrary to our whole concept of right state of weighiesshess o sugar and spice by bill smiley those terrible teens those terrible teens are at it want to sweep away all the old kerrs column there haw ha a great deal el iiirwli lately afcwt wa- ur atmiea ite gcacnl mauagn e the ostarta wat- stirred w the pduc to tha tmtmt af listeria qwjlc nfaauts that oat i by br uw leader ia dothja oaatrol aad that pouotion in owlaria is cam- nccauy thai owtarto has done bui to casafaat pollution that we hate ma kept pace with our expanding population aad industries that the vat en af the hwnacc are dcter- taratntg aad oat we are on a nice toboggan didekheadiag tor a aea af septic sewage this ts naaplj wot true tn the 10 jean that o wjlc has heew foreaed ms project ser- vsatf 205 aunucapallbes hare been de at the cost of tvnjoqjboa the elizabeth gardeas drnry lane and skyway awage disposal plants m bevungton are examples of again riot in montreal riot toronto s yorkville teen age boy charged with glue sniffing girls nailed with bundle of mar ljuana students picketing shibboleths and start fresh they want to be their brothers keeper they want to communi cate but every way they turn they are confronted by a great like to go in bare feet but i have this terrible seed wart on the ball of my right foot that hurts like the dickens theyd like some direction in their lives so they say and blame the lack of it on their parents or adults generally did you ever try to direct a teen ager to get to bed or now the lawn right now1 theyd like to be beautiful or handsome they d like to be loved and trusted they d like to be given responsibility j1 these longings prove is that they are human beings i the act dealing with water donation aad pollution control fat ontario is the strongest id saany plants tecahrimsmtrf 39 fa ifca air fwa-r- whm 1 was is one fine evening last week we re newed a custom of years back and toured some of our neighbouring esquesing roads it was a beautiful drive we headed out of town past north halton golf club vnd corjfinued on down the check line we branched left on the 5th line drove to the hornby base line men back towards town on the 5th which leads one eventually round stewarttown pond and back to town we revelled again in the beauty of but rural countryside around the jim fish r farm there were dozens of haw trees in full blossom we passed herds of handsome cattle grazing in the fields most farmers have made good use of their equipment to keep large front lawns mowed and land scaped on mam street south chestnut trees tn blossom are a delight to the eye in front of bob alexander s farm we were amazed at the huge fruit trees plantation of a j mccarthy who needs to drive to niagara next year when we have our own blossom festival right at our doorstep but what we noticed most is the influx of city folk who have purchased small acreages and built attractive homes in what were farm woods and frontages along both the 5th and 6th lines there are dozens of new homes most of them designed jo blend with the farm landscape they com plement rather than detract from the rural scene we recommend such a drive to anyone who appreciates scenery we are lucky to live on the niagara escarpment fringe where within a few minutes in any direction you can feast on rural beauty harley to halton weekly observations by dr harry harley mp for halton penment anxiety ridden reck less sensitive moody any par ent knows that probing and sensitive tv programs point out some more of the obvious the teen agers like power boats cars motor bikes but not lawnmowers that hey like music with a big beat that they like members of the opposite sex anybody who is not blind and deaf knows all that what all the fun about then is it a lot of overblown aantatlonalltm in tha mats media i m no sociologist but i have been a teen ager i have two of them under my roof and 1 teach swarms of them everyday so 1 have some qualifications how ever amateurish to speak a piece let s try to look at the whole thing coolly they did inherit a pretty cruddy world their freshness and idealism is soured at every turn by the massive march of materialism man is aiming at the stars with his fco firmly mired in the mud and over all hangs the threat of an mhilation what do they want they erylhing but the public lavato passive resistance from a society ncs constructed by adults for the comfort and convenience of searching articles by sodolog aduits w irus ists point out the obvious that lra teen agers are rebellious re sent hi 1 of adults eager to ex i students would like to lake ovar tha universities and re membering some of tha deplara- bto professors and ridiculous courses i was tubected to i dont blame them theyd like to have the vote at 18 and this might be a good thing it would mean nobody over 25 would dare to run for public office in this way we might get ridpt vast numbers of in competent politicians we now have at every level of goem meht i i theyd like to be able to drink legally at ib instead of illegally at 16 this too in the long run might turn out well the resultant slaughter on the 1 highways might ruin a few in surance companies but at least 1 it would help control the popu lation explosion we hear so much about they d like to be able to non conform though- they do clingt rather frantically to the ultra conformity of the teen cult well uteres nothing wrong with being a nonconformist id love to grow a beard if it didn t emerge as a grizzled stubble that mikes me look like a bow i ery bum on a binge id like to i have two mistresses and a pet tiger but i can t afford it i d you know thinas changed that much whtm i was 1tt tho m porswwa mttning but terribly twindad whan i was 21 wa mod dont try to understand teen asersl just try to put up with these they want to fly we wast thean to get on the tread aaid with the test af us sqtur rds besuesaber you too once wanted to fry yes you horn acekcdja the back seat of a 1i0s ford aad yeu dad who gat drunk when you were 18 aad industries hart beea pro aerated tor falling ta treat their afffraga this weak stat- j ce la hamilton for a will otudally open new flat rolled faculties at their mill tad this l aew expansion has beea da- i signed ta recapiure certain harmful chemicals that have i up to aow been dumped lota the bay aad this new process will mean that stelco will not be ejecting any effluent ax harmful discharge into uu water however there is still much more to be done and as our province continues to expand its industrial and mamifactur ing complex the fight against pollution will become a never ending battle it will be nee essary to hive the onoperaa tion of municipalities aqd in duatry if owjlt is to win ufcis battle or at least keep pollution under control we must convince everyone that natural fresh water ts one of out most preuous possessions it will also require the coop eration and control of neigh bourtng province and states particularly in respect to the great lakes and st lawrence for example the situation in montreal and the detroit windsor area u very bad the bulk of great lakes pol lution comes from the amer ican side bible thought for the week and they came ta hhn and j awake him saying matter mas tar wo parish then ha arose and rebuked tha wind and tha wafer and they eaasad and htara was a calm luha 24 life has no storms that will not vanish at the command of the saviour it is hard today and gett ing harder to tell the real color of a woman s hair but among those without ben efit of tints or dyes brunettes outnumber natural blondes 5 to 1 only one out of ss has red hair business directory chiropractor donald a cat dc appointments mad daily call tp 7m01 m mill st- chiropractor cerald w cartatt ox open 4allt ay housa calla arrange tnun 11a maaa st mar w h cmk lllvamaaqc barrister and solicitor 61 null st georgetown tr 7 2464 lnl brown od 35 mill si news echoes from tha heralds of 10 20 and 30 years aga since our last column the bouse of commons has dealt with a great many matters of importance i am pleased to re port that most of these makers are going through in a reason able length of ume and that the house appears to be working well in a spirit of cooperation and effectiveness i im pleased to report that the final report of the electoral boundaries commission of- ont ario has been received and it reflects the changes that were asked for by the township of nassagaweya the township of kassagaweya will become part of the riding of halton went worth and will continue its ties tn this way with the town of burlington other matters dealt wtth in the house of commons in the past week have been the estim ates of government spending a bui to reorganize government departments the yukon ac fair wages and hours of the la bour act and the appointment of a new chief electoral officer four bills dealing with tha pub lic service have been referred to a special committee which will deal with these in detail and which deal with the rights of the cil servants it is expected that three main health and welfare meas ures will be dealt with before the end of june these are 1 a health resources fund a fund of 5 hundred million to be spent over the next fif teen yean for buildings deal ing with medical schools med ical research and training of other personnel 2 canada assistance plan which wilt bring under one plan all the present shared pensions and in addition pro vide more financial assistance for the needy 3 a medicare bill laying down the four bask principles for the provinces to qualify for a 50 payment by the feder at government of medical expenses briefly these four principles ire as follows services 3 public administrat ion 4 universality of cover age bridge club georgetown duplicate bridge club is continuing its weekly games in the legjon auditorium until the end of june when the group will recess for the sum mer months at last tuesdays game the following were winners northsouh 1st harry frost and w hamilton 2nd dick prust and lloyd kcir 3rd bill barbour and brian hamilton 4th mrs ern hyde and monty hyde east west 1st mrs helen at kinson and cam sinclair 2nd mrs dean taylor and mrs ail ccn bradley 3rd mrs ann pntehard and mrs wallace thompson 4th miss margery mackenzie and miss olive log uve pedestrians and success ful men always think fast on 1 portability 2 all doctors their feet 10 years ago a special 5 yeir census is in progress for the federal census department and mrs dennis brown mrs r edwards and mrs trevor witlrarns have been engag ed for this task another census teem visiting homes is that of assessment tommissioner joseph gibbons and clif ford h bbert who are making door to door calls as part of the annual local census injuries suffered in a wild car plunge down a steep embankment at hungry hollow on mountamview rd south brought death a few hours later to a young m iton man norman mfllyk age 22 20 years ago last wednesday evening some sixty teenagers gathered tn the auditorium of the old town hall to officially open it as the centre of recreational facilities in town dancing was enoyed to margaret sargent s records and don parker took several pictures of the dancers bill milliere and his records provided the music for another dance on friday the project is being sponsored by the georgetown recreational council under the guidance of director h j newman there is still a lot of work to be dohe on the hall and the teenagers have been pitching in wtth a will to put it in first class shape the downtown business fraternity says goodbye to an other member jhjs week and welcomes a newcomer with the ann that mr i ratnlm has sold his cleaning and pressing business to mr dorlend barrager ax kveut kris ijuutkd lara awtwa ii wn prop walter pacholok 774311 or 177415 monuments pollock campbx designs on bequest laapect oar work is greenwood cemetery phoni ul 7s a water street norta salt iarragers til h ii hara s im gndpk auctioneer georgetown herald georgetown oataiia watr c susrwai publisher baa mild ll production supennteskseut news editor accouatast tarry barley adeem tsnttdeyl frank sfullm advertising mnnpi mrs whuaaa gegxta clerk ttdox anne carrie reporter leslie clark dm haatiag h gilaae printing of otsttmcnoh statements lettebbeaus envelopes invitations g herald robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mounuinview rd s carreul bldg for appointment 8773971 wallaci thompson 3rd dkrltian court clark a commlulener tk7ctm a t walku ko dosc optommmt 13 main st s brampton is14474 res 451cm3 hoars lidijtl pjn taeiday to saturday friday 0 a to 9 pjn evenings by appointment 10hn b love architect 17 chap st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 4773032 4s13as cawrgitoivn amimal clinic 108 guelph street dr it b gaskln clinic open 6 8 pja mon wrtv frl tertjrday 11 ad hod fobert msusapkx kaltck imoweaak b a genbtac nmsutancf fru auto 774471 aonos

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