Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30, 1966, p. 4

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harleyto halton weekly observations by dr harry ha hey mp for hilton thk past week has been a productive one in the parlia ment of canada we have- pas ad various estimates ot gov eminent spending for 19661987 for the depts of veterans af fairs citiienahip and immlgra tlon legislation privy council and northern affairs and natu ral resources work is at var loua stages of progress on the dairy commission the crop in surance act the canada assist ance plan and the health res ources fund commntbe work in par llament is very heavy at the present time with almost every committee also working on sp n ding estimates this is a detai led study that is carried ou and is designed to save time of the house of commons date this appears to be quite successful in accomplishing this the committee on drug costs has a very heavy schedule and has enough witnesses now to fasj until at least early decern ber of this year 1 hope that we will have a useful report to make to the house of com mons by the end of this session the amount op legislation passing the house of commons is excellent apart front rare mild flareups the procedures in parliament are straigh lorward and without incident in addi tion to this the new commit tee system is working well this system allows very detal led questioning into govern ment spending that is never pos sible when in the house of com mons itself there is no ques tion in my mind that to date this is a good and effective sys took long enough to get there defends langdon says magistrate humanitarian sugar and spice by bill smiley oh these college boys halton s member of provincial parliament rallied to defend the county s senior magistrate ag ainst an attack by that wild gnv from owen sound burlington lawyer george kerr called magistrate kenneth langdon a great humanitarian but suggested hal many o the magistrate s views could be ahead of his time eddie sargent liberal member for grey north criticized the magistrate for irresponsible statements and said the magis trate should be tested as his fitness of holding the office he does unwed mothers mr sargent was commenting on statements reportedly made by the magistrate that unwed mothers should be sterilized be cause we re getting too many k illegitimate children the magistrate has proposed tiie division of society into firn and second class citizens only first class citizens would have the right to vote marry and have children mr kerr a supported the ma gislrste s right to freedom of speech and pointed out that the controversial statements are made to publ c meetings and magazines whether this affects his competence on the bench is debatable he said i free expression the halton mpp termed the reference to secondclass citizen retrograde step but stressed the magistrate shouldn t be muzzled and should be free to air his opinions mr sargent also attacked a recent court case in which the uglatrate took away the dimv ing privilege of two youths convicted on charges of drink ing under age charges which did not involve a motor vehicle the attorney general s de partment stepped in after the case and issued a directive that such a decision was not to be rendered again mpp kerr sug getted that the suspension or der for the two youths would probably not be involked moral problems he aaid the magistrate sees people with alcoholic and moral problems people from broken homes and teenagers in trouble come before him and that he often suffers as much as the accused mr kerr said that the magis trate tends to shock people and becomes controversial because he is attempting to combat these social ills by offering sol utlons that seem a little ex treme the man is a great humani urlan he really is mr kerr asserted the mpp noted that the mag istrates call for more string ent requirements for marriage may not be too farfetched the province may eventually wish to lengthen the threeday waiting period between the purchase of the licence and the marriage he indicated hay you never have a child who is going to college and if you have one please accept my heart felt condolences ours is a male i don know what college girl are like any more he said sadly but 1 sui pert they re just as much of a croi to bear for their par ents i had to get out of bed th morning at 6 a m to get r d of ours but it was worth it after bed climbed on the bus in a flurry of last minute losses and admonition 1 must confer to a distinct lifting s the sp rits it isn t that we don i loe our son we have the deepest af fection for him and ihow j in the usual stupid ways that is we worry about his welfare we puff with pride when he does something well we spend hours trying to figure out what is best for him and we put up with murder from him ty pica normal parents l and it isn t that he a a delin quent although there are times when i we been tempted t leek up the exact deflnilon ef that word so he i really quite a de cent average college student he e generous idealistic and perfectly good natured if you don t cross him he is reason ably polite to everyone but his family he is thoughtful w ih old people and children until they bore him he can work steadily for 12 hours at something he likes doing ukc sleeping he would ghe you the shirt off hi back and is completely iel centred he can dance all night but collapses when the lawn is half mowed you d wonder whj wedhae this sense of relief when he leaves there s lots or fun when he s around the house he plajs gu tar and sings plays piano well plays mouth organ is full of beans vvhen be s around the house ay there s the rub he has just spent three weeks at home this included a couple of days vis ting his grandpar ents a week off hitch hiking lo montreal and back three days with a fr end at the lit tcrs cottage and a day with anojher friend in the c ty but it s bfen nice to have him horns and hes been a great help to me he mowed on- third of the lawn one day dug four feel of a 60foot border another and washed the car another at the coin wish 1 m notylrying to imply that the boy is bone lazy it a just that hes too busy when he is home he usually gets to bed an hour sometimes two before 1 get up at 030 when i get home for lunch about 1 30 he is juat coming to by 230 its too hot to mow the grass but just right for the beach honesty compels me to ad mit that he did set a new re cord this time he got in at u0 one morning and was uat struggling downstairs for breai fait at 5 30 pm when hit ac- com pikes of the night before arrived to pick him up for a date theyd made for 7 p m ivtn they were a bit startled oh well youth and all tnat jazz i guess anyway hes off to his summer job working on a cruise boat on the west coast got a free rail pass from the company he started figuring out his expenses for the rip nut a berth for three nights meals in the diner for three days per baps a couple of nights in a vancouver hotel in ease the boat wasn t in plus meals or those two days my jaw drop i ped gradually but steadily dur mg this recital he was pretty hadly shaxen up when i told him he would be renting a pillow for 25 cents and sleeping in his seat would be eating ham sandwich es wherever the train stopped long enough and would staj at the ymca when he got there we compromised on 50 my wife and i were talking it oer it seems odd she said that we re forking out 50 so he can get to a job so i hat he can uve money so that it wont cost us so much next j oar i agreed anyway our vacation plans tor the summer arc mad a week ago th old girl stated flatly that the only trip we could afford this summer was a week camping in a govern ment camp with a borrowed tent ten m nutcs after he d left she informed me that we were making a trip to the west coast and taking a cruise on hughs boat l af browaf od optometrist- closed for holidays weik ot july 4th to 9th inciusivi at 35 mill street gorgetown ull off main street phone 1773671 special catholic and protestant foster homes are urgently need ed to care for older children this is a challenging opportunity for those who will take the responsibility of caring for and prov ding a regular family life for children up to age is for further nformation contact mrs t lythooc ce the children aid society of the county ef halton telephone 8531480 rrai jp6ntimp good impressions start with a good idea it costs you nothing to get our idea as to how to make your next p ece of pr nted mat ter more impressive more persuas ve more productive of results just call usl sukiwk caim offi forms o brochures compute facilities attractive prices the georgetown herald telephone 77 mot business directory kerrs column mp p reports to georgetown from queens park the ontario housing corpor ation u a young and vigorous new arm of your ontario gov eminent established less than two years ago under the chair mansbip of hamilton business man kenneth soble the cor poration has made outstand ing progress the corporation s housing program in response to re quests from ontario munici palities now exceeds eleven thousand units during the twelve month period between april 1st 1965 and march 31 1966 1 752 houses were built or bought and have been allo cated to tenants contracts have been awarded for anoth er 1634 houses all of which are now under construction in addition 1330 units have been central mortgage and housing a major student housing pro gram this will supplement but not supersede programs which several universities are undertaking on their own to begin with this new scheme will be available to provincial iv assisted universities only however negotiations have be gun with the federal govern ment in an effort to extend the program to include other ed catlonal institutions such teaching hospitals and colleges of applied arts and technology the second area of new ac tivlty involves a joint effort to establish a community develop ment program for ontario citizens of indian decent for some months now a special committee of senior federal and inspected and appraised with provincial officials has been ex completition of purchase nego tiations underway for 1966 tenders or proposals have been called and will provide anoth er 3100 units among the communities uk mg advantage of this program in halton are burluujton oak viue and georgetown and of course a number of these units have been constructed in the hamilton area the list con tains the names of 51 cities towns and township through out ontario the purchase of existing multiple and single family units has been of great assistance in meeting the most urgent needs while planning and construction of new units is underway at this point i would like to refer to certain new fea tures of the ontario housing corporation i program which will be partly implemented this year we have recently beta ad vised of the federal govern ment s willingness to pnrtaea- m in fl uproajb enjoying the bonusbenefits of these royal vacationbanking services chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made dally call tr 74401 m mill st georgetown chiropractor gerald w corbett dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged 770011 ua main st north w h cam professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 177 ml 774300 heme m e manderson qc barrister and solicitor 61 will st georgetown th 7 2444 optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointments phone 773o71 robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountainview rd s caxretal bldg for appointment ph 8773971 dax developments limitid builders of pine hemes prop waller pacholok 774311 er 177 9415 every tickvl help you raining this proposal of which housing is one part 1 clearly recognized that provi sion of housing alone will not solve the problems facing many indian families but housing is important in this situation and must be provided as quickly as possible at this stage in the discus sions it appears likely that provision of adequate housing for indians will be similar to the general housing program to be put into effect through out our province and will in elude both thft buying of exis ting homes and the construe tlon of new ones in conclusion i would say the ontario housing corpor ation has achieved remarkable results in its very abort life many challenges remain of course and must be met how ever with the continued co operation or ail levels of gov eminent and with strong com munity support continued and increasingly raped progress ensured royal beast teraiptu lou for boat new car cottage equipment other holiday c for convenience safety and peaotofnund on trips or money orders to transfer funds or make money avail ante for family or friends whila away a a tordge cictvsdsf facilities to convert your money into vs funds of other foreign currencies safe tteparil boxes or safekeeping to it ore and protect your valuables royal bank ctarteaj cant to hcln eftubl sh your dentity ai any o hes royal bank branch as you travel monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phoni 421 750 62 water street north g a lt the many bonus fcalures of royal a full scale vacation banking services are sure to delight you as proved by the thousands who keep using them time after time for summer winter between season holidays or casiuil rjps ask for our booklet entitled helpful services for detailed information on our complete range of convenient banking services barragers cleanersshirt launderers tr 7 227 18 main s 166 guclph all work done on premise frank fetch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown wallace thompson 3rd division court clark a cemmlsalener tr 7441 a t walk slo deoesce optometrist 12 main sl s brampton 4514474 res 4516241 hours 9am to 6 pm tuesday to saturday friday 9 am to 9 pjn evenings by appointment royal bank consult your royal bank branch manager oeereeteww branch r f reu manager georgetown herald published by heme newspaper limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher garfield mcollvray production superintendent newa editor accountant terry harley aileen bradley frank mullin advertising manager mrs frank gape clerk tysist anne currie reporter leslie clark dave hmnf u- guson j mcoemeata andre conway printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding djvitations georgetown herald john b love architect 17 chepel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 4773033 4519145 6bor0etown animal clinic 106 geelph street dr li catkin clinic open fl 8 pji mon wid prl 11 eja haoid fobert mstlmnct hmtoft 177374 77447 tonja

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