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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 7, 1966, p. 4

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georgetown herald rvbrdwd my horn nnwper umirej n 22 main slret s gorgtown ontario w c iuhn fummvta- page 4 thursday july 7th l6o editorial comment using local products town councils action in ordering now street signs on highway no 7 nnd main street vias a double impact it will beautify these streets while at the tame time plug ging a locamyproauced product the illuminated signs are new pro duct of jhe eagle signal division e w bliss co they have been made available at a re duced cost to the towrrand will be used in sales promotion plans of the firm it is coun cils hope m future that the new signs can be added in progressive stages so that they willbe in all sections of georgetown in a few years time while it might seem parochial it is good business to boost local products as much as possible in a town whose economy depends on the success of our industrial pays to get involved sort of a for want of a nail the baffle was lost in reverse it is pleasant to follow the careers of high school graduates as they cont nue n the fields of commerce and higher educa tion and often we note how participation in activities at high school can shape the future destiny o a young man stewart saxe is a case in po nt during his high school years stewart developed an interest m pub c speaking and debating and was active in the model united nations assembly while also editing the school paper -now-as-a-uniwaty-studtnt- loo student we find him prominent in stu dent affairs there he wilt b associate edi tor of the universsity newspaper next term and he is playing a growingly importantrple in the wide field of student u n activities he has had trips to calgary ottawa and new york in connection with one or other they sure know their weeds plants the mare business we provide for our paper mills for our teed supply firm for our office equipment plant which will open later this year for our pop bottling works our tool and die plants our textile mills the more these industries will pros per the more obs will be available for residents the more tax money will accrue to georgetown and esquesfng and so on the same holds true of course in sup porting local merchants with your retail trade if too much shopping is done out of town mercharittcannot offer the vartety which a shopper might wish nor wih he be able to employ as much help and buy the quantities to offer competitive prices town without a prosperous commercial com munity and stable industry can soon become a ghost town of these and in august he will be go ng to israel as a sunac delegate to a confer ence t which 25 countries will be represen ted we have got to know one young men vervtwell in the past ten years when the herald started to grow past a oneman ef fort we remembered a writer on the high school paper who seemed to show scribe promise we re speaking of the herald s news editor terry harley who is largely responsible for the weekly budget of geor getown newsj proficiency in athletics and the trai hot exactly sihgfflg alohg with mitch sugar and spice by bill smiley a stranger called summer have helped change the face of canada s summer they used to be content t u home look after their garden and put up preserves in the summer they used to be happy with a family picnic on sundaya they uied to enjoy making i pitcher of cold lemonade on a hot summer eve aiout 70 haiton public school students who won pn zes in the helton county council sponsored weed control potter this year were honoured by the council with a tour of the royal botanical gardens near hamilton on thursday of last week georgetown s first prize winner carson thompson of harrison public school was unable to be pres ent but second prize winner molly henderson of chapel st and third prize winner daniel carney of holy cross school are shown here with the r winning posters with them are georgetown reeve w f hunter chairman of the county agricultural committee and warden h h hinton of acton who presented cash prizes to the winners at a noon luncl eon at the r b g headquarters building in short i bible thought for the week a person doean t have an ade quste vocabulary it he can t h g d nlngand bringing it out to the describe a apirsl staircase with m i porch i his handa in his pockets fhm o b th hkm o hyr now they nt a cottage for two months or a new and big i worrying about what she will o lord and it shall 1 chroi promotion lists missing in about the last three dec have opened up the hinterland w w riu ades the face of a canadian beach areas that used to be f er boat or a second ear plus a wear isn t worrying about much b far wr ing he rece ved n student days here led to aummer hat changed almost be quiet little summer aett lament membership at the golf club i vthen you have to open two 2j ltr trhna tar- for bodniv rtcomluon at the end of a rugged gravel puil new patio plus a couple envelopes to get to the message ml vnll ielic teacludgcarlfor rodney roadare nowroarmgrauctms j weesxat vswinkresort it s bad new for you that is mak e i l butch hyde think back to your summers r by nl ne i knovtgod in your home and we could go on but the lesson ob- chlld t ind lh strips ind screaming motor by ar or joe is a easier than lending a person the blessings will follow 1 j i i i li kiunds andtheamella have all vious a wellrounded high school career ehined y d scarcely know you were m the same country virgin lakes not long ago ac ceuible only by canoe and par summer itself has not age are now laid bare by de- changed a a nation half frown vclope rs and the bulldoien are after a long weary winter and t wo and everybody want to a cold wet spring we atill greet omn hit own plot though prices it with rapture and incredulity have aky rocketed it ii the celebration of the sea on that has been transformed with involvement in some phase of extra mural activities be it sports cultural or specialized subect club can often pay divi dends in later life i no wonder poor joe is a easier than lending a person i whimpering shell at the end of money to get nd of bun is tell i the summer exhausted broke ing him something for his own and fraxxled good the blessings of the lord maketh rich and he aoaeui no sorrow with it a feature of the herald in our quarter century here and for many years before that is missing this summer while promotion lists for georgetown t elementary schools and georgetown distr ct high school appeared last week and this m the herald there w ii be no such 1 stj appearing from the esques ng schools a decision of the principals associat on was made to drop these partly because oth er district newspapers had declined to print them and partly because the principals be lieve it is unfair to unsuccessful students to have those who passed to higher grades publicly acknowledged affluence combined with the nevernever land of tha finance thirty years aea summer wat company has made its inroads it is with some regret that we learned a eulot tima tha pace was lei today tha worklnt man owns of the decision of the principals i th own certoe r cruiser and what other district newspapers wish th u th lim ftrh hm bfl f ovr by to do about promotion lists is their own bus the year the pace a frantic and th moderately wall todo the iness and we cannot accept this as a valid distost fly te lurop argument not to release these lists to a pa i those days summer pleas the eternal pursuit of status per which wants to print them i ores for th working man were j our society has played iu u simple and for a couple of goad part if that crumb next door there can be valid arguments 0t he worked nme or j tffon cotufe for wo hurting the feelings of students who didn t bouri day and he didn t have we joe can afford a flight to make the grade and this reason w can any money the weal coast if he hai a 50 understand but as we have said on several when he rot home he wa jj gomg business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments mad duly call tr 74401 m mill st georgetown occasions are we not training young people whacked after supper he to enter a competitive world and cannot i for two weeks joe are going for the whole of august might water the lawn or d little weeding or just s l on the it be ust as unfa r to ignore th student lront pord unu dark occa an wo ah how they who has been successful in our effort to sionally he d take jn a ball shield the one who wasn t harley to halton weekly observations by dr harry harley mp forhahon interest in the problems of older people has been quicken ed in the past several months by the publication and discus sion of the report of the special senate committee on aging particularly in the last few days while debating the canada as sistance plan the recommendation of this committee is simply thii that all canadians 65 and over be assured of a guaranteed min imum income as a start single persons would have an annual income of 1260 106 a month and married couples would have 11 2220 a year 185 a month the federal government would fill the gap between existing in comes and this proposed mini am annu1 income- this guar anteed income the senate com- uttee concludes would best serve the purpose of enabling older dtuens to life wifh dig lb while stiill continuing to osmke a worthwhile contribution to their communities t senate committees pro posal baa several points m its favour tht sssata recommend ataon vwld j idditionil smtotetatese jhe prspdssd sshmaam w to those over the guaranteed nuai minimum income the use of income tax forms as the basis for an income teat would in the senate committee a view be simpler and mora ac ceptabl to older people than any of the various other meth ods proposed or used for deter mining who is and who isn t elig ibl for additional payments th plan would be less burd enoom on the public treasury and on the taxpayer- in fact payments could be expected to drop steadily as the canada pension plan starts paying full benefits it matures to full pay meat in ten years we already expend over one billion dollars a year under the old age secur ity programme as it vow stands and this amount will rue to 1 6 billion by 1970 primarily be cause of the lowering of the ell gibility age to 65 years in addi tion we have committed oursel veil to heavy additional expen ditures over the next few years la the fields of university edu cation medical insurance and health resources to name three examples it u difficult to estimate the precise cost of the guaranteed minimum income proposal it applied to older persons the se- oat committee itself declined to give any estimate but its chairman senator david croll suggesteatbi cost would be ap proximately 100 million a year initially the government feels it would be higher than this ff gure perhaps thro times aa high but certainly it would still bo lowtr than the payment of an additional 25 per monh to everyone in receipt of old afe security another potential problem with the senate propo sal is that it mlfbt require re dplent to estimate a year in advance what they think their annual income will be say for example a person estimated that his income will be 1100- for the year- bo would bo elig ible for additional payments of 1133 a month to bring them up to the guaranteed income of 1200 for a angle parson game or maybe drive the faro 1 ty around for a while and buy hi neiqllbour everybody an icecream cone wh o represents ive on round he dido i do much put 5unw1cr school staff tared iround painting the trim on the houie or worked in the g neighbour jrden meybe took the emilyl w nvn to vmt reliuve lor tew dyi jjum miulth in lhoe dy ummer cot o hock v sum up end power bou nd re mr mon q rt hotel nd jolt were tor ju a the welthy the hockley school it the what a alfferenca tadayl tka ly aumm s h i ot an nd amrklna tl tat hama and o t nts bc designed o chir0praq0r corald w corbett dc open dally by apsetntmant house calls arranged 774431 11a faalrt st north w h cam professional instnoor consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 177 2 j 11 s7743o0 homo ms day has iust bosun ho has o soil dot or the family wants to to out in the beat or the kle demand h drive thorn for swim or his wife has askod somebody over for drinks and a aterbecu and ha must eon the apron and ft to work dax developments limitid builder of pin hemes prop walter pacholok 774311 or 177 9415 the senate committees roc ommendauon u now undergoing careful study as indeed the committee itself suggested should the prim minister has already announced that careful immediate and expert attention is being pves to the senate re port sad in fact a within the federal department of health and welfare is already at work asscssinf ha recommen dations and findings in this connection i would also bring to your attention remarks by tbe prime minister speaking in tbe throne speech debate last jan- nary it is important that we do all that we can o meet the needs of older people which must remain the concern et this sod other governments tn da tbe government la taking important steps now to ind that all member of the family can come and take classes the age range of the atudents is from infants to people over eight children join the junior art centre and infants go to the nursery while parents and old when hli holidays com sr er children take couraes in act ound tbo pace triples no put in ballet calligraphy content taring about tha hous for him porary dance drawing enamel no sitting in the back yard un ling french furniture repairs dor a shade tree and restoring and refinisning making musical himself i instruments painting landscape and p pinning m it doean t matter what has apprecl wi ro been planned for his holidays whether us a mad motor trip students coma from all parts of 3 000 miles or a cottage at of north america d stay in crud lake or a tenting excur private homes in the area mot sion he s going to have to be a 1 dormitories or camp on the human dynamo for about ib banks of the notuwasaga river hours a day supported by individuals or whsts happened in three dec miations the providci of ont 7 4i r i council for the arts and ads cars affluence desire for first opened in lag about 400 status and women cars and the subsequent highways to accommodate them plan and the medicare prog ramme which it hopes will soon be in effect especially the lat tar because it is older groups which are most vulnerable to its support in these neldsthe high costs and uncertainty ception and on the staff for two through the canada assistance which relate to medkal care years monuments pollock cammill designs on request inspect our work in greenwood camatary hon ol 7sh a waur streat nprtk 0 a lt h e manderson qc bamstar and solicitor 61 mill 51 georgetown tr 7 2464 optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st far appointment phana 177u71 robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountainview rd s carretal bldg for a ppointment w 8773971 wallah thompson 3rd division court clark a cemmlulanar tp7m43 barragers clanrsshlrt lsunderera tr turn 18 main s 166 guelph all work dene on premises prank pitch lic04sed auctioneer prompt service p o box 41s til t3m4 georgetown georgetown herald published by heem people are expected this year and will stay for periods of from one to four weeks mrs dittrich is the proutj grandmother of four and one of her grandchildren attended tbe junior art centre last year she has been v member of the hock ley valley school since its in georgetown ontario wattor c lehn publisher arfletd mcohvray production supertntanaant news editor accountant i tarry barley aileen bradley frank mullln advertising lianager j mrs frank capes clerk typist ann cmrie reporter lesli aark dave hastings il gllson j sfcclsmanu 1 andre conway printing of distinction statements lettebhsads a envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald a t walku o dosc optomktrist 12 mam sl s brampton 4914474 rei- 4m4q4s hour 9am to 6 p m tuesday to saturday friday sam la 1 pm evenings by appointment john b love architict 17 chapel st mrampfelt commercial industrial and institutional buildings 779031 451 ws olohoitown animal clinic 106 gtialpk straaa dr tl oaakln clinic open mon wid tol iiiu haiioio fobert nsuianct katto 164 ovate a 77jj74 177t uto son0s xtmmm

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