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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1966, p. 4

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georgetown herald 13 32 main street s georgetown ontario hbri erwwwewdw thursday octnmr 20th 1964 editorial comment a variety vacation most people on vacation ilka to be oiganizftd to know what they wmi be doing jmch day where they will rest their head t night w w belong to that minority who like ft to b a surprise so this year we planned the perfecufor us vacation which consis ted of practically no planning at all we vaguely decided that we would fike some fall scenery some mountains 4 taste of big city life perhaps vermont boston perhaps south through the central states to new orleans perhaps nor them michigan we were going to leave fri day night or saturday morning for our two week aunt so after all the loose ends which an editor must tie up before he shoves off we left georgetown late sunday afternoon first stop syracuse n y rext day we proceeded leisurely to new york city veering off the mam high way throught the catskills traditional vac jrtwn country for new yorkers we saw mainly rambling old frame hotels from a vanishing age when transportation was lim ited and city folk headed to the mountains to beat the summer heat restoring a city next stop philadelphia where we were truck by the large scale restoration which should make this city a terrific tourist attrac tton in coming years a large waterfont area is under the wreckers axe but many of the old town houses are betng saved and wih be con verted back to their original stare historic government buildings are being restored as weh they might for here it was that the first congress met after the revolutionary war and the city is steeped in early history downtown philly n a beautiful mod em aty with lovely stores end handsome office buildings sea food restaurants da- feeietefy old fashion tsyle abound while during m one we had a glimpse of a new style entertainer mary of peter paul and mary who were playing a big concert that night it was fun later to walk by the big auditorium where the doors had not on to the bustle of the big city for a couple of days irt an offbroadway motel where blocks of vims have been cleared for thts type of aocovimodatlon a new york visit is always interesting wa did the us ual radio city musk hall a zippy musical comedy and a natural for our age group dinner and dancing to sammy kaye this war in the empire state building where a restaurant has embarked on a bring back the big bands policy cab calloway had been there duke ellington and the tommy dorsey orchestra were on tap we got the impression that nyc is in trouble tourist wise broadway restaurants were mostly empty except for the automat the gey white way is not so glamorous as in past days maybe were spoiled sitting on the threshold of toronto which now has so many of its own attraction mostly the trouble is that new york is pricing itself out of existence a snack in a restaurant costs two or three dollars broadway must- calls heve a ten dollar top compared with five or six m toronto taxi drivers expect and demand a sizeable tip hotel and mo tel prices are on a higher scale a cocktail or a bottle of beer a double what one would expect to pay yet opened the street was thronged with the teen crowd buses arriving by the doz ens to unload more and more the concert was a complete sellout while next door where a boundforbroadway musical was having a tryout there were still seats on sale we took in the show a musical ver son of a film hobson s choice which starred- charles laughton some years back it fea hires norman wisdom well known in eng land but not so much over here set lancashire it should do well particulariy with those of british origin next was a complete change of pace a leisurely day at virginia beach surely one of the most beautiful combinations of sea end sand that the world has produced lucidly it was a bright sunny day the water was warm and we had a fine aftei noon riding the breakers and sunning on the warm sand good place once youre there beck to city life next day in washing ton which to our mind is one of the best tourist buys there is rf one avoids the tour buses and plans tor rnmserf there ts little that isn t for free for the price of a bus ride around the cen tral moll it took us almost as long to get settled in e motet as it did to drive from virginia beech washington traffic is weird and wonderful to behold study of a city map end a motor league strip map routing was not too much hetp when one reached that sea of traffic we settled for motel in neighbour fng arlington with a handy bus nearby which took one to the heart of the city in fifteen or twenty rmnutes hs an arrange ment wa would heartily recommend if you plan on vtsitmg the capitol one had an uneasy feeling here of vis itmg a country at war military uniforms in profutton signs in every building indie ating the direction to fallout shelters a debate on viet nam in process when wa viewed congress in session the city throng ed with businessmen and army personnel we took in some of the things which interested us a lour of the capitol the fbi building the white house and parts of the museum of natural history the display of precious metals and gems s out standing there as is american wild life in its natural habitat harley to halton dr kerry hartey jo ferhehea the house of commons as opened again to continue eooclode its legislative wort for ufe seestoo the not setter dealt with was the bank act which was given second seeding and reiened to the ooe oo finance for de- tooadabidy this la in progress aw and witnesses will heart co the proposed in the banking laws of fouxywing tffls a relit feety ninor bill was introduced the provision use h e solely e the contents ttattt the op t to proceed via in addltldtn to the above a whole day was spent regard ing whether an examination could be made into alleged oharfes of tampering with the report of a navy admiral by the auntster of national de fence it dr expected that the nest two pieces of togudatkm will bt medicare which win be implemented to july 1968 and the bill whkh win guarantee s mtahbon annul income for an those ever ob years of age is expected that both these pieces of legislation will take rnmhur time as they are etpeetsd to be debated tor long periods and there ww und oubtedly oa attempts to midiry and change soato of the tsnli of aha bul committee work his again wean very heavy the com mittee on birth control will he reporting its findings very shor tly and the commitue drugs winch is beglimlng its detailed examination of drug companies and their itrncture also has s heavy schedule in the mail bao sue a m it thanksgiving is the best aa a canadian what is your favourite holiday in the year think carefully now no oo jection to yanks playing the game originally our holidays had religious overtones hence the n holy days christmas good friday thanksgiving then we developed patriotic or if you prefer political holidays these include s stirring times as dominion day now better known as the first of july british empire and c m monwealth and the queens birthday armistice or remembrance day finally we have a few pure pagan holidays tossed in labor day- civic holiday and new years day weil let start at the bottom and eliminate civic holiday has no significance whatever its the day on which everyone gets out of town for the week end except the local merchants who are supposed to get a civic holiday but spend it working jjke mad at the service club carnival raising money for some worthy cause k lent ev en a national holiday bigcity stores ignore it labour day as we ill know far from being a tribute to or a day on which nobody does a tap of work except for getting their kids ready for school or dos ing up the cottage the next in toilaw is difficult la cheat wa have minion day ef course once it was a day ef haras races s4c- nicv beat sksnralaws j s to the perk new it la monday er a friday and we hive that whatever it is day in hay it used to be queen victor birthday in the morning trees were plant ed for the rest of the day and night you burned your fingers on flreorackers and your eyebrows on roman can dles i guess what were sup posed to do now is sit around and think of our common wealth brother in zambia and senegal or the queen whose birthday is in another month or something what we actually do is open the cottage or flihmg and then of course there ia new years day hangovers and broken resoiouons actual ly new years depends on how fervently you firstfooted it on the preceding eve it can be as bleak as s beverage room or as rambunctious aa a rooster but ahead of it there lie three cold in the mail bag wants council enforce bylaw stop odours 31 byron street georgetown ont 10 october lltb 1966 dear mr editor residents of the area of the domtar paper coating mill in georgetown are in a fighting mood over the odours emanat ing from the open cesspools on the company property which contain the effluent from the lating plant and riohtly sol the residents say they are compelled to keep their wind ows and doors closed even in the hot summer when the winds waft this unbearable od our in their direction they cannot enjoy the open spaces around their homes but are wnu less not more centralized government si byron stmt georgetown ontario october 11th ims dear hi editor the people of this treat coun try are baring tnt greatest boas perpetrated open then in the countrys history wiry ana hew r 1st the proposed mtegratxm of our aimed forces which wa have been totd wffl save the country millions of dollars it should will hf conclotiotts of reputable thinkers on this lam are that it wih net nve the country a dims but wiuxoit more and the regional studies the eunuaation municipal governments and boards in favour of regional governments have been made on the basis of saving the tax payers money it should will lit who in the history of any country found other than that the higher echelons of govern ment always cost more than lesser governments what with the creation of supposedly needed boards and con alone and additions to them all the time where will savings be where will be the essential thsin with the grass roots the ordinary joe be when our local municipal body is eliminated the elimination of county governments should have tak en place many years ago they have been only an extra spend ing body to compete with the local municipal councils at substantial increase in the tax rates to support county govern ments we donl need to hire anyone else to spend our dollars when the truth of the fore going is realized it will be seen that both of these plans to save money are but s camouflage to keep the real issue in obscur ity the only way to save money is by the elfaninatton of provincial governments and our useless highpaid rubber stamping senate ah we require in this coun try is a federal government composed of representatives from each province based on a oercapita and other figures we do not require a dupllc ate government with all its boards commissions and trap pings in each province we have more government in canada wkh a population of 10 millions than in britain with 0 millions the old alibi that because of the breadth of this sweat dominion this is not pos sible will not hold water with our modes of fast ah travel which covers the atlantic the padbc in less than 12 hours any such argument until these changes are made we may expect taxes to keep on rising until we taxed out of bouse and home and will have to go back to the caveman s type of living suit you ojl seep on sleep- tnr yours truly ed a peters driven indoors by the stench sales of property in the area of the plant have been lost be cause of this and p values have decreased over the years management of the null has stated they have taken action on several occasions to over come the situation buttreresi dents contended it is now worse than ever the provincial paper ltd immediately across the road from domtar have overcome the problem common to both by taking its effluent out by tank truck so a fam se miles from the mill and dump ing it into huge moats which are later filled in it is reason able to assume that similar action by domtar years ago would have overcome the od our complaint section 300 of the george town soning bylaw 3701 en acted in 1057 reads as follows obnoxious shall mean a use which from its nature or oper ation creates a nuisance or is liable to become a nuisance or offensive by creation of n or vibration or by reason of the emission of gas fumes dust or objectionable odour or by reason of the unsightly stor age of goods wares merchan- dtse salvage refuse mat waste or other material and without limiting the generality of the foregoing shall include any uses which under the public health act rso 1050 cha 308 or regulations there under may be declared by the local board of health or coun cil to be a noxious or offensive trade business or manufacture under this bylaw the town has the authority to demand that the company rectify this condition immediately as a non conforming use of the lands it was passed by council for just this purpose will council demand this be the fact that the papermill was built in its present location many yean ago does not pre date the erection of many homes in the area which wre there before the null the provincial paper has overcome the odour prob lem why not dam tar as to the suggestion that dom tar might relocate if pressured by council to do the same as provincial paper well bring on the aak shaker what other area anywhere would put up with what the residents of the mill area have put up with it is also noted that a new bylaw no dsss enacted by council recently to compel persons to keep their premises cleaned up no doubt will ceive adequate enforcement we are in sympathy with this bylaw which would prevent premises becoming junkyards will bylaw 57 71 receive the same enforcement your truly ed a peters how dabe you waste 0dr water like that dark dreary end deadly months of winter the two saddest bohdays of the year are renwmbrance day and good friday and approp riately they come at the most dismal times of the year on nov 11th the sky weeps the widows and mothers veep the flags droop at half mast and the beus toll the only joint in town that jumps is the legion hall after the solemn rites nave ended old cronies gather to exchange lies enjoy food food and drink and listen to the inevitable speaker try mg to convince them it was all worthwhile good friday is eteem dark vmss and bhter wind remnants f snow drifts a day of death acrlsea and sorrow cold cola end the earth is dead and re- chnstmas is another thing a season of peace and joy on earth with goodwill toward men according to the ads and the interminable carols but let s be honest by the tune the day has arrived you are baffl ed bushed and broke that leaves nothing else but thanksgiving thats my choice every year its the best cana dian holiday and we had wonderful one this year first there are the physical delights weather is usually fine brisk and bright seen ery ss magnificent blue bronze and crimson blood bubbles in the veins fire feels good food tastes like never before lungs lap dean air sleep is sweet smooth and as dreamless as whipped honey and then there s the thanks giving itself thanks for good health thanks im alive thanks for children thanks for harvest or fat beef or a steady job thanks for a chance to go on living through anoth- erysar of those other holidays until i can say t business directory chiropractor donald a say dc appointments nude daily call tk 7m01 10 null it chiropractor eraw w careen dc daily by boose calls arranged 77utl 11a main m north w h caht pia inalneer e censvrhnf inalneer 0 ontario land surveyor office s77jju 77300 home mx bevoorilents limittd bhjitdera el fine hemes prop- walter paeholok 774111 er d7m15 monuments pollock a campbill designs on bequest inspect oar work in greenwood cemetery phone u17sm ci water street norte o a li 1 georgetown herald georcetowa ontarts publisher sjerftaw mrfhtvry production superintendent news editor accountant terry barley aileen bradley frank mnllin advertising manager mrs frank capes clerk tynist anne currie reporter issecasrk dave hastings al gqson j ktcclementa andre conway he rsudcnebqc barrister end solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 7 2444 optometrist l m brown 0 d for anaointments phone 77k71 barragers qoaneresfairt launderers n 7m70 18 main s 1m gnelpb all work done prank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service pa box 413 ib 74804 georfetown ni printing op distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald 774301 robt r hamilton 11 slonntainview ed s csrretal bldlj for appointment 8773971 wallah thompson ltd dnrisien ceort csavvt jt ceesaslssiener ttl7ih3 a t walker ointutntist 12 slain st s brampton 4514474 bes 4s1sm3 hours 9 us to 6 pm tnesday to saturday friday 9 am to 9 pjn evenings by appointment 17 10hn b love architect i st brampton commercial industrial and institationsl buildings 47740b 4514ms ccokcrrowh animal clinic 108 geelph street dr ll seskin clinic open 8 8 psi mow wed pel ii mm mou foberx msueanct i at 14 saelpkrsr e 877m74 77m7 6mbs

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