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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 27, 1966, p. 1

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p georgetown heraldl ss ru m nwhi ifcfejhome newseoperfbr georgetown one dis jmtawtaa m sanaa chm ma hit mica dapt o aaal far p f a m in caah ow 1hunmy octomt imt 194 oobarmaleapymailtoicil good preseason hockey action ask town hnalize i kinsaen land deal iappaatiu on behalf of the yi dob daan taylor aated council monday night if fen town had atesptad umir m kvassmet ram l these dodgers more potent than la variety balden dave mcmenemy and bod presswood white sweaters look on as a weston dodger aides a shot behind netmind er fred cowbrough during the early going of a preseason jun tor exhibition game in george town memorial arena sunday afternoon k was one of seven that dented the raider twine as the metro junior dodgers showed more scoring power than the los angeles baseball i variety to overwhelm their sub- urban junior c opposition 73 i raiders goals came from don norton rob stewart and terry hay weston bad their bands full with their pesky hosts who held them to a 3all tie until the final 8 minutes a crowd of 450 basked in the arena si newly acquired beat while wit nessing the action filled game the raiders open their sched ule in hilton friday in a re newal of their playoff feud of last spring and the same two clubs go at it back here sunday j afternoon subsidy missed council seeks govt red ress a technical error by which the town la missing 125000 to 430000 in expected provincial subsidy on the widening of hwy 7 was discussed at mondays emmea meeting tot aeidy discrepancy was discovered when auditor gra eme goebehe revealed in his ks xfljoct iwesented to coira- rity hid jut been received from toe wfhways department for the eapendftnre wh carr who was town i r on a parttime basis i council monday that the subsidy lost- first became anj this spring when he was compiling his returns for the department the mixup oc curred he said because there were bylaws indicating the amount tobe spent and the portions eligible for subsidy he had considered ths wasl authority but on checking with district engineer mr newing ton found this was not the case and a proper bylaw had not been passed mr newington who was al to at the meeting ouoted a section of the highway impro vement act which states that an expenditure must be cover d by a bylaw passed m the tun year as the expense is incurred some 49000 accord ing to the auditor on which there is a 50 government sub sidy hi included in the highway work mr newington said it is un fortunate that the act is so worded that iugives the high ways minister no discretionary j power to correct surh an ror at the same tune he said consulting engineers damas smith bad provided all the in formation to the town required of them and no blame could be attached to the firm for the oversight that they had prepared estim ales a schedule of subsidies available and supervised the highway job to a successful conclusion he said no engineering firm prepares bylaws or engages in such things as acquisition of land or bonding of contractors cr speight said the town council quips on fish tank rental a request from grant baker to rent townowned 45000 gallon tank for the keeping of could not place blame on any minnows as live bait evoked of the parties involved he lik this comment from cr william ened it to hiring a contractor smith on monday to build a bouse it s up to uttoarrnge the financing not anybody whod oppose this jum is a poor fish cr hyde suggested that the ct fn hamson who had only procedure wpuld be to go raised the question of soiling to the government explain inimedlately retorted anybody what has happened and request aa4reak the zoning byuw the mistake be rectified sucker would firing w lima for tfctvland far the senior citj bens apartments he reminded council the club had given a ebeque for the one hundred dollar deposit andj then a cheque for the nine him dred dollar balance its hard to get a mortgage when we stdl dont own the land be concluded he was told there was a res- 1 olabon for a bylaw to finalize the deal on the table however the meeting adjourned before the motion was read smile notice in rural weekly any one found near my chicken house at night will be found there next morning yweatter oct high law lfcwed 41 94 20 thurf 50 32 u fri 62 83 22 sat 61 39 23 sun m 86 24 lion 96 33 precipitation x ibghfor the week 62 low 32 alicia f c scott investigate road through market centre for better protection y campaign total stands at 3745 as of nine o clock monday morning the y campaign total stood at 3 745 19 with more re turns still to be received the figure does not include a num ber of homes in the district where the residents were when canvasser called nor the major part of the industrial canvass the y campaign this year has a target figure of 7388 the blite part of the campaign wa conducted october- 1st to 8th police firemen alert for halloween pranks three towns plan joint plunkett submission cr wheldon mr baker the property com- mittee would look after it town has 17 bill for ducks killed council will join with the other members of the north bahon urban board in submit ting a brief to the hon w spooner containing their op inion of the plunkett report the urban board consists of the councils of acton milton and georgetown mayor joseph gibbons fore- 4tv georgetown as the seat of baseball moguls coming for annual awards dinner county government if the neilson stark georgetown si plunkett report was followed livestock evaluator valued but felt some of the individual g ducks killed and injured rights would be taken away the property of lloyd dew 27 under the plan hoimtainview rd n at seven teen dollars it was announced cr hyde suggested that at ms counc mtel council have a special meeting to discuss the plunkett report then a brief be drafted end mr stark m his report said given to the urban board be he had seen the ducks and bad fore november 30th i destroyed three of the injured himself he stated the damage j his own department he ex plained deals with some 76 miinkrpalities and cannot und crtake to advise on by laws i could not ox the blame on mr carr any more than on any other municipal official he aaid municipal officials should know the provisions of the act as well as our depart bent mayor gibbons argued ag counduors aren t 1 t binds or engineers he said s afc g we should have been advised to whom should we look for guid ance ether than your depart saent or the engineering firm cr arthur speight voggested oat a private fill in the legisl- store could be one solution asked by the i his firm had done for the town bat hr carr could not h done anthony miles of the i batns 4 smith firm axpuinedl i had been done by dogs he add j ed that the ducks werkon mr dew s own property we have to pay i ed cr e hyde but we should though its curtain raising among the honoured visitors sk the police to investigate or time on local hockey schedules will be ontario baseball assoc- we could be paying and pay this week the talk will be all wtion vice president george baseball in the st albans bain former semi profes- church hall saturday night slonal player and hilton coun where one hundred players ty baseball association life coaches and executive of ge- member ollie johnson magis- orgetown baseball association trate james black also a hc- teams will congregate to dine ba life member as well as and see the victors get their members of the georgetown spoils council georgetown baseball association president william the annual gba dinner and jnn w f nvsl si ceedings a ughligat of winch tended by all affiliated with potation of the on- the local tyke bantam midget juvenile and intermediate t jtrrenue championship ball clubs as well as several trophy to the georgetown juv guests r jenlle club anybody contemplating some old fashioned mischief hallo ween night should do a little old fashioned reconsidering otherwise they may find them- selves in water hotter than witch a cauldron other than the occasional i own grenada fig which has left the town greetinc toe dawn of november 1 with egg on its face there has been rel attvely little vandalism here ln recent halloween and police intend to keep h that way police patrols will be doubl ed monday night and fire de partment members will assist in the blanket protection chief constable roy haley said special attention will be given to car loaded with youths the est halloween night precautions will go into the early morning he said chief haley also had a caut toning word for drivers who will be on the road halloween night be eapedally alert for youngsters in dark costumes he warned itieyte hard to see and with some types of masks thev have difficulty seeing you it makes for a bsoardous cond- itiont he said eldest md will be 90 georgetown s senior physic ian dr a mcallister so main st n will be 90 years of age tomrrow friday oct 28th a georgetown resident since 1b1c dr mcallister tended to the medical needs of george town and district people for more than 50 years before re tiring the possibility of the towni acquiring a roadway through the delrex plaza will be inves- tigated by cr w smith who suggested it cr smith explained it would be easier to give better police protection and a road would i be maintained by the town the owner would have to be willing to deed the road allow ance be added cr e hyde hacked op cr smith suggestion pointing out that the plan does not come tinder the highway traffic act right now but would if thw road was town owned we collect big taxes from these people continued cr hyde and they are entitled to a road and more police protect exceeded objective cancer campaign heads get awards sunday recital by church organist george h dekleer arct organist and choirmaster at st georges anglican church played an organ recital sun day evening in the church mr dekleer presented a var iety of religious and secular selections including bach handel and rheinberger in his program a silver collection was donated to the church fori musical purposes afterwards coffee and cook ies were served in the parish hall and walter biehn church warden expressed the appreci ation of those attending for a fine musical evening thursday october 20th wasl the annual meeting of the ge- orgetown and district canadi an cancer society at cedarvale centennial park mr a berz- insfa president presided he thanked the members and com mittee chairmen for their co operation their work on the education program their ser vice to patients and their will ingness in looking v after the transportation of patients princess margaret hospital he stated as a newcomer to the district he would not have been able to lead the branch through a successful year with out the wonderful cooperation of all departments mr berzlnsh briefly outlined i the ontario grants totaling hundreds of thousands of dol- lars to the ontario cancer in strtute to the universities of western ontario toronto guelph queens mcmaster waterloo ottawa hospital for sick children and the canadian tdhwut registry fellowships also amounting to several thousands of dollars were dis tributed to university of torj onto ontario cancer institute and mcmaster for research some of the vital sutlstacsl for ontario given by mr ber- zinsh were that 24900 people in ontario will be undr medic- 1 al care for cancer in i960 ab out 16 800 new cases of cancer wall be diagnosed in this provin ce during 1966 in the future the ontario jm1 vision is committed to spend 760000 on a research unit at queens university over tfae next few years a further ftendrture is anticipated construction of lodges up about 500000 when the proval of the ontario cancer treatment and research found ation is received and suitable sites can be fount the objective for the ontar io division was set for the year 1066 at 220000 the camp aign resulted in 241916879 with 1043 up to september 30th the georgetown and district unit campaign objective was 6500 and the results were 7 93790 with a 122jl of the objective the district popula tion being 2184 each mem ber has donated 363 cen on an average for the great work of cancer society in conclusion mr read a letter from the execut ive director of the caaadiaa cancer society ontario divis ion congratulating the local campaign chairman beg broomhead on bis soccess of overreaching the objective and sending a campaign aw ard to be presented to him a similar award was forwarded and presented mrs arbte ac ta unit mr delaney from the ont ario division then took has chair arid presented the alas of officers for the 196647 sea son president for a second term is a berxinsh vice presi dent graeme goebelle main tenance fc nominating chair man j jl gnnn medical advis ory chairman dr ai macu tosfa publicity chairman mrs aileen bradley service to pat ients chairman mrs wt craig held transportation ch mrs barry timleek tae posi tion of campaign chairman il still open prior to serving lunch and a continued on hack page halloween a time for ghosts black cats and chico young georgetown artists contribute to expo show two georgetown olds peter meers and tracy treahy will have their aril work displayed on large pan- els at expo 67 their art done last year when both were in kindergarten wrigglesworth will be two of forty pieces of art chosen from the whole of ontario since twenty selections sent from georgetown schools alone the choosing of two from the whole of ontario is a sing ular hooouswnot only for the two youngsters hut for the town year entrance of the ontario pavill exhibit a child s world of magic there is a possibility the pan- elswi be returned to the schools from which they came at the conclusion of expo 67 the children were notified of the honour in a letter from the honourable stanley randall minister of economics and de velopment the drawings will be project whatjed from their original sue ofl twenty four by eighteen tocheaj to fire feat by eight feet then reproduced exactly by artists the large panels wih grace the also helped the names of three people who helped with the red cross blood donor clink here last week were omitted from a list appearing elsewhere in the pa per theraremrs a t little mrs clara dalton and mrs d sutherland halloween is costume time for most people but for george storey 24 park st tfs cos tume time all year round george is a down not in the sense of popular slang but a real life clown george or cbxo as be is better known started clowning i thirteen years ago wfcen he de cided to accompany a float he designed for smith stone la the uona 1053 christmas par ade he has been clowning ev er since at all kinds of events such as company parties at varata the paper mills stan dard prdoucta northern elec tric and rambler plus lions kinsmen fire department ev ents skating parties and fairs the clowning virus has in fected the rest of the family too with son steven and dau ghter susan sometimes getting into the act with dad at this time of year halloween mrs storey too dresses up and to gether they have won many first prixea at hallowe en cos tume dances while he spends a lot of time clowning he augments bis income designing posters cartooning and drafting ha designs posters for many an arent at which he tunu up later as a down frequentljrii b called upon to design crests for sports dubs and decorate halls lor dances and baoqaeta

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