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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 17, 1966, p. 4

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v georgetown herald t 22 main strew s georgetown ontario wf iavaesi v nnnt rwwaim pagm thuhsday november 17th 1944 editorial comment nomination night again o georgetown annual nomination night h on tap again for next tuesday it wlh be the last audi meeting until november 198 recently council passed a bylaw creating two year terms for all elected municipal officials because of this there will be more eats up for grabs this year than at any other time in georgetown s history the unexpired terms of one hydro commissioner end tour public school trustees wih expire rt december end a complete new commis sion and board must be elected ditto the roman catholic separate school board which has its own nomination meeting the same night the question of electing officials for double terms of office should create extra not suitable holiday creation of a school and government bohday on november 11th adds nothing to the significance of a solemn and sad occa sion there was a time when in the schools the day was marked with a short service which impressed children with what had happened in a world at war and what had been done to make ther young lives safer and happier in those days too at least in small towns like georgetown it was customary as eleven a m came for the town bell and the mill whistles to alert the populace to a moment of remembrance most stores lock d their doors for a minute some draw their blinds offices and factories ceased production and the staff sat in silence some harsh words a membe of the graduating class now interest in the nominations it is a lengthy period to entrust men with high public of fice and should demand the keen interest of the electorate as is customary a public meetmg will follow the close of nominations at 8 30 p m in the auditorium of wrigglesworth school where ah but the separate school nomina tions will be received each candidate has an opportunity to speak at that trme and if the usual proced ure is followed a limited number of ques tions from ratepayers will be allowed the meeting is always an interesting one it is the only public occasion where a voter can assess in some small measure the men who are seeking his vote the school auditorium should be more than well filled that evening by the time were ready to put on the screens- reeident in montreal has some harsh words to say about her high school commencement an a mail bag letter this week we can understand her disappoint tnant whitenor9ianng all her views on what we thought was an essentially well planned evening the sad fact it that when one comet back whether if to see the town of his childhood to visit a former friend or to hand a function like commencement the entkiparion is better than the event one forms his own picture of what it will be like and the reality seldom equals the anti dpatlon one of the saddest disappointments of our young life was that the year we grad uated from high school the commencement was dropped completely and we never had e chance to return to school meet our old classmates and have the few golden aeconds of glory as we walked across the stage to receive a diploma today s aff a r in georgetown are hampered by the sheer weight of numbers of graduating students and awards and it would be difficult to devise anything much better thantheprocedure used perhaps another time it would be bet ter to have one person present a group of awards and avoid some of the rapid move ment necessary for the presenter to get from his place on the stage unobstrusively we can see no alternative to what is term ed the monotonous procession of gradu ates for how else is a student to be pres ented than to mount the stage in order as a name is called from a graduates standpoint the ban quet of a few years back which preceded the public function would be something which could add to the pleasure of return ing students thti a purely private affair would give a warmth and camaradia to the evening impossible to attain in the formal graduation ceremonies m thi mail bao ruffled some feathers with political queries n duncan drive nov i 1968 dear sir aa was to be expected the audacity of the conservative socialist association to criticize our ooa leadership ruffled aome feathers unfortunately ruffling of feathers breaks the flimsy lay er of makeup causing artificial beauty to vanish in an instant yet this la of little consequence aince complex problems dont lend themselves to solution by emotional outbursts tat me relate a etory you are probably all familiar with twenty years afo charlie h was a penayleaa dropout wond ering into which direction bead today charlie la a weal thy bnsmeai man a tower of strength in bis cusftiiiiirdty the community la proud of turn beeanee be la above ah fine fellow how did ha do it superb intelligence bard work or back truth is he readily adastta with a alight btaah m too aneh of any of them he wm ibla to turn to trie ad vantage the opper that areas from fce ffcinenga to wifca uu a was subj t caunfcjbb aaoryt by bo means k baa repeatad itself in multitudes that it borders on monotony to mention it but una la precisely why it must be a matter of deep public con cern during the past decades of economic prosperity the growth ratio of upper and mid die class has consistently ex ceeded the growth rabo of society as a whole consequence of this development is the fact that our society has grown top heavy whose underplannings threaten an inflated upper and middle class growing at m unabated rate requires a constantly in creasing amount of profits to satisfy tta taste and social am bition this and this alone is the prime motivating force of infl ation regardless of what the experts may have to say needless to say the danger signals are flying high because the creative public is turning mrs and more retoctant to provide larger funds by in creased productivity an infla tion to keep the top heavy people like charlie are by these disquieting develop ments terror struck and badly in need of a shoulder to cry on providing this shoulder is the comical politician aarurlng charlie that he will protect his social and economic standing at all coats buttress the ambl tions of middle and upper class by clipping the wings of govern ment by reducing taxes shout log from the top of hit voice that he ia cmmltted to preserve the status quo no matter what although charlie nor the gen eral public care to realize that such a politician is ignorant of the social and economic forces at work they support him any way eecaure ft affects them in the sensitive ares of social and economic self preservation for some time to come sex appeal and the image may continue to be an adequate pre requisite of the successful pol itician in the long run politics will again become the battle grounds of ideas in the meantime while the public at large seeks comfort in the shallow approach it is essentialjthal the progressive forces concern themselves with the fulfillment of their destiny yours truly albert a tuchel cessation of bombing raids by the united state en north viet nam has on two occasions brought no response from the viet cong at reducing terror ism sugar and spice by bill smiley lord help me ancient romans used to throw christians to the lions modern canadians throw lions the christiana as lions are somewhat scarce in this coun todays public holiday for a small seg ment of the population will eventually lead to a general public holiday no one quar rels with an extra day off but we shouldn t use remembrance as a cloak for it if public holiday it is to be lefs cele brate the end of the war and victory for the alhes and leave remembrance for a sunday observance it is too difficult to tie holidays to sad ness in a day when even a happy holiday has little significance any more who can argue that dominion day may 24th or ci vie holiday are any more than a day off from the daily grind the flags the publicly theurffen have to resort j to lambs this is known as lay celebrations the toast to the grand old lady sunday are as defunct as the dodo we should not j last sunday t was the sacn want remembrance day to disappear into nem urod i preicne m wna limbo as well on you think those early chris tians toad a tough time with lions layman s sunday is a special day usually i look forward to it its a chance to get into the choir with the other laymen and belt out a few of the hymns in the knowledge that most of the others too are off key normally 1 pray faiflynu ently asking for all sorts of ridiculous things like a kid writing a letter to santa claus last sunday before i moun ted to the pulpit which is 84- feet high all that would come oat over and over was lord help me what is a layman anyway the clerical definition is one not in holy orders the world ly definition is one who is not an expert i was fully qualified a clear case of the blind leading chose with 2040 vision lets hava a look at the typl sal layman usually hes an or dinary soul a bit baffled by the trials ef the twentieth century mas wtfs eb j aer the kids are expected hoom like roses but tfcey inev liable have thorns the wife is supposed to be a gentle for beating creature a good mom and a faitaful helpmate too often she is an old harpy the job is supposed to be a vocation of which the layman is proud because of his partic olar skills too often it is fraught with terrible tensions society is supposed to be a well oiled machine which enables him to live with grace ease and dignity too often be finds the only way he can stand the machine is to keep himself well- oiled upper class or grade three laymen are the types who are treasurers elders fundraisers that sort of thing they dont merely have to raise the loot pajrthe blll7 pare the expens es and fire the preacher when he becomes intolerable they rather enjoy tt down one in the hierarchy is the grade u layman he s the earnest soul who gets stuck with the scout group or tbe bible class or chaperoning the young peoples dance he is usually reasonably religious but definitely not an executive type or bed be grade hl farther down is the hob cr i layman h looks on ths church as a slightly shabby ser vice club but is willing to drive s kids ts a youth co ance er tall his wife to maka scalloped potatoes for ths lay- mans supper er serve ice cream at the sunday school pic nic apt ts bo a keen curler or her but always cheerful his smieeephy is ill leave the t news echoes from the heralds of 10 and 2q years ago loyeaksaoo five georgetown homes were broken into friday night while the residents were out doing their weekend shop ping the prowler entered the homes between 6 and 9 p m being careful to choose only those houses in total darkness about 50 m cash was the total take an average of about thirty youths have attended the first few meetings of the athletic club being held in the arena rose room organization of the dub was apar ked by police constable harley lowe cpl james bill- borrow is activities drrector and cst nelson trafford is in charge of finance other committee members are ross norton vice president james carney secretary treasurer tom reed property bob turkrngfon pro gram bill hadley weight lifting bob hall wrestling jim sargent and henri hansen gymnastics and bill hardman publicity 20 years ago no boycotting of food stores m 1946 with these prices coffee lb 35c tomato soup 2 tins 19c beef stew 2 tms 27c large stalk celery 10c breast of lamb 17c lb blade roast 27c lb breakfast sausages 27c lb 75 lb sack potatoes 13 2 tins sardines 15c 6 oz jar mustard 9c doz oranges 36c tomatoes 23c lb boneless pot roast 25c lb g acton and milton high school boards are meeting this week to discuss setting up a high school board to administrate the three district high schools mcnally wood products has started construction of a new building near the station on the side of the original dommion seed house location church alone if theyll leave me one and at the bottom of the heap striving with all his might to remain there and out of sight is the grade 0 layman he takes up the collection bum blingly twice a year he fahs behind with is financial pledge he crosses the street and looks in a hardware store window every time be sees the minister approaching and he is too stu pid or too cowardly to laugh heartily and shout don t be ridiculous when the 1st ter has asked him to preach the sermon on layman s sunday as a grade 0 my admiration of the chaps on the higher echelons is unbounded but tbe guy i really envy is the layman of 2000odd years ago harley to halt0n dr harry herley the stalemate on inter in supply continues in the house of commons the con- servattvs party states that has no intention of letting in terim supply pass until they receive the assurance of the government that the bill unification of the aimed ber- sices will be sent to committee ytprtor to second reading this la a rare procedure and la used only when a government is not sure that the policy of hs bill si correct in this e however the government is convinced that unification is a progressive move and like er government legislation whi stake its political future on of course the dispute it self is not on integration but on interim supply which gives permission to have ths gov eminent pay its bills and meet other financial commitments it ia expected that appro ately 100000 civil servants will not be paid until such ttane as interim supply is granted thehe is no reason why this matter cannot be discussed when tbe bill on unification is before the house- of comroons vrhat a snap fae bad he turned up at the service with ibis offering a loaf of bread or s couple of onions worshipped then went home and counted his sheep his daughters and his blessings no golf no sum mer cottage no ski hills no tel evinon nothing to do for the rest of the day but meditate apon what a good layman he s a little tougher today but we re tougher people any one who can stand up to tele vision commercials tbe price of beef and the threat of instant annihilation can cope with any thing well we can do the chores anyway let the rector handle the alkies and the infirm and the broken homes and she men tally ill after all thats what be is paid for and in aome cases he makes more than a truck driver sad the conservative party al that time could make shalr soma objection and have it brought ia a vote in the usual democrstk manner interim supply is an issue not voted on until everyone stops talking at tuls stage all that is requir ed to bring on another elect- ion la for the debate to contin ue and i would think the crisis would be reached by the end of next week if this is so there appears to be no doubt that ait election would have to be held and it would have bean forced by the conservative partys un willingness to grant interim supply it would be veryfthhcdit at this time to hold a general election with redistribution of the federal ridings now in ef feet many of the areas are without returning officers and without poll divisions and it would be some weeks before this administrative work could be carried out if an election ia called the georgetown herald 8772201 our want ads are big performers too business directory chiropractor donald a say dc appointment mid dally fall tr 71401 30 mill si ceortahnm chiropractor gerald w cerbstt dc open oalty by house calls arranged 776631 11 a main st north w h cam professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 177231 1 773300 home 0ax developments limited builders el fine homes prop walter pacholok 77411 er 774415 monuments pollock a campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phoni 4217 83 water street north oalt georgetown herald georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher production superlntenaent news editor accountant terry harley aileen bradley ftank atuiun advertising higrr lira frank capes clerk trout anna carrie reporter leslie clark dm hastings h guson j andre conway ie minders qc barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 724o4 ottomfntlst l m brown 0 d 35 mill st per appointments phene 1774471 barragers cleanersshirt l tr 7m7 ib main s 166 guelph prank pitch licensed auctioneeb prompt service pa box 413 tr 73864 georgetown printing op distinction statements letterheads e envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald robt r hamiltoi optometrist 116 honnuinvlew kd carretal bide for appointment 8773971 wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk a commissioner tr 72963 o t walkir ro dosc optometrist 12 main sl s brampton 4514474 res 4016243 hours 8 a m to 6 pjn tuesday to saturday friday 9 sum to 9 p m evenings by appointment john b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 7730jj 4514365 ceoncrrown animal clinic 108 gsuelph street df tt oaskin clinic open s 8 pja mok wio fin 11 us fcht xnikal inswancf call qfomet mundy tau774473 fobert 8773374

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