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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 24, 1966, p. 4

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georgetown herald hmqlmlo v westse wwgpawrj imwaesl 22 main street s georgetown ontario wf atuaa mwnf ntbhmmr thursday november 24th 1966 editorial comment town must be booming financial organizations are not prone to speculate and when two of them decide tojopen in georgetown it indicates an in creasingly bustling future for our town it is obvious of course that things are on the upgrade several new factories are in process of construction and house building on a fairly large scale has resumed in the newer east ern subdivision the moore fjfrm property which has changed hands several times in recent years is again on the threshold of development the downtown business section has been enhanced with a large new business block and another older building is being demolished and another new building will no doubt appear in the future a large parking area has been surfaced behind one main street block why all the furore it all seems tp have subsided now but we were mystified at all the publicity which chain grocery stores received recently about prices the chains have never tried to to con ceal the fact that prices varied up and down with the same law of supply and demand which governs most phases of our econ omy they use g mmicks contests lucky draws what have you which are as com mon in other commercial fields at the same time the hue and cry was on refineries were in the m dst of a num ber of customer wooing attract ons con tests free merchandise etc clothing merchants were as always reducing prices on end season merchand se appliance dealers were offer ng n were always learning mow overhead water storage has been added to town facilities and an iron remo val plant to overcome a rusty deposit in the water supply is in process of installa tion additions have been made recently to the police department to give an adequate force for ensuring law and order in what has always beer a lawabiding town with little of the disturbances we read about in many other communities it s no wonder thrt that the toronto- dominion bank and halton and peel trust and savings co have decided to locate in georgetown we welcome themrwith ev ery assurance that their future will be hap py and prosperous centives as they always have to purchase new goods for the home drug stores featured merchandise which offered so many cents off on the large size in other words business as we know it corrtmued to operate m the same good old north american way that is has for several decades to single out food stores for criticism s most unfair to seek a system of unbranded one price items would be a radical and un welcome change from the glitter and gla rrour which we associate with today s beau tiful stores and the variety of goods they offer it would be a drab old world if the gimmicks the contests the barga ns the attract ve packing were lo d sappear mkqfg the seasons sugar and spice by bill smiley kids are great i harley to halton weetriy obeervahcms by dr harry haruy s mr far halton the debate on interim 10th november therefore the supply continue but the feney has been relieved the government round the money to pay its civil servants sal ariea tt the normal midnov ember pay day tne minister of national revenue reviewed th situation on 8th november when if became obvious that the conservative opposition bad no apparent intention of letting interim uppty pass some of the government de partments had already passed fully previously and authoriza tion was present to pay its em ployees 10 government de partments the following day it was noted that in a suhstan tial number of departments funds were left over from previous votes to cover the pay of civil servants in those partments in addition to this it was considered possible tc transfer money out of a contln gency fund into the monies needed to complete the py of civil servants the opinion of the legal officers of the crown was obtained and they agreed this could be done on there s always someth ng to learn and our latest knowledge is the proper proce lure foramotorist when he approaches one of those highway patches with a number of wh te i nes at 4 45 degree angle there are two on no 7 one just east of delrex market centre and one ust east of delrex blvd they are for the benefit of motorists epproaching town from the west and wish trig to make left turn into either of these locations the markings indicate that at no time and under no circumstances is one to enter th s markedoff area if you are making a left turn you should veer to the right then return to your lane at the immediate end of the striped patch this gives you enough room to stop and await oncoming traffic in the outside lane depend ng on the vol ume of traffic at the time frankly it s one phase of dnv ng reg ulatons of which we have never been en tirely certain and judging from the act ons df other motorists we haven t been alone human effort staying up ttl theyet in but this u ust tht home lift something to b born ilka in grown toenails or varlcou veins what really grabs you hi th influence of tha outsid world everybody from the prime minister to the local plumber tells your kids they have to stay in school it doesn t mat mr heart aches for the par j day school pageant and rustlay ter whether they have the enis of young children all theipapar in closati and tht hair- brains of a louse a dropout parents of all young children ratting hilp thay giv in decor these days is practically a felon they are like wldiers who have ating th tro i in fact don t be surprised if all done their basic training bjt dropouts are sent to the moon have never heard a shot fired in j and there s valentine s day aoon as we have established anger the real war lies ahead wlth thc social decisions a co there to be made about who gets the i know there arc some young i fiveent one and who gets the 1 similarly your daughter has mothers with several children lhnt one and theres fire an irresistible attraction toward who think they are going i cracker day when they have to hoods vainly you njdge her through a rough time right stand in a circle and watch now b t this is mcrcl purja their father burning his eye- tory hell comes later and is i brows while he shows them hotter now careful thev must be little kids are lovable as all in all little kids arc ab- habies they are soft and warm out the greatest single blessing and if changed frcqucntl n find m this vae of smell good thev rnn theytes thc re a laugh a da creep lhc gurgle and they j they can make you feel big and cheep and every day in evorv 1 strong and capable and hon way thej grow smarter and est and whole imartcr j there s onlj one thing wrong life is full of landmarks the with little kids inevitably in first tooth the first step theorably relentlessly thev be first word the first fist fight come big kids and as they with the little girl next door grow their parents shrink the first da at school thc first i rtrysicallj menullj spiritual big crush on a member of ihe and financiallj opposite sex j tnp icnion qf fami thej are vcrv funny and body begin to stretch under in the direction of some clean cut honor student son of a weal thy wasp doctor her reaction that fink and she makes a dale with some long locked yamaha nd mg character who is in his fourth year in the twoyear te chnical course makes 25 week in his part time job the supermarket probably drinks and will be rich by the time hes 25 and your son same only moreso he looks on lsd witb the same interest with which you looked on the literary so cial and debating clubs when you were his age he helps himself to a beer with the same nonchalance with which he used to take a banana but cheer up parents there is one satisfaction if you can hold out physically you re going to be able to sit around and laagh yourself silly when your kids are bringing up their kids prima minister mads the nooncement that payments could be made and the beat was off the debate on interim supply the opposition- who had been complaining bitterly that we were penalising the civ 11 servant by our refusal to send the unification bill to committee before second read ing suddenly reversed their cries and complained equally bitterly because w were now able to pay them toe minister of veterans affairs has announced that vet erans pensions will be tncreti- ed 15 fifteen percent and this increase will be retroact ive to 1st september 1966 in addition to this the war veterans allowance commonly known as the burnt out pen slon has also been increased from 994 to 105 monthly for a single person and from 161 to 175 monthly for a married person in addition to this there has been an increase in the ceilings of other income that is allowed from 133 to 145 monthly for single per sons and from 222 to 245 monthly for maried persons it is expected that the last supply motion will be introduc ed monday next which will mean a vote of nonconfidence in the government on tuesday it is unlikely however fhat the minor parties will support the conservatives who have tttcen up so much debating time that the other parties have been showing their disapproval and annoyance smile i simply can t stand my hus band s nasty disposition wept the young bride why hes made me so jittery that lm los ing weight then why don t you leave him asked a friend oh i m going to title bride assured her but lm waiting until he gets me down to u2 pounds business directory in the mail bag says limited budget could mean neglect of cedarvale 45 charles st dear mr lditor councillor bui smith of the cedarvale centennial board ad dressed an open meeting of the georgetown and district civic group en wednesday novem ber 16th on the subject of ce darvalc he gave a brief history of its acquisition by the town of geor getown of the forming of the first centennial board in janu ary 1966 and of the difficulties encountered by the board in running the property on a very limited budget he implied that thc lidding down of the mill rate by the present town administration will necessarily result in neg lect of the edarvile property ve talked about the plans to convert cedarvale into a vital community centre for the en joyment of the people of geor getown in case the money will be found or collected or may be even given by the next town administration the question and answer per led developed into a spirited give and take between council ler smith and his interested and ience one would hope that the results of the coming election will five the yoonger elements te cowiatll greater power to put waair views to the teat and in i do away with the long ant of old politi i fca cnoncjl so obviously gent at step with georgetown as taristaga r i president ol the george- uaad watrtet crtfe group turn out to the nomination meeting being held at wriggled worth auditorium on tuesday nov 22nd to ask candidates questions from the floor the members discussed ques tions to be put to the candidates such as shouldn t there be ag ain an industrial commission why did the town of geor getown not make a submission to the commissioner of the plunkett report what about a higher grant for cedarvale isn t it time for a revision of the municipal salaries how will the present serv ices be maintained on the pre sent tax rate what about a higher grant for the town library in view of the accidental loss of a government grant wouldnt it be advisable to re view the question of a town manager wouldn t a new police station on town property be cheaper in the end than an old house which requires a lot of costly changes and so on the most effective means of getting people out to vote were discussed and it was decided to ass each member to phone a rertain number of people from the voters list urging them to vote and offering them trans portation only 47a of the voters vo ted at the last election lets do better this time your sincerely john sommer in the mail bag herald helped with fire prevention bureau work box 1292 milton ont november 16th 1966 dear editor please accept our heartfelt thanks for the generous sup port the herald has given the halton county fire prevention bureau and fire prevention in general over the past year i have just completed the production of a 158page scrap book outlining the activities of the bureau for the 12 months ending october 3 1st the book contains minutes of bureau meetings copies of press re leases and photos issued to the news media our annual report samples of literature we have used and 352 press clippings from newspapers or magazines where news of our work was published we note with thanks that on 42 occasions the herald help ed us further the cause of fire prevention in halton county by publishing items pertaining to the bureau or projects of the georgetown fire brigade in which we were pleased to coop erate the clippings from the herald are of course included in the scrapbook which has been sent to a competition sponsored by the national fire protection association in boston mass yocr assistance is sincerely appreciated wedlock forward to continued cooperation in the years to come yours very truly roy e downs public relations officer halton fire prevention bureau milton out they re ery sweet and theres always a big occasion not very far away there are ilalumc en costumes to make and the thrill of that first time out in thc eerie october night one hand clutching a huge paper bag the other clutching firmly constant pressure the family joints begin to creak under constant stra n not to labour the analog let s just say that your cherubs have become teen agers mommas tolerance thins with thc same rapidity as dad s hair i l i i 1 uic same rapiaity as uao s nair the hand of the bigger girl from 1 daugh ii inccases next door as the roonds are at rac yibi sufu mde iness thtr christmas coming what v as once merely an ex and the growing axctttnent of ercise in exhaustion getting carol and the part in the sun- them to bed becomes a super news echoes from the heralds of 10 and 20 years ago 10 years ago henry 5hepherd nite was held at branch 120 of the royal canadian legion thursday for the local legion naire who has contributed so much as parade marshal and in other ways to the georgetown branch three new teachers will 0 n the public school staff shortly they are mrs eric haslem of hewson cresc william byng of windsor and mrs peter macdonald of glen williams 9 ontar o hydro is the most eff cient pub c ut lity in the world said it col a a kennedy dso ed who off ciahv declared the new georgetown hydro building on water street open after cutting the ribbon saturday afternoon 20 years ago a past pres dent of the halton garage operators- and always an active worker in theorgan nation fred sin clair georgetown garagerhan will serve on the prov nasi board of directors james boyle was elected president of local union 474 at the alliance paper mills ltd at a meeting this week other members of the executive are vice president harry tracey corresponding secretary robert muir fin ancial secretary ernest forgrave treasurer wilbert fid jjy inoerouard basil hadley outer guard roy ward shop committee gerald avery thomas norton wrhtam engleby alex taylor shop stewards senior man each shift colour and coating rred armstrong finishing announcing h s retirement as mayot after a three year term mayor harold cleave told the nomination meeting friday night that he envisioned a population in george town of five or six thousand before long chiropractor donald a gay dc appointrt cnts made daily call tr 74401 tt mill st georrfvtown optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointment phone 1773671 robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountaitmew rd 8 carreul bldg for appointment iw 8773971 chiropractor garald w corbttt dc open dally by ppolnttntnt house calls arranged 1776431 11a main st north wallacr thompson 3rd division court cleric ft commissioner tr72963 barragers cleanersshirt laundarers tr 7m7 18 main s 166 guelpta all work done on premiies w h carr professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 177 3211 773300 horn frank petch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown o t walker ro do 5c optometrist 12 main st s brampton 4614474 res 4516243 hours 9am to 6 pin tuesday to saturday friday 9 ijd to 9 pm evenings by appointment dax developments limited builders ef fine hemes prop walter pacholok 774311 or 1779415 printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald 773m1 monuments pollock campbell designs on bequest inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone m1750 82 water street north galt john b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional v buildings 4773032 451 9345 directory advertising brings results 1 georgetown 1 animal clinic 1 106 gwelph street 1 dr rb gatkln 1 clinic open 6 8 pm 1 mon wed fri 1 saturday 9 11 ajn georgetown herald published by heme newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c llehn publisher gariwm mcgilvray production superintendent news editor accountant terry harley aueen bradley frank liullin adrertisint alaaager mrs frank capes clerk typist anne currie reporter leslie clark dave basunji hv gqson j heqementa andre conway fox ocneral bh insurance cau oeoroe mundy b9 rm 77447j isfobert rj iff 8773374 f s

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