Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 24, 1966, p. 6

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wm and eight makes fortyfive the induction of h8ht nnt mhmbis into tht kanksof the georgetown jaycees at north halton country club last week brought to 45 the total membenhip new jaycees above are front i to r jack seunders david kcnrner wayne atkinson rick smith back i to r douglas tucker barry turner pascguale ferrara james wallace allen truemannd rev waller ridley a georgetowner m tanzania why lions climb trees or whats gnu pussycat a georgetown soldier with crater stay on the ground the canadian army in tanzan ia sgt albert carter has writ- fen anothtr v series of news letters to ms folks back home this is ttti second half of e two part series our guide directed downeys driving so that the elephant coming in from the left missed us and we tried to outrun the big bull behind us but he kept gaining on us downey swerved the vehicle around a clump of trees the elephant went right through the trees and was on ly a couple of feet away when be trumpeted the most god atwful blood freezing spine melting sound i ever hope to bear garry fike threw him self from the rear seat into the middle seat and a moment la terjlbere was the cras of splintering glass as the eleph ants tusks came through the rear window the vehicle gave sport ahead and at this point wiudnsott who had also been sitting paralyzed in the rear eat claims that the tusk went by his head mltrti him by in ctes he grabbed one of the bottles of beer and heaved it at fbe elephant at this moment a whole pride of lions sprang out of the bush beside its and began ninning al ong side of us slabs therel eattlatmed the guide but or aome unknown reason norm tied sort of lost interest in shu ts fortunately the elephant hit u squarely from the rear and then stopped so that the land- rover and the lion were able to pull away we drove ahead for about five minutes then stopped it was now that 1 started to feel faint i had been shaking all over like a leaf in a hurricane i think that the elephant let a go having proved his point bat norm wilkinson that if he had not slugged the elephant with the quart of kilimanjaro right between the eyeballs we would have been goners the rest of the trip was sort of anticlimax and in fact u took a lot of pleading on my part to get the rest of the par ty to drive around for another fifteen minutes so i could get picture or two of sebrae we were supposed to go to the ntorongoro crater the next day but both norm wflkinaon and oilfl downey vetoed the idea instead i took a trip out to the training area with bob tahh that lad has eye liks a starving vostur ha pointing out all aorta of amah game such at tbonpson gas- elles sneaking through the tall grass x couidnt see a thing vjneam it cam la baroa of fttty or more bat statu aura ooold spot the beasts etttffday and ftmdty were lately quiet and on monday we got out to the crater here we mjard ofwudoeestejabo nowsl fjaoa flmtf and aebrss along tvavalle of various ihsr at while those in lake manyara climb trees i have a rather good photo of a large male hon snoozing way up in i tree at the lake you may wonder why lions would climb trees tu tell you if i had to live in lake manyara reserve with ail those damned elephants charging about id take to the trees also on tuesday 1 got out and about the hill area near the camp and also got into an ab andoned masai boma the ma sai are usually tall peoplr average height at least six feet in their ug calloused bare feet but their huts are only about four and a half or five feet high they have to crawl in and out and only have en ough room inside for their beds food pte- ttowluthftlbbniani in the centre of the boma is a small corral for the young cattle then the midden where all the other cattle stay then a circle of huts with a circular barrier of thorns around the whole boma the huts axe made of wood frames with twigs woven into a sort of coarse matting covering the framework this is then cover ed with cow dung which is soon baked by the sun this is an economical way to build house smelly but cheap on wednesday 1 took the plsne back to par all in all tt was a most im cresting trip and 1 am glad that i was able to get up to the game reserves however would not like to go through the elephant charge again not far all the money in the bank of england i feel that we were lucky to escape without injury or ser ious damage to the vehicle and i for one am not going to tempt fate again besides any thing that could happen now such as being stared at by a truculent gazelle would only be an anticlimax much of this has already been told in previous letters i know but i thought id 6end along a full account of the trip anyway cheerio albert township of esquesin6 road closing proposed bylaw to authorize the dosing of part at the orlg lnel road allowance known m bernard street in a plan of part of the village of iimehouaa in the township of esquesing con taining by admeasurement 0 497 acres be toe same more or as notice is heresy given that the council of the corpor ation of the township of queslng proposes on thursday the fifteenth day of december ims at the hour of ten oclock in ths forenoon or aa soon thereafter u it may deem ad vtseable to authorise the dos ing of that part of the original road allowance as described as follows all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and promises situate lying and being in the township of es- quesing in the county of hilton and province of ontario and be ing composed of part of the west half of lot 22 in conces sion s in ths said twp and mors particularly known as ber nard st as shown on a plan of part of the village of limehouts in the said township by c j wheelodc pxa dated 1mb and filed in toe registry office for the said county of halton containing by adoiaeeurexmnt 0407 acres be the same more or leas andwhioh said parcel of land la more particularly de scribed as follows vbx3dbjnq that the south west limit of the west half of said lot 22 has a bearing of north 46 daai 11 west and relating all bearings herein thereto fxaatssaitq at a point in tha southwest limit of tha west hah of said lot 22 distant vrtlm feet mora or lev taeaatitea southeas terly along the said southwest limit from the west angle o the west half of stud lot 22 said point of cocauwoeestnt being the point of intersection of too sam soothwast limit with the southeast limit of st as shown on a plan of part of the village of lime bouse in the ssid township by c j wheelock pls dated 1bs6 and fued in the registry office for the said county thence north 40 deg 11 west along ths ssid southwest limit of the west half of said lot 23 being also the south west limit of bernard street 6741 feet more or less to the point of intersection of ths said south west limit of the west half of said lot 22 with the northwest limit of bernard street as shown on the said plan of part of the village of lime- house in the said township said point being also tha south an gle of lot 45 as ahdwn on the said plan thence north bo dags 22 east along tha said northwest limit of bernard street being also the southeast limit of said lot 40 u shown on the said plan of part of the village of iimehouse in the said town ship 301 m feet mors or leu to the east ankle of said lot 40 thence 78 degs so east along the southeasterly produc tion of the northerly limit of said lot 45 being also the south erly limit of hlneheuff road u shown on said plan of part of the whale of llmahouse 8856 feemunra or lass to a point in ths aforesaid southeast un it of bernard street distant 4l5b feet measured southwes terly along the said southeast limit from tha point of inter section of tha said southeast limit with tha north limit of hlncbclllf road as abown on the ssid plan of partof the vil lags of iimehouaa hknce soijth m dega 21 west along ths ssid south east limit of bernard street sm4 feet more or less to the point of commencement dated this 10th day of nov ember 1968 k c lindsay clot township of leaesing 12v hospital news pert for the past month with year end approaching all organuratfons and individuals reminded that a number of lease of equipment are argent j needed if you are interes ted in doing something worth while we suggest yon give tha foregoing some serious thought th administrator ehlet of tan by us clark tha board mat lst thersday evening for their regular men eaty meeting with a good stten- laaglstrau john d ord ambulance runs during the week of novem her 13 the georgetown voljn teer ambulance service had three calls tuea nov 15 1 15 p m a routine run from within georgetown to georgetown hospital taken by jim bennett and trev williams wednesday nov 16 10 pjn an emergency run from georgetown to ge orgetown hospital taken by jim jenkins and george cozens wednesday november 16 1020 pin an emergency run from within georgetown to georgetown hospital taken by jim jenkins and george cozens the routine monthly busueu wan taken care of as ware ac- count and the financial report gtven a number of other re ports were given as ware tha aaostbhly reports of both the ad almatrator and nursing direc tor goth reported the hospital tuncticuung well m all depart- bents occupancy for october whs quite low but should sea a sub increase in number of patients o it was decided that george town hospital would take part in a radlothon being held by district radio station plana are yet in the formative stage but it la hoped that the show will feature aome of our local entertainment in fact tentative arrangements hive al ready bean made for this jloal plans are being made thhtweek by a committee representing the various hospitals harold mc- chire and bred whittaker will represent georgetown this is a very worthwhile idea end will possibly be of great benefit to the district hospitals further details will be pub lished in a future issue mention was made of the forthcoming auxiliary dance and the chairman said he felt sure this worthy cause would re ceive the usual support of the inembers o the roof is in the process of of being repaired how ever the inclement westher is being quite obstructive and is jeausing some delay however it is hoped that the repair will be completed tn the near future chief of staff dr c alan thompson gave the medical re tot8f oohdon t whf inclajil iv la jp a hutotharmuon iv t t whymottptopiajattnto iflliifehh shop with cash from an hfc stopper- loan si moifntar paymwt puum smftl tist set d r nil h tan mi mil km mi ism s an i his tut taut 41 uui e hpudnyoppui with caaan from art hfcshoppetluea can wn jrou money and jroull mubuj tatjmheyeeibllk too liter hfc ssassasausssasi housbkhd 44 quean sdmi mtll 4s11670 ask obua ear amkg aouri septic tank pumpino waae4ne tile trenahlne oram fill halton tamitation hrvicit re anal iii mtomran m or anj mamw el lh board i olo0town hmaid will ba nappy dlaouu to vax j i loui wadi ol tba haapllal willi l m brown od optometrist at 35 mill stfteet georgetown uit off main street phomh77u7i going to expo67 well put a roof over your head accommodations am ouanurtaed in montreal tor tha sixmonth expo 87 season beginning next april 28th make reservations in advance through togexpo tha official acbommodatton bureau thousands of rooms are available in hotels motels tourist homes and privste nomas and apsriments no charge tor the aorvloe just write mentioning dates and type of accommodations preferred to logexpo expo 67 cite du havre montreal pq oat your enoen par tort now and save reduoad prioaa up to feb ruary 28th dally passport 2 weekly passport 7 consecutive days 7 jo also big reductions on season passports and youth passports phjldren 212 on april 28th 1067 half price on sate at banks travel agents transportation companies department stores service clubs women s associations labour groups or wherever you sea tha big official expo b7 sign ask about bonus books too for big discounts on food fide and entertainment 0967 the universal snd intemattonsl exhibition of 1967 montreal canada apflll sb october 27 1sst higher education night wednesday nov 30th georgetown district high school to the parents and students of all 5 year courses 9 10 11 12 and 13 the students will be asked soon to complete an option sheet outlining trm course and options for next year this is always necessary as basic planning for next years timetable and staff rnuit be done early in the no year though grade 1 2 students should be the ones most fo profit from this it will bo a definite benefit to the planning of all 5 year students for the 9s 10s and hs in looking ahead and for the 13s in verifying present courses and hearing about pot sible alternatives you will be introduced to sll ipeelcert at 7 30 p m in the cafeteria after which each speaker vjill be assigned to a room you will be able to attend three different forums as there wit be three successive half hour periods for each speaker to facilitate these changes bells will ring at half hour intervals to indicate the dose of each forum thus terminating bells for each forum will be rung at 8 15 8 45 and 9 15 from the lists shown below it will be possible to plan your room visits ahead each speaker has a prepared presentation preceding a voluntary question and answer period kqom assigned for these presentations are as follows university of toronto mr j r h morgan special officer s s liaison cafeteria mr d c williams principal of enndale college registered nurses association of ontario mrs marion hogan r n rm 234 brock university mr ernest goldsmith registrar rm 23tj university of western ontario mr a g mccoll s5 liaison officer rm 230 waterloo lutheran mils helena forler assist registrar rm 229 university of guelph mr g m jenkmson high school liaison officer rm 214 university of waterloo mr c t boyes asst registrar rm 212 ryerson polytechnlcel institute mr j peters mr ross robbms asst registrars rm 210 lakeshore teachers college mr w c mcclure principal rtttv20sj york university mr bider director of admissions rm 206 trent university mr w g pitman assoc registrar rm 2021 mcmeifer university mr f w myers executive asst to dean of engrneerlng rm2qi if a room seems too crowded when you errive please move on to your nex j choice than try your first choice for the following session thus your cooperation wmiy help all haer the spfclshfthey wish parent and students this is your night i came along dlturmb

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