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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 1, 1966, p. 5

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aadidates answers to questionnaire by jaycees qhrqcil bptrltimti 4 yitnr chairman industrial and town punalnf police and law en forcement 1 jear county council 1 if this were implemented id ha present form it would no doubt act as a choke on any not xsth ins dear mr editor hie georgetown jayeees oa- ueviqx an informed r electorate products good overbment have compiled blitorlm of the candidates running tor mantel pal btfice all cabdlditea were 1 asked to awer eight questions x- which were designed to obtain tavumtterably opposed to the thcr opinion on current issues the questions and their uned ited answers as as follows l what is your opinion of pro posed regional government 2 do you approve of tfee meth- of used to install the two year term of office s do you favoutja town man gor 4 do you favour giving more authority to senior town em- ployces 5 what would be your approach to improving the town roadsj ft how would you develop ced- arvale 7 do you favour hiving coun cillors as members of appoin ted boards such as the in dustrial commission i board etc 8 why are you running john a elliott personal history 48 hewson crescent age 43 married three children education senior matric employer cnr station mas ter membership lions cteb chairman of senior cttisens committee of the bed cross voluntary ambulance canadian legion vice president halton county childrens aid society brotherhood of anglican churchmen transportation em ployees union charter ber jaycees director eaquea- ing agricultural society council experience 8 tears council 1 deputy reeve 4 beeve served under four dif ferent mayors acting as mayor in tfaelr absence as chairman of admbtrattoaand produced balanced budgets for two years has been in implementing and forcing the dtteens to ac cept something they so rec ently rejected by their votes i consider it an affront and an imposition to the ettlieofl of georgetown if elected i 9111 make an effort to natfno byr laurrepealed- 1 no im of the option that when the people elect council to transact their business they should be men capable of mun icipal administration wis have an engufter f or expert advice 4 nolam of the opinion out committee chairmen at allimes give direct- tns and be in control b a plan such as permanent construction covering a certain nileage achyeor- thereby elim inating yearly costly malnten- fce ft i would concentrate on de veloping it as place for the youtlt of this community where good dean sport and amusement would be avaluweahd also as place of interest to senior ci- frovislon should be made for all- organisations plus a swimming pool tennis court etc i believe a program of dhaminition of this prope is being considered for centen nial year by the hydro consmls- na t yes it is my opinion that tt provides for a better under standing between council and commissions and tt should be their responsibility to report important matters to fsflfcsis 52 jwonal history police public woriartolbulancr hospital welfare and emergen cy measures for ft years was a member of the tjeeiietown vh dustrial commission four of them as secretary treasurer on county council served as chairman of personnel and of fice administration chairman of the nine man building com mittee during construction of the county administration buil ding for three years been on the management committee of halton centennial manor home lor the aged 1 a gradual trend toward re gional government will come about i agree with police fire roads sowers assessment and aoning on an area basis schools should remain local council should remain as close to the people as possible 2 no 3 yes with qualifications as soon as practicable 4 yes council to set policy 5 as soon as the damua and smith traffic survey report tt presented spring 1967 the town engineer will have to pre pare a five year capital works road and storm sewer program guiding priority to those roads with the most traffic and those in the worst shape 6 support the design consul tant to develop a long range plan to inctude a band shell pleasure skating rink teenage coffee shop playground equip ment sand boxes trees hortic- nluiral garden theatre barbe cues wading pool and a heated swimming pool an access road off delrex blvd and a new in from maple ave 7 council members should not be appointed to and boards unless the munici pal act makes it mandatory par ticularly the industrial commis sion where secrecy is vital council should delegate sponsibility and have trust in those they appoint 8 as a service to the people of georgetown particularly our senior citizens and youth to plan the best possible future joseph gibbons personal history 10 main sl n- age 73 marriedno children grade fl education employer betlred membership honorary met ber canadian legion council experience 18 years mayor 4 year council in lis present form ltataophiokettke- poct intend to make certain ropresemtotfons oh bebatfof the iwwn of 5orgtown before the ttaao expires for doing so there may be aoim advantages to this municipality because it is the largest urban community wm f hunter i pirsonal history terra coital married three children bdiication two years high school employer self employed real estate and general insurance membership lions club council experience two years as councillor four yean deputy reeve one year reeve 1 has some good points bat i think counties should stay as is x yes 3 yesiwnen the town roi- i a population of around 15000 people 4 no 5 if possible a 10 to 13 year programme to reconstruct town roads doing so much each year ft by having a committee set up of all service groups such as legion lions club rotary kinsmen and no members of council 7j prefer no representation ft after many years of muni cipal servicesjisjjayor render ed withouaalary k is my des ire totermwate my municipal public ufa at the end of the centennial celebrations of our great nation in 1907 elaast thyde si bwing st age 4b married six children j education matriculation standing employer j r danrson and co ltd insurance adjuster branch manager membe s canadian leg ion council experience four years council three years ma yor l i feel k is going to cause a great deal of financial bard- ship to the no apa par ticularly to georgetown and i also feel that tt is very poor planning for both areas actual ly all hrptonkettia suggesting is a large city strung along the shore of lake ontario and to heck wl ererytiiing else 2 definitely not when the electorate tamed it down in recent years it should have been again submltd to the people in any case i am opposed to tire mo year term the only good tt does it makes a very cosy spot for those elected no georgetown is small en ough in population and area that the elected representatives know and are known personal ly ther the council would not let the system work nor would the people of george- 4 no comment 8 surface treated roads are hi reasonably good condition and should now be maintained as economically as possible and the bulk of our road expendi ture should be towards properly pared roads paved roads of epurae woakf include storm sewers and curbs and gutters there shouid be a six or eight year plan to properly pave ev ery street in town ft the existing buildings are no asset and if we are going to spend any money at all i would favor doing it up right pendlture and develop a cut- aura centra to bo proud of 7 yes in most cases these boards and conmnhwlons are dealing in matters that are the direct responsibility of the coun cil and hi pott cases xsnst come to eouxxil for money that is raised from taxation at least one member of council to auto matically a member and section zx4 m uw muawpal act 1 1 do not anticipate ft win ba serve bast everyone must serve some- whoro aid to some day to have it purpose fa hie this to wherol fael t can james h emmerson pirsonal history 20 guelph st age 49 married two children education georgetown schools naval engineering dal- housie university halifax ns employer smith 4 stone tool and die maker membership in canadian le gion branch 120 sons of scot- nd council experience 4 years 1 some parts have merit in general i disagree with the re port 2 should have been voted by the ratepayers 3 at this time no but by the time the town reaches twenty thousand then we can afford the type of town manager should have 4 i do i also feel tfoeje is too much interference with these employees from individ ual members of council 5 by starting a paving meth od on the main arteries that have storm sowers and taking it ft by trying wnivtncethe arena board and the rest of council to install an artificial outdoor rink for public skating on these lands and also get a good recreational man the rest of the development would come from suggestions from this man 7 1 do not 8 1 feel i have the experience and tbe drive to look after georgetowns interests at coun ty council i believe that mj past record on council proves that i do not believe in squan dering the taxpayers money arthur speight pirsonal history 47 shelley st married former teacher in night school and technical teacher in automotive trade employer speight auto elec tric owner membership united church masonic order council experience 4 years 1 this requires mudta more time for study snd evaluation than has been given so far 2 yes if found to be unsat isfactory bylaw can be rescin ded and we can go back to yearly general elections the plunkett report even re commends three year terms 3 yes 4 yes 5 a long range plan to say ten years doing a portion com pletely each year ft by council backing the ce- darvale board and by enlisting the aid of every service group church etc to make use of its faculties and help develop cer tain aspects 7 one member of council least should- be appointed oth erwise contact between appoin ted board and council is lost ft because i want to see geor- and this would be a large ex- fetown ptogreis a a heavy taxpayer im deflnitelylntere- ud to town management i be- beve long range planning is an absolute necessity in this period f unprecedented growth and i believe a closer liaison be tween town and county should exist than does at present septa tank pumping w tll trmcmfw sw fill haltom sanitation unvicn ba mi mb m prm luluni indiutril growth iifoookmhl plant mperlnteod georgetown and we would lend wheldon emmerson pirsonal history ft princess anne drive age 4l married 1 child education grade 12 plus dept education course for grade 18 business course employer harold fobert real estate salesman membership spebsqsa council experience 1 year property chairman 1 unworkable in its present form as far as the north end is concerned 2 no 3 ycb 4 yes 9 better planning by council and the road committee 6 as a recreational and cul tural centre and to do this gra dually and properly more mo ney than last years budget al lowed will have to be allocated 7 no 8 i honestly believe serious minded people who enjoy liv ing in our great country should feeprepared to serve in some way at some time or another on boards commissions local government etc ralph hawes pirsonal history 2 college street age 53 married 2 children education secondary school employer provincial paper painter and decorator membership charter botar- ian president canadian leg ion council experience none l i nave read the plunkett be port and have found it most in teresting and controvexsia how ever while i agree area plan ning mast be in our future i feel the report needs study in depth 2 no it is undemocratic while perfectly legal 4 under certain circumstan ces yes but question whether the town is yet big enough 4 yes 5 a program of hard surfac- tng as far as the budget would allow i would investigate the possibilities of debenturing for some of the cost ft in future years spearhead ed by this years centennial pro gram this could become a cen tre for all georgetown and cultural and drama groups lis use as a meeting place for var ious groups could be broadened and you could utilize the know- how of local horticulturists to develop a magnificent park 7 no 8 because this community is my home and i feci i can make a genuine contribution to ilr welfare and future james l young pirsonal history 10 shelley st age 42 married 3 children grade 12 education employer turret supply co branch manager membership lions club boy scouts bac albert tuchel pirsonal hiitory 21 duncsn dr age 34- marrled three children education 12 years german schooling b public 4 high employer w c parsley ltd ent to become a dormitory town od membership immanuel luth- tbe south 2 yes i do and as far 1 am concarnetlthis will be on a trial basis and if it appears to be unworkable m 1967 1 shall table a resolution to rescind the bylaw calling fo an election again in 1067 for 1968 council- it my opinion if a plebiscite had been called for it would have been defeated and wo would never know how it would have worked in georgetown it has certainly been a success everywhere it has been tried 3 yes 4 yes 3 prepare a five or ten year plan covering storm sewers curb and gutters paving com pleting as much as can be paid for each year in each ward 6 prepare a complete plan co vering all phases of its possibil ities and complete as much as possible with each years bud gel 7 yes this is the only way that the elected official can keep in touch with spending ol taxpayers money ft because i enjoy the chal lenge and i feci that the peo pie have jaith in my judgment eran church council experience nona 1 impractical in my view 2 no 3 no 4 yes 2 a long urm program allo cating a ratio for reconstruction vs maintenance 6 having no fixed opinion on the matter i would approach the subject with an open mind keeping the financial question uppermost under consideration 7 yes 8 a desire to help george town become a better place to live and work answers were hot received from robert francis council candidate in ward 1 fred har- rison and john hole candidates in ward 2 and roy bauantine and wm r smith council can didates in ward 3 the georgetown jaycees have provided the above information as a public service please feel free to comment on the- above column take the time to vote yours truly municipal industrial affairs commission georgetown jaycees flowers for all occasions wedding amanoements cnefm spmleltr cut flowen and funerai designs we wire flowers rosedale floral n ahm st til 751 for fast l2lds numi tttim nimei consult a kimilt w thi bradjptm rent estati board this vital young religion tt4l iomitown hirald thun6nt b vltt j i z i 1 for a cash advance ljoy ihe confidence of shopping with cash in yotlf pocket ready cash from gac and shop early jta nuke surs you gel your first choice of gilt items the sizes colors and styles you want stop in or call your gac office youll git prompt personal serricend convenient monthly pay ments fitted to your budget gat a cash advance from gac for holiday shopping or lor any good reason loans up to smh mmfflunoiul finance corporation lto people red the herald to buy and buy the herald to read isnt jt nice that some things get letter and better like falcons luxury and performance and some things never change like falcons low upkeep and big savings has a belter idc make a change for the better the nicest thing about buying a ialcon i that you get a lot of car for your money injir t alcon is a compact but it rides more smoothly luns mote quietly than any compact has a right to thats why its called the limousine of llie umipacls and if living it up and saving 3tullc at the same time appeals to yoli then fakon is your kind of car did you realize that on falcon you can get just about every luxury option the biggot gits offer and generally pay less falcon offers you bucket scats head rests fult carpeting allvinyl interiors a stereotapo system vinyl roof power steering power drum brake power front disc brakes and all the rest for lug power order one of fait oris two 2flj cu in v65 pcrfoinuikc is spii- kluig and economical and lo put this spaikling enonoinkil power into action choose a 3- or 4 speed manual or 3speed 5cle shift oinsc- omatrc transmission lhat iris you shift manually a feature rrnny big cars cant even offer its a uslmovtng luxuryloving lift willi fflcon go talk to your ford or mercury dealer about a new falcon hell show you liow lo get a lorof car for your money mho of canada more comhrthensivel point- hew cab warranty o 5ymt smm mfewmmt m ik rmir mm mmtat mvwlm mjllllltl q zrti4l8 mh wmnti o 0lr mnmhrtmificalim ftrywr m sm ym toil htui1i u twmtwmi t ioj audi luucim ford where the falcons are now at all ford and mercury dealers 9i stonehouse sales ltd 5 eiph st teii 877227

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