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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 12, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald pvfahatwd by hmiw nawspapars limited 22 main strati s georgetown ontario w c itnin publisher thursday januarv 1 2th 1967 editorial comment worth paying for v some jtme ago we suggested the com pilation of an accurate detailed history of helton county as a centennial project failing this on a large scale we still have the opinion that a similar proiect in georgetown would be one of the best and most lasting endeavours to property com memorate centennial year while this could be possible as a lab our of love by an individual or group the only ture way to tackle it would be to en gage someone for the ob pay a reasonable fee and set a deadline for its completion it could be that there is a local person available with the time and ability to com pile such a history if not it could be pos ibla that a university student might use this as the basts of historical thesis to properly do the job would entail many hours of research personal intarviews with older residents and a great deal of cooperation from town officials and mem bers of various organizations it could be a full time ob for many months and one which should command a sensible payment councillors shpuld not shudder at spending money on such a project surely our history is as important to preserve as our roads our public buildings our parks once put in written form it would be an invaluable contribution to our culture and the longer it is delayed the less accurate is can be and the more diffi cutt fo compile we would not think that many taxpay era would begrudge a few thousand dol lars from the town treasury for a history of tour community thl time you re invited when the fire siren sounds tha fire department always hopes that the public will stay at home well away from tha blaze nd let them apply their skill to keeping damage at a minimum but this saturday there will be a f re with a difference everyone s invited it is one of the towns first centennial projects a mass burning of discarded christmas trees which is being staged by the lions club in conjunction with the fire men this has been a yearly event in some canadian municipalities but it is the first time to our knowledge that it has been tried in georgetown it will have the double advantage of providing a spectacle for the townspeople and getting nd of the trees m a fast efficient manner robins and crows despite what appears to be a normal winter there have been signs that george town weather is balmier than it has been in the past the editor distinctly heard the cawing of a crow one recent morning and this was confirmed by anbther member of tne staff who heard similar calls another resident reports see ng four the lure of fire is one of man s most basic and primitive instincts in small quan tities there is a restful hypnosis in sitting before a fireplace or around a campfire watching the flames devour a chunk of wood fire on a larger scale has a fascin atmg terror which draws humans just as surely as moths although we have the good sense to stay farther back from the scene than those foolish insects firemen realize they fight a losing bat tie in their efforts to segregate a fire scene without using every means possible to block traffic this time you re invited and it is hop ed that all the fire buffs will congregate to watch what should be a spectacular show news echoes ftwn tha heralds of 10 and 20 years ago le 10 years aoo prizewinners in a christmas home decorating contest were harvey copland bob mccolgan herb roshier basil pacini cecil davidson dick packer harold henry bill carr tod evans james young cal laister and clar ence heslop honourable mention was given james good let e w binkley and rex heslop a ray 5alter was elected chairman of the georgetown pub lic school board and ernest forgrave was elected chair man of the north halton high school district board at inaugural meetings this week 9 georgetown office supplies has moved from its original place of business at i elgin st to 7 mill st in the muck- art building f 20 year5 ago georgetown was on the air last week when wihards ontario panorama was broadcast from the old town hall the program featured gordon sinclair and alan sovage and local people joseph gibbons mrs aa fa moyer prof h l hurt art wilson and pharos vannat- ter three georgetown boys were successful in passing their first year at the ontario college of pharmacy they ore walter cook stuflrt young and jack cornell georgetown intermediate papermakers played their first home game of the season thursday and beat orange- ville 8- 2 members of this years team goal jack rhodes defense- jack shropshire bill chnss scotty patterson jack bertwhistle leigh bradbury forwards hal gibson art murdock art hurst jack kemshead nick fern del beaumont roy ward sub goal a kem shead sugar and spice by bill smiley those wonderful years by the time this appears in we hastened to the scene to print i expect that i shall have be of what comfort we could severed an association of 17 and i pitched in as ignorant as years with the weekly news mrs murphy s cow to help paper business and it is ntfl keep the paper going for without some sadness that i week or two until other do 6o nnioments were made eleven cars later sometimes it seems that our life is governed by accident that we have very little control fajnated il than th donnybrook it s council meeting you the street and sold ids whether it was raining or snow ing or blastingly hot wcdnesda was even moreso complaints callers classified ads pouring in and the mevit able merchant waltzing in aft er the deadline with a big ad you simply hadn t room to print proofreading away be hind people in looking for free publicity people in just to chat about town affairs or their children and the lino type operator dangerous to the point of being lethal with iwarswlthero in radiiw of 12 feet of his machine work often till j too many ads can we leave 1 this one out too much conn try correspondence which re porter will be least infuriated if we leave her stuff till next bably the biggest mortgage on w short a column of i any weekly newspaper otruib lasrttroht page news where can continent knew scratched upthe down payment outbid every compet itor because we had nothing to lose and took on what was pro we dig it up the photos have not arrived rush to the bus station see if they re in they were great fun those first few years there wasn t much caviar or champagne fv but by about 10 30 am tha cry spare nickel went into the was on the prats and th com- debts but we made it and fortlng thump and rumble tha old machine was reward enough for all the scrambling there was solid satisfaction in folding stamping and mailing the finished product you fait as good as though youd lust wrestlad an alligator to a split decision at any rate i was hooked formed a partnership with one of the printers and we bought tha beginning i wai thii was better id of chaucar and night putting the sheet to bed thursday was decision day made a host of good friends among weekly editors on the way but i can tell you that run ning a weekly newspaper is one of the roughest games in town holidays are almost unknown long hours are the rule some body is always sore at you and you 11 never be rich 1 ii mis it some of it and the thing we didn i have 40lll always have warm memo- cents apiece but we went out nes of il but i hope to keep like a couple of pirates hit ev in touch tfirough this column cry friend and relative wel which will continue aa usual centennial report had the wfer lasted a few spencer and tha romantic po- months longet had 1 taken a who f different murseat universitj of tn w or gone to a different college t i would not have met m wife and had i not met that parti there was an exciting tempo cular girl at that particular to it that suited me monday time i would never havejjecn kai a day of desperation no in the newspaper business norjnews no editorials written no- would i be writing this column body wanted to buy an adver isement that early in the week i l i i i accident again took a hand t- hnntvoe operator was eel bns were a species of grosbeak the male i w lhp t 11pn inc p wm we were n y ting owly because jou couldn t has a pinkish tinted breast but unless some rolled in a pose graduate course kce nlm dusv and ne k joker was producing bird sounds pr unless i n english unnersitv tea hing tthat tta cominr i u t as the objective there s a tame pet crow in the area one of theseharbngersofspnngiswthusstil i came the tragic new thil tucsdav the pace accelerated j my brother in law on my rapidh the news began to wife a side had been drowned pour in you madly dashed off fat robins n her garden the day before new years and denies any allegations that she was starting het hoi day celebra t ons early there could be conjecture that th business directory chiropractor donald a gay d c appointments made dailj call tr 73401 30 mill st georitatown i867u1967 not that we can come up in a boating accident he own with all the answers all of the ed a ceklynewspapcr time but i realize that a tot of people in many places havej residents but understandable sparkling editorials tried to make a sensible similar questions in their minds mav i suggest if you cant find the right answers that you try information services cen tennial commission po box 1967 ottawa we 11 try to beat this information explosion yet centennial commissioner youre heard of the popula tion explosion have you heard about the information explos ion in this fast age i am told mankind a total knowledge increased daily by thousands of items of new information pro duced by scientist engineers and other professionals the problem is how to getinfonn xtion out to people who can use il it a no good filed away in office cabinets in a way we are faced wi h problems of an information ex plosion at the centennial com mission the confederation ex aibition train and caravans touring canada from coast to coast this year for example will be stopping at more thin 800 communities that means snore than 800 place names and more than 800 sets of dates and we want all the people in the 800 communities to know bout them the train and carat ans rep resent merely one challenge in the business of centennial lnf ornution distribution itinerar les for the 3500mile centen nlal canoe pageant the arm ed fore military tatoo dates for naral assemblies in coastal ports air shows festival can- ada performance across the land travelling exhibits f paintings and sculpture and world- sport cfaitfapionsfaips 7 via want to know what wara n4 when about all these flts of ce- tr tn sd dition there are still more plan ned by the provinces and tern tones plus local activities spon sored by communities and pnv ate organizations advertisements in the prcssi and over television and radio of course will herald events in the cities and towns in the weeks before the occasions but to let all the people in all of canada known months in advance about every date and every location for each event we believe would create an n formation explosion on the or der of about six megatons our theorists at the centennial commission also advise that it couldn t be done it s a great challenge to ge information out across the land to all the people especially when vjme of the project- are still in the planning stage i think one member of listening audience waltied that when the asked a question in an auditorium recently im from white roclc brit ish columbia and i m having friends from the states visiting in the middle of may can you tell me what is happening in our area then well fortnnataly fhad a set of tjur computerized data books with me and was able to ans wer after a little searching one of the confederation car avans would be atopping in fa t r- tn i utb in the mail bag says union argument clouds blasting issue milton ontario january eth 1967 dear sir for someone living comfortable miles away and unaffected by blasting expounding the fine virtues of the quarries comes easy lending lip service in de fence of the quarries is cheap as long as someone else s home sustains the blast damage clo sing down the quarries has ne ver been suggested the loss of jobs haa been injected into the controversy in a weak attempt to gain public sympathy and cloud the real issue giving consideration to only about s00 residents and excluding all the others is a verynarrow minded approach as stated in a letter to your paper only about 200 derive living from the quarries each earning about 5000 per year that a less than than 100 a week not a great deal of money by todays standards to earn this amount the nonunion wor ker must work many hours in excess of the standard 40 hour week out of this amount mutt be paid the high coat of living and the seemingly endless mort gage payments quarry workers are not unlike other home owners and spend much their lives payi far the ny are aa coneerw about blast damage a other do not make public complaint five thousand dollars a year is not enough if your employers blasting damages the home ou labour so long to pa for loo king forward to retirement with onlj a pension to ma n kerr made queen s counsel forge with onlj a pension to ma n j waj tarn a home that is continually r showing cracks m the pi islrr foundation and bncki work creates a gloom future in deed hcrr halton ndtng made a queen s 1 inst week bv lieuten ant ctoernor larl rowe hundreds of home live around the quarries qc is one of the highest hon ours in the legal profession and is only awarded to those whol chiropractor gerald w corbett d c open dally by appointment house calls arranged 776631 11a main st north optometrist l m brown 0 d for appointments phono 773471 robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mountainview rd s carretal bldg for appointment hon 8773971 w h carr professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 77 2211 1773900 home lhe around the quarries run bpen ucing for work elsewhere man have an income far exceeding a meaner 5 000 per year and have hoi investments that could not afforded on an income of 50001 i there arc farmers with fmeu at stately old homes that will sur i vive for many more ydr if they can escape the blast dim age regardless of the homt s cost it is in most case ill each of us can afford and there fore is highly prized why should any eo be allowed to cause damage to millions of dollars worth of property it is unjust to inflict damage and hardship of any degree on in nocent home owners means other than blasting must be found to extract the rock no rehabilitation plan can heal cracks in plaster or foundations or grow rock back onto a crumbled escarpment this surely cannot be progress damaged property and defac ing natural beauty the dam age of natures beauty must fall into the category with air and water pollution 1 often wonder what price we arc ex pected to pay for industrial progress and profit if indost rial progress continues well have more air and water pollu tion and eventually plant con tamlnation piles of crumbled rocks and in the end they maj succeed in annihilating the hu man race ara esc h was among 115 so honoured in ontario this car has been practicing law p 1953 when he was admit stood for centuries tinmolested not fool man has begun the dax developments limited builders of fine homes prop walter pacholok 774ju or 877m15 tc i to the nova scotia bar as socntion he came to ontario in low and has been halton s vi 1 since 13 destructive tisk of tearing its faco to willfully deface natur- c s creations is not man f right jt came into our generation for sife keeping and should be pas sed onto the next generation in its original state are ve to bear tho disgrace of having ai i lowed its defacement the re sponsibility for protection of the escarpment rests most hea vily on the destroyer and those in local and provincial govern ment thus far their lack of action condones the crime and no protection for the escarp ment or home owner has been provided how much longer will ihcy wait residents are generally agreed that control over blasting is long overdue and are appalled to see the lack of concern shown if this situation is allowed to continue unattended it may be time for the voters of halton to make a careful evaluation of all levels of government representation and perhaps it will warrant a thorounh house cleaning monuments pollock k campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phoni u175w 62 water street north g a lt wilf fortoitsky 8786302 barragers cleanersshirt launderera tr 7 2279 18 main s 166 guelph all work done on premises prank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service p o box 413 tr 72864 georgetown printing of distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald wallace fhompson 3rd division court clerk a commissioner tr72963 o t walker ro dosc optometrist 12 main sl s brampton 4514474 res 4516213 hours 0 am to 6 pm tuesday to saturday friday 9 ajn to 9 pm evenings by appointment john b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buddings 6773032 451 9365 georgetown herald published by horn newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher garfield mcgilvray production superintendent kews editor accountant terry harley aueen bradley frank mulltn advertising manager mrs frank capes clerk tyoist anne carrie reporter leslia ci irk davfi bsstingi 1 il guson j mcclemenu directory advertising brings results georgetown animal clinic 106 guelph street dr r b gukln clinic open 8 8 pro mon wed fri saturday i a- or general insurance cau georgemunby ras 8774473 fobert 8773374 a u

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