Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 16, 1967, p. 15

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tsame meeting same house norval scouts have only fifty years apart j on wednesday march lat ths regular meeting of the w 1 was held at the home of mrs richard shortlll sr tncre was a good attendance which includ ltd several visitors mrs frank smith the president was in the chair the minutes of the february meeting were read by j the secretary treasurer mrs wm mclean several matters of business were discussed i among which was the approach j jag euchre and penny sole an interesting letter and picture from the korean child was not jed discussions on the project for the centennial took place mrs jajnleson took charge of jlhe program which consisted jof reports- on farm safety taken from tftie last survey and discus- iserf bmra j mcenery the imotto fuss is akin to worry was given by mrs smith stres jsing hijw good organizations can eliminate a great deal of iworry fad fuss mrs jajnicson read afgmper on health many tarticleaffwhich have been sewn ifrom rijqnants received from simpsortn goodwill bundle were prepared for the coming ichre tjk3 sold at a bazaar ble arfifctes were brought in for the 0ny sale lunch was served by mrs don brown mrs jj mcenerjr ihd mrs harry horttll anjcfrjiappy time spent over the- tea caps an interest 3ng inc3dqlt was related by mrs anbis imisenery the march imeeing so years ago jx917 to be tixact was held in this very house mrs harry ishortill being the hostess mrs pan campbell wjs president nd mrs abigail maude camp- lell mcclure was the secretary jfct that time of the the first world war the main item of business was red cross sewing jt was remembered that 60 yds xt material was patterned and cut out for war bundles eleven tafal3of euchre were played at ballinafad hall on tuesday night high ladies mrs frank smith 2nd mrs switzer gents mr clare wilson 2nd mr pius rau low mrs f spear and mr tom hamilton poor prize was won by mrs om hamilton a lovely plant donated by mr and mrs keith webb the ballinafad little burners held their meeting on march 11 at the community centre the discussion at this meeting was centred around the british ira dition mrs junieson and bon nie shortlu mad irish soda bread nancy pam and louise snow made welsh rarebit and also a trifle was sampled which had been made by heather buchanan the scout group committee met for tteu regular meeting on monday night of last week at the home of mr paul wilson they planned a very interesting bus trip for all the cubs and scouts which was carried out on sunday when they attended the junior hockey gam be tween niagara falls and toron to marlboros at maple leaf sar densthere was a full turn out of boys and the leaders as well as the group committee and sev cral fathers we extend sympathy to mrs frank smith and other mem bers of her family in the pass ing of her brother last week mr and mrs elwood sua and mr and mrs bud snow were in london on sunday to visit their aunt mrs isobtjl mc dowell who has been m the hospital mr and mrs ross shortlll visited on the week end recent ly at the home of the former s parents mr and mrs f j shortlll mr and mrs john black bob and bill visited with mr and mrs lee arnold m london for the weekend a week end in the woods scouts were jeff burk larry cunningham ricky cunning ham david fishburn robert lund doug waitcs glenn wattes and grant campbell huntsville weekend norval venture group and norvhl scouts enjoyed- week end near huntsville leaving the village friday evening mar 10 and returning home on sun day evening the weather was perfect and the boys enjoyed the cry deep snow of the north skiing and snow shoeing was excellent and there were plenty of snowball fights the venture group boys ov er 14 years of age with archie campbell as leader assisted by don murray a milton scout leader stayed at buckhom lod ge a camp owned by a group of men from georgetown and glen williams the boys had quite a treck into the camp through snow up to their hips during the hike and through friday night at the camp they could hear the wolves houlng however they thoroughly en i joyed their week end in the woods venturers were glenn webb brian evans doug campbell bob cunningham bob waites martin woollett ran looyc blair youmans and jim hamilton the scouts with their leader i peter pomeroy and assistant robbie murray stayed at ralph bludd s camp at yearly theyi did not have quite as long a hike to- reach camp and attend i ed a jxuivie at huntsville on saturday evening on sunday they held a church parade and attended the jocal church at yearly the service wis held in the living room of one of the homes and conducted by one of fhe ten local residents the jitue churck lias been snowed in all winter and is apartment permit swells feb totals building permits totalling 370 700 were issued during tobruary according to the bull ding inspectors office just now in the process of being dug out the scouts found thisl all the building was restden service in the horaeto lie rtie tial permit for an apart of the highlights of the we fc ment was issued at an amount end and enjoyed meeting the 234 000 this is the first of local folk hree thirty six suite apart mciits to be erected on river drl the boys and their leaders thank the owners of the hunting chariot e stuart an amen camps for their use and mnk can cami to canada and joined itlg it possible for them to enjoy the canadian army in world war i after nearly three years service which included action in france he was discharged as imdengp m 1918 it turned out his jle on enlistment had bfcen 13 years several ladies from the ucw attended the thankoifering meeting at st andrew s church georgetown on wednesday night of last week i- mr and mrs percy white have returned from a holiday m florida warn children spring dangers now is the time for parents to make their children aware of the dangers of spring weaken ed ice over ponds swollen creeks w atcr filled ditches and mr and mrs fred mack vis tronger river currents annually ited on sunday with mr torn take the lives of many children mack and mr rogers having would still be alive tf their just returned from a month sjparents bad impressed on them holiday to florida thet hazards that come the end of winter f len williams family surprise party or the harold thompsons a surprise party for their twenty fifth wedding anniver 4ary was given mr and mrs farold thompson by their two ons andjttwir wives jack and tinda oflgeivule andxorne tjnd pat at lome s home here n saturday night guests in tjluded inas father mr bill bennett and harolds mother hrs daisy hunter a lovely gift was presented to them by e thirty relatives friends and elghbours attending as well as silver cream and sugar and y from tho family i as well as the two marrjed ns they have three other cfoil barbara who attends the rgetown high school and hillip and shirley in public hool congratulations and best hes to harold and ina on eir silver anniversarj j mr and mrs a w alcn is ed their granddaughter lin allen of keswick last wed j who had been in a ser automobile accident last u she is now home with bro il limbs in casts after spend g months in hospital and is ing nicely get well wishes arc sent to l purdj who is in george and district hospital hue m hospital her mother law mrs tom purdy of liv 1 nova scotia is visiting d taking care of the home mr and mr- c barth visited r and mrs w l barlh of in ersoll on sundaj e wish a speedy recovery mr and mrs bob reynolds to mr abbie deforest who had turned home recently from a a leg amputated in georgetown lane trip to england to usit and district hospital recently er relative in manchester lan hinc and his relatives in the olunteer red cross can nthorpe lincolnshire vassers will be calling on you soon if they have not already the scouts and cubs and fa this week ers had their annual father 1 son banquet last thursday ening in st alban s parish 11 ross giles was master of rcmonies for the evening at head table were re h ewellin rev r v ridlc strict commissioner n her scoutmasters s jcmisc r hardman cub leaders er clark and diane giles akers for the evening capt ogal an airlines pilot with ua and alf spence with air ma and rs r reynolds secretary of group committee a mini said grace followed by the to the queen and brett les proposed the toast to fathers chris sargent than til ladies guild who pro vided the delicious roast beef dinner a film on travelling by air was shown and also a comedy on flying capt fogal and alf spence who both told of their phase of air travel these con eluded with a question and an swer period which the boys tho- roufagly enjoyed they were given literature and gum and candy courtesy of the air line benediction was pronounced by a minister everyone felt they had thoroughyl enjoyed kn ex citing as well as an educational evening the explorers and cg1t groups met last wednesda af ternoon for their weekly meet ing the newly elected officers learned how to conduct a busi ness meeting when they divi ded into four groups for their project group 1 learned table setting with mrs v klassen group 2 learned making table centres with candles with mrs w mcgowan group 3 learned to make cookies with mrs h wheeler and group 4 learned to cocr the cookie boxes part of the cookies they made they took home while the rest were boxed to give to senior citizens one box as well as a beautiful large bandmade bir thdaj card was given to mrs lucy wagstaffe whose birthday was on that da march 8th happy birthday was sung by the group to evelyn eason whose birthday was the same day as the temperatures moder ate the rivers and streams be come more and more potential death traps georgetown pol ice chief roy haley warned yesterda i hope that par ents will make a special effort during this thawing period to instruct their oungsters to stay away from water and make a point of knowing where their children are at all times almost lost eyesight in industrial accident ncwlle palmer 145 prince charles drive a 3rd georgetown scoutmaster counts himself lu cky to have the sight of both eyes toda mr palmer return ed home tuesday after five dais in qucensway hospital recover i from the results of an dustnal accident at his job mr palmer an air canada employee was working on a plane at milton when he slip ped a cut on his eyelid and a fraction below the ej ebill required stitches wrights man variety 2 barbers at your service to get ahead get a haircut 7 james strait opposite mackenzie phone s77 95b9 ampu fim park inn nobody but nobody in this entire district carries as large a selection of men s and boys quality clothing as ilvers new spring suits from 5995 topcoats from 2495 new men s sport coats from 2995 new boys sizes 8 to ib sport coats from j 295 ailweather coos from 1 995 township building inspector former golf club manager manager of cedar crest golf course now north hnlton foi fourteen years and later build ing inspector for piques ng township william hulls died on march fith at his home at i stcwarttown son of the late joseph hulls and lillian knight he had livou at norval ashgrnvc and stcwarttown for the past 25 years he attended school at norval he was a member of st john s anglican church stew arttown where he had served as peoples warden and auditor he was a member and formei treasurer of stcwaritoun lojl orange lodge an ardent lover o f music he played drums in the dam orchestra which has plaved hundreds of clnnce ciirac nenls in this district he icives hs uft tho for mcr don cash a id brother and sisters mr albert snith edith of acton mrs rrank smith winnifrcd of balln afad george of st l athannls hs lome janucmjn iorothv o gait ircd of hayfitld mr h preston marmara of st lath the georgetown herald thursday march 16th 1947 page is arlnes and mrs mel rcid lil lhan of port elgin canon j e maxwell conduct cd tho funeral service last thursday at the harold c mc jure funeral home and inter merit was in greenwood con ctcry pallbearers were howard bnggs charles burt hills- burth ahrcd thompson lram minor collision at plaza exit a two car collision at detrex market centre exit friday dam aged cars by hans van klink r r 4 georgetown and wll ham james mclean lt9 ray lawn crescent police said van khnk wu leaving the plaza and mclean was w abound on guelph st when they hit property dam age was estimated at s150 osa ralph and bill thompson ceoreto vn psllce cst jason and anthony damm of acton ricld investigated notice mr lloyd marks takes pleasure in announcing ihe addition of louis semo to the canadian tire service staff mr somo if a f llj i censed melhami well qualified by lntnin and epcr ci cc to gi expert repur and parts replrcmcnt service on all makes of cars canadian tire store 26 guelph street georgetown 8776976 heat your home vmdmii wciy rtffi gt mnd smarts chinook automatic cos furnac vila th ai tic cbnofc win fi r bn4al h oftnmw tertahl wlatar t i kmii mh goo- attention home owners call us for yojir requirements of ice salt wild bird feed mix water softener salt sunflower seed master rabbit pellets master dog food kitty litter and sell a full imp ot master feeds r h thompson hardware plumbing t healtno til 72971 ntastfrfffers dial 77 3512 stewarttown gvorgatown we deuver saturday a m each waak in gorgarown safety torturetested at speeds youll never need trade your worn tires now set up to 20 tvbeless size spring catalog huci high traction hlchspnd uadk 25 40 wmr whrt 52010 28 26 52055012 25 98 2888 50052013 27 94 k 5906001 3 28 98 3196 33 40 64065013 30 96 33 92 35 68 70013 500 52014 3226 28 54 3514 36 82 560 59014 3074 33 62 6951465014 36 66 73514 75014 33 14 35 96 37 80 77514 75014 35 36 38j4 39 82 82514 80014 3834 41412 4332 85514 85014 41 58 4446 4696 8851490014 47 98 56015 30 64 3350 35 60 6851559015 3216 34 98 7351564015 33 28 3614 7751567015 35 78 3864 4016 8151571015 3814 40 98 43 32 8451576015 40 98 43 92 46 96 8851580015 47 j4 trade in allowance on these prices 2 great treads superlastic safety 99 nylon tires your choice of tho famous rood gr pping stop- on adime high traction typo or the new high speed centen nial design both are fully road hazard insured free installation easy terms or cask md carry bonus coupons prices shown arc for tubeless with a trade whites 1 50 more tube tvpe 1 00 less e ics ihoun arc lo j t most popular cars others slightly higher or lower you pay only taclory door cost plus a smalt handling charge the freight from factory to you and installation no cash bonus coupons on turnpiki tires turnpike standard road hazard insured safety four for compact can catalog lttt 313 56 meaturn size can catalog utt j17 75 larger stxe can catalog lot 52215 799 989 1222 for compact con catalog utf 23 00 medium sire cor catalog lnr 30 36 larger size car catalog lot 37 os 1148 1345 1597 cjtfifc assoc f a te store 26 guelph street georgetown 8776976

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