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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 13, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald pw ty hmm hetw limited 92 main strmt south gtorgvtowrt ontario wfr thursday april 13th 1967 editorial comment new street names suggestion that the main highway through town b rtmsmed from its present quelph street fc a pood one and the idee f a naming compttttlon m one councillor proposed last week is the best way to hit on 9 proper nam for one of the town s main thoroughfares of equal importance if council is to proceed with this would be to rename a cou ple of other town streets which cause con fusion to the public and are particularly frying to groups like the fire department end ambulance service we refer to victoria st and victoria ave delrex blvd north and south and the long thoroughfare which starts out as young st becomes mill water and john in turn and then turns into john st east fter a blocks jog through the rail way culvert as mcnabb st there is always the danger that in the xcitement of an emergency valuable min utes can be lost by heading to the wrong ttreet when a simple name change would overcome this possibility one important factor in renaming any streets is to try to tm this in with tome of georgetowns history looking back wecan think of river drive a most ordinary name which could have been called old mill road to perpetuate one of georgetowns earliest industries the old tower mill victoria crescent created on land which had been in the dayfoot name for genera tions could equally well have been called dayfoot dnve shelley keats and byron streets could better have been named for some of geor getowns outstanding citizens of past and present mary and henry sts have no local connotation and contribute nothing to the towns future history perhaps the guelph st idea might lead to a complete survey of the town s street names retaining those based on local or world history and renaming those which have none keep museum where it is xtc3esibritbecbkelu3dief attempts by helton conservation auth ority to move the county museum at kelso have so far met with no success lets hope that this foolish idea will continue to be blocked by county council the museum board a nonresidents of the county in gener- i trere is no more surtableiocation for a museum than the present one as one who s interested and has visi ted many of our ontario museums we can ay without fear of successful contradiction fhat the setting in an old barn with the natural beauty of the escarpment as a frame it superior to any we have seen a move to any other building would reduce the in terest of the exhibits themselves as well at need traffic light a traffic light at the dangerous maple avenue highway intersection is long over due every days delay increases the chance of a fatality at a corner where several mot orists have already come to grief and where the incidence of both personal and property damage iseachmg alarming proportions so far a maority of accidents have occurred when highway motorists have col lided with one or other of the traffic island warning flashers equal danger exists particularly at removing the fine combination of sightsee ing end outdoor picknicklng now available it kelso a main reason the conservationists would make the move is that they do not agree that a museum and a recreation area go together nothing could be further from the facts what better family excursion than a trip to view some of the countys past fol lowed by a swim in the kelso pool and a picnic supper in one of nature s most super ior settings lets fight tooth and nail to keep hal- ton s museum where it is in years to come h will be one of the county s most valuable assets times when highway traffic is at a maxt mum that some mtrep d motorist will ven ture out onto the highway from maple be come panicky and cause a highway motor 1st to swerve because of the width of the highway it has become even more danger ous than the john street intersection where traffic lights were finally installed over ob jections of the dept of highways council should immediately ask a traf fie survey at the corner and press for fast correction of a situation which can only lead to more and more grief in future sugar and spice by bill smiley id rafher eat spam m the mail bao faith shaken thought writer dedicated citizen 87 sargent road april 10th 1967 xtotr su it is with distress and repug bailee i read mr warrens let ter in last week s herald tnrough contact with him fereugfl the georgetown civic group i hid developed an im age of a man on our political actfle who was solely dedicated to site improvement of our tow n nan firmly believing is our democratic process of govern vent and a man who would be n asset to the progress of our bven thcugh he has the mis fortune of appearing to be a opportcr of an opposite pohti a party to one i hive every confidence in i for one have bottling but compassion for one o onfortunate i realize now that the lmaffe he had created in my mind was otfeing but a mirage which has addenly evaporated caused by ail letter of innuendos and in abraations la bis fin paragraph he has avimi ignorance by not know lag the meaning of the word alao written between the lln- ettfta aat ladaawuraj to show i lor his r hat bared the tn- of swantry with further in his letter be has made flbe insinuation that group of three he named bare implied that the people on coun cil do not deserve the increase i can only assume that were only writing and expres sing the thoughts of many geor getown citizens of the undemo cratic selfish and ill planned passing of this bylaw there was little thought given given to the feelings of people less than one eighth of their term has lapsed and with no budget prepared for this year i believe hat in our fast growing progressive town a competent man or woman on council is priceless i close saddened by tbe inid equao of being unable to get thoughts across to one uho had such premise to the progress of our town sincerely albebt porter secretary ndp georgetown area group did you knowt about 20 000 years ago a me teor weighing several thousands tern and travelling at m00 muvst per bow araahed oblique ly on the face of what is now saskatchewan it ploughed out an astroblem 8u znoea across near deep bay and ft la the worma biaiest meteor crater one of the great bruising stresses of modern society to which saciologisls pay little at tention was imposed on me this vock i traded my car for a now one this penological crisis co mes to all of us every two or three years it bears looking at as a manifestation of the tremendous pressures no have to cope with and our grndfath ers didn l what a snap thej had they went to a reputable norsodea ler and bought a horse no sweat they didn t even have to make the agonizing decision of whether to buy a brand new one or a late model used there uai no such thm as a new horhc u hat m re the enjoyed it there as soint inod mturecl dickering which iimialh ended with both parties thinking ihcv had got the better of the dnl grampi chuckled is hi dove his inch gelding home thinking of how much tndc in j1 wantc hi recincd for old mm the marc who h idn t much milei i in her nd thi dakr chuck led as hi thought f the eld ing slcadik goinj blind ami thi fact thit the prtachi r h know nothing about horses ns looking for a quiet marc liki old mm there was only so much that could he wrong with horse he could be blind or spavined or windbroken but he didnt rust there was no chanco of bis brakes grabbing his trans mission was automatically auto matic and he didn t cost 1500 a year for life and thats one of the reasons i buy a car exactly the way grampa used 6 bin a horse 1 look at its teeth that is 1 lift hood to make sure there s a mo tor and open trunk to make sure there s a spare i don t feel the beast here and there but i kick the tires and give the doors a good slam or two i take it for a little trial spin 4nd if nothing falls off and the color suits m wife i deal thr are different types of car buy en of count theres the kid who makes 60 a weak he walks up to the red eonver tiblo with 80 yards of chrome buckets seats and danling wheal discs points to ft and says gimmo dat one cheefully ho signs the indenture papers which will enslave him for four i years and departs the lot with ja squeal of tiros where else can he find power and sex ap peal for a lousy 80 a month today buying a car is an excru dating ordeal he suspects the dealer he fears ridicule from his friends all of whom have made excellent deals lately he dreads the interview with the bank manager he trails from one car lot to another trying to und a buick for the price of a volkswagen and the upholstery must match all his wife a clo thes not me not no more lifes too short yesterday i bought in 20 minutes let my wife drive it home oh there were one or two little things it stal led and we discovered the bat tery cable was loose the light in the ceiling wouldnt go out and i had to phone the dealer to find out where the switco was one of the doors wont close and there was a delight ful bit of family excitement when my wife pushed the win dow washer button it stuck and soapy water gushed over the windshield for five minutes with more suds than a deterg ent commercial but it 11 ell work out three years from now it 11 be just another rust bucket almost paid for and i hae probabl added a year to my life by buin like grampa try it joursclf harley to halt0n weekly observations by dr harry harley m p for halton during its april campaign t my l tha it the canadian cancer society the wrenching seeks 4 767500 to finance its j h modorn d l offcrpd him h the averaga layman then knewi nl threefold programme of re- search public education and services to cancer patients nd there s the born horse trader who deals for the shur joy of it he spends most of his liparo time in car dialers lots badgering the salcsmtn dispar is not iking the merchandise and quo nui ting the terrific deal that hon est john down the street has tldom lias i nether a horse w sound ho more than six months and took a look at the teeth fait deluded into thinking that j the beast here and there hitch ed it up for a trial spin and made hit t al but for the average layman i lot is improving with ever 1 1 trade it happened in canada john gin of bristol brought settlers to cupids newfound hnd in 1g10 it was here that a record was made of tin first while child born in north america tj s publishers and review ers rejected mark tuiins f unous no el huckleberry jinn outright and it was only after it had been pub lished in canada thit it was fullj accepted in the us i tie command mush given to sled dog teams in the ca nadian north conz from the french marchons l alox aloconnoll northern on tano lumberjack manharl led i full grown moose into a cipr boxcar after he had run it down in a 25 mile chase turning back time series once we had a lake this was typical sunday scene at yvilber park lake georgetown s beauty spot in the early t900s the dam on which the people era walking was located near the west end of water street and canoeists who launched their crafts from this point could tafce their favourite misses on quite a trip the lake spread out on both sides of guelph st filling the lowivina rxooertv between queen and john sts note the georgetown high school on the hill at left hoc report op tha spec ial gmmlttee on drug coats and price was tabled in the house of commons on 3rd april 1967 i thought my constltuenta would be interested to know the the conclusions of thle committee and in this weoki column will deal with the conclusion of the drue committee which are as follows 1 that the price of drugs in canada is at least higher than it need be sz that no significant change bas taken place in the drug cost structure since the rec ommendations of the hall commission which were prl marlly based on the recom mendauons of the restrictive trade practices commission 3 that there exists no single method nor simple approach which can be taken to reduce tbe price of drugs to the con turner and it is therefore ne cessary to present a series of recommendations to effect this purpose 4 that since canadians are paying a significant portion of the cost of international pharmaceutical research more of this research should be done in canada by the pharmaceutical industry 5 that the medical profession is responsible for tbe pre scribing of most drugs and for these committee recotn mendations to be fully effec tive the medical profeasion must be fully assured of the safety of all drugs by the food and drug directorate 6 that the implementation of the recommendations oould lessen marketing and prom otlonal expenses and reduce excessive profits 7 that the implementation of the recommendationa could alter in some reapoots the form of the drug industry u it exists today removing in efficiencies in the industry and increasing competition 8 that in anticipation of nat ional and provincial welfare programmes or the further development of other forma of health services it is of paramount importance that legislation be introduced at thv earliest practical date to implement the recommenda uona of this committee in my next column i will deal with the recom mendations to parliament of this committee georgetown herald published by hem newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c buhn publisher oarflald mcotlvrty production superlntenfttst news editor accountant terry harley alleen bradley mrs irene niven- anne currle reporter frank mullin advertising manager leslie clark dave hastings john mcclementj myles guson business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tr 74401 30 mill st gaorgatown chiropractor gerald w corbet dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged s77663 11a main st north dax developments limited builders f fine homes prop walter pacholok 8774311 or 8779415 barragers cuanersshirt laundtrars tr 72279 18 main s 166 guelph all work done on premises o t walker ro dosc optometrist 12 main st s brampton 4514474 res 4516243 hours 9am to 6 p m tuesday to saturday friday 9 am to s pm evenings by appointment robt r hamilton optometrist 116 mounuinvlew rd s carretal bldg for appointment pho 8773971 optometrist l m brown 0 d for appointments phol i77m71 frank fetch licensed auctioneer prompt servlca p o box 413 tr 72864 georgetown wallaci thompson 3rd dillon court clark commissioner tr 72963 georgetown animal clinic 106 gelph street dr r b gatkln dlnle open 68 pbl hon wed frl saturday 11 an w h carr professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyor office 877 2211 8773300 home john b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 477j032 451 965 r wcrawford p ag landscape consultant rr 2 nerval 8774483 general insurance obert 8773374 h felserl real estate ltd b monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work to greenwood cemetery phone 21 730 62 water street notts q a l t this space for sale

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