looking forward to teaching careers to date the herald has published pictures of sharon mc pherson betty ann brown john stopper alfred madgett sandrftgibsdn and pauline cass in a series on student teach ers wto have been receiving practical experience in teach ing in local public schools the ten students at lakeshore college most of them from georgetown and district helped teach in classes al chapel street park harrison centennial and george kennedy public schools for a week fthow getting a real taste of their future careers are elizabeth hay in grade 1 at harrison donna sternt in grade 4 at kennedy jim blair at centennial senior school and france hall in grade 6 at chapel street lets play bridge by bill coats donna jtbuut th when ooeoiia u laarnlni to play contract bridge jh or she u told a lot of rules some of thaae are always cover an honor with aa honor or se cond play low third play high or newer flneste agalnit your partner the rules are fine for the novice but in order to be a qood brwje player you must learn when to break the rules take thli hand for example which occurred during a rub ber bridge game northsouth were vulnerable and south dealt nerth s a j 8 3 h 8 d k j 7 c q 1042 weit fait s 9 7 6 s q 5 2 h j 9 s 3 2 h a q 4 d 8 5 d 10 9 6 2 c k 9 s c876 svuth sk10 4 h k 10 7 d a q 4 3 c a j 5 the bidding south west north eut int pass 2c pass 2 d pass 3 nt all pus norths two club response to a one no trump opening bid was the stayman convention it asked south if he had a four card or better major suit when south replied two diamonds denying a four card major north went straight to three no trump west led the three of hearts following the rule of leading fourth best of his longest suit this is a good rulo and should be followed in this esse dum my played low and east has a choice should eist play the aco or break the rule and play the queen never finesse against your partner the rule sug gcsls a good defender will break the rule in this case if west holds the king it docsn t mat ter what east docs but if dc clarer holds the king well lets he suppose east plays the ace and continues with the queen declarer refuses tho trick and wins the third round when east plays the four declarer tries the spade finesse which loses to east but east has no more hearts east will try a club but dc clarer will refuse the finesse and nettle for nine tricks three spades four diamonds and one each in hearts and clubs now let s ro bick to the op ening trick if east plays the queen declarer will win he can no longer chance a hold up since wist mirht have led from a suit headed by ace jack now when the spado ftncisc fails each cashes the heart ace and leads his third heirt defense collects four heart tricks plus a spade for a one trick defeat i rules at contract bridge were made to be broken and knowing when to break them is the mark of a good bridge player gvas covers northtast corner in new coop thi oborobtown hbralc thursday may 25th 197 halton county ambulance coop has smoothly and quiet ly got underway operators of ambulances in georgetown guclph burling ton and oakviijc have quickly built up an efficient ambulanco co op while many people have been pressing county council for action the organization has clicked into high gear in recent week and is soon to become officially recognized by the ontario gov ernment with the issuing of licenses the already licensed opcral ors are keeping in close cont act by telephone and hope soon to havo radio contact with other for maximum efficiency they have roughly split hal ton county into four equal quar ters covered in the southeast by oakvlllc southwest by bur lington northeast by george town and northwest by neigh bouring guolph the joint effort is already causing much speculation in the ambultinti field and other operators are hcmnmni t pkk up pointers from it hie histlfnlr murriv mc beth or oakvillu who with t other operators from oil i w and cornwall instigittd tin on tarlo ambulance operators a sociatinn in hh33 mtim jl d tli operation indicated a win i of change in ont inn he niid thero wis a inn when operators wnul i fi lit over calls hut coopt r iti i n coming he added it h i tiken years ind years in lin ik that barrier spciking of his colli iiiies in the joint halton effort lie said these people have iorac thing that 1 like that is th patient comes first and not the money end of it that s why tt s working the emergency piuuord mayday flashes between op erators when an accident is re ported the nearest unit dishis to scene makes the pick up in i gets patients to the nnrt st hospitals now ready for planting a bigger variety than ever of bedding plants and potted plants begonias delphinium canna hues and mny geraniums othara special gladiolus bulbs j 140 doz pansies j boxes george rbrandford 15 mountainviaw road north 877 3034 visitors welcome larry kneale promoted to corporal with area 0pp a constable with the north halton detachment of the on tarlo provincial police for the past seven years larry kneale has been promoted to corp oral effective may 1 he will remain on the staff with the north halton detachment cpl kneale was born and educated in london he work ed as a surveyor with the on tario department of highways before joining the opp may of 1937 when he was pos ted to oakville detachment in december of 1958 he was iran sferred to north halton he is one of two north hal ton opp officers qualified to operate the breathallxer apparatus following a course at the attorneygeneral s de partment he and const carm en wright handle all breath alizer tests in the north hal ton area for about one year be also aerved as regular court officer at the halton magistr ates courts in milton cpl kneale was one of the opp corporals assigned to head up the search effort at kilbride when marianne schuett was abducted in late april he spent 11 days on that assignment heading up squads of police and militia searchers and assisting on two for fast action multiple listing servici con5ult a memier of thi brampton real estate board attention farmers call us for your supplies seed grain seed corn grass seeds fertilizer mlancbhall corn growers wo havo anhydrou ammonia for appl cat on on your corn crop this is nitrogen in the form of qa appl ed in tho soil and is second to none to take care of your nitrogen requirements check our pr ces and compare with other types of nitrogen atrazine wo have good supplies of atraz ne 65w and aln nr oil on hand for weed control in corn f elds order yours now i supplementary pasture and fodder greenlan sorghum sudan grass hybr d we havo good supplies on hand master feeds fully proven at aster feeds farm master feeds stewarttown dial s773512 georgetown we deliver saturday am each wk in georgetown occasions with air searchers by helicopter and light plane he lists hunting and fishinjj among his hobbles he and his i wife barbara and two sons livo on the town line between f- quesing and nassiraueya townships cpl kneale is the second o pp corporal m the kneale fa mily his brother jamei has held the same rink with smithvillc oi p detachment for the past throe cars 0 guaranteed investment certificates 6o ntr st for 1 to 5 years fo amo nts f om 100 to 100 000 inte p p j i ilf yrarly by cheque nle or rray hi accumulated to be repaid w th p n pjl when due ask for folder halton peel trust savings company i in h if li it t i nut my assets exceed 69 000 000 head office oakville other off res bramplon bui tor cool- v lie milton simcoe delh georgetown 53 mill street 87 2266 john a edgar manager convenient office hours monday tr ursday 9 00 4 30 fridays m 6 30 younamekv youryellow pages has it 53 our towns got everything fine shops handy services helpful people and the one place to find them all is in your yellow pages whats the gear doing in the photo graph above its there to prove the point that industrial consumers like home con sumers find its good to shop the yellow pages way say for instance your industry has needs that range from a to z your yellow pages will help you find everything from adhesives bags or chemicals all the way to woodworking machines yarn or zinc yes its good to get in the yellow pages habit everythings here in town everything here in town