119 swim scholars stroke successfully thru tests weather reversed find july colder than june a hundred and nineteen wimmeri graduated from pool school last week the figure represented a auc- teasful mouth for chief instruc tor betty lou bow den and stall who worked with 185 pupils in tour divisions the largest group wan the beginners where 66 of 87 earn d pass marks in the red cross test thirty nine of 47 juniors 28 of 34 intermediates and the entire senior class 17 also iliad it the teaching staff included mrs bowdeo chris sargent jackie unce barbara paakcmn glendt emerson and ian gos ling testing was done on tues day and thursday successful beginners sandra dwyer charles burgan ian friskney david fisher brcnua usher steven larsen michael shilling raymond shilling ca thy paynter keuy riley jennl tti glass kim robinson mich eel pollock martin pollock hark pollock debra gunby donna evans jennifer thomp- on karen wickson lisa and less joan howat joy howat leona mcausiand theodore arts michael borland larry collins michael davis derek banke kevin drumrn ricky mitchell kathleen skulins endv bousldll stephen arch ibald karen archibald lynda htddleton philip buck linda a gail rankin peter mil less cathy maler chuck mai r heather mcconnell robert dubien cheryl edmunds stew art corbett jimmy taylor nan y brooks paul beer keith bobsod joy harrison danny cooper cathy given kelly frost marcia pollock david hill kristopher barber wayne osborne david warman doug las duchin heidi arts helene ida enn tina enn janet lnson jattullo dar lane guzak lois gummer karen dwyer chris somer- tille david york raymond hayes brenda hedley shelley white joanne gardhouse ellen gardhouse karen smith deb- hie brandow gerald burgan successful juniors mary ei icn moffat carolyn ewen kar n robinson marianne robin son mary hurley wendy stock jub glen stockfish robbie beaton cathy ohearn susan hammond gillian hammond bert osborne howard gaskin mark gaskin christopher burke robbie paterson dana jimmy hammer mar garet van sickler beverley ro berts sandra eyre sandra twvt helen dunlop sherry chishohn brenda gopsill mich ael buck marie milne leslie sehenk brad walker greg bar rait cathy etaliger cindy how ard paul branch joanne dcr- mott gary ewing david few brian dolson wayne gard house bernl schaltl wayne martin successful intermediates ban dra gopsill steven buck susan milne linda palichuk richard phillips lawrie cooper brian cheeseman jeffrey crawford peter hurley colleen burns held walker diane emerson demse milne debra norton kin crawford joanne craw ford ted darcie cindy day randy dubien carol evans paul ewing roberta howat jeff inglis andy long mariano pacholok philip price patrick reid colin reld geoffrey pan ning carol stockfish successful stnlors bruce stockfish gerald darcie mich ael macdonald ian mellor ro bert bums susan elsliger pa anela branch ross mcconnell lyon wilkes julie pomeroy patricia gummer paul savoie barbara carr james goudy richard walker wesley palmer jane girvan three seniors ricky dubien sussanne rasmus sen and janice martin were not eligible because of age thump get thumped giants split games georgetown giants thumped and got thumped in halton in termedlate baseball league ac tion against milton red sox zti burlington rdinals in laoir last two starts the druobmg came mondav night when the shorthanded burlington cardinals moved closer to first paco with a 13 2 victory over corgelown in ge ttrgetown park the win left burlington in a virtual tie for second with ham ilton and a game and a half be hind first place campbellvhle merchants darkness halted the game af ter five innings the winning pitcher was george moore the losor jim mcgili lie had relief held from jim lindsay and dan ny arbic glints scored both their uns in the 4th when mcardle ard lindsay singled buejhow walk ed and elevated junior doug ford singled to score the pair jim mcgili was the winner when giants jumped on milton red sox 7 1 in a game here wednesday dan arbic s two base hit was the big blow in the 5i inning contest manager tom james said this week arbic will houlder more of the pitching load for the bal ance of the season because of the loss of pitching staff work horse senile dore dore suf fered a broken knee cap in an aedden end will miss the rest of the year by ftevtr j smith the month of july 1007 will be remembered as the first july on record to bo colder than the previous june normally the mean temperature for july is about 6 degrees warmer than that of june but after one of the warmest junes on record 69 6 july turned eut colder hy 1 3 degrees tfcii compares with the normal of 70 0 however it was the first half of the month that was respon sible for the phenomenon with temperatures about 8 below normal values this cool weath er was responsible for the rec ord low maximum of 63 0 00 july 14 which was as cold as any july afternoon since 1020 most of the months 2j9 rainfall occurred in the first 11 days while sunshine was sparse till the third week the last half of july was if anything warmer than normal but with- it t extremes of any kind the total rainfall was slightly be low normal at the weather slat ion located in georgetown but rural area- south and east of here nceived twice as much rain as the town itself much heavier amounts occurred on the 1st 9th 10th 18th 19th and 31st in those places while any ram received here was widespread despite the fine weather of the last two weeks he surshine hours 266 were about 20 percent below normal thb oboroitown herald thursday august 3rd 1967 page 11 dredging project will rehabilitate fairy lake a trial project in the rehab ilitation of small reservoirs in ontario- will get underway on fairy lake actdn in the near future the credit vuey wrvt r temperature was ion authority ur cooperation qo i t iwov wth the provincial govern i on sunday juy wh meat 5 department of energy and resources management has accepted the tedder of cum mins construction company toronto for dredgng approxi mately 400000 cubic yards of lt from the lake the lowest temperature was 47 oh thursday july 6th and 47 on saturday july 15th the world exhibition or 1058 in brussels had as its theme balance sheet for a more human world the theme of expo 137 is un and world prouse team leading in horseshoe league with two nights left to play there will be singles in the georgetown horseshoe both a and b players and dubs schedule four of the six ready about fourteen have en turns are all fairly close tend in each group team no 1 captained by al ian prouse is in first place with the season will be brought to 30 points a close th the presentation of prizes 1o the winners ami a for on july 1st the temperature recorded 87 was the highest re ported anvwiwre in canada on its 100th birthday if this pilot project prenci economically feasible then the the maximum temperature many mill ponds and small res for the month 88 is the lowest ervoirs in ontario silted since 1p50 through the years until they are no longer of any use for wa ter storage may get a new lease on life a small floating dredge which may be transported by high way and assembled at the pond in question will be used to pump the muck from the bot torn of the lake this muck will be pumped to swampy areas ad jacent to fairy lake and after settling the water will drain back into the lake work will continue for at least six months with final clearing up in the spring of 1068 lp until this time the prov ihcial government would not pay grants on any work of the authority on privately owned land this new project sets a precedent which may revolut ionize conservation practices in ontario r r parker chairman of the flood and pollution control advisory board of the credit valley conservation authority brougnt the idea to the conaex vatlon branch and will see his idea brought to completion n his home town of acton xhe main entrance to expo 67 has a beauty parlour wash rooms bank telephones infor mation services restaurant cocktail lounge and a coffee shop open 24 hours team no 3 which ii direceted by that wlley old veteran sam gisfey of limehouse is in sec ond place with 27 points team no 8 is right behind them with 26 points and this has clint clendenlng 1 euclid bolsvenue sharing the captains job team no 2 captained oy bill collier is in fourth place with 23 points team no 8 with brad utile tu captain is in fifth place wilo 1 points and team no 4 cap tained by oq raines brings up the rear with 9 points tin gamei to be played on august the oth are two point and all members are asked to be out in fun strengul on the completion of the team schedule august 26 the singles will start on the following wed nesday night banquet the date of this willl b announced later team no 1 al prouse t suchan j penny g lane c i glaude j lam front team no 2 w cohler r harris i reynolds b chaplin j prouse b mcquame j wright team no 3 r puckering i andrews b craig b an dorson g laframbolie s gis by b brown tetm no 4 o raines a stamp b nicholson j fry k brown v galllford g arcni bald team no 5 l keir c clendenlng bolsvenue t harlow n myers g andrews tevn no 6 o anthony b litlr f gisby a duquav b harrison g grasby printing op distinction o statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald 3772301 adams photography weddings passports general photoorarnt custom finishing 40 prince charles dr georgetown 773923 -services- t for fast action hltlple ibtik ifrvici consult a memsi op thi brampton real estate board featured this week geraniums 40c double extra choice polled look over our selection at evergreens for fall planting w still hare 9d mlection of petted rosa wynfield nursery iand garden centre half mile west ef 7th lint of it sideroed 77mi notice notice of th closing of part f the allowance far read known as glen street in the village f glen wimli notice of a proposed by lav to close part of the allowance for road known as glen street ss shown on david reesor survey of part of the village of glen williams as follows all and singula that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the township of es- quealng in the county of hal ton and province of ontario and being composed of part of glen street lying bftween blocks e and d as shown on david reesors survey of part of the village of glen wil hams in part of the east half of lot 20 in concession 9 in the said township and filed as registered plan number 10 in the registry office for the said county containing by iid measurement 0684 acres the same more or less and which said part of glen street more particularly described as follows premising that glen streel in the said village of glen wil hams as shown on said regist ered plan number 10 has a bearing of north 36 degrees 33 so west and relating all bearings herein thereto commencing at the point of intersection of the south east limit of gueiph street in the said village of glen wil hams as shown on said regis tered plan number 10 with the northeast limit of glen street said point of intersection being also the west angle of lot j in block d as shown on said registered plan number 10 thence south 36 i grees 33 80 east along i said northeast limit of glen street 430 78 feet more less to the point of intersection of the said northeast limi of glen street with the north west limit of credit street as shown on said registered plan number 10 said point of inter section being also the south angle of lot 6 in block shown on said registered plan number 10 thence south 37 degrees 22 00 west across glei street 66 68 feet more or less to the p of intersection the south west limit of glen street with the westerly limit of credit street as shown said registered plan number 10 said point of intersection be ing also the east annie of lot 18 in block e as shown said registered plan numbi 10 thence north 16 degrees 33 50 west along the said southwest limit of glen street 452 15 feet more less to the point of interaer- tion of the said boulh west limit of glen street with aforesaid southeast limit of gueiph street in the said lege of glen williams said point of intersection being al so the north angle of lot 21 in block e as shown on said registered plan number 10 thence north 38 degncs 28 o0 east across glen street 6833 feel more or ss to the point of comtuencpmsnt take notice that the municipal council of tie township of esquesing will take into consideration the passing and if approved will pass at its meeting to be held on monday august 21st 1867 at the hour of 7 80 oclock in the evening at the municipal chambers of the said township of esquesing a by law stopping up and selling the above describ ed property in the said town ship and the council will at that time and place hear in person or by hji counsel solicitor or agent any person who claims that bis land will be prejudicial ly affected by the bylaw and who applied to be heard the 1967 juniors draw thorold as tourney competitor georgetown has drawn tbor old as its first opposition in tho thorold junior baseball tournament on the weekend the locals play the host club yiday at fl oclock sixteen teams will compete in the tourney on four dlam onds at mcrritton st cathar ines niagara falls and tfaor old services bridal gowns made for bride and attendants 8773100 dressmaking and alterations 8774203 tf daves antenna services spe cializing in towers chimney mounts roof antenna 8773707 after 5pm t tf upholstered furniture rec overed sad repaired quality workmanship t h briggs stewarttown 8770312 d mcmtlllin cmitfsttor plastering cement work chimneys and fireplace exterior stucco plastering repairs call acton is31s1s tf 1 painting interior and exterior free estimates floor sander for rent call jim forbes 77s2m tf plumbing heating call 77um bill garbutt 16 elgin st tl georgetown upholstery lowest prices workmanship guaranteed 5 years terms ean be arranged 8774406 tf decorating to express indl vldiiality artistic interior and exterisr craftsman in the trade c a grant r r 8 georgetown 8773781 tf office services book keeping typing income tax etc prompt accurate mrs i clark motor vehicles office 41 main st south rent rototillers lawn rollers cyclone spreaders power mow ers and hedge trimmers call mcleans rental sales centre 279 queen st e brampton 4595781 tf monuments markers cemetery littering phone a b yeadon 4510443 collect t acton driving school expert tuition dual controls fully insured free pickup for information and appoint ment call 8530459 tf r beeney plumbing heating tinsmithino 8779362 l r 1 oeergetown t robertson electric industrial commercial and residential phone 8773934 georgetown for httffr barn painting roof ropalrs and coatlnfl call w w edie 774170 roof repairs expert and immediate service s cfishbumsonj industrial contractors 774604 painting decorating walter bergsma 57 charlss strast 8774028 r conn plumbing 34 mill st 1772744 hot water and steam heating hot water heaters ga and electric tf wiring commercial domestic john lenz registered master electrician electrical contractor 8773414 tf alpine health club and barbershop 2 barbers at your service gymnastic sauna bath swimming pool 12 wailayan street 8779531 oavei williams eledru heating limltsd roglstorad bondod mastsr electrician electric heating 1 and water heaters furnaces gar wood gas and oil 177412 19 elgin st tl rad repairs wldln spring service lawn mowor sharponlnf and tuneun georgetown 14 gvolph st welding i772h1 u jims service centre sales and service lawn mowers by tore jacebson and yardman chain saws by pioneer stlhl a homellte tiller a saw rentals complete repair and shsrpenlng dspt corner 2nd line w and no 7 highway 4j1057i j l lath and plaster general repairs painting decorating tree estimates g telford 7741 13 dated at esquesing fourth day of july d k c lindsay ontario clerk of the townstvlp of esquesing 810 edmond carrure 1 georgetown 776020 ont tf eavestroughing spring orders are now being taken phone 8t7m08 sc flshbum a sens nerval ontarle t ken nash plumbing a heating water softeners water systems repairs and alterations tr 72842 hall bros r oofi no asphelt steel fencing farm commercial free estimates we guarantee our work call don hall erin lu2221 radiators repaired and cleaned peel radiator service 124 nelson st w brempten rear of dlxio cup phone 4517177 u ts electric commercial domestic wiring industrial maintenance 24 hour service terry peer 8772413 w t moore construction brick block and chimney repairs cement work ceramic tile tel 177msl 54 norton crest downtown georgetown ciant sidewalk sale thursday friday saturday aug 10 11 12 georgetown excavating ltd excavating grading 90 sargent road georgetown 8776679 greenwood monument co granite marble inscription work peter pew 14 gairey drive 1779505 i haltonpeel building maintainance co commercial industrial institutional complete janitorial servica fully bonded ar insured 7772 t d0mc0 refrigeration phone 416854 2605 domestic commercial sales and service prompt and efficient tf delrex photography 47 duncan brlvo ceernetow s77mt t portraits a commercial t child studies harry hyoenaar photographer zorge construction co ltd 19 rexway drivi phone b772b41 phom general contractors industrial buildings 0 qualtty homes agricultural ruildlngs service is teps end our charges modest wo havo up- tetheminute knowled the latest on all mak1s equipment and top quality replace- of color tv ment ports to service yoiir set 32 main nertf 77437 vvig0 tv appliances