Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 24, 1967, p. 1

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georgetown herald i the home newspaper for georgetown and district i can 1w1w tea horem 1m7-im7- avrhoriiad aa second claaa mau pea otrfc niil ottawa and for payment of portage in cash georgetown ontario thursday august 24th 1967 500 per yean single opy ftke tan cants book dairy princess for fair parade jthc centennial frill fair parade is shaping up like tfcally big show according to chairman of the parade com mittee steamer ejnmerson with a long iljst of entries so far lined up now bulletins are being sent to all local indus tries awning them to join tbe parade jim costlgtn and bob mc- mcncmv are looking after the indusuial entries and are dih gently isitmg the industnes seeking their cooperation dairy princess carol swack bmer has consented to nde on a float and a hand carved set of horses and covered wa- fot done bv wcs vrmjtrongj wii also appear t the lome seots have offici allj accepted ihe imitation to fcve the band and marcher out in force only these twin silos remain after last fridays fire which destroyed a huge barn amone wishing to dartici at he farm wl leslie sons on monday ne ghbours joined the leslies to pate will gt a warm from steamer want lowe chief police tell council would rezone water st for 7 storey apartment fire destroys leslie barn partici welcome c u debris and pull down the silos emmerson i preparat on for rebuilding com ci memdersli barn house fires cause guelph judging test estimated 60000 loss forty halton and acton 4ti corn forage and conservation club members look part in e joint land judging competition with peel 4hers held at the university of guelph in the junior division harm was top contestant w ith score of 157 out of 200 lyle- stokes and dae austin were second and third with scores of 153 and xoz in the intermediate division keith aitken topped the class with score of 160 while harry i brovn and ted brown were second and third with scores of 159 and 158 rosemary booth topped the senior divtnon tth score of 164 second was lou hunter 159 and third murray mccaig 158 menbers were given a lec ture on the uses and types jf certain land classes and the properties of soil by professor hoffman of the soil science division a by law rczomng a portion of water st to allow the ercc tion of an apartment building was deferred one week on man day at the request of the ma or both cr w smith and the ma yor opposed he rezonmg which would allow the seven store apartment building the rczomng has been ap proved by lhe planning board aid cr roller francis and would affect only this one par ecl of land rnncis who is also a member of the planning board finally the mayor asked the third reading be deferred for another week mlout support for acting 1 100 and feel you have over thif harley lowe a promotion looked him to th chief was demonstrated by all the men in the police force monday ngiht ecry off dut policema i t trued up at council and back cd spokesman coistable roy ilenderson who criticized the towns advertisement for a po- lice chief honest boy cr robert 1rancis expressed surprise it the wording of the advertisement emphasrog he would be happy to consider in spector lowe s application with the ohers the mayor agreed with the men stating he would support lowe for chief whether he ever saw the iiiaidc of ajlmer college honest john could well he the name of john madscn of flm si last week after find inff a i 5 bill on hewson crcse hicvwmapvlying ent he stopped at a house and asked it they knew of everyone who lost s5 which at the time he claimed the wording or t ad particular the part crs w smith young and saving the applicant must have francis all contended the men attended the ajlmer police could be promoted whether or college excluded the acting not there was a chief and it isn would be by the police com am of the policemen s fault we mittie n ha en t attended ylmer smith claimed thev were nut applying the some rule ned ft 4 and here we have ipot rczomng i lhy didn l aid constable henderson jim young pointed out that the men are losing by coincidence liter in the fe furtner argued that men heart when they could ace no dav the woman was lellinc of ending their probation period promotion ahead and felt un- of thumb to everyone we al bo w lu l not be promoted unless certain of the future ready turned down an apart cky don there was a police chief l t ini h ilkcs said ross elliott of hew there arc onlv two men who son crescent had lost the mo ie not on probation he ney immediately john went to added cr francis staled this one the elliott home and relumed two major fires last frday lie ons on the town line hr lo s a week aon had been tn the mill for the it morning caused property dam near union called firemen untr th it murnuu a fire at last three years long before any age estimated at close to s6u from georgetown and uungu j home of mr and other applications pniw unit boo 000 i sci usv vlr llriin illll jnllcroh il i in 1 dr tk miunr arnmiwrl fnncpm i t mwiw 000 a barn fire farm operated drags at alluvialdale th broke suddenlv to house and contents of over about making concessions herep flijlf fn dpatr by wilfnd lcs about 6 15 am while the 68- a ix and not toothers i lcaui aci usy hill caused damage the mayor expressed concern appointment will fill c vacancy on council in a discussion oo the filling of the unexpired term of ex councillor harrison at council monday night cr robert fran cis asked if there could be a byelection for ward two the mayor said there could be no byelection according to the municipal act when the votiig is on a ward system i wish it were otherwise aid tbe mayor but the word ing is council shall appoint a person to fill the unexpired iterra head of cattle wjsjili j milk there wis heavv smoke and have pinned everything icslie sons lom in 1 iter danuie television rilit down to the size of the keith and an rmplijcc rav c bedroom furnituie and units side yards backyards beckett were able to shtphrrd cloth ng were destroyed parking space remarked cr the entire herd to safctj tnt barn and an adjoining milk house were completely des txoyed as hu the season crop of hay and straw a w gon hammcrmill and feed mixers the 63 x 9t barn one of the largest in the district stolen car wrecked 1 found- near terra cotta stances imagine what he could do if the pressure was off president of the police as- an erin township girl was sociation jason field stated tragically killed last wednes were behind inspector lowe dav on the eve of her eighth ryerson graduate brcnda swindlchurst daugh- of sir and mrs lloyd later in the meeting a motion w as passed deleting the offending passages about demanding attendance at ayl- he reminded council that mcr police college thus allow- 1 owe has been doing a good ing inspector lowe to apply ob under adverse circum swindlchurst r r 1 erin was walking her ponv towards the barn when the animal bolted ttrenda became entangled in the ponys harness and was having your car stolen righli during the tnght on highway ura along the ground wa out of jour driveway while 40 1 built sixty cars ago hv mr vou rc asleep is surprise the leslies father the lak thus cnough for anybody but then ll p p i leslie the loss estimated t hvac the swindlchursts moved some years ago from ballina- policeman ask why j c l 0 thl p farm dcax at over 50000 n partial i dljn t stav at the scene of and hillsburgh covered by insurance another district harry moore suffered farmer even clayton dick farm will become research centre besides her parents she lea ves brothers and sisters brian allin lynn and connie funeral service was held onl thougnt the car fnda at the weddell runcrall 81 ilomc trin and interment wasj lld in rrin cimc cry the oddlv enrtich a the car remained touched in master feeds a division of uaple leaf mills limited bas purchased 150 acres of excellent farm land north of hornby in esqucsing township for a new research fdrm compsny off c- lau announced this week the farm land in use at the master 1eeds works cl eh c present for some crops and as with the inner ilj of t ucli li hi pasture land for dairy cattle is staff both at the restarts farm described as some of the best and at tho university ir mor tarm land in halton county nson has prepared sevcnl pap master feeds officials said a lo ers in conjunction with tho um cation close to highway 401 wasucrsily professors and the pro nceessarj and the dick andifessors trequtntly is i ihe r property includes thei farim wm idmli march farm to c ivpcnm nt loocre clayton dick r arm and i for neir rcsearch auon and notr ck 50 acres of george fr3m tnc rtmdpomt of s adjoining farm situa iocluoii anrj ulhl of tnc slfe the seventh line twol be miles north of hornby al thiugh the company takis pos- seision tern ber 1 construct ion of several new buildings is the incident when jou didn t sund i the car mas recover have a car at the time fd above terra cotta a com la s too much plete wreck with mr under h ii s bntf case showing marks s unforlunate series of 0 having repcitedlj been run is hinpcncd to john ln 0 ill hi main street south na ocr aimed directly n h awoke saturday trees nnlh while in drive it 1 th his 167 llmckl ni fr m the drivcva l wts reporting this or telephone to the cjcorjc point in npp man a j a 1 t tl d or ti investigate two juveniles have been vvo mmor acciqcnt nv ilvrmrnl in in accident charced with the theft last week saw a new low in traffic accidents in town with only one collision reported ind one car damaged b a iii re stone in a new construe lion arei james richardson quiet week only night school classes are again planned for this fall james richardson son of mr and mrs ken richardson 6 durham st has graduated from rjerson instituto of tcchno- logj toronto jim enrolled m the business administration course after completing his secondary educaton at george town district high school and graduated last vear from the hrcc year rcrson course has a position in toronto with canada packers the motion passed snth crs francis smith and young and mayor gibbons in favour and cr enuaerjja opposed absen from the meeting were reeve w hunter deputy reeve arthur speight and cr oj baucnline excouncillor harrison s seat is as yet un filled the back 50 acres currie ted iilr machine shop visitors and croup ini welcomed whin the v ill hi classes soil tests and a water welt is operating rrmgtmenls gorict both proved highly satisfactory a tour should le made mii m i through the romp im t lcil total investment m the re dealer agricultural n ml tho not expected to start until the scarch tzrm wlu rcactl ive or 411 club leadci sar spring of 1888 when a modern dolla e t complex research centre ill lew years officials said the dick farm his 1 e n m w i u a the family s nimi fir ir 80 be uoltshcd the masters feed divmon ot j c s th mesreh farm arcordmg mplc fji 5 umc bc 8 the fourth tenral n i ck n r i gan in 1927 the original com to dr w douglas morn on fc to live there mr ind mr ii k t i i t panv is about 60 year old but director of nutrition and re- v hrm i and paul expect to sell seref- for m feed 11 js jf5 dry herd arrd far mp hrirv nisht will again he h ivvn hilh sth oct her our ls offered le is la t cr hi vcr anv cnursi with too fc v pphcants w ill not be held night school will offer cl ss in n lh im bitinili s sew i i nl pairing hairdrcssmg ntsbisic rnglish for new can to electronics il woodworking in reading hostess advanced rl mc conversational trench r idu 1 1 bookkeeping grade ii shorthand grade 9 typing busmc s machines mcchatical drafting small ermines and outboard motors slto damage was done to a 6 plmouth driven bv paul and b- j lsh o mlmon when ne pui ed out of smith v stone park in lot and wis struck on the left front fender b a 59 ton uac si tion wagon driven b arlhur mcallister the mclli ter 7a damage uffcrcd their 1 1 f li es will be held from 7 1u t 11u probablv on wed ne dav and thur di this u not definite as cl are muskrats all baptists some months ago a muskrat was caught in the window wall of first baptist church and when mrs walter townend at tempted a rescue she received a severe bite on the hand for her pains recently bob ollivier discov ered a muskrat in the window wall of maple ave baptist church using more caution he borrowed a snare pole and live box from veterinarian dr robert gaskin ho caught the animal then realcased it un harmed in a local stream which makes one wonder if all muskrats arc baptists mr ollivier s action was the ties to take for wild life does not adapt to domestication ln captivitv wild animals are usually unhappy and usually die after a few weeks it is alwa best to let nature take care of its own protest 30 mile speed zone on no 7 highway disagreeing violcnllv with he s quile wrong replied the newlv imposed thirty mile cr young in a built up area an hour speed limit on no 7 according lo the act thirty hghwav all the way throughl miles a- hour is 1gal town peler jone 1 chcutnj tj maybe we should clear this told council monaav u l j up bv giving mr hildebrandt a ticket and have u become a be used bv com panv research a j r and move to a home m ccorel lians grade 10 hookkcepns the hobbv courses will tt for tests in all types oft p more diversified op- whcn lhc fa m 0 shorthand grade 10 ten weeks and the vocati erauons and give birth to tne early spptcmbcr u ping automotive mechanics courses twenty weeks new name maple leaf millsl limited swine and milk feed i poultry lig master feeds present re master feeds has another re carch farm on highwa 7 opcra al b northeast f thomhill will be whlch 1s s a steer alowlv pha ed out when ibc ieedmf research unt nvp farm in halton is operstj loal dr morrison explained 1 dr morrison explains that the thomhill project was lun poultrj feed s master feed ched n 1837 and the building lar wiin xlfm p- tiere i cons dcred out of rn lmr an the tlrm s da e for the firms 1067 sun search plas a big rule in the dard the prevent farm also company s program vs direct has a lre acreage 500 aercs or he designs feeding expert wh ch is not all necessary for m which wiu rried out ths re arch opralmn hv the amma lechnicians st the farm who will either live on planhrrs envion about eijhl the property or close by i buildings to be erected in 1968 i at the hornbv farm five admitting be u quite a flag poultry research buildings two wavcr for search dr moni for swine a fairly extensive 5lat agriculture has mink resarch area plus a proe- probably made greater advant essiag unit fcr test egg quality efficiency than an other and examining animal carcasses industry and research is a vit a part of all of this cttiicns tbe barn at the dick farm 0 to can thank extensive will be ucd tor storage and agricultural research tor the the present twoslorejr bnck better quality food they are house with an adjoining apart eating he suggests jient will be used for staff dr i said tho research department ol 80 four win ontario scholarshtps in he viionrl minor indrtinl ill ill inn nn a fib miteor 1n rormiublr dmon b itoberti conditions ar more dan ilo norvil as badly lht rar macrd bv a larw st no hlcl b bchmd last he wa driving m the area im inal prcsc illv under construction if its a wav of increasing i on mountainvicw road revenue that s one thing but smit as a safetv measure it is test case charlie alw he added did trite commented cr measure an improvement lie said he also claimed the white lines are badh designed council briefs bv a one otc majority coincil monday night accepted lhe tender of ndrcw murray milors for a t hvrolet an at a cost of s2 482 the an he jed by the police de- cv jim young in rplv ex plained it was a police recom mendatmn based on a greatlvl increa ed number nt aenden on the hishvvav ami hicked by partninl the dcpc of highwivs cr w smith contend the i bcllcvlle at least ceor- reconstruction of the hghwav tfwwu rated as a city a was never intended to speed request from a belleville resi traffic as mr jones had stated i dent came to cuncil asking foil- but mereh lo make a bettr a centennial medallion we had road as f as calchlng spec- m nted cr w smith said dcrs is concerned the chances there wasnl any were much greater wlvn the speed limit changed three limes coiinci authorised the h in that area he added the georgetown dtatrict high school board tar oo 753 which is the balance of david fabneu almecht conie tooer smftm janb couett four gdhs grade 13 graduates reached the coveted 80 in 7 subjects stand ng in the departmental exams and have been awarded 400 ontario scholarships roger smith headed the graduating class w th 89 57 he is the son of mrs esther sm th 9 guelph st and the late jim sm th jane daughter of mr and mrs garnet collet dav d son of mr and mrs graham fame u c o a- a- bv law and staled he would test to the board of parks manage- nd albrecht son of mr and mrs fnlz conle all had percentages of slightly overt in a letter to the dcol ment this also thebalico a letter from excouncillor charles hildebrandt supported mr jones stand contending it was a nuisance tn lsw which would onlv encourage citizens to disregard the law he also challengd the legality of the the yrir s maintainence cost the total is 277 000 they slo authorized th is suing of a cheque for jjt500 transport of their grant

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