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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 24, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald ky hm nwsrmvmiid 33 mln 8irt 9outr gorgfownontano wcmhimww aoh thumday auoust 34lh 1967 editorial comment dirtiest town a mil bag latter this week from har ry mo deals with one of the editor s pet peves the litter of paper tin cant and dobri which make gtrgttown perhaps not the dirtiest town wt of toronto as tie says but certainly puts us in the running for top honours it ik a general fault with north amer- j knsj to deface our nature beauty with en unsightly clutter t no more is this m avldenca than at tthe canadian national exhibition where de- tpite a crew of clean up men day and pight the garbage is deposited willynilly we were at the ex on saturday stopped in t me pure food building and were 10 upset by wading down an aisle of discard ed paper cups wrappers end plates that we beat a hasty retreat to the outdoors jwhere one can at least find a few green patches not despoiled by humans the problem it of such magnitude that it should be included in our education end stressed day after day in our e toman tery schools children are certainly responsible for e great shore of the litter witness any town location where there ii a variety store such merchants need hardly have e shop sign for one can find the store easily if you look et the sidewalk outside but children aren t etohe the culprits we see men toss cigaretta packets into the srrat motorists toss kleenex and banana jklns from car windows leave behind a mess of garbage after s roadside picnic until we reach a blessed state when people don t litter the ony choice a prlv ate citizen has is to pick up the most ob vious and dispose of it himself in commercial areas we suggest that merchants most of whom sweep their walks a couple of times a day gather this up for the garbage rather than ust sweep it into the street to blow back or on to someone else s property too slow ail this seems to be a week when bag writers beat us to the punch but whether charles hildebrandt had tvrritten his letter or not we had intended r comment on the new 30 mile speed i fnit initiated last week on the whole high way stretch through town we believe this is unrealistic for two feasons first very few motorists wiil rfnve the whole stretch at this speed and fnore important there is no necessity for unduly slowing traffic through an area where hazards are at a minimum we refer to th highway portion par ticularly from sinclair road towards nor val with the exception of a few factories and service stations tha area is not yet built up there is no reason why a forty five mile limit cannot be quite safe as it has been in the past and it is here that tha maonty of infractions will occur one cannot be overcritical of either council or police when they take measures designed for our safety but while we can agree in general that better safety should be aimed for on the highwey we do not agree that speed should ba reduced to such a level that it will create a hardship motorists perhaps council in s wisdom w ii aged hlpp ease regulat om alter a short experiment is he goihg to rock the boat in tm mm ir winti fair parade routt extended from plaza to town park 17 ttith at augut 21 1w7 dhr air i not with duappointmtnt um plan to restrict tha fill in th1 mail ia9 sugar and spice by bill smiley jfe me a hippy i to do so that i one thing that home loan jjiiidnt rub off on me thunk l goodness i pay them evcnlu i all but 1 don t sweat lit the interim and to lei the truth im i afraid a lot of the other things i d dn t take with me i did have tome resistance but a lot of it did now how could anybody j be a hippj with a rotten up- unnmns like that disgusted with litter pleads for tidier town 12 oitrander blvd august 21 1967 dear sir qeerpetewn dirtiest tewn watt af toronto georgetown at one time wis clean and neat town but re cently has become very un tfdy and littered practically every niain and residential street is littered with cigarette containers pop cans and bottles candy and ice cream wrappers etc town forces clear mam street pert odically but if every business man and residence cleaned up in front of their own premise- including ditches curbs and roadwaj i am sure goorge towners would again be proud of their town no dnubt tran eient motor traffic is respon eible for part of the litter hut our own people are also guiltv ard if vc all become utter consciol s and disposed of wrapper and containers in pr pr garbage disposal units it j wnlld be very little time b i fort a decided impi ovtmenl i would be noted why nit be proud of your mrytntffl to the ew ivw town tree u will itavt i the parting let eft main itreek end circle erouad to the fair ground elm in the old pert of town lurtry in censdas centen nial veer with an extended weeklong fill fair thta if the very time to ensure that aa many georgetown resident aa possible see the floata bend and marcher which mike up the parade at the very least ft should start in the plan and proceed through the residen tial ireis to the park surely this it not too far for even the youngest to march once a year if east end resident ire to be denied the fun of witching a parade ind if the parade la to follow such a short route perhaps it would be better to cancel the parade entirely and replace- it with i static display in the fair grounds indeed front now on thought should be given to locating the fall fair itself fa a more centre spot like cedarwie sinccnij james warren yours truh harry moss ke- so often i experience oh f an overwhelming urge lo throw ik ird everything to the winds mn pjnk away and become a middli three times a fid out- we hope those vids ide the the tul willi th rsl its the world thai h is the tail ind dois lh twr imild ut lli hdtr and tprm t ti i so in purpl nd hull 1l1iii i a pin of shadis i t nl i hul id nrwr fit hac i hi hi illil irli nr wj nit ii in v i uh it i ntl u i t lh i hilt of im qq1 lainl lool to don t worn if jou comt arrows a middle aged hippy a floivtr over bis ear next ou re in san francisco lu ptl or vincoucr or orkulle m but it won t be me as ruined by my parent georgetown herald published by horn newspaper limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher garfiald mcgilvray production superintendent news editor accountant ferry harley aileerr bndjey mrs irene niven anne curne reporter frank mullin advertising manager leslie clark dave hasting mles gilson john mcciements george young pib business directory ing i he he 1 herald readers know by now our op inion about meeting fees for council mem bers for we have editorialized on several occasions end said that councillors should fee paid e flat yearly remuneration rather than a speufic amount for each meeting at tended at present council members rece ve 20 00 for each council meeting and 10 00 for each commiftee meeting if they are member of that committee the payment has evolved over the yeas from the days when councillors ier ved gratis to first a 5 00 fee then 8 00 then s12 00 and finally 20 00 the com rnlttee fee was introduced this year a 2 500 yearly salary paid to prev leus office holders has been declined by mayor joseph gibbons in ihis and his pre ceding terms through the years we have come to accept the fact that we have not too much support in our contention about salaries for civic officials we have admired the mayor for his refusal of a salary while be having the if any tax money ts to be used for salaries the mayor should oet top pr rity rhin of thwse 1 id bun o tare no insurance p numb no shavins evrry mn i n handing over lately a new situation has arisen which should be troubling to taxpayers and which certainly gets our dander up for three weeks in a row a special and a half im a haircut one hour council meeting has been called t hpp have abdicated prior to the regular 8pm meet ng then from a tociaty that hai adjourned and the regular meeting conve red at each of these special meetings im portent business was settled and although a herald reporter was not present the news was gleaned from the minute book of terwards and ralayed to the public lot of i ion in 1 hi unian ihaii it tlui m r lit uariitd mini urd inrii ity for thtm a locitty thfy it precious littl love and honetty and a great deal of hflt and hypocrisy hv iflid include m in many way i don t blimi them poem patriotic ut from a book of poems writ inj fn tv j c y of inrer me soil ind published in 1881 i n mrs kdna hill harles si has il selected an appropriate one ti u ikd our ations birthday linn winch eypressrs a fine sentim n lnt in centennial year king mil your filid peali of chir0praq0r donald a gay dc appointtticdu made daily call tit 74401 10 milt si gtowtown barragers claamrtshfrt laundarers tr 72279 18 main s 166 guelph all work done on promise rejin ins lusic i onlicmnfi strain sound float ahroad o cr w biers ho through valley and the meetings were in no way secret and the fact that a herald reporter was not i other rwrs k i refuie to work the re ham i fault for the onus pur poppycock mut of it fortunately our own children ttaltn have not allowed thamielvt to id in become indoctrinated try thl rolling tone thins on kim anri the ust hoots and points oot p n how many million racorda the khons of the far dis si let ii cm crort t eir hi r rolling stone mad thi year ndy and heards let then haw the only stitch in tim ih to the lakes lovtins end moke srass and know rock n roll b by mitlrv present was oui on us to find out when meetings are being and thinjn that ai held if we wish to attend j spected in our our objection n that for three weeks in a row councillors received a double pay ment for an evenings work if an extra hour was needed to solve important mat ters could not the regular meeting have been started at 7 00 the same business could have been accompl shed and the town would have saved severe hundted dollars harley continues battle for lower drug prices favour of the ootbestrert pat lent support harley denholm s ranarfca confirm fr harley a earlier statement following gevemmenu action dr harry harley batlle tajenvpaign for lower drug prices isas been joined by the cana dan pharmaceutical assoc which represents retail drug fists this u onh a imall bein on h committer a conclusions bing dr harley d last spring am mm whj the wrnmenl announ d the removal of he 12 p dr harley said cent sales tax on all drugs j tit recommendation made by the finance minister mitchell epecial committee on drug i sharps budget speech included paces headed hv the haltoo throe of dr harfey t reeommen ndmi liberal mp a lane price this week douglas denhobn r- president ef tjjnadju harmaceutkral auocialion aaid that drug manufacturing companies should balance their prices so that private individ uals do not subsidize hospitals auid government institutions tlie present system he said forces individuals to pay for eu founts the manufacturers erswrt jo bospitalf for both tareaev wme eaeoi feoertc dfnga tfeat leerea tw u awtiect mhemltint this lowcost iaappiy to i i won in dations it euimiaated the 12 per cent sales tax en all drujfi etfective september 1st it re duced the tariffa on most drug imports to is per cent it crm fined the use of dumping dgtm on imported drup that ar auo made in canada main purpose the harley drug committe made 28 recommendations vbich can be divided fnte two eaeaa purposes to insure ujat csatadiana get cheaper druaa end to make euew use eheaper draga are aafe ef use if per eat aeies tax was delayed to sep tember 1st to gtve drof raanu- factvren ana aietrwqters to use up inventories less compared to man propji hirhh re pt but after the firi1 1 n less rapture of seeini m among the hippies he wind of reason blow ar know i couldn t make scene in thi mail 1ag when the government removes a tares tax it does not allow a rebate en the price of good already on retail sileites the fall session of parliam cnt starting on september 25 will give high priority to am endmenta to the patent act and the trade marks act designed to deal with drug prices the government wants to ta cklc the costs of re and development that are assigned by manufacturer to successful developments and te provid- for revalues to be paid manu faeturers instead of giving them monopoly rights on a prodyct we ve got started on a pro gram to provide cheaper drug for the piiblie and we in tend to follow through once the commons get back in session harley said when parliament goes into session this fail dr harley will also bead a special committee probe into the need for more liberalized abortion laws earlier this tear another probe he beaded raaoeafnended berth control law reform tbia has been precnlsad aa part ef the governments program for tb coming season says chief was fair did wonderful job liverpl hear mr editor afler wading the ilrral i dated the 27th juk lwr i thought i would vnle to mi and tell you that i ko imc been receiving the heral t every weelc since 1 returned to jour rm bli lngland in june of lftbc tj and let ihe sound of a peoples ex they re grot ullinr go forth in us joous unrest m p n iik ii j tttd a lot of dhrr idirhrumd uli s inti christian nation nn innocent lilth akull tliej lhls morning p comincrri mn tint u should f fragments disjointed do m honea dj s work for u mide one j da s p i i hi uv u mimo w lth tne laws and the s of i idn or ho nldfaahimcd i old fn a itoks up to the new risen sun and scarce conscious as et of t1ir ni i shndlrf teicc h r mission nur resp isihllllies n t r tn of the wealth of hw oung irm ihem that s mnlher m earnest life son id ncr nuke it as b starts out in the march of tlr hmjn i i b ctimplut lj mil nations of tinr to a future uh perils how 1hev behtved in helpin i eope wn necthil il m ct who shall not hope for mthoi nn l him fi 2 000 that future hnhm i durin hie deprcsion god s wide open book in her filhrr lost his bumncr be band use he ktpt on fimii trelit with her sturd and truth lm people h ho lould ne r pa mz comen inr t i is her brmd sprcadms acres of thev b lie d thnt nil hnre best vnu could nflict them on chiropragor gorald w corbah dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged s77o631 i1a main st north walker currie optometriit5 12 main sl s brampton phone 4514474 hours 9am to 6 p m tuesday to saturday fnday 9am la 9 pa evenings by appointment frank pbtch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tft 72864 georgetown wallaci thompson 3rd division court clark a commtutontr tr 7 2 robert r hamilton optometmt 116 mountaimn road south carrel a 1 bldg for appointment 773f71 georgetown animal clinic 106 qeelpb street dr r ft gaxkin clinic open 0 8 pjn mon w1d fri seturdav f 11 ajn nire to read but the ar y ullldnl thin about him and who does not welcome the rising of a neu star of promise this morn whose beams shall illuminate the darkness or million that are jet unborn then hail we in songs of re- joicinr our father land ocr the sea parents of 2 cleavcholm dr olhei s thcj told us man mail the herald to mo werklv nrioh that if vou couldn t mj ii cerulnl nr rrrt ithn nice about a per all the local now tirles lattly on chlei hale anrt th police force hae been py dtd tk id ef qiliu dlaturbing even thourh t and fought tooth and 1 have been out ot touch in thcn iu to keip pa cr or o when i knew ing on m m l5 jd of tha e mr haley i found him to ho hon bread and tl0 l lhe e the fairest man i ever knew a products took in board j if you ever needed help im era and louriita my dad who wji ala vallibl to rive too jlreonditlonera in v i i i u i the world like an emerald advice or to nfip in any wj tn congo took a aerlaa of ho could as ut chief ot po humlllatln lob as aalaamanl f lice he has had vary hard i n fighting it out head of three empires i hecjc sovereign of earths proudest throne j optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointment phono 773671 w h cam professional inajlnetr consulting engineer ontario land urvfyr office e77431i john b love architect 17 chapel st brampton commercial industrial and institutional buildings 77j032 451t3u gallant and of dsmintpns that and responsible job to do 1 w y braiher men and would like tff thank chief ha m almot nothina but and had to our newborn dom mion hail freest i host glorious clime ot the ley for the wonderful job he prise has done and i hope uill con mion tmiie in rio 1 the bclieed in cod anui d j-j- xi zzzxsz portumty to thank you i ncllrtl but to in many pleasant hours of sarin m buamess i tint had readme the herald th m lnc tw and i would like also to thank my parents for mailing the btnce c m paper to me and that they con nr unue to do so hchncd in jour blls and sweated agonies when thftre wasn t the money yours sincerely len taj lor bo freedom thy watchword and onward th motto stall cherished end true general insurance h foimrt heal ertahi ltd alfred r spence ucenssd auqi0neer the next public botiiur is and eer abroad on the breeret labour day sept 4th followed float thy time honoured red by tbankaeivnat oct 0th and whiu and blue then cttrwrneell monuments pollock a campbill designs on request inspect our work to greenwood cemetery phone 621 7530 cq water street north g a l t koller construction la now lnsahlnf muminumsidino windows a doors free eshmetets all work guaranteed call 3779102 tf

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