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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 28, 1967, p. 1

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i mrs h a dickenson of mount hope samples some of the entries in the baking con- itest a feature of georgetown fair which always attracts a great deal of interest mrs 1 dickenson repeated the tasting many times over as baking judge a job envious males i would have gladly accepted crowds engulfed midway rides as the attendance reached its peak in mid afternoon and lineups at ticket booths grew longer and longer here an unidentified dad wearing a top hat sunday duds and face full of whiskers mayor joe the man you keeps the small fry in the saddle on the ever popular merry- know gibbons rollls by a ammed grandstand in 1867 style the mayor mare and goround driver were part of a grand parade from georgetown market to the fair grounds georgetown herald i the home newspaper for georgetown and district i canada 11471967 tha haratd 1s671m7 a m second class mail post offic dept ottawa and for paymenl of pottage in caih georgetown ontario thursday september 28th 1967 5 00 per year single copy price ten cnt itwas a grand glorious fair georgetown s centennial fair lived up to all expectations a perfect combination of a fine fall day superior exhibits record crowd plus many extra features made il a standout a huge parade which toured major streets on its wav to he park added an exciting note to the day many women m centennial dress and a number of antique exhibits lent the pro per centennial touch centre field was packed irrth commercial exhibits while jumpers went through their paces and cattle classes paraded for the judges trotters provided the usual thrills on the track for the grandstand crowd ithile all afternoon crouds viewed the tine hall exhibit jirs norman robertson acton won most ot the major awards in the hall cxhrbits the centennial theme prcdomin- i ated in mov of the womens institute exhibits and reflected great deal of hard work and ingcnuitv in depicting the das of our ancestors ince mbuntford handled the emcee chords as usual with ralph tjrsel promding organ music on the bandshcll mavor joseph gibbons officially opened the fair with president keith webb welcoming the crowd with an ontario election in the offing ther mas a political flavour to the day one partv lea der liberal robert nixon rode in the parade and spoke to the crowd as did tr harry harlev 11p george kerr mpp and halton east candidates jim snow and robin skuce a detailed report of the fair prize winners is being com piled for the next herald issue vandenpol in new pastor i christian reformeachurch roger dupas new rc school board member roger dupas home project for georgetown grit tory candidates trade words over alleged scheme baptists dedicate church centennial steeple sunday bev albert vandenpol con ducted his first services on sun day at the christian riformcd church he replaces rev james joosse who has accepted a call i to a newmarket church mr vandenpol his wife and t farnjlj had been welcomed by tthe congregation at a rcceptioni a week aqo saturday lost i thursday there was an installa i tion service when a former min ister rev d c los now at jar- i fis returned to preach the i sermon mr joosse performed i the installation and rev peter i jonkcr brampton gave the charge to the minister and con crcgation mr vandenpol w ill he in i charge of a church which from modest beginnings first purch i ased and remodelled an obd dat i ry build n on main street the i built a handsome new church on the th i ne over 600 people are numbered in the congrcia tion of 1w families sundav ser ices are at 9 30 a m and 4 00 pm with a 200 pm sen ice n dutch twice monthly a native of nvmcgcn holland i he wis educated there and rerred as a minister and armv chaplain before coming to can ada irt l5i he was at rocky 1 atountai house alberta for 3 years later at drayton sarnia and lattcrlv at dunnvillc i the vandcnpols and their se- i ten children are living at 6s mam st s for the present but i will later move to a new home in ea georgetown presentlj being constructed jack janice i dd harriet are high school ctu- gerald dents gcrld and clara attend the christian school and dwayne and peter arc pre schoolers rogrr a dupas formorlv of toronto and st honiface mini toba has been appointed t mem ber of the georgetown separate school board mr dupas aged 34 is advertising mamger of the skil curpontirn i amdil limited i ucllknnvn inadnn power tool manufictunng firm married with ciht children the new membi r reside at a mackenzie drive lie replaces dr m odnur who rttditlj moved to scarborou li anniversary obscrv ances at first baptist church and ded lcalion of its centennial projec on the weekend were over whelming successes the church s centennial project was reconstruction of us towering itceple work was completed in midsummer with the placing of a ten foot gold cross at the pm acle at a dedication scrvue sun da afternoon mior joseph gibbon rev norman nung of knox prcsbjicnan church president of the georgetown district mwistnal association rev iohncs of miple avenue baptist church ilev canon gammon of acton baptist church and st paul s gcorg town brought greetings on hand for the special rcrv ice was michael crcan the new 1 hamburg steeple jack who han dkd the reconstruction lontract of the centennial project was shown i f four cinddjtti or church membership wire baptized dur ing the mornm annivtrsirv service the church wis filed to cvpicitv for ihc scrviu a which rev murrav mtleod of toronto bible college wis nicst prcaihcr tirst biplist i istnr rev i cs lie v luon btptized un 1im ela bigks miss join hirns david gng ind hitice peck and dedicated cirolvn jovcc rohson infint diughtir of mr and mrs a rohson communion ind rcc phm of new members followed a pec lal evening prngnm a well illcnded chuuli sup per and pronm of mn ics slides and hislonnl pictures saturdav cminj was a suru ss ful opening to the wccki nd pro the net nrnor oimno gov crnment home home owner ship ndc eisy project will he locitcd in ccorctown accord ins to reports circuiting iriund the county this week the georgetown homl pi ij ctt if it materialises would bcl the first homl development fr halton and the second to he lo caled in the toronto am the first is in brimilei the- slnrv apparcnth ins en oush basis for hilton fist lib eral cindidatc robin skutc toi hcore the idea skuie sptikink with fair ocrs at the libtral booth in the georgetown fair rrounds sdurdav slid the homl project is just another example of the consemlivc governments lick of foresight and complete disregard for people s fcelinr the project which jppiieritu would involve about 1000 fam ilies mcins georgetown tixpiy ers will hive to provide it llit two or three new cltmcntary schools ind a new hkh school skuce sjid in spite of mv imtul totiln but ion bv ihc developer to tnwn council s budsel tho continu 1s australia using georgetown made signs pictures and art rhs from the past were on disphy at an informal nccption in the ihureh auditorium iltcrwards first hj founded in cne hundred on a d h lo tw at which i film on t he piopress aco those illuminated street sins made by ew bliss so familiar i to georgetown residents arc becoming more and mora popu lar they are familiar to people i all over canada and the united states and won will be knowi to other countries as wcll they ippcar in the followms towns and cities kitchener lindsav oakvillc hamilton ottawa niagara falls gait cobourg vancouver cooksville brantford baltimore burlev idaho louisiana manbou new york chicago city of cole st luc quebec idaho falls in dianapolis texas ohio alabama georgia florida san francisco washington los angeles las vegas and milwaukee some have been shipped down under to australia and enquir les come from all otcr the world evcrj one of the siais arc made here u georgetown i where they stand ai an adver tiscment since they hive been up about a eir and a half vie re certanlv very pleased with them laid purchasing a gent peter pritt thev have proved themselves sot only del corativt hut lor night dnvc chamber of commerce makes bid for increased members movie theatre mooted as addition to plaza a couple of very responsibli limd up for the cnlirged p tt people are inttnsletl m slirt n a movtr thcilre in the pi u i anti si did tin buiblin stated mi j k n lie of boom is atliacting rtail moirs moiopolilin divelopimnts lid nkv th r i 7 r t t the i- opul vkdiild be the irci hiin a bmk a ld store im smith from cenlennial ciuiol several other merchants aic to the nv cr rezoning will allow house to be built a sin ill poitmn of king st has turn n nnrd fiom indu t rial to 113 risidminl hnd b count il tlie 1 nd on the nil mv id nf hinn lies b iwi m the queen st corner and iitnh st incl irl es the old fnundrv proprlv whirc n buil ing ilts rojid bj fire w is rrcentlv ri7i d or bob innrn l him 1 that a propcrtv owner w ints to construct a house on his land and that no neiehhounnii own crs hiv olijected following ad vertiiinj of the proposal cr riicntnir s itl onu the lol firm tin strrct lian b i n monrd and the hiik portions are still mdusiml who hit hippo 84 m ose 1w dr r bnrs os cattle 44 hores 1 pome 88 dogs rnd 8 pis an 1 a hippo were hit in cirs in oiiro to date ias d of t a fet acnuainu d nisht next week at north halton golf country c lub is in the nature of a revival meeting for thel chamber of commnc the chamber an active group of ivic boosters has had a dwindling of inlercsi in the last year or two tew mecuncs have been held and mcmbenhip has dropped recently a group of members alonr with some newly interest cd men flot together and decld cd that a growing town like georgetown demands an active chamber a scries of meetings i have been held nn executive headed bv irwin noble a presi oent as been formed and many plans arc being discussed for trrf chambers future in order to set the o acros- to other lntercmcd men next wednesday s dinner has been planned attendants will hear about ynai the chamber can do fm the commurily and as an added feature the provinc ial treasurer the honourable chirlei maevaughton will be guest speaker member for hurin ndin he lives in ieler and is a former highways minister four injured in auto collision at sinclair two motorists ind two teen ajo passintcrs were injured in an auto collision wedncsdav september 20th it th intcrsec tinn on cuclph st bud sin clair hoid inl rill r it 4 cor cttown on o tin d ivors was takn to hospiial with scalp cuts fractund right hind ind chest injuries ind passengers shirlev mccarthv r ii 4 wilh bruised nht inn and shock and june cooper h 11 4 with ajbossihl concussion the dn ifr of the other cir william rllcy 5 moultrrv resc recei ved cuts lo his h ad and injur cd right sht ulder tolico said rilev was diving north on sinclair ind makin- a left turn onto uelph st and ball was easihound on guelph st constabte r bcrl mov plated propertv dimagr at hcml jn ball car and vioo to the r t vehicle want more board members to share cedarvale load throe propnsik or improve ordibhni sul the ti wn in ments at ehr ile i ommumlj n jched th point whin i fl centre were idv ituu in i mil ciedton dmctir ould he pi of cil mondiv b 1 rd niiiiihu it d ic ind mid goviiinuil jim wirren rrini is ivulihlc luukr ihc pr per sit up mr marren smd thtre is plus furnilun pirlirul irlv qut i u d bv h hv ri c v belroom furniture f r mi the oldisrucht iho slid he his ind school which the hoird would 1 unpii its ahiut i in w pai kui like to sell and u l tlu imnuv lot ind pmr hghlink h ihc for other purpo ulnvih round i irani is si i tht iki ud ls dniu he also askeil thit t o tm re members he appomtid bo st ijnr the bo ird to nun i tlu work loa t could be billir ap i portiontri best to replaie in unsafe hridgt and tn pi mdc ficihties with lunds it his mil ihlr it is o ilv a temponrj incmvenience he stressed miastsltd tint a 1 and h rcation commission with r steam engine rescntatives frim sroups oper put to rest i alms the pirk swimmins pool and arm could co or in it i old no ml cr steam m miuh belter thi the locomt live which wis a reulir 1 ct i visitor lo gcorcctown while in sciv c v is put on its perm an council promised thit all tin rnt bed at cirlph cnr stitioi requests would be studied mai i saturdav as a tourist atlracton pro pn vent nd ing burden of supporting thit development will fall squarely and hcavilv on the shoulders of the georgetown homeowners he also said it is commoa sense that a municipality cannot support a large increase in resi dential hiulding without a pro portionate increase of industry to offset the need for more tax dollirs t icait net under present conditions where the municipal taxpayer has to pa 50 per cent of the cost of education skuca said fven with local consider ations aside the home program is an inadequate and hastily conceived attempt to meet on tario s housing crisis he added answering mr skuce s attack jim snow the progressive con servative candidate in this nd- int said this is a ndiculoul show of the incompetence of th 1 iberals first theyre crying for more housing and that there n not enoush heing done and as soon as thev get wind that a homl proect is coming ib thev attack it as being a burd en on the taxpavers the pc standard bearer said hi hid heard the story about georgetown getting the next home project but added to hit knowledge there has been n official announcement i haw no dnibt however that ther will be i home project in hal ion ist soon and as i bar c all along 1 am in full sup- poll of the scheme mr skuce s charge that homi proiect in georgetown wuuld be a burden to the town is almost too ridiculous to cotft ment on he said sure a de velopment as big as 1 000 homes mean more services it alway has and alwavs will home or am other kind of major devel opment is usuallv accompanied hv school building and exten- iion of other services but with more homes providing tax rev enue and the shoulders of a thousand more families to share the liad i cirt t see haw mr suce can fittd n thing t discredit in the plan to sav that home project would create a tat burden to to sav thit anv bousing co ftruction in ontario would exc- ae a tax burden the argu ment against it just doesol bom i water he concluded

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