Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 2, 1967, p. 6

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appeal to farmers important plank in snows campaign new hilton east mpp jim snow elected bv a slim margin in last ek i provincial ckct ion realized early in the canip- aign that the farm vote might prove to he he decij ng factor and so he coupled his reco d as a sucesilul builder witi 1 s equesing farm boy background basnj bis campaign on a claim the he is iamiha th thu problems of every reside it in the ndins inducting the farm er this was no idle clain be cau mr sno is s 1 do pu involved n lartmrs in the r i 111 additional to his construe or bus nes he raises hereford beef cattle in a teedlot opcrat ion at hornby 1 m no gentleman farmer h- ss d this is slncth a com mercial operation dav to da operation of the fan is handled by farm mina tr peter stemmann and his helper ken neelands there arc usually between 25 an 103 cattle on the farm none of which is breeding stock in a feedlot operation fcede cattle are bought at about 800 1 pounds raised to about 1200 pounds in four months and then sold on another piece of land near b stemmann and neelands grow enough corn silage and h for a year s operation with help of the most modern harv esters and self propelled forage wagons this is mixed with pur chased grain feed usually bar- icy and corn and with 40 per cent protein supplement 400 acres the operation has about 400 acres under cultivation 200 in corn 150 in hay and the rest in miscellaneous crops thi olororrown hirald thursday nov 2nd 147 pace 0 mr snow left the family farm when he was 19 made his mic- ceu as a builder for 10 years and then in 1908 two years af ter his first child was born bought his present farm and re- tned to live three miles from where he was raised two way vision swim ming along in fresh water with out spectacles the anableps a tropical tub is truly a foureyed specimen this livebearer which sometimes grows a foot long has unusual divided vision its eye resembles that of a frog except that the upper port ion is adapted for sight in the air while the lower is for vis ion in the water jim snow and farmhand ken neelands inspect corn on the hahon east mrps farm at r r 2 georgetown students impressions model united nations try davm warren crd gdhs despite my usual negative outlook on almost anything 1 must admit to being thorough ly impressed by the model un ited nations assembly as a grade 9 student 1 took part for the first time in the proceed ings held at georgetown high over the weekend while having some faults the organisers are due a great deal of praise my overall impres sion was one of excellence i represented a communist coun try rumania i was given an excellent opportunity to inves tigate the opposite side of the argument concerning world a fairs being myself a strong proamerican and devout fol lower of the western way of thinking i found the research into the foreign line of a social fat country to be very enligh tenlng by confronting myself with eastern viewpoints on various international questions i was provided with numerous explanations regarding com munist actions at the real unt ted nations a number of colourful dele gations not only expressed their country s views well but also made the affair entertaining wih controversial expressions in particular the delegations of pakistan cuba taiwan and ghana were exceptional in this department heavy desk thump- inn followed every major speech and added excitement along with frequent verbal cla abes between delegates t was interested to note that the proceedings glued many ob servers to the balcony ralunga the spectators turned out in large numbers to watch their fellow students and some pupils from out of town debate the is sues of the day i was very impressed with the ability of certain more ex perlenced delegations espec ially those of the us soviet union pakistan india and france however with a uttla imag inatlon a number of improve ments to general assembly and committee procedures might be earned out in my opinion this includes limitations on points of order and clarification as well as appeals also it is ra ther difficult to have your del tgatlon placed high on the speaker list invariably lead ing to a lack of ipseches from smaller delegations we were fortunate in being guided by the very capable lea dership of tony mcauley our president ions model assembly via i np interesting experience twk forward to the model pa uament with great expect tlons in summarisation 1 i say that th 1w7 united lavellsmith wedding in stewarttown church tconomtcal warmth the marriage of miss susm irene smith daughter of mrs e smith 73 mclntyre crescent and mr r smith of brampton to mr peter joseph lavell son of mr and mrs k j lavell 35 byron street took place recent ly in sl john s anglican church stewarttown canon j e max well performed the marriage and mrs maxwell was organist the church was decorated with white mums the bride who was riven in marriage by her father was in white silk with a lace long sleeved duster her eil m shoulder length and she carried a single white rose mrs jlh hooper montreal quebec attended her sister she was in pink and carried a single pink rose mr phillip lavell wai best man for his brother mrs smith mother of the bride wore a pale turquoise dress and coat with matching hat and received at a small re ception in her home 1 she uas assisted by mrs la i ell the grooms mother who wore deep turquoise with white hat and black accessories the couple left for a short trip the bride wearing n i orj wool suit with rust acces oris the will reside in goor getown and mr lavell will continue hn uniermt studies at the university of guelph heating oil some prospects are misers they let the rest of the world go buy i bailey oil sales have thalr wi oh burner repair man order dependable all winter warmth nowi sava monty trouble and worry our automatic service fcaepj your tank full without your cal bailey oil sales hwy 7 west georgetown 877403 1 centre of civilization the- would like to be able want second halton manor aw f f ii la to walk to a show or to a shop o oerve boutnern nalton i p ti mc marooned in a field as the arc the ong standing dispute o r the location of halton coun tys next senior ciutens home erupted in countv council again burba ton deputv rievc frank rcsrs demanded immediate clarification of whicn the countv centenn at manor board cois d ersnrot imoortant a nc i bu 1 din in the burlington oak lc area or ai addition to the pres nt fac litic in milton new building council ha alrtad said favours a ne buildi s in the south ai the next project he said but the arch teel a rep it to the xranor boar puts all tile emphasis on a new wing to the old mailer it shculdn t be th way acton flee c h h hntor on iccord from earlier meet nb a favouring adding to ihe prescn facil ties said dcputi iteet bogers vas quite presuirntuoi in aumui3 courcl faours t new bujding i tle sou i ocr new uing neither council nor the man or hoard is prepared to comm t itsel before it has all the fact lie said there have been nt side taken on it were dom il in i broad fair way deputy reeve rogers was jcn cd by bmlington reeve gorjor gallagher and oaktillc reeve herbert merrv in listing objec tons to a wing n the nortn mair concern their man cuncern is the nam ber of complaints from their constituents in the soulh tha ion lisances and lacit of fcs cv re rra i d fr cul and i pensive to vis t manor residenu tv t f and morc spcit b peoplt traveli ng from so h halton in a few years would rasl pi for a new mantr depute neve roeri said pec e g i acher ud o people vnt the nc facili clo c o the south and probablj our thinking will be toward a panic n anor close to thr cen r f population in burling ion and another for oakville reee merry admitted a new 150 bed building would cost 400 000 more than the same fc il tics built as a wing on the present manor since an addition vould not requires a furnace kitchen facilities or a land par hj mora contrtl bit the old people don t need i 1 t as larc as the present out for a manor in the south he aid the would prefer hi lot was smaller but nearer the 7 n the present manor ou cant work on the basis of comparing costs deputy reeve rogers said i cost it ore to build in the south be cauv lnd is more expensive b t burlington bai 35 times rote people than nassagawcja toanbhip and 12 times more ban milton and that means 35 12 times as many old people tht manor is recded in the sculh and that s where it should i he hii it not milts away just be cause it s cheaper iccve merrv a fonmr coun tv v rdcn ha urid oakville i ccuncil to swing its weight be hin i the campaign to have n home for the aged built alo j harley predicts drug prices to drop further i the chiirman of the commons i committer on drug costs dr harry harley of halton count said wednesday drug prices will be reduced again when the fed eral government amend thi i trademarks and patent art at tecting drug manufacture camda savings bonds an investment that wont let you down go ahead people buy their bonds at torontodominion the bonk whire people mak tho diffartncfc september il cd druk i govern l r howson manager 38b main st n jamei st georgetown ontario news echoes from the heralds of 10 and 30 year ago 1957 members of the georgetown hosp lal assoc at on ds cussed with halton mpp stanley hal the need o a hosptal in the north halton area also present at the meet ncf were doctors j h chamberla n al sta r mac n- tosh alan thorpson and ormond brewster who prepa ed a s gned latement to the effect that they fee a hos p tal s urgently needed here 9 hunt ng 40 m leswest of sudbury w th the blue moun ta n hunt club george hoare 16 c caveholm bagged a 400 lb black bear w th a s ngle wellplaced shot i corey herr ngton sr who ra ses fancy poultry at sunset farm bal nafad as well as ed t ng feather fencer a montl ly pou try paper has been chosen to judge at the royal w nter fa r for the 1 2th consecut ve t me th s year cyr i horde n of g en w ii ams a secur ty guard at or enda eng nes ltd has been awarded the nat onal safe ty counc i s only i fesav ng awrd the pres dent s med a it was awarded as a resu t of h s act on fast july n sav ng the i fe of a sw mmer at the 10th l ne bridge 1947 0 friday even ng the newly remodelled upper floor of the legion hall on mil street was off c ally opened the occaaion was the remembrance supper and dance ar ranged by a comm rtee under the cha rmanship of alex taylor 0 winners to the baby show at the recent glen will arns fair under 7 mo betty sargent lynda foster wayne tow under 15 mo wayne davison bruce fendley uddic hatnesv special lynda puckering young y oytf do hancock f moving i he federal al tax on drug speaking to the ontario hop ilal association s pharmacist section di harley said the pharmaceutical industry as fa as i am auarc has not mad anv attempt to produce a solut l of the ncr problem 1 nor ud the indujtr done anything about reconmicndat ions his committee tabled last april regarding high advcrtis ing an promotion costs four tim the amount spent on re search as a result he said the gov crnmeit at the current session of parliament would chance pat ent laws to give canadians less expensiv e and equally safe drugs guitar and drum lessons 451457 109 queen st e ttrtmpton ocwitot hi pgx v2sa weekly ion i rija ffis important we urfa eur cwttemera h have their grevnd prparl in advance in this way lanrt shruba h can be nunred immediately ta halt atture heal thy trowth its still a good time ta plant evergreens bargain tmulch a double acting plant flb retain molitura and feed the tall for bettor rwth- ltmitod t ouanttty order now m rao 425 50 lb bag spmlal mm 99 we are specialists in peonies fireplace hardwood third card minnd 1j split ihti u wynfield nursery garden centre hah mu mm of 71 lift en 17 skkroad miphone trrmn remembrance service georgetown remembrance park sunday november 5th 196 7 service at 2 30 p m ml citizens are urged to attend the service which honours thosi who died in two world wars and in the korean confuct legion members and any organ zstion w shing to parade report o parade marshal david lawman mm at 2 00 p n parade forma on mill street in front of legion hall an exciting- sue of gas ranges gas dryers t moffat dryer this handsome moffat dprer w ui turnwedrt lima cycle ind three hejt salt hen that su t ill weijhh of tacnes 8 ves you j large lint xrwn the sde sm ng dcor opens a irhoia 130 automatic ignition white only save now 189 68 matching washer you save sm 99 now 279 moffat 30 range tha haw look in moflat brings you iii new circle save simmer burners automatic clock and minute m nrjer automitic cook ind hold ovtn control and silent glide smokeless bro ler you ii like the lilt off lock on picture window on tht door too automatic oven ignition in now white antique copper 10 oq extra g99 19968 wide choice of ranges and dryers at special sale prices hodowh paymehteasy credit terms payment on your gas bill on sale now at your appliance dealers beputnent store and united gas s88iiq0ns united ga

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