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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 9, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald published by horn nwpapr umltad 22 main street south georgetown ontario w c biehn publlthsr page 4 thursday november 9th 1967 editorial comment faulty theory j talk of abolishing the detfth penalty far murder other than if the victim is a policeman or a prison guard seems to us mice a faulty theory in our opinion murder is murder and penalty is penalty if one believes that one forfeits his own life by wtlfully taking that f another then the occupation of the victim joes not enter the picture and if it does then how much more important to demand the death penalty for liking any life other than a policeman or floard men who enter a profession know ing the risks involved we are not in favour of abolil on though decidedly in favour of a more hu plane way of disposing of the guilty par we see no reason why society should expensive financing the mounting inflationary spiral has no better example than the town s latest jebenture issues which if finalized will demand a 74 interest rale with the de- bawiturec selling at a 4 00 per hundred discount only twenty years ago we can recall th issue which prov ded funds for the first sewage disposal system it sold at 3 nd bond dealers paid a premium to pur chase it one wonders how long the spiral can last ust es one wonders how high taxes tan go before the breaking po nt is reach d in the lifetime of elder res dec they can recall a day when what a man earned was his own and there was no income tax today besides paying a healthy chunk to central governments in this way we hell ut 12o on nearly everyih nq we buy n files tax to ottawa and over 5o to queen s ark ostensibly the ontario sales tax s 5 but this is charged on the cost of ai item including the 12 federal tax the system is not at all bad of course we get much value back in the form of ser- upsweep in mail bag an increase in hera d mailbag letiers it an indication that residents are tav ng a keen irrtwest in current quest ons we hope that readers w ii con nu to take advantage of th s means of a nig pet theories opinions on topical quest ons beefs and bouquets a weekly newspaper while a bus ness enterprise is different from most other bus inesses besides providing a necessary ser- be burdened with an expensive and dan gerous system of imprisoning a human be ing for a number of years there is the con stant danger that he will repeat his viol ence to argue that it is more humane to de prive a man of liberty for a lifetime is non sense too much better to finalize the punish ment swiftly our whole system of law is in desper ate need of overhaul but this is a backward step better to demand more stringent pen alties for crimes of violence for drunken motor manslaughter for those who ma other human beings in street brawls the advocates of humane treatment of vicious criminals are too prone to forget the victim and the tragedly which his death has brought to a family vices which werent enjoyed in the twen ties oid age security health insurance unemployment benefits are something we wouldn t want to do without thinking people are becoming hope work centre seeks supplies for workers discussion centred around the hope centre for retarded adults at a meeting of the geor getown ladies auxiliary to the north halton mentally retard ed association at the home of mrs karen harrison tuesday oct mth renovations ire currently in progress and when thews ire completed trainees will have much improved conditlona wmch to wcrtc kr j bndell explained to the mcrobera that the manager of the worfeabop had asked her to soe if coloured cotton goods white ration goods and wool could be collec ted for the workshop also acis- ora tea towels plastic bass a filing cabinet and desk ara greatly needed the auxiliary a next meeting will be held at the workshop so that now members and any others interested may get a closer look at the operation how look who thtjtks its a dotty word concerned that governments look on taxes lj n 19 i b lr es a bottomless pit and despite a tax hike 1 i ar l l k i to sspite i nd then our provincial and fed nents actually budget for huge every now a eral goverm deficits tt seems a paradox for instance thai queen s park which tells a municipality it must set an expense budget and keep w th i in it can decide that it will overspend by m ii ons of dohrs what s good for torn should be good for paul lsn t that elemen tary economies to return lo the sart ng po nt the in terest george own mus pay for borrowing for necessary expenditures can be d rectly traced to senior governments whose lack of any ftnanc al seise can plunge our whole nat on into a recess on which will make 1929 look 1 ke ch id s play lsn t it time we took stock and deci ded to cut our clo n o nt in canada vce o rorrrun ty n news and arjver is tng t has this human e emenl of prov ding a publ c soi ding board the only st pulat on n letiers is mat jl e w i er n ust agret- to have his name and addres appear and t ut the eo tor reserves the r gi t to eliminate anything which he cons ders i oe ou as dean mart n sys keep those let f r com ng they n ako tr e herald that halton sugar and spice tef by bill smiley o some of us remember news echoes from th haralda of 10 and 20 year ago f in a countywide poster contest for grade 5 pupils spon sored by the halton fire prevention bureau george town and glen williams coppel top prizes winners were ricky parry of chapel st school and carol march- ment of glen williams public school there is a possibility that georgetown will soon have a third service club several young men are interested and have met twice with oakville kinsmen club laying plans for the organization of a kinsmen club in george town a large barn on the former william t cromar farm was completely destroyed by fire sunday night the flames battled in relays by georgetown firemen were teen as a pink glow in the sky by residents five miles away 1947 jack polly has been appointed manager of the gregory theatre m georgetown and has come here to mako his home 4 georgettown voters will have three questions on their ballots in the municipal elections this year whether they are in favour of si 200 annual band grant of lect- ing councillors by general vote rather than by wards and of having a board of education rather than an ap pointed high school board and elected public school board weekly observations by dr harry harley mp for halton what will the flower child ren do on remembrance dav will they refuse to buy a pop pv because they associate it with past wars or will thev buy every poppy they can get their hands on and try to infuse a brew of opium so that they can turn on and over the top old veterans business directory lis mlch ninre fashionable to join a protest group and march on something or other i city hull the american con sulato it dncsn t matter break some windows splash some paint and fio homo sniggering all i know is that they 11 lint we rcallv showed those have a tough time getting an i fascists pappy juice out of those pipirj poppies the leg ton eciis chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments made daily call tr 7m01 30 mill st georgetown nuch r a great dfal of concern has been expressed recently in the house of commons on the stious problem of pollution this tin e more emphasis has been pliced on the problem of uatcr pollution any firm tint wishes to do o mav obtain some financial assistance towards ef fcctive methods against water pollution cmmating from their plant water pollution centre his brm srt up at burlington ontario which is making a re search sluciv into water pollul ion m the wit rs of uikc onlar 10 and uikc trie my daughter and i have a running battlo about tha flow r children and hippiei in gen ral she has a slogan love a all you ned which i find scrawled on thins all over the haute my contention is th it tho i kids don t iovt embody tut themselves that thev heart il hate anvono who tloesn t sub scribe to their half baked phi losophv if ou want to rnccl h with such a tt rtn ind tti rt most of them don t know n i oujh ibout life to wii tin i own nose s thrill in ht that the police mi ht wlmk a few heads even drtw hlo d not jours of hi- thoi i w mdi r how manv of those prou st rs would have the guts to climber out of a muddy i stinking trenth and hurl them li s rite birbed wire and mvli ncuns looking for their viluv 1 wndi how many of the people who carr placards with lie r little fit jowls boun tin on thur white collar could fl ihroukh a thousand irn of rod hoi fhk because somcbod hid to do if chiropractor oarald w cerbett dc open dally by appointment house calls arranged 776631 11 a main st north barragers claanorsshirt launderere tr 72279 ib main s 160 guelph all work dona on pramtaae frank pitch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr- 72864 georgetown this hu of litre ng from my kitchen wi the ladies evening tnppinesi and sadncssr naintams a clnv ss as marriage partners maroaret gordon we had our gettohnnw one ttlother party last tuesday an 1 treryone told me as the left kow much thej had cnjnvcil tbemsclvcs there were eleven ladies pre cut some old neighbour some new some had lm georgetown all their lives cme had come froaji diflercni parts of canada or other coun ides half a dozen convert found thiy hae mutual friend rr other towns and im nund a vane of common in uresis id introduced mist if to the ncv neighbours b phone and whim possible made persoml p cortirt while arranging the pv anj to manv offered assistance 1 in in tiding to the lunch or mt an mi it if there s anything 1 can do j isi ask was ihi res ponse to the invitation as a re suit aside from cleaning the house 1 had very littir to do as k as air pollution is concerned a mtional sampling progrimme for ur pollution has been set up b the department of national heath and welfare it is to accumulate data so that standards of air quality can be established and maintained jxeat deal of investigation his aso gono into the question of air pollution by motor vehicles this has examined the various bhhihmm types oi control devices in cirs mil ton bn in best a mem and their effectiveness in all hi r of milton chimbcr of com kinds o weather lnfortunate morre his suggested the towns ly the present type that is av mnreh will soon go broke and ailahle dons not appear to be clnsr up unless business poten effective in dicitel vehicles till litis nt t mere isc moro where perhaps the major prob year aslcm ts tint district news at a glance goes c immrili itclv ri k iti rapidly men isini of the popul ill n dnesn t und rstitirl jmthn agimst lurvthing md communicate kven tlwu admit thej aie snobbish about the r deal hin r custom did this viar an ipplicat heing circulated this week mong the towns business eta bhsbmnls pr tteslme omb s de ere going on at the same timi thankful forth help too ln granting annexation lor the best part of the evrmm a rcurned from hw two a n a report we talked about the usual sub d t kn1 h m r irtmlcrt rxmild skinner iects when mothers get tog ther m lhcrl is lo bp dorc aillr bo tirmtd extensive renovat ttie children and their funnv tr d timf i the oltl town hall im fcfficult wais the broken dun j kn od nr nm w pnctici acton council pass washing machine incidcntiih c p lhc direct anil st a mi linn to accept the ten y 3cuum cleaner brokt down huo or slop for cha di r nf znruc construction ol fcalfwav through mv clanin n a ri ni is h r m trelown t ir the renovation amn p or stop a irirnd at nlfce wher ad i had lo borrow mvjii vmrs and the florr that wnnt wne no matter how much pol tnn m fjhing vou gic u ir sine of the ask hir o c fn i hk to tht present town officer at th gartkn the mc at a price of s22 885 mkhbours in oilntvu i b police chief one lick kent has estimated hal one neighbour is a choo acher and she told the st bout the little hoi wnn said c tr one day miss brown 1 like inging 0 canada when jou jj ng it you stand in the kitchejn ir po7lld she 3ked him tore n si rive i oneself to rectixe ind our neighbourhood is joiii to dc a giving place 1 can tell 9tt the statement and after fveral repititions she got it when vou sing o canada vou und at attention our neighbourhood lik have you done anjthin towards making it a friendlier place to lvc try to if vou can low e en damage in orangevillc ti bi in rvcess f ooo firr hdrant was completely ru nctl windows were broken m the town hall the police station lhc chief s home and numerous other ptices traffic signs lied down and fire set on the recentlv i met a girl who told hre h0sf nad lo be me i was the second girl to od lo brcak up a mob of l50 come into her home for a cup otu r i mrl t cttini rt m ihr lc o11 hp s ji vrcitii ik a ura in was the 2q year old woman and her two nly problem we nn into but it jou i old son on the lack of eerna to me that lots and lots m husband had to be out ifetv gates at the cn crossing rf ulking like that is the best that partv night and when he on hmnedv rd south the jury way to get to know one another came m w had to sit down and added brampton should repeal find things to laugh over talk about it and about what its bj law forbidding trains to any problems many he d been dofng we try to share histre at crossingi ia towa air the ffderai government considering introducing national clean air act would cover such things as establishment of criterion setting up standard- clean air and the maintenance of these standards motor vehicle anti pollution devices lo be kept uptodate by advances in science 1 technical assistance and ad xice to provincial control agen cies 4 continuing research into specific air pollution problems and their effect on human and animal health and on food nd propcrtv i5 proper antipoll ution meth ods bv the federal government itself as an employer 6 financial assiatance to unl vcrsiuei and other teaehmg centreifor research leading to better control of air pollution 7 an advisory council may be set up within the department of national health and welfare on qtiestiotia concerning air pollu i wonder how many of the pelition tlgnen with their tlenn tockt and their underarm dfodorant could take a week of pukirg and gcttiny smashed about in a corvette walker currli optometrists 12 mam st s brampton phone 4514474 hours 9 am to 0 p m tuesday to saturday friday 9 am to 9 p m erenings by appointment wallaci thompson 3rd division court curk commiuionor tr 779u mil i m nil i 111 i s ii tn i a little bitter ibe ihey could m of hum but it hilv shouldn t akrd her wh she didn t ive i whack it tin l n l eont-t- ita opin lii all i jr isrutlln yt ir is stupid dents and thev cm write in j ih ise who died ssn or poi m nbt ut tin m in i s ii ui sc whe nt of renunibntiii d iv t ilh wi h i tun luiiks ind ar nd die ante irii hive an id i didnt anjlh n well wlnt utd f i th cash prizes but it cining foi hive an u killed in tht war in vou do i apol licl that both hi r w r ti m u cits arc ilive and thai i cnulli nnt get nivsclf kilittl evtn th the utmost nppliedion of in eompetence just so that slu could rcilly enjoy bemeinbrnn i cc da i i the hit thire an iin think ib i mhr i ii ii of it know some of us u on item robert r hamilton optometrltt 116 mounlainview road south carretal bldg per appointment 773971 georgetown animal clinic 106 geielph street dr r b gaikin clinic open s 6 pjl mon wed fttl saturday 11 aji w h cam professional engineer consulting engineer ontario land survey office s772211 i773360homv tioa eighteen seconds liter she beefing beciiifie 1 haven t r en her a driving lesson in i whole wetk and she s just pi lo get her license before tht snow flies im afraid w l ra rnn 1o have to face the fact tint re memhranee day does not mean much to the average kid tndiv it a not neirlv as important as the latest soul record and it 3 a mild bore a solemn mo- it school that has no connection with the saturday night date or the really impor tant things of life it a uit one of thoe silh i things that middle aged people i get all hung up about like hard wort and honesty and chastity and all those other drasa i and us not just the kids who ignore it vast young aduti sneer at it as a relic of britannia rulej the waxes georgetown herald publithod by home nowipapcn limited tt rultwn ontirio walter c behn sarfteld mcgilvray itctmn superintendent ailecn bradley accountant optometrist l m brown 0 d 35 mill st for appointment phono 77371 general ajm insurance 1fcert h fobort real estate ltd mrs in anne curne reporter frink mullin advcrtisinr manager isli hrk have hastinrs mvles gilsnn john mcclemenu george young printing op distinction statements letterheads envelopes wedding invitations georgetown herald auctioneer alf red r spince fuuy licenced olen williams 1773906 monuments pollock a campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 621 75e0 2 water street nafu g a lt letters to the editor letters to the editor are ae cepted for publication provided the writer append ht name and addreu and the content u free of libel personal insult or other impropriety writera ahould attempt to deal with a subject of public interest and have their letters in the 1 herald office by monday for the sama week a edition i keller construction u now installing aluminum sidino windows 1 doors fre estimatea all work guaranteed call 177 9101

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