Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 9, 1967, p. 5

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loyal true blues mark 46 years existence a trip ilibntion wis htld ion mtunliv iveninj october i 28th in lsoucsing community hall stcwirttnwn when hal pride i lit i ov il i rut i blue asociilioi hosted a din i ncr pirt iilebnlin uieir i 46th h rthdas is nil is lin ladas ccnlonnnl md tin lootli i rtmver ir of tin fo indin of i the i i i tlon il in llm tor in suitibly inscribed in covir the three occasions centred the tabic antique oil limps and noscgijs of red carnations with royal blui streamers complcltd the diconlmns rtu blrtl d i cake wis cut by i v sislirmas hunting past supreme dri d mist revs and after dinner m w sister isobel nichols supreme ormd mistress of hc iti iddn ssed the gathcrm cirlctin were extended iron the provincial grand lodge of unurio bv the provincial mis tress it sister imiis idke brentford of 1 imehotise f iv n ired the pilhi ring with sevtial ducts itcompinicd on the pianu by mrs utrt bcnlnn mr ttoy cock cnlt rtaincd with several livl necordion soios and humorous readings he was iccompinicd by mr dean l ule on his biss guitar for several numbers jin is ittcndcd lion lindsiv peterboro hi int ford itielpb rock ood cton and lioorguowu minv won i ccntennnl costumes md prics i were awirdcd tn m sisur in the prorim folio md di 1 zoc trie of tronto 7l years ajner the presic ent of the 1 r i member of the assocntiom sis b a and orange home at rich i ter margaret hillier mr jimcslmond hill bro willis cun i gumboil and mr george thai nmgham show el slides of the i mcrs home and gave a vcrv cnjitht i ening commentarv miss bet l th ec tiered birthday cake i ann and miss mary lou brown penny sile miction roundei iblc ivening j chine v in enjoj m w sisler jessie shortill thanked all who helped to n vf the evening a success sislu annie bingham cater ed to the dinner ami lsqucsing women s institute members served the conrmttee in chirge of the evening was com posd of bisters a bullock m hillicr f little and d harris bil m i m w sister isobel nichols of toronto supreme grand mistress of the loyal true i blue association w sister alex bullock worshipful mistrtss of haltons pride no i 393 georgetown and w sister aleda mccartney charter member of the local lodge i at the associations centennial birthday party october 28 in esquesing community hall sfewarttown residents ask for street lights a petit m frrm re dents of the owner sas its ok lis nl i stew art town and the 7th lin light with us stated the roei was pie erted to ksqusin the cabin will be used bv courul mnndn bv lai bn scouts on weekend cimpin clav it i ked f r str et lih a llipi i for the are i mr councll lh reee leslu i pl inn d it scout- had been using pirt of would be turned oer tn the hv tne f s yeirs or a i dro which vnuhl tniki sur i i i a vt the dolhr cheq n vci of the viiith showing ho hls ncur nc n clsno he idd manv lighls in muled and ho v u much it would c s lnp rllw cxp thil the if the petitiomrs te til m ileilth unit and the building favoin ihm the lih s will be i ispcclor mi be involved but installed ouncil msn i too costly to move maple hydro pole 1 m gcllinj more and more c complnnls ahout the hvdr o pole at ihe main maplt corner s whj docs it base to hi there i sked cr fmmcrson it imon 1 t s council mictiii f boid chiirnnr bill siulh c ilinud that because of tin e of c ible it carrier it w iild in c slh in n locale h r ii lo ks odd now b it wh i silver wood in the mail bag elevate henderson to corporals rank some pertinent thoughts for canadas remembrance no objection to babysitters rates a moli l frr m m linn c u cil request ng i scjiusing lo pl a b law g r verr nig 1 md use th- in a mlh of ihji u o got scint tun n rbrv inl i n kill v hit w plan thnr hf i thv trv 1 ui annex it ms lh lvc comment s 1 mitt r wi droppc i ouncil nil i d a tianl i flfle n d rs 1 o tho i p v da fund chi irr n of the r scou r 1 1 r- rv gi r i j told m n i 1 n pum ssii from h r i mi onjjr ckti i 1 i ns s loiu i relatives meet first time in 47 years mrs liabelh overland flf sault sic marie made a sur pi i e visit to mr and mrs har ly scot a week ago sunday i mrs overland and mr scott are cousins and had not met in 47 vears mr ind mrs v tampbcll murtl back to silverwood from own this pist week lr hirrv marchinglon miss i is i kelk mr and mrs d i mdsiv and famil and mr bo s b irt of the silverwood dm- lnct were iceent ljcpo visitors mrs r norton wis an in s itute delegate to the area convention in guelph the g md wishes of the com muritv ire extended to sheila imphell md john stull vsno ire mured on october 28 in 1 irnrhnusr presbvtcrun chu eh th rectplion wis kild in the nirch h 11 11 bwing street nov 5 1907 the editor tics and towns all across contda vvc shall bo remember ins those who fought and the thousands who jav their irvcs sacrifice for the freedom that is ours today as i raised my bed ensign today uic sines were dark and stormy a silent prayer went up to god the almighty for all his blessings to us unworthy as wc sometimes are to re ccive them i thought of those who bought for us our freedom a freedom that so few of us ap preciate and many take for granted i agree with jane scott she is so right about the us draft dodgers and i admire the cour age and vision of lubor zink he is one of the very few who can clearly see the handwrit ing on the wall for us as i left my garden arter raising my flag i thought over the pait of two world wars and those nations who fell to the enemy and have never cain ed their freedom hale and strive desperately to avoid but peace al any price has proved in the past that it means disaster later on before the last world war hitler demanded thu piece as a price for our peace he got it only to demand another piece he overran one small country after another until he had conquered even france and his next piece was england but england finally woke up and decided that england wai not going to be that next piece and together with the help oi her allies canada the u s australia etc they set out to drive back the invaders to their own land france and its ungrateful de gaulle was the firt lo be liberated then one by one hoi land and the others during those terrible days our newspapers carried many pic turcs of atrocities earned on in the name of war wc saw pic tures of women being herded in to the bush in poland to be shot we heard of carloads of young boys being shipped in freight cars and arriving at their des tination frozen and stacked like eordwood the young men who fear for their lives have my sympathy but they should remember that the things that happened in the last war could very well hap pen here or in the us unless we take care to keep those les sons in our minds most of those who marched in peace parades are those young students who have nevci known the ravages of war they hav never heard the scream of sirens or seen ihe fire bombs dcscondin on their homes they have never received a letter telling 11 we have left is a clock and a fireplace ten dcr the horrors of war should not be but as long as we havcl dowrra2edmcillikciljtjcr i like the communists who still today have not freed the na tioni under their control and who would use the same tac tics todav that they used dur ing the hungarian uprising in 1956 when they used tanks in the streets of hungary to sub due those whn wanted the verv freedom which is ours today before i entered my home after raising my flag in silent tribute i stood for one brief moment 4o look at that flag and as if in answer to my pray er the sun came out in all it glory this week wc remember flanders fields and the oft re peated words lest we for get katherine cordarn k r 1 i imhoue dear sir i do not ere whv margirel gordon should be to upset ah out the thought that some dij she might have to pav a babv sitter 50c an hour in 1 7k if ter midnight i lived in georgetown for 7 years and had always pud those rotes i can never remem bcr if those prices were niv l idea or the sitters i hive al ways thought them to he worthy of those rates 1 never looked at them as golddig ring but as performing a duly for mc for money why should they do mc the favour of sit ting because we mothers dc serve to go out once in t while just because their pir cnts buy them their clothes and books is no reason why they should work for less than what they are worlh shirley moon r r 1 umchnii c bx hews on r i resident thi oiqroitown hlftalb thursday nov fthim7 pagf 5 a member of tho police force roy henderson h 11 bei n prom oted to the rank of corponl council monday following a rets appolntmint wis mado hy ommcndatlon by the new geor getown polico commission wrights mbbshofc variety 7 james street open 8 am to 9 p m 7 days opposite mackenxie s personal attention phone 8779589 ample free parking t wymfield nursery garden centre half mile west of 7tht line on 17 sideroad telephone 877 9952 t- mulch protects your plants nourishes the soil special 50 lb bag reg 4 25 foi 29 fireplace hardwood fireplace cord split ready to us delivered 1200 disagrees with editor says local party politics good 40 main st s nov 4th 1967 mr chi wils and mis- r r ir in fin shtd ihe t mi n si will be in itrri il hopetown nipbell sp nt a few hmond hill las honoured at 4h bmqucc 1r editor in yoitr editorial comment close election dated october 26 you wrote in part we think party politics play no part in municipal affairs i could list several municipalities where parv politics do play a very lar sr put and very successful in numcipal politics howevei 1 l vsoulri like to suggest to you and to vour readers the need for parly politics on the municipal level i to have political parties al the municipal level is simplj being realistic the candidate by identifying himself with his pol it cal beliefs will enable the public lo belter asiebs his pro bablc reiclion to local issues the choice will not depend then on such political intangibles as business affiliations personal success chanty donations club i memberships or pressure ex crttl by various organizations md groups which hcrelofort i have influenced the vole to elect councils which have proved to be hitler disappointments lets take municipal partv politics from the backroom and bring them to the people arc to have a true de mocratic government in the rr 2 georgetown youth wirtes prizewinning essay the three winners of ontario hydros essay wring contest on electricity on the farm were announced af a a h banquet m niagara tails october 38 stuart nurse left r r 2 georgetown won second prize 25 cheque for h s essay which traced the evolut on of dairy farm equipment s nee 1880 stuart an 18 yearold student from i georgetown d sir c h gh school is a member of halton 4h electrical club the es i say was sponsored by hydros farm publicaton the symbol and was open to all ihi elecrcal club members n ontaro linda wolfe from mitchell and ronald i made branrford were also winner e for all candidate lo be recognized for what they f federal provincial and on ihe municipal level we musf have an informed electorate before we can etpect an intelligent chouc o council member and what of the candidate himself how will his actions be affected b announcing his poll tic1 affilalions certainly he will be icsf depcnaenl on local influenlibl backers he can be more impartial in his decisions knowing he has his party i up poit he can be better informed by seeking the advice of fellow party members with experience in municipal affairs his election campaign will not be limited to his own financial reserves and he will have the help of many volunteer workera whose inter est is for better government for ihe town the live in the standard of local govern i ment will improve with the in production of party politics any dishoiest dealings or corrup tions of officials will be rcflec ted in the party a image and it v ill be in the party a interest to see that the people toe the line it would mean less election pro mises that are never fulfilled and rrore truthful information lo the people anyone who is unwilling lo be recogmwd as to his political leanings and wishes to run as a candidate either has something to hide or is seeking election on falsa pretences commends choice of new councillor 87 sargent rni dear mr editor commendations are burelv in order to council for the ap pointment to fill the vacant council scat for viard 2 the choice ha not been easy one in a fast growing eomniunitv such as ours the desire might seem to be for a person of past experience but with nn new comers council could tend tn become intolennt to the dc sires of the people all considered it seems the choice has been a wi e decision in the aappmnlmertt of john hole he was ihe rimnrr up in ihe past two election resent ward 2 now that hii desire tn be t represcnlailve has been fulfill ed he will be bringing to roun cil his jears of organizational abilities gained through union management relations also he has always taken a vcrv active pari in legion affairs and he is deeply concerned for the continued progn ss md im provemenl of georgetown john v ill definitely he nn asset to maintain a fivounble balance in our munieipial gov crnmenl onrs tmh albert porter the council of the county of halton rep chimpanzees are ihe onlj apes known to make tools for fast action llt3 mllim irak hmict consult a mcmuk of thi brampton real estate board and the committee of management of halton centennial manor announce the official opening of martin house halton centennial manor thursday november 9th 1967 at 2 p m a cordial invitation n extonded to tho public to ahrnd open house will be held on saturday november 11th and sunday november 12th from 2 4 p m nlle holy land annoon- h s lei crs lo the kings re g ous h siorv local c cray of all faiths r i ac ou io i wcstigata i1 e ther throi gh yi baha is of georgetown 15 normandy boulevard georgetown mrs m barr secretary baha i open house saturday nov 11th 815 p w speaker and slides cedarvale centre maple and mam streets everyone welcome

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