Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1967, p. 1

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georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district to harald iu71h7 canada 1w71967 authorized as second chta mall past offic dapt ottawa and for paymanl of pottage in cash georgetown ontario thursday dacembar 7th 1967 5 00 per year single copy price tan centa from george to george congratulations currie reeve by slim majority fourth town voting ward 23 vote edge gives veteran possible with expansion campaigner win over incumbent gcor n s 1 967 grow ii may lead to a shift in boundar ics or creation of an cxtti vol infi ward before the nctt muni ci pa election a letter from assessment com issioner marshall bam surest cd to council monti ty that this hould he considered in tin new year council has been think nj of this- too ind it will he disui d 3 committee meeting s ml kccve wm i- hunter to conserv ion council named rov balunlinc is its representative on cruiit valley nnservit on authontv h will replace h ri 1 hirn on who rcsincd his council post cirlicr this vear 1 take i p uion with the town lim mjjonly of t hrct votes george currie hell lit george itslic for the top pt in i squesin countil ihi civr of lh township when the e vnship went to the polls mon lex blackw oher reprcsi uthontj i tht li free parking the usual christmas will ex st on main slri t inf monday december 1 1 h was decided to hood ipf mete from then unl comber 11 and allow free hour parking during th d nd he 11 h time in thirlv lint george urrie elided rcft nl l- patk i he h served is i nil thin fi ind from lh7 hftn he has iik doputj from lf3 t 1050 to 1d1 lsfil ir be ew inn nbent l christmas si at campaign a dash or currie votes tilts scales esquesing reeve george leslie who owns an amazing record of success at the township polls performs an unfamiliar gesture here in congratulating a winning opponent george curne deputy reeve currie won the township reeves chair from his colleague by a 23 vote majority in monday s election opinion divided on police commission salary scale miss mr mrs georgetown chosen at centennial ball gives 1000 for halton tb association aid world health o motion to establish salar let for georgetown s new police coir missioncrs was rejected b council in a split 44 vole on monday salaries recommended arc s800 for the chairman john t rmstrong and s700 each for judge alan sprague and mayor joseph gibbons with a mileage allowance also for the judge i didr t vote for the commis sion but now we have them and we hive to nuke the best of it said reeve hunter n nncm the salirv mition we en expect men to ervl or the com miion without bcinj paid mg objected o i i aid it is for attend cr flai vcarlv fc preferable lo ance jt mcetm two member of the com re ssien arc also on the hjdro commission and receive 20 v meeting there so do to in and countv councillors he sa d i he said the commission onlv meets twite a month and that in future liitrc might bt a fowl as four meetings a vcr as is customarv for a neighbouring commission deputv reeve rthur speight who seconded tht motion said ne rnd done so only to get it on the floor he suggested a 30 per meeting fee then asked to be withdrawn as the motions seconder t don t think the judge would tare to com here andl sit for s20 a meeting said thai ireve ihis fee is alout what oilier towns pay and 1 think it is justified cr ballentine the new sec ondtr said that even if few meetings arc held council must piv for th calibre of mai it needs besides members art doi commission work out of aettings he said and remind cd council that mmv head aches have been removed from them with creation of thi comm ssion 700 a vear to look after our ficet of town business qucr icd cr young we get 1000 a vcir to look after evermhinq el iv the vote reeve hunter cr ballentine smith and tm mcrson supported the salarv scale deputj reeve spcigh cr frailer young and holt inpo od it major gibbons dc clincd to vote ii ss barbara pankenm was crow rid uss gtorgetown at the fall centennial ball on fri div at the georgetown golf country club one of five contestants who vied for the honour she was crowned b councillor w b smith in a ceremony which bhlishttd the daiktjjlaaned as one of the town s centennial celebrations she received a centennial con collection from major joseph giohons as well as gifts winch ranged from record i and i pir inancnt wavt ki lo gift ccrlif lnes from tn inv local mcrch anls in i mi ind mi i ricto contest paul armstrong and j mrs dora sutherland were chos en as man and woman of the year and the too were prcs cnled with centennial com col lections ball attendants danced to the music of johnny tochers orch cstra councillor smith and his wife mere dressed in centennial cortames- to lend the proper touch to the evening it was the second such feshvitj in toe spring a similar affair was held at the riviera intrants in the miss george town contest included misses gale livingstone sheila jeffrey gcraldine kavanagh and trudy hmmcrson i rotary books riviera for famous don cossack choir tht ihusicji highlight of the migres who fought commun veir for georgetown and dis ism in russia as early as 1918 iflcl will take pi ice in the ri viera nerval in march who the georgetown botirv hub presents the fimous don cos sack chorus ind dinci rs rot bob our on herald this weck the nee 1933 the group has tour cd all five continents of the world and crossed the equator nineteen times its member have travelled on a total of one told hundred and seven different club ocean liners an1 visited sixty the oocning of the 19b7 christmas seal campaign was announced at a recent meeun held in milton of the board of directors of the halton countv tuberculosis and health assoc lation the campaign officially opened on tuesday november 14th with the mailing of about 32 000 jetten to the residents of halton county the monument al job of filling envelopes with cinpaign material way undcrta ken by a group of 106 students of thomas a blakelock hih school oakviltc under the dir cction of the principal mr lujh brcarley himself a director of the assoc ition all funds id ministered bv tin tb as ocnl ion arc raised through hr si mas seal ampaipn ijonl rtpr sennt ves are john i lliott argclown ind mis h st n find ijmchoiise doration of sllmlo 1 1 world health organizitim w s announctd tt the meeting i hi grant wa- directed for the pur clnse of bcg injections for children m t developing countrv infected with ib t be usi d al iho discretion of ir mahlar i director of the tb section or the who ihe extent of tin use f lines of such a donition can be realized with the cost l in injection for one child bt mi five cents 1 his wo id during the niectin l ujsw am stressed that ib is rtalh fir from being under tontrol that manj cases are still heme detected and treated in saml ona throughout canada and th world statistics show ih t jp proximately half the world s population s m some wav if feeed by xb with the disiase rimpant in some underdevelop ed countries oulltt lost his stit on t i hi in the low mm in ibe f r the three st its topping ihe poll for council i as it bob law son with 7fih ntxt vjs c r pat pit trson with 73fi third wilfrid i i ijslie wilh 501 and fourth james goodlet with 48j i the position of deputy reeve vis filed dv acclamation and ent lo tom hill dr r thompson topped nit irlv the poll for school bmrd but received more votes thin mvoni elie in the election u ilh a lolal of 820 votes he led tin net for sthrut board fot lowed h a i lovd rishcr with i91 ind chester larly with 667 tlilst three will serve on the hoard ml are presently on th8 tmrd newcomer to the field jitms rnncc tniled with 306 votta thi two veir term ws appro 1 almost two to one with 667 voting m fivour of the two year term and ill opposing it onlv 23 per cent of the elig ible voters bothered to turn up al he polls of 4 5r2 eligible voters onlv 1044 voted following a tradition in es- quesin the reeve george les- i c called everyone into th i council chamber and introduc ed the newlyelected members nceve george leslie stated it i was the first time he had been i defeated maybe i stayed m too long he quipped he con gratulated ever one and exten ding his hand to the senator as george curne is affectionately known around municipal circles he said no hard feelings george- currie responded say- ng there neve was a lime so much past experience battled one another the remainder of the newly elected candida cs thanked their supporters and promised co operation in the coming yeinr little change in 1968 committees for council i m stiurl u o h for halton countv re poltd the rtctnt discovery of tiree let ve cases of tb in one fnirtli in ihe neighbourhood besides treatment of ihe active cases it al o results in eli u ti c invcstiniion of ill mdiv duals coming in contact v it h the infected children i ortunatelv n this totintiv irgeh a result of efforts of the tb ormizations support in the medical profession di cov suits in c3rlj treitnunl ind rv of iclive cists usmlk re c ire mil j much hoi ir con fincment ir hospital thin wis at ono time necessarv means new fire engine if esquesing pulls out voting lo make repairs to the jim young towns f re engine mondav laor i in mis aio he counc i al di cused the pur convinced thai the to in cbise of a e nd en me should tti have u o n depirtmrn lsjucsing follow us phn to nc mure drop out of the fi e arei and csublih its o i dtpaitm n has arnnged to present nieh sevftn different countries onlv one sluf m chairman hip will be made in george towns 196s council committees svvice ind sanitation for which rrcd harrison was chair mm until his resignation from cnniul this veir will hive jim young is cha rmin mr younf prcsrrtlv chairman of fire had his 10b lessened when crcition f a police commis ion remov ed this dcpirtmcnt jrom coun nl s junsdic ion i r lohn hole who replaced mr harrison in counal a ird 2 representitive will be i the lit 8 fire chairman council will continue to oper iti n i twocommittee svsttm in hi nler is chur idinims rit on ind of i mmiltei which meets md third tue da of eich month members of ths committee are roy ballentine welfare ambulan c and weed control john hole fire proted- nn md whcldon lmraerson finance industrial and town planning pepulv lecve arthur speight i- cnirmi i of water ind of so 2 toinmi ten vvhitli meets the sctonrt and fourth thursdays oe each month his committee member are jim young scvir- dgc ind sanitation robert fran cis nropertv sircct lighting jnr pirks r bill smith oads and iccrcalion mavor loseph tiibbons is ex officio member of all comnut- tte parents dilemma the trouble with being a par ent is tint bv the time voure wel experienced joure unem jibe i tfj the hi n i sack cho onginallv organized in in iqh mcrnbersiip ha comprise 1 the finest t il ahe anng the wh te bus- 0e 7 475 eoncr plaque from province was performed at the cathedral of gue notre dime before an audience ava of ten thousand amongst whom was the archbishop of pans cardinal verdicr the township ovns the trucks wh ch a o h th georgetown i re hall would be removing it tn own plared bu iding western night me of singspiration wctern nirht singspintion was the name of a program ponsorcd bv the young io pie s of maple c baptist we have asked the fire chief church r centh hav siddles tn get prices on ne v and us d and wagon wheels ed the equipment said f chairma theme creates floral designs at businesswomens party members of the business and introduced mrs daisj harris profcxioml women s club held of harris floral who held cv their clrvistmas dinner meeting crsone spellbound with heri it the north hilton golf and magic fingers as she fashion country club on mondav even ed hrr exhibit ing after the traditionl christ mas dinnei mrs hizabcth buck i filir sln was shown how they voted in esquesing mh qb h by n vi us 5 iverc gen totals cubrte g 1 37 3 61 113 30 76 74 1 17 554 leslie g 16 56 3 100 133 47 13 66 77 531 deputy reeve hill t acclama on council 3 law50n w 74 83 90 189 47 78 104 174 766 patterson c 18 66 s3 128 165 52 20 82 122 736 leslie w 18 45 59 75 104 31 27 84 113 561 goodlet j 7 34 27 51 152 34 21 81 76 483 public school board thompson dr 14 64 72 97 205 50 30 119 169 820 fisher l 79 61 68 72 182 51 34 98 99 694 early c 1 59 74 92 167 46 29 87 101 667 france j 1 24 34 81 59 13 9 34 50 306 3 year term yes t 67 65 91 136 58 27 96 103 667 no 10 21 35 57 104 12 11 39 88 377 called holiday with flowers prepared bj the oasis people the film showed beautiful ar rangements and then how to make them mrs harris did a christmas table- arrangement an arrangement for a front door and two corsages with art ease and dexterity she also gave a demonstration of bow making the displays she made were do nated to the club and were won bv mrs margaret powers mrs gladvs thompson mrs jean alor and miss rhona gadd mrs udrcy scott thanked mrs r hams and presented her with a gift from the club i rach member had placed a jgifl under the christmas tree and these were distributed after which carol tinging was enjoy i led herald gets century of service award halton easts rcentlyected mpp jim snow seated lef prescnis the province s century of service award to georgetown herald publisher walter biehn in recognrt on of over a century of d stinguished and devoted service to th cause of canadian journal- sm the award was created in commemoration of the centennial of confederation and th presentation made tuesday november 28th looking on are herald staff members from left george young terry harley dav d hast ngs garfie d mcgilvray frank mull n my es c iso john mcclements mrs anneccrie mrs irene ntven lcsl e clark and mrs aileen bradley mr snow made the presentation on behalf of premier john robart and the province of ontario vears of serv cc with the paper by the present staf totals 161 george adams photo

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