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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1967, p. 4

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r georgetown herald published by horn nawspapart limited 22 main trat south georgetown ontario v wctmhnspwuuw thursday dkemkk 7tb 1967 editorial comment ambitious and successful globe productions performance of fin fens rainbow marked a peak in the short history of amateur dramatics in george town while it has become well known that ifie town boasts enough performers to put on a fully professional show be it minstrels drama or variety this was the first time a full scale broadway production has been etttempted allowing the limitations which one would expect the threenight run in bramp ton was a genuine delight for both aud lence and cast finian is a musical which is particul arly suited for an amateur group stage settlings are as simple as one could ex pect there is a better story line than some and the music is not so taxing and does not require as much vocal range as many of th shows above all it has a full quote of tune ful songs which have joined the ranks of the standards and it is necessary for an audience to know the music to get the most from a musical comedy the globe performers gave their best and on can only have praise for their ver satility and the weary hours of rehearsal which preceded their show if any criticism is to be levelled it would be at those who on the one hand complain there is not enough entertainment in smaller communities but who don t take advantage of it when its there the brampton school auditorium should have been standing room only for the thvee nights ust as the little theatre productions here should draw full houses maybe an auditorium one pity about the finian ihow is that ft had to be presented n bramplon because georgetown has no adequate auditorium for such a presentation the town has a number of smaller halls a large combination gym at the high school all of which fail to give either the required stage space or acoustics with the town growing so rapidly the need for a good audrtorium in town is be coming greater the little theatre has plans for such a venture but there are terrific monetary hurdles to jump what would be the best idea is to com bine this with the high school as is done in so many communities a further expansion is in the hnaliza shopping easy here w tn christmas oily a few short weeks eway gih shopping is to the fore on ev eryone s program and the herald wants to g ve is us ual reminder to shop at home as much as possible to patronize georgetown stores end look here f rst before taking an exhaus ting trip to the c ly it isn l purely local patr otism that prompts us to say this it is more because during our resld ence in town it has been proven that mer chandise here is aompetitive in both quality tion stage at georgetown high school this includes a further gymnasium could not an auditorium be even more important than a gym at this stage in a build ng which already has three of tthese school functions such as commence merit dramattic and musical evenings are seriously hampered by a lack of acoustics in a room which was built essentially for sport if within the existing government structure it is economically impossible to build an auditorium at the present time an alternative would be to explore the pos sibility of ceiling masks in the gym to trap sounds from the stage which now disappear upwards and price with that offered anywhere else in the district add to th s the savingin travel cost wear and tear on shoes and nerves and the fact that if one wants to exchange a gift it is much easier to do so at a local store and it makes a good case for shop ping at home add alio the fact that a prosperous town depends on a prosperous business community and it should clinch your deci sion to spend a reasonable amount of your shopping dollar in georgetown sugar and spice by bill smiley hurry home honey im beginning to realize what a widow with children goes throug its tough being both a momma and a poppa iii be glad when my wife finishes her college course get borne and can fight it out wjth kim on the old basis no holds barred recriminations aplenty feroc ioufl threats and tears enough to wbh the kitchen floor last weekend i nearly gv my wife a htart attack after pending meet of th weekend screwing up my courage i arit- ted my taeth took a food stiff pelt of walkers special old narva tonic and announced gravely dcir ic got somelhtnc ro i ii you about kim now don i get all upwt fverythinfi will i probibly work out for the best mother would bare fought it out with frequent appeals to me from each nde and both aides ignoring my rational c promise now 1 hare to take the decisions lay down the law designate gettingin hours and try to force the kid te eat some breakfast not to mention cheering her up when she down cooling her down when shes all ap tight tlhng hf to peck up her clothes and roaring at her to put the hd on the 3am bottle and put it awa after break fast and she ii read this column ami sa you don t like me do ii dad irii just a nuis ance to vou i wish hum vri and iii sav stop feelog sorr for vourself did it ever she not sht ihncked occur to ou 10 do the dishes oli my god 1 1 wish mm was here too shed straighten ou out von httle bum we seem to have come to the end of the horn of plenty i m afraid she is i said sombre but youve got to fac the tacts you can t keep a kid in the nest forever these things happen in the best of families there are some things in this day and age that we may not approve of but well without hindsight i ii admit i was pretty stupid but and she 11 sav oh too think 1 m a little mm eh i wish mum was hre too she d straighten ou out von httle bum eh well thanks a lot that certainly makes a person feel wanted and i ii sav bum senium in the mail bag after my wife had flown three th earros rcadv for the umes around the living room 1 rterf and then r at our home- without ever lighting it emer work gcd that wc were talking about and hell snap thata all different things you think aboui carrots youre getting more like a school-tea- she thought kim was preg nant ah i was trying to do 555fh the tmie pom d tell her something even 1 arrogant says censorship opposes h heated response a freedom of fhe press mr editor bludent village hue yo 1 surest onl censor n 3 203 hlp to tiaintam the hounds of waterloo ontario sood ase the lti pobiem of huso food taju anes the 1 ikcmbcr 1067 communist censor in the firm belief that they arc furthering societv along the correct path famous treatise in libertj va- prohib ted symptom of frustration worse that kim had after gn ing me a real feminine logic less charming eon job joined a group she sbecn invited to plav the organ and sing in one of those shouting belting dca fening groups that are dn and j ii shout you get up stairs and get at your home work and stop being so tippy or 111 give vou a thick ear knowing i wouldnt dare she flounct i recentlv etd with d op in trrest vour editorial of nov ember 16 entitkd ten orbhip neicssary and request that jou allow me a bit of space to reply all too bneflv is a univeriit student and pa t associate ed itor of a campus newspiptr 17 ldilh street december 1 1dc7 dear sir 1 our rcicn t editorials about irresponsible college journalism are most appropn itc the lirfie fadull citv nris papers which piblish nh the mint seniitlomil ispects ot the what makes oii think yourjnew are also emits of trrespon good tas e is anv better or more sible jourmlism n arc those cor ert than theirs lb an who pubheirt 011k one sldr of rensorshlp hoik in onl ino cm an important issiu be mmpo ed onl of individu il however tlm istt imthtr 1 works off hr repre wfth ry adult mcr 30 out of hia nd rf j little old square mind frwjom afrf woffc this is jiest a sample of the w mir b 9tting tho carrots troubles 1 have mj wife thinks y inviting bar dmr that classical milmc is it and dinner groups are for the wellknown but we get along fine she birds him thinks a voung per knows her place head of the son is missing a vital terribly household and i knoar mine important experience if she fr 0 the househod doesn t ever belong to a group r1 whpn uara gvts i think well never mind but my point is that m good old days kim and i home at least she knows a bead the from a foo which is aoine- her thing in these troubled times let me first ajree hut the in a true democracy mr ld art cle pubiibhed in the mcgil tor r can never say for sur daily wa to me in bdil tjste thnt onu thing is right and ir if t had been the editor i would o r wrong in fact the on not havr published it i is nr t n l1 something b m and nm i feel that tin old nclit tuu mubt be ni ide in samq i niav disngrct vith domoeracy are thi principle ivhat vdu say but t will defend l the dein crac itsqlf to ih death vour rulil it cr mns into effect mills the 1 harley to halton weekly ofewvatiem ky or harry harlay mp far haltan sinct 0uh last column the house of commons has pro cessed without incident tome non controversial legislation which does not have any partic ular significance for hilton one of the mailers debated in its resolution stage was the in crease in postal rates for first clas mail this came to a sijd den and unexpected vote at the beginning of an evening eson aid the resolution was rvjeaieri it means that this matter rnnno be raued again d iin this siwon of the 27th parliament and therefore no inr eise in poul rates for firtrlats mall can take place at this tinr the lommons has returned to a considcralion of capital juiishmcnt which should come to a vote within a da or so the committee on health and wei tare which 1 have the honour of chairing is studying the mat ter at abortion this is a highly cqntrarersul subject it wu hoped that it would be possible to bave a report ready for tha home of cotmnoiu by christ ua bowsmtt thsrt hare bean ao suny rcqocsu for bearings before the committee that it is now obvious that this date can not be met it u now hoped that a report might be posuble by the end of january 1968 canada has again been subjected to unwarranted in terfcrence in canadian affairs by general decaulle the prime minister the rl honourable mr pearson publicly rebuked gen era de gaulle in the house of commons to the applaute of all members of the house regard less of political party as the prime minuter said canadian affairs will be decided in cans du by canadians it is hoped that these statements will not iiuse friction between quebec und the rest of canada ccner al dcgaulle statements are undoubted meant to itir up rouble and internal strife in canada democracy is dissent should hear opinions december 2 10fl7 45 charles street georgetown ont dear sir 1 respect you for lakii a stand on the censorship quoit i ion ou have a right to our opinion 1 congratulate you for the fairmmdedncbs vou showed by printing four letters which differed quite strongly with jour view this aecois to be all that is asked in the student pa per controversy fairmindcilncs i am sure th if you wrre the administrator of a school ou would not deny the pupils the opportunity to voice different opinions in letters to their pa per democracy 11 built on dissent without this it dies democracy has to be exercised daily and authority in a democracy means persuasion let not equate age with wisdom there are many older people who never grew op arid not all youngsters are fool take dtgaulle hugh haf i foer ronald reagan billy gra ham louia xiv controller lamport cecil rhodes george wallace and richard wagner charming people most of them rut dangerous little peter pans nevertheless and then take anne frank tha young jesus the young kennedy the young queen victoria the yoimg picas ro rimbaud the young church ill joan baez an1 the voung goethe all of them able to grasp reality al a very early age let s not hide behind such undefinablc words as pornog raphv and obscenity tboy on ly create smoke screens and lead nowhere moit people in our eul turn are unfortunately unable to talk about sex without lo ilns their cool what we should talk ahout is the ficl that roger hmith a bright model of a student care fill sober and not given to hy sterical accusations the very opposite of a longhaired bear ded good for nothing or whatever the nice words arc with which we usually label our trouble maken found himself compelled to criticize the high school administration at an of flcial function of this school i im as a rule the kind of per son who believes that almost ev erythmg is not as bad as it looki but this makes me suspi clous shouldn t we aa parents and taxpayers and cltiiens of a free country look into this thing if there i nothing behind it so much the better but if there 11 then for our own sakes let s do somethinj about it as well ns ixing vxinl in content the mrgill arlid its lioiitinl in intent does it frilh ten voj to be suggesting c n eomhip of a political nrliclt the political inltnt was to fold rim the rlicle uis nit attack on president johnston second the article was an at tempt to break aw iv the bound lurrotindtng the content of prin ted items in our socuh j i saliner and arthur miller ire two famous authors who ik lend to try and do the litter though more suhtlj the real problem lies in th fact that our society hai becomt too enclosing nineteen lightv four is onlv sixteen yean awav and much of the picture orwel pnlntld has ilreidv come to pan indivi in described lil f rt t nc of ihe hn iksl f freedom possible fi dividual wilhout infiin he free lorn tf the publishing of in in m new p tr ilut not siji demus or lib h us d s n t i ifrmte on anvom s libtrt the light to publish it mtr therefore uisl s 1 m 1 pipt ditor vou sh uld l tin fir tn stand up on the nde of fuc dom of ho press st irt p save iturl ve r political sci once mudcnt i imrrsih of waterloo iterloo ontario some unkind words for mayors flag bide to the matter when v m vsptpir ivoids lietliii wiih significittt issues for fe ir of cius n impleasant nt ss vi hen h l rbhs or omits pertinent fick or lnn it deals mamh with rus c trivia it too can l aeciisi d of irresponsible journalism howiver innocently undertiken could it be th it the heated response lo vour edit ml is the svmptom of 3 ecru nl fnis nolhi r tntion vnth tin joiirmlisiic i goiu and roiponstbilit of the teoriteivvn lit rah business directory chiropractor donald a cay dc appointments made daily call tr 73401 30 mill st gortt0wn barragers qaamrsshiri laundtnn tw- 72279 13 yala s 66 gcclpk all mrkdmmm prmmum a skiers lament 45 miple dec 4t a skiar lmont ror friends to su p 1 de chiropractor gerald w corbatt dc open dally by appointment house call arranged 8776631 11 a main st nerrh 40 hewsi n cres ent ov mlmt 30lh 1167 ail summer lont c conten most importinl is the that our school svstcm has be crnie an aiilbonlamn and slifl ing instilutton parttnilarly at the public and hijh school lev c els but the universities coming along fat plated wrllmg to jou regarding deicy in his book dcmoc lhe d of our uwn racv and rducalion pointed mayor for the entcnnnl flae nut that the school system will be responsible for introducing xo doubl notlcni htl nili a into the child a concept of soc blu cenienn letv that he will hold for all his the trunk of his cir life dewev went on to polntlhilf inside the trunk t out that th s would happen pri 1 hanging out mnrll not through being lecturl ed at but through experience j the experience that itudenti are indergolng in the public schools the vouth of to 11 wr pleased to kn th herring bone coul 1 go well ik klidtni up n wonder on our donattd new ope tow then i o w th bmom fell ap irt walker currie optometrists 12 main st s brampton thone 4514474 hours 9 a m to 6 p m tuesdav to saturday friday 9 ajn to 9 p m evenings by appointment wajlacb thompson 3rd division caort clrk a conwniaetmmr tr7ifc3 georgetown animal clinic 106 oielph street dr rl gashm clinic opb 8 ajl mm wed irl saturd 11 mm ou ar li nt ski r del t i c sad bee nners please don t feel sj bad hik closed m we reillv tried our ik m for todij was the last stnw the moor and his wife drovt out of thr iga parking lot this morning we saw wtth no un certainty the canadnn fiac ours alncereh john sommer word of the week abatis a barricade such aa foarbad wire used in modern warfare naxt waaki abfurc and particularly in the high hooliof today is thatof oneln e j ulrfirwrnl of tho most authonunan total t al half mnht u d itansn svsloms ever doused by doiin man in oirii we taushl the union i return then lo baying tha jack nulr upsidc dowlt inrll in a socirty headed in the dir i c distress does this m b tctlot that our present socictj perhaps that the mayor is m is headed your editorial is a feet in diffioulty perhaps we terifjing attitude on the part should be having our annual of one of the holders of the election this december as wc public tnm in freedom of the have done in the past dress i am sure u mr gibbons will 1 jnuth has its learning pro- contact any local cub or scout vess censored at any stage then group they will be pleased to they can onlv mow up to bcliell him about our canadian human beings who think withtniflag and the pride any true ca tha limitation of the censor nadian has for it hitler burned books that didfi t agree with hu concept of good m truly taste in both cawss john mills jack and dawn livingstone it s sad thu onh one or two i could make it fall apart for 11 a ski nk pr mrs im smith georgetown herald publlihed by horn nvwtpaptrs limited gcorgctow n onlano walter c blthn publisher garfield mcglvry production superintendent tern ilarlev aileen bridley news editor accountnt mrs irene nnen anne curne reporter fnnk mullin i advertising manager i leslie clark dave hastings uylcj gilson john mcclcmcnls georgo oung robert r hamilton optomatrist us mountainview road south carretal blds for appointment s773971 w h cam rrfssnal enginavr cansulhnv cnsirwtr ontarte land s offc t77a2u 773300 h ww optometrist l m brown 0 d for appointments than 773471 monuments pollock a cammell designs on request inspect our work to greenwood cemetery phone u17sk e2 water street north g a lt college years are the vaeat ion n fella geta betwata fan mother and hu wife 1 koller constnirtioa b now imtaffing uummumsmmo windows a doos fra estimates all work guranmed calldmin

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