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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 14, 1967, p. 4

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georgetown herald mushed erjhoraa newspapers umlmd 22 main straat south georgetown ontario w clrthn rvbfalver thursday december uns 1967 editorial comment friday and hes through this friday h an important one in the lif of one of georgetown s best known residents when ho sells the last item at netjcv tlon sale near norval frank petch will be officially retiring from a profession in which he has participated for over half a century following in the footsteps of his father ben from whom he fearned the intricacies of the trade mr petch has lent his voice and auctioneering skills to countless sales livestock furniture antiques farms land houses have changed hands under his ex penenced guidance he has gathered speed as the years went by in fact the past two orrhree years have seen a new record in number of sales and he has been in demend not only in this district but towards the lake- shore where he has conducted dozens of sales in thtfoakville and burlington areas mr patch has served his community well in other capacities too as a town councillor secretary of the fall fair board and most important as a kindly respected citizen always interested in community wel fare he will be greatly misted in his re tirement although rt is not inconceivable that he might be pressed into service assist ing one of the district s younger auction eers fiftythree years of experience is not to be discarded hghtly and we imagine he will be chafirg at the bit when the next sale comes around big time entertainment sugar and spice by bill smiley beware tiny kim maybe it was the approach platter of oraetiiing wmdfc of christmas that jot me youre lucky iti too dirk to thinking about money maybe see it wu kun asking me what later he collateral was in trying to an ambitious atttempt to bring big time entertainment to our doorstep is being made by the rotary cub the club has booked the riviera for the don cossack chorus and dancers for a one night stand in march following on the heels of another successful show recently featuring singers david whitfield and ruby murray which played to a full house the march concert will undoubtedly be equally popular we are lucky to have the facilities av e liable to house attractions of this calibre of the don cossacks the troupe has played in almost every country in the world has had many engagements in toronto at mas sey hall maple leaf gardens and the royal alex it is something which no music lover will want to miss include church in your plans the christmas season in rts many fes tivities somettrmes tends to make us lose alght of the basic reason for all tho celebra tions the birthday of a man whom chris tians revere as their religious basts and people of other faiths recognize as one of the worlds most famous men on the secular side it is a time for gaiety gift shopping and exchange of presents parties for children and adults concerts decorated trees outdoor lighting surely one of the happiest times of the year in christian churches it is a happy time also beautiful carols are sung many have candelight services and christmas trees regular churchgoers are oined by those who miss some of the regular services there are handshakes and greetings of goodwill the communion service is even more mystical more meaningful as it is administered in a church crowded with worshippers include tfve church in your plans this christmas attend services m the church of your faith and oin in the celebration of the birthday of christ church attendance is a prerequisite to enoymg christmas day to the fullest with all its varying pleasures hooked the mail bao says student paper unjustly censored kingston ontario 19 baker street december 2 1967 dear sir on november 16th an edl torial entitled censorship nee tsmxf appeared in your paper as a comment on the valedic tenan speech by hoger simth t georgetown a commencement ceremony in the following is sue a number of letters ap peared in protest to that dl torial since 1 am no longer a resident of georgetown these items were alow la reaching me bat as an exataident of georgetown high school i feel compelled at this time to add roy opinions belated though they may be xast year at was mentioned the students of georgetown high organized a school news- j paper it was to be sure a total failure but through no fauk of the student a great deal of work went into its prcpara tlon the articles included such oroeauve topics as the ques tion sbould there he less em pbasis on high school exams dd what is your opinion of the war in viet nam and yet these articles along with many others were censored jjithout any explanation the resulting publication read like the sports page of the toronto telegram and it was even less ihterestinf the bitterness over this oen- fcrsblp was only compounded when in your editorial this aaper was compared to the ob- joene and offensive articles stinted in two university news lapers from this comparison it would appear that either four sources of information here totally erroneous or there is a double standard of ccn fcorshto that for entertaining dutt magazines like tlayboy bod that for totally unprovoca jtire stodent efforts such as georgetowns students attemp ted to publish bat ye i ift gnawer to the question ftattora which roger h ebon in order to toicc ms complaint the fact is that euram were the only place where he would not have his opinions i censored before they wre brought to the attention of ihe public in conchsslon before you accuse students like roger of being immature and scatter brained i suggest you take an other look at the adult can torship such as that exercised by the administration erf geor getown high and if this is an example of maturity then mat unty must be a regression not a development very sincerely yours richard enright by any name santas the same jbei santa claus in ameri ea but he has many different names around the world he is called tather frost in russia children call him kris kring le in germany wee old fal ther is what the chinese chil dren call santa claus and in norway children expect gifts from an elf called jul tontcn pcrc noel is who the french youngsters receive presents from and in holland the name is sinterkiau the orld has many more santas but whatever his name where cr be exists he brings happiness to children harley to halton tion to alcohol or narcotics with failure of treatment lor these disorders separation v ill be grounds for divorce where the petitioner has been unable to locate her marriage partner for three cars or where one of the marriage partners deserts ihe other for at least five years it a pointed out that most divorce laws in canada were over one hundred years old and as such bad little relevance to todays conditions ah of these speeches to dale in the house of commons have been in favor of the bill and it would appear at this time that it should pass quickly the new budget will be debated over the next six days and will provide the opposition ith further opportunities of voting nonconfidence in government it is expected that the minster of national revenue the honourable mr benson will be making a statement in the house of commons con cerning the various cutbacks that the government arc mak ne during the current year to limit government spending it anticipated that these cjt backs will affect every depart ment of government it is diff cult to say at this time whether any of these cutbacks will ha any influence on the programs currently under way in the county of halton the district at a glance sups that pass in the type ctcrr is human and some tiroes slips that pass in the type give everyone in this news paper a hangdog expression for days on end sometimes they can cause much concern thankfully we haven t v ct had a string of errors like the one recently reported made by small daily newspaper in the southern united states it started with the following ad in the classified page on a monday for sale r d jones has one eewing machine for bale phone 956 after 7 pjn and ask for mrs kelly who lives wilh him cheap on tuesday notice we regret having erred in rd jones ad yester day it should have read one sewing machine for sale cheap phone 958 and ask for mrs kelly who lives with him after i 7pm on wednesday rd jones has informed that he has received several annoying telephone calls cause of the error we made in i his classified ad yesterday his ad stands corrected as follows for sale rd jones has one sewing machine for sale cheap phone 956 after 7 p and ask for mrs kelly who loves with him finally on thursday notice i rd jones have no sewing machine for tale smashed dt dont call 938 the telephone has been taken out i have not been carrying on with afrs kelly until yester day she was my housekeeper but she quit indeed to err is human but to forgive in this case was divine it makes us feci a little bettj ter anyway word op the week i explain i got into gold serves and depreciation of the pound and inflation and we both wound up refreshingly bewildered only thing of anyvalue that came out of it was the ridicu lous nature of modern money money or some form of it it as oldjaa man wttether it ba wampum bits of elephant tusk or fancy mathslls gold early became the favourite because it was heavy melleefate decor ative end herd to get hold of silver and copper made up the unholy trinity end we were in business but from early thnes and even into the last century money was real you could feel it bite it smell it heft it look at it ahine and listen to it ring it had weight substance you could put it in a sock and feel like a banker you could bury it in the ground when you heard the tax collec tor was coming try that with modern currency what fun it must have been to go into a tavern with friends spin a gold guinea on the table and shout land lord three game pies i haunch of venison and three gallons of your best brandy and get ten jingling shillings in change mine host stirs the fire cooks bustle happily offttage and waiters scurry tugging atl their forelock and brimming up the tankards compare today you go into a tavern with friends half an bottr later when your eyes have adjusted to the gloom aj waiter either surly or insolent hands you a large piece of pa per this eventually prod noes a very small drink at a very large price after a suitably lengthy pe riod of anaethetisation in preparation for the coming shock another waiter this one morose or bellicose hands you another large piece of paper eventually thii produces later he brings another very small piece of paper yivik a figure on it which youre ajsd lucky its too dark to sea in turn you show him a piece of plastic called a credit card and sign a paper or if youre just a peasant you hand over a number of pieces of coloured pper he takes it away and cornea back promptly this time with a little tray all your paper ia gone and there is a quarter and four pennies on the tray he grunts snatches it and departs on the way out you fork over the quarter to ransom your overcoat you are left with four pennies they dont exactly jingle point is no real money has changed hands there la no personal contact and therefore ir satisfaction m it very month i receive a pice of paper with figures on it jle figu u at the extreme left j xairly substantial then thre e a lot of other figures the figure at the extreme right be rs no relation to the first one t is one jump ahead of the old age pension this is known at a pay cheque i take it to a large building write some figures on another piece of paper present both to n nice lady and she gives me back some other papers green blue and brown with figures on them my wife gives then to another nice lady in ex change for a big basket of gro ceries and maybe three pieces of real money coins once a month we sit down and write things on some dlfa ferent paper pur the paper m envelopes and sand them fa all sorts of people who have pre vlously sent us pieces of paper with figures and the words please or last warning on them its all very logical of course and the crowning piece of logic is that the whole thing is based on digging gold out of a hole in the ground in northern ontario and burying it in another hole in the aat fort knox kentucky abjure to command on oath under pain of penalty charge solemnly entreat ear nestly next weeks word abnegate news echoes from the heralds of 10 and 20 tears ago weekly observations by dr harry harley mp for helton an investment newspaper advertising is an investment not an expense the most significant mat ter introduced in the house of commons in tho previous wcokj has been a government bill to amend canada s divorce laws it has been estimated by the canadian bar association that some 500 000 canadians arc to day living in common law mar riages because our present laws make legal divorce and marriage an impossibility the grounds for divorce will be ex tended to include bigamy phy sical and mental cruelty and marriage breakdown the marriage breakdown concept must be proved in courts it could be based on prlsonment for one of the mar erin mrs alwn galas res cued her two small children and saved herself from a fire which completely destroyed their erin township farm home trapped by flames mrs galas smashed a window pushed her children through and climbed out her self bleeding and burned hillsbuwh a prowneial print of s163 to the credit valley conscn ation authority was approved last week the grant to be used for acquisit on of old farm equipment for the hillsburgh conservation farm huttonvili f truck driv cr robert scott of huttonvllie was admitted to sault stc mar ia hospital in critical condition after fire dcstroed three units of the antlers motel mr scoltl a truck driver was on the nor thern trip brampton the town s back up fircfighting force will be halved in 1968 and they 11 be called part time firefighters instead of oluntcers phasing out of volunteer firemen has going on for months georgetown herald published by homo newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c biehn publisher garfield mcgllvray production superintendent terry harley alleen bradley news editor accountant mrs irene nlven anne currie reporter frank mullin advertising manager leslie clark dare hastings kyles gil son john mcctements george young riaga partners for s certain ihocn period of time or gross sddicchief matt gowlsnd explained 1957 members erf the royal oak loyal orange lodge no 245 elected new officers for 1958 at a meeting this week jim andrews is worshipful master albert dawson dep uty master charles ledwldge chaplain joe hall sr rec ording secretory joe hall sr treasurer tom warnes fin ancial secretary frank anderson marshal charles davis and percy clark lecturers fred armstrong tyler and committee fred mcnally alan bailey tom clark jack ca n and archie mcdonald i thomas beer of r r 3 georgetown escaped ser ous in- ury or death last wednesday morning when his car collided with the morning train from hamilton approa en ing georgetown at the no 17 sideroad crossing an est mated 1 000 damage was done to his car 1947 esquesing council members have been acclaimed for an other term reeve is george cleave deputy reeve george curne and councillors wilfrid bird george leslie and h craig reld school trustees are john bmg ham harry hunter end harold webster the caboose of a standing f re ght car was demolished two cars derailed and another damaged in an accident sunday mormng at 11 35 on the cnr main line jutt west of the main street bridge a four car freight train coming from acton hit the rear end of the standing freight business directory chiropractor donald a gay ox appointments made daily call tr 7401 30 mill st chiropractor gersld w corfcort dc open delhr by house calls arranged 77641i 11a main tt north walker currie optometrists 12 hals st s brampton phone 4514474 hours 0 am to 6 pm tuesday to saturday friday 9 ajn to 9 pm evenings by appointment robert r hamilton optemetrut 116 mountainview road south carretal bide for appointment 77w71 barragers cl sh laundorers tr 7m7 is hain s 166 gvelph all work dene en pratnlsee wallace thompson srd dhrblon cotnt clerk a commissioner tr7jh1 georgetown animal clinic 106 gelph street dr r b geskln clinic open fl s si mom wed frl saturday 11 eji l m brown 0 d 35 mill st w h cam professions engineer consulting engineer ontario land surveyer ohioa 1770211 s773300 home monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work ta greenwood cemetery phone 4i175s0 s water street north g a lt osnefo years are tbe vaqev ion a fella lets betwee hie nothar and his wtle kolltr construction la now lnwbln a1ummum umno windows 1 doors frm estimate all work guarannad call itmtu 41

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