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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 28, 1967, p. 3

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in thr mail bao should temper dem ands for freedom with responsibility box 629 mayerthorpe alta decetnber 14 1067 are you llirtnlng mr blaney seven years ago just at this time of year t wis carrying a running battle with herald columnist ark cass which ccn trcd around the frills in edu cilion l dun t suppose that mr david bjnnev is old enough to remember that he probably didn t even live- in georgetown then nor is he old enough to rf member wha it nas like to so to class in the old george town h gh school with the third floor lab the combinauon librarv grade 13 home room wjjere four grade thirteeners struggled through the year the tlnnss that mr cass thought were fnlb and that my general jn of high school stud ents i u ht for are taken for grant d bj mr blancy s ien eratiot is arc the marvellous bcilit es of georgetown district high sc 100i wc thought we d be in haven if vn could get j 5 one single gymnatorlum to uzc for phis ed instead oe play ing soccer in the wiow to the accompaniment of mr prousc point or in which to hold a fiance 8 it now that these things have ben gained tor the students they must find something new to strive for and mr blancy m his first of a promised series of articles dec 7 hi has chosen freedom of thought there s nothing new in arg tt rg for freedom of thought tb onlj new part is that now it has come to the secondary tcoool level since the point has been won on the university cam pus but lets not get too hasty in mr flight to utopia i dun t know what mr blaney is going to suggest ntxt if h means by freedom nf thought the develop ment of ercativo thinking then three cheers but mr blaney and all the others arguing in the same ve n must real ze that before an a rpiane can take off it seeds a runwiy the basic facts tajght in the primary and sec ondary levels of our educational process arc the runway from which our flights of free thought tae of befcc you cin do anv creative thinking you have to have some basic knowledge while that is true it is also true that the crisis of adjust men to university life has in large measure been caused in the past by the total lack of any development of creative think ng at the secondary school level it s not too great an ex aggeration to compare what used to go on in high schools to the programming of computers th straight feeding in of ficts as a basis for decision making the trouble is that people aren t computers tnoy have to learn to make decisions and making them intelligently and ceativcly is a difficult thing to irarn carrying hen out is still more diff cult the hippie gen rration with its great love for freedom of though has made some cry good and some not so good judgemental decisions ab out society but 1 hasn t dis ct verrd now to put them into action fr cdom of thought isn t reallv the utopia that it seem in his first article however jtfr blancy docsn t seem tu be arguing for creatine thinking but simplj for frccdoifrin thin king thats what turns most people off when you mention hippie thinking there are two sices to the coin of freedom anil the flip side reads responsibil it it s not enough to think freclv you must also think re sponsibly for while mr bla ney argues eloquently for res ponsible action by society to maintain freedom of thought he does not argue for responsible thinking by too tree thinkers to think responsibly you must have full command of the facts of the situation as well as the possibilities arising out of it and the place where you learn the facts is the primarysecond arj school system it s all fine and good to know that univer sity students gain the facts from private study in libraries but most of the high school students i know haven t jet matured to the stage of seekng out the farts for themselves unless thev re given a particular re search assignment nor should we push them into thii we ought to give child ren the time and opportunity to be children and the lam ap plies for teenagers when we pus minlal and phytlcvl dovel opment upon them bo nuth why shouldn t they think they re also emotionally mature enough to be married at seventeen or to handle alcohol at sixteen why shouldnt they be browned on with their parents and the way the ve handled the world when we push them into think ing that they can do anything mr blaney is at an import ant stage in the development of his thinking and i for one hope that he continues it but 1 hope that he will temper hu demands with responsibility and not ask for anything that at the people whose champion he is setting himself up as cannot responsibly handle we ve got the freedom to think anything that wc want but not to do any thing that wc want for society has long realized that for the benefit of all concerned it is better to limit the actions of all to the average level of compel sincere y tom forgrave hiwwimh lets play bridge sugar and spice by bill smiley now it can be told concrete gravh building sand road gravel fiu and top sou stone work tom haines gwn wnfiams 1773302 neighbours can be a nuisance but not if you cultivate them properly i have a good neigh hour and by handling him with kid gloves during the sum mer i receive from him the only christmas present that really impresses me it s a crafty piece of work and i hope he doesi t read this what 1 do is this i let h m beat me at golf all summer i gasp with admiration when he hits a tremendous slice off a tee i shake my head in posit ive disbelief at his approach shots i shout a resounding well done old boy when he sinks a 14inch putt by the end of lummtr have him right in the palm of my hand ha hauit realliad for a moment that any time i wanted to 1 could take him out cm the co una and give him a terrible drubbing what i have done is to incul cate in him the idea that he can do things much better than i and just before christmas 1 spring the trap i buy my christmas tree lug it home and get the usual com ment fromny wife that its the scraggliest tree in town and can t i even be trusted lo buy a decent looking christmas tree no matter it doesn t bo ther me i merely invite her to take it back and gel a better one then i begin the experience that has driven me closer to a stroke than anything else in my lite putting the rotten conglomeration of gum and prickly needles in an upright position there arc very few things that i will admit according to my wife i am arragant smar alecky and opinionated in her opinionated opinion i w 11 fight until the last dog is hung she says and by the way who ever heard of anyone hanging a dog over a matter of principle such as who threw the chowder in mrs murphy s overalls but there s one thing i will admit humblv 1 can t get christmas trees to stand up straight they don t just lean wee bit you can remedy that with shims under one foot of he stand and ropes and bailing wire but my trees don t lean they genuflect they kneel in prayer to the fireplace this used to drive me into w id rages which were very herd on me cursing swearing roaring with rage at my fam ilv knocking all the skin off every knuckle on both hands sawing and chopping like an insane woodsman and the thing still bowing with the grace of a debutante making her first oirtsey and this is where my sum mcr s humiliation comes in oh 1 still go through the mo- ions i saw various lengths ofj runk off the bottom i hack away a few branches i swear and yell a bit but this is only a cover for the family s sake when ive had enough of plj acting i call my neighbour john and in dulcet tones ask how is the best little old christmas treeputter upperj in the whole country he s over to our house in 60 seconds i know what goes through his mind he thinks poor nod he can t even play golf the least i can do is give him a hand with his tree which is child s play and it is lo him i haven t mentioned that he 6 a specialist in mathematics and physics he pops aver looks fttojhe tree gently points out that the butt is inserted in the stand at a 45 degree angle cor rects it and up goes the rud dy thing in three minutes evey time it happam tf ilka a fresh miracle to ma i look at the blasted thing and there it airs graceful dlgni fiad and not trusted up with ropes ilka a runaway calf as mv trees used to b before john standing there solid steady not a quiver it hasn t fallen down once since we became neighbours its pretty hard to lake tha iclang n golf all summer but what you lose on the binanas and john has a beautiful ha nana ball that s one that goes off the tee in the general shape or a banana you make up on christmas trees as hugh dun nit that grand old welsh bard of the eleventcenth century used to put it putt if no put it golf wasn t even invented in the eleventcenth century ilae a good new year golf ers and neighbours all bridge club lunch with christmas cake ard a lucky number draw in wnich fourteen players took home boxes of chocolates feat urd lasl weeks meeting of ge orgetown duplicate bridge club durng the games a recess was calltd and mike lorusso or behalf of the members made presentations to mr and mrs wellington wilson and earl emond club officials express ing thanks for their work dur ing he year of the fourteen tables part cipating at the monthly mas e points night northsouth w nners were 1st dick prust and llovd keir 2nd mr and mrs fred allen 3rd tie mrs joseph gibbons and miss eliz abeth leslie mrs ern hyde and miko lorusso 5th j a h and richard raymond east west winners 1st mr ard mr walter bichn 2nd misses olive logan and marg cry mackenzie 3rd mrs flor- la nodwell and mrs wellington wilso 4th mrs jack hooper ind mrs sue sullivan th mrs j g collier and mrs nel lie goldham f hpemii meinn would you take a flneus in a suit if you knw that it would not workt u you answered no then vou have something to learn at bridge there u never a clear cut yes or no answer what is correct for one hand is incorrect for another here is a case where you must finesse even though jou expect lo lose a trick the dealer js west and ooth sides are vulnerable north s a 6 2 h 2 dkj 8 3 c a 9 8 a west east i s a kj75 s q 9 3 1 h k 7 h 8 8 6 3 010 9 6 d q 3 4 2 c q 6 3 c 7 3 south s 10 4 h a q j 10 3 d a 7 c k j 10 2 the bidding wast north eeit south 1 s pass pass 2 h 2s 3h pass 4h all pass opening lead king of spad uy bill coai west leads the spade king and continued with the ace when east signalled for a con unuatlon a third round ot spa des was led and south ruffed declarer had lost two tricks al j ready and it looked like the king of trump was a sure loser west had opened the bidding and east could not find six points to keep thjetbidding open since the trump king was off side the declarer played the ace of trump and then the queen and went down to defeat when west was in with the trump king he simply led an other spade east discarded and south had to ruff now east had one more trump than declarer and took the setting trick when declarer wins the third rick he should do one of two things either enter dummy with the diamond king and lead a trump for a finesse or if con vinced that west has the king lead the trump queen from his hind the reason is simple dummy has two trump one must be kept temporarily to ruff spa des if west wins the first trump lead and leads a spade it can be ruffed in dummy if east over ruffs so can- declarer the trump could he split 33 in that case west might refuse ihe first lead declarer can then round if it should turn out that west has four trump to king then all we can say is that de clarer did the best he could in all cases declarer must lose the first trump in order to win the contract backup tip when backing up your car in the dark without backup lights put on a turn indicator the flashing red glow increases visibility considerably this vital young religion thr oaonairewn hrrald thursday drc jlth im7 tage s sun lifi assurancs arnold rathbun for service and appointment phone 774931 12 gower ct georgetown nan countries one world 1w are area timw people dave that ttn enavohaa of mnkhd b ihe wbt of god for our oea they petfeapi aaha 1 what you are looutg far road toronto 7 bahais of georgetown is normandy boulevard georgetown mrs m- barr secretary ginger ale also available in convenient 10 oz cans business directory chiropractor donald a gay dc appointments mida dlly call t 7h01 w mill 31 gaartatatm ii chiropractor gerald w corbett dc open dally by appoi house calls arranged 776631 11a main st north walker currik optometrists 12 main st s brampton phone 4514474 hours b am to 6 pm tuesday to saturday friday 9 am to 9 pm evenings by appointment robert r hamilton optometrist 116 mountamview road south carretal bldg for appointment 1773971 credit valley bottling miono 877 2wo optometrist l m brown 0 d for appointments phono 773471 barragers tu 7m7 ib hiln s 1m gddpa alii wallaci thompson m dma cam clark a oa trtrau etoroitown animal cunic losgmlph srseet dr r 8 oaikln cllnle opaa s fa mon wro prl tllta w h cab prafaaalanal inflnaar 1 camultrraj irvlnaar 1 ontarta land swnrayar oftka 073211 b773sm hem monuments pollock a campttlll designs on request inspect oar work in greenwood cemetery phohb 631750 a water street north galt roller construction is now installing aluminum siding windows doors free estimates all work guaranteed call 177flw tt fl owers for all occasions wedding arrangements coraagas a spaclalty cul flowers and funeral des gns we wire flowers rosedale floral 31 albert st tr 7ik2 for fast action mltml ibtw stmlci consult a mama of thr brntptm real eshrtt lecrd the government of ontario introduces health insurance registration i board if you have either ontario medical services insurance plan omsip or ontario hospital insurance ohiyou will soon be hearing of the health insurance registration board hirb the health insurance registration board has been set up by the province to act as an agency for both omsip and on tano hospital insurance hirbwill be the central registration office which will handle enrollment bitlings and premium collections and answer inquines about ontario s medical or hospital insur ance plans omsip and ontario hosphat insurance will continue to provide their present cov erage the only difference is that from now on when you see hirb youll know ft means the health insurance registration board is serving you on behalf of ontario s health insurance plans if you km any oaesten abort afovtaoil bakh un enralmat or premtnos just wrris b health insurance registration board 2195 yonge street toronto 7 government of ontario hos john psobarts frio uiftuur

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