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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 4, 1968, p. 5

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jeorpetown atid the bell towns em spells end an individual ffychange sun itol wme ingeorsctown lite i september 19rt contains jnfor- iuqn p interest in this nar otflce there are two levers con stive since it gives oie impce of he companys be i hind tho scone problems and efforts to solve them- the aar tvey rep ims trolling the atrcn which the op erator receiving the alarm lm mediately pulls thcnthe fire j3itd is usually calicdand the hydro isuperidtendejlt strtetly in the- dial pitaraniv fa 196d pitjftsljlms felt that w buill mln he approached in the pireyt lewmpnthjj severe and lcpiitinuoui irritation ciusedby llmfavlly loaded rural circuits ural estimate which will pro fevlde- relief is under construc tion completion expected by pjanuary j9m the same record i reported 21 employees of the com party in georgetown and 4he fact that there were still tuty 30- 1040 61 hcld orders the first thing to do always li call the operator because the siren is rurigfrom the phorvs thecleorsrelowd ouneft speaking however the bell opr i omicially approached u regard- ratars arl required only to yi ae a land ring this tlr mi yuny anffwrr j hat tlpi that georgown the firemens inquiry from the tosh jtjdl but often in ol der to be of more service- in addition to notifying thfe chief direct the operators try to lo cate the firemen their yavlous places of enaploywicnl just abdut a- year ago the bell telephone office was com pletely renovated with an at tractive new colour aoheroe commercial office arid- comfor tably furnished lounge room with interior decratlowhy cat onsjnaking the surrhindtngs forthe staff very pleasant in dee4 r comparing 1945 and 1049 here was considerable increase yin the number of tel- i phone talli a day tn gcorg- own 2734 orifjrvatrifl calls per day in 1045 and4441 or same in 1040 thetejlbtthones per pn j- population rin jforgetown had i also risen in georgetown 143 in june 1045 and 233 in dec- rmber 1046 lhelaat tim suc jstudy was mu before l i survey apparently by the close of 1049 there ere 1517 telephones in geor- gelown during march i960 the chat- ting column in the georgetown herald gave the telephone ofice and onq of its staff good public- itv it is quoted in part dumber please jmadnt uliajuzed until we talked with miss mabel chavc theothor day how large the staff of the local bell telr- phone company office has grown miss chave is the chief operator and tells us there are eighteen girls in the trafflr department who operate th switchboard in addition to miss isobcl thompson who ha charge of the commercial de partment inquiring further we learned the names of tht uirls who belong to those pol itelyvoiced number please queries we hear when we ring lor a number any hour of the day or nifiht twey arc mrs william bon- than nan ttrown mar j one cascadden doris kean mrs huuh lindsay mrs kugetio lo gan violet louth dorothy 01- ney lena palmer june- plas- tow merle pries rose marie robinson mrs mel spcncc ma rion stuart mrs duncan tost mrs floyd varey the two oc casional staff members who come- in to relieve when some- property dial phonfjs promised in 1953 gcurjjulown wh have dial telephones in 1053 announcement is made this vfcck by the bell telephone covnpany of the purchase of property on mainstreet by the eompony is the old ruston ppjfy -onlha- oriwr- of- main and ijmca sfrcriji vacant since the fltath of musjcjkio ruston jwo yoars ago 1 thtb company plana to tear down the house tind erect new building jo house the mechani cal apparatus required for the hew dial tfllrphonq service w 0- miscncr dlstrjct man ager for the company states that this is the first visual step in that direction h will also be ncctswiry to rcct additional ca- tilc- thnntmut thn town and channel all telephones toihrln townttnd in the country tho amount of work necessary will take considerable time and it is hoped that materials will be available for all the work to he completed in 05i lusidenls of glen williams will hive an added benefit from the nw service- ior all tel- phothijjljjjit area will becon verted in twoparty or private line scrvlcethls was originally planned last fall but had to be abandoned at that lime because of material jhortaccs the com pany does not plan io convert these phonex from rural lines now with hie dial project def initely underway but will do need for unproved hciephone i o when the rhanncovcr to dials acrvice in glen wujiams which made though not incorporated as al village lrid still officially only part of tcsquesing sic township twoparty phones on auaust 16 1050 the -her- id carried jin announcement headed glen williams will get 2-pakty- phone service it read glen williams idll jmc complete two party telephone service by early october this news was announced by w o mucner manager of the local bell telephone office and all individual telephone users who will be affected byths change in service have been notified there has been a growing one of a series one u away or 111 arc anna wow on the local press could cramree and mrs william mil- here who sometimes relieves 4he night operator mrs bona- than mifif varey miss stuart and miss kean are senior opera- ors who do supervisory work when miss chave first came here as chief operator thcr were in the neighbourhood of 800 phones in georgetown while the official figures for phones in 1040 stand at 1543 0517 for 1040 as of december 31 1040 mmcf this has necessitated what is known as ftevehposition board at tire bell office with five or six op eratorson the jobduring tho day we wondered which days and times of day were busiest and found thai frldayind sat- urday mornlrtgr arciisually the busicit times while the hours nine toeitycnltt ths morning and from 030 to 830 any evening find people using their phones more than at any other times willi the bell providing continuous day and night ser vice the hour the girls work are of necessity quite different y arranged from usual office routine they work a live day weplt and their days or even ings arc divided jntq ix seven and dight hour tricks- thni hour trick is usually in the evening hours and there is a half hour off dutyif a girl is working the urvenhour tricky as a rule it i broken into two three and a half hour sessions one in the morning nd one in thu evening the eighthour trick u usually a straight day trldeor night trick a iifen minute reat periol is included the longest longdistance call which has gons through orlginiittng from the george town of fie j wus to autrall most longdisjance calls how ever re to toronto orre pla oed through toronto and from he georgetown office there are five direct linea and two ouais to toronto as well as direct circuits h uelh irmfton and milton and of course everyone itnowa whenever theres a fire has had tremendous growth the past tn years most bukip ess firms as well as a few pri vate individuals have put in two party service but the large bulk of the population are still on rural lines telephone service rates in glen williajns willbe exactly the same as in georgetown- the new numbers will be contained in the ntu telephone boov which is due to -lie- distributed in october by the end of 1050 there were 1500 telephones in george town following are several an nouncements appearing in the georgetown herald during 1057 dial service promised ten tatively in n interview three year earlier for 1d50 or 1051 was now definitely in tho com panys program in all likcli hood mr mlseners announce ment of a forthcoming eutover in 1060 or soon afterward was off the records when it was given to interviewers but from th editorial editor corner p indicative of the progress and growth of georgetown is an of ficial announcementi this week by the bell telephone com pany that dlaj phorves will be in use in georgetown and dis trict in 1053 the flomany fias purchased tho old ruston property on main street and plans ti tear down lho ffea4ftp4ut9ifc ana erect am3dernfne upich wllljious tie complicated equipment nee ded for operation of the meci mo i cat dial system new cables wlllbe laid in tojumy and- ihe treanendaas- job will bogih next year of cpriverting aw- present tclophfliirajutlujdlal apparatus the flew system will have de- flntcbtnefljf ln faster service plus an added factor for resid ents of glen williams who will have their country lines repla ced wjth private and two party sccvilc from time to tiff ft tlwrc arefcomplainls of delays in placing calls of poor con nections and other minor annoy ances whieh are bound torop up in a manual system partio ularlywhcn old equlpncnt is being used business firms par ticularly will be glad to have faster service however there will be sonic regret too when one thinks that most of he prcsemy staff of telephone girls will bftvcpla ced by mechanical devices which will tajceaway the pononap touch from making a telephone call there is something frien dly about a voice saying num ber please the line is busy one moment please heres your party and tit ring again but such is progress- mach ine replaces man or in this iramt h an d 4 hlayw u 1 come when telephone ctrls will be as extinct as horses and high button shoes conjtlnued next week in thi mail ba6t says feditor should be singular in editorials georgetown ontinrio 14 edith btreot docember 24th 1007 dear mrkditr x must rejoice with you in jf our editorial of deccrwbcr 21 in which youcommcntei happi ly that tho present need ior increased library facilities in georgetown indicates that ths art of reading has been resto red to its rightiul place fn our oulturc although as you say thcxo was a day when tele vision thrratoied to make us a naton of mllit crates so t busy werp we with the fascinations pithis acwchtcrj iunmejcne- rfiltr f tjie atatwtvritf iri ifiofrs erfh- ovo wrljtftri y yoji cpntalns wthlnltgcua vcry apt hlustra- tlo thedahgercbje ticcoining illlteaate which we may ornray not have jut barely escaped in tho dm of the plural ndun media whorcf medium should obvjdusly have been used just so you ourctoomcd edi tor do not ticcmnr even more illiterate than tv already ap pears to hovii made ymjmay i itate in the niosf elcnieriiaiji tenuilliat tv an fnlcrlaln- ment and communications n led um as also is the newspaper by which you make your liv ing or radio hr a library 1ak- en- together however they arc- nuidia or nudiums if yoii pre fer as anygood dictionary will toint out to you simple oh not no simple however ore the potential consequences of yoyr illiteracy i am particular ly concerned becauscof the danger of its iiprcading into other facets of our language envis3re the pan- ilemonla that would result not to say odia or opprobrla were you to prepare a compendia or evena symposia of all the crimes yolihavc conunltted in the name ounung to hytcrlum or rnuk wf j iejn lim agint tho ue o o6d th country tojnditca mlu kngllakfqjmliiijvmlraiaujnjtiirrugob thl lnot ilceflye n v of good grammar op the disease might apread ln tho oppqlt direction iri which case yu might be reaponslbte for a plo- thoaum of propagandum am or operum now mr editor before you write your next editorial say a llttlo prayer for those who will be reading it and reroem- thi oioorrown hirald thur4tay january 4 9e4 pages to produce abortions by prosti tuting the englsh language yours very truly we wilson make the announcement with confidence t hatit was official directory changes july 25 1051 the new georgctovai telephone directory io be issued here early in nov- ember- will contain scverfll im portant changes due to the stea dy increase n the num ber of telephones in service w 0 miscncr bell tele phone manager announced this week that the new directory will contain listings for subscri bers in the following exchanges iionly brampton galedon erin georgetown laurel milton mo no mills orangovulc shel- burrte and victo four exchanges aurora netmarket roches point and sutton are being removed from the georgetown horl the four exchanges will bo contained in a separate direc tory to be iwtued early in oc tober for newinarkctltichmond hill aurora and vicinity changes in the new book the manager stated will provide telephone subscribers here with a more convenient directory for local calling lu view oftho in creasing importance of george town and other localities in this area as telephone oenires sugar and spice by bill smiley wblqomeo l8 wtll to net -off- to a profound start were all a year older than we were when we entered 1wj7 as usual there are exceptions to hie rule some qf lis werent horn until june anil dre only six months older others after the dionyesjan rites of new yearfi eve arc eight year old er bur 4ount yaur bkulno ii your tiurshii your blood prmi- tur and your bhy ar no hue- tlnfl mor up mora or sticking out- mort and count some more if you have made a friend had a thrill done one good thing loved somebody and stayed out of the clulcher of the boys with the straitjackcu ive managed to do all these things those simple things and feel that this makes up in some measure for the fact that- 1067 was probably the most haras sing year of my entire life the last year has been one of uioic nightmnt in which you only realize youre awake when you pinch yoursejf and it hurts and when you pinch your self and it doesnt hurt it means uifly that you are so numhyou cant feel my firstborn quit college imd went on the bum the huoi mexico new orleans montreal expo and now new york where hes studying acting my brown- eyed baby to whom i once told bedtimn tloriea about munkle- unclcunkie and others tiateg school from the depths of her soul and wants to go away and b a waitress gnd live my wife is a kept woman kopt by sopumbor 8 l051i lncxci4 imi atu tn lln eltv nd when 1 dn nee her npu to ta es of 25c per nwnth for wo party residence telephone serv ice in georgetoavn aiul of 50c for residence individual lines are proposed- in boll telephones application for revised rat 1 led in ottawa witfli the board of transport commissi oner for canada according to w o mi ncr the companys manager here the proposed increase for individual line business service is 100 monthly and for two- party business aerwice it u 75c monthly no ehmige is propyod in long dfkunee raten dial phones the following two itthiis are from tha georitetowu herald of october 3 103t land deserve special attention hen jlnvsce her jynjpta to alk untini am aboutnietiche schopenhauer ami alot of other people i cant even pronounce let alone jpe11 sometinles i feci like crying hurst t tig into tears and letting the dripn fall uher they may but i cant the floor has just been polished and somebody hatotn take out the karbage and drive thn elf aninjr lady homo komithing cheering alwiul the whole tiling theres no pluee to go hut up maylm hugh wlll become a fjmous actor mjyjjj lcitrt will lecomi a waitrciswlio tlocanl have her thn nth in the aoup maylu tin- old lady will be come nqrmal ahdwho knows maybe this is rtiy big yva mayb i will break 100 in ui maybe ill write tho great canadian nov el maybe ill get my christmas tree to stand up thus hopeaprinns eternal in the human breast one mile stone nearer the grave but also a milestone passed in the effort to live life with dignity humor and love perhaps you dont like thw three terms perhaps you would prefer rectitude righteousness and religion or industry intel ligence and integrity fair en ough i like mine because they are more difficult i find it tremely hard to be dignified no matter how i try its almost lm possible to retain a sense of humor when you have rotten kids and its elrncly dltti cult to love truly and without qualifications this is all very abtract lets get down to concrete examples have you evertrled to be dig nified while trf a fly ing tackle at your daughter in the snow in the backyard as sue is leaving home for good at midnight- have you ever trled torelain a gay sense of humor whet your home form has given you for christmas inslend of the crock you confidently expected a bot tle of shaving lotion some pco- pie can drink it i cant hav you aver trltd ta lova softom with bad brhi comtanfr blilff and dlfttyiiinaajv halu but wh u batlcally a tpmddull pmruont mi well the hell with it ub mother year once a square always a square and all three inmbers of my family agree that im th most perfectly roun ded square they have ever met but im trying to become at least a parallelogram in oil and thesame to you flowers for all occasions wtddino arrangements coros specialty cut flower and punorai design we wire flowed rosedale floral 33 alkt ii tk 72m1 this vital yoongt religion many daths one god many colours one race many countries one world th- wtm aw m p6vht wtmfm tkarwtd icxja wio tw coii iulv iwu ttixtpi uoktti u wuot you or icxu tot wootatiort upoxwai is w htxid tfof oh 7 ha of georgetown is norm arid y bouuvard garerctewn mrs m barr scrtry one call thats all brings you tefuco fuel chief all winter long you tall ih only eoaa u hla k- front umm our tucr4 dny tuu i tmm yod h 1imiu1 bu aupply bc txaco ful chw h 1w oil- throughout th- ixlin kiu mai- that tu today wlax la wrid ii homa bailey oil sales no 7 hiuhway watt georgetown 8774031 beaver lumber i sate into the new year and save slot car and trainboard your bestbuyin base supports foirfclectjtic trains auto ragikii ntubal guay 529- 598- sherwood gritn 4 x s slicfl pacific mahogany panels natural mahogany v-rnov- ed plwowl panirlj winded satin amootlvready to finish 3 69 x8- s4w amy quantity pre finish ed mahogany plywoodanels satin imooth finished parwls random vgroovod ready- to apply in any room mucted foe grain and colour cokal vlhhbed and polished metiog- any yljl a slight tone ojdec- orative coral colouring 4 10 4xrpana toasted a 49 a warm golden shading to genuine mahogany with a pro- tnctivr polljihcd finish cherry nutmeg antiqued cherry colouring to the grain of gchulna miihog- anyfurniture finlfilvod 4 4 59 ixt panel teak jl59 wood grained v grooved hardboard pancu of excellent teak colouring and grain 4 xt panel- tx8s519 any quantirlr elm and oak panels truo hardwood grain fidly fi- wished and polished panels random vgrooved a real buy at this one low price 8 59 txbpanels any quantity your choice v now is the time to fix op your home armstrong special purchase of armstrong excelon tiles 1st grade no seconds 1212 11b gau 3 eolora 1612 any quantity ceiling tiles snow drop 17 florentine vri ijxlj io star dust 15 f1 i2xl2 u fissured 175- 12111 j any quantity clearance aqulck claaranc of odd arid and flrat conur plrat sarvd 1- alum comb dbor hjw 500 8c ea amtico floor tiles 9 x 9 only a few left 24 sheets odd hardboard panelling ea i x 4 pinelamb sets 195 ea mouldertcounterlrops special purcham 1995 p 3960 tow 4950 csv cil interior latex paint 4 95 a gal beaver economy paint roller and tray set vj cheen mohair 99 0 compine how jfo build your rec room free kit storm doors ultraseal li selfstoring combination aluminum doors- lrahunn 2faitt -j- moxolo yjcft ami iliifkt hand hlntfcd 2988 w imvdwuhtiniollciirinrnmu4iori uiul jiandy ti on how to ilotho job rlthl irom trivimlill lo colinil imrwln imiolo iuulnwl hoj lv slj instructions help provont you iroju muklin uiisliihtly and costly mistakes conn in lor your roflklt youra or thi aakln beaveri ii watr st 8772234 dall 0 stopnv i friday until t pm sal 12 noon lumber st6res

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