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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 18, 1968, p. 9

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ilfes irtffekon sfrrke as reasons hydro increase idflillonary prctturej lnclud 4ng riling cost for materials ivagfts and for borrowing money go a coiuy itxlkf were amonrf the reason ontariar hydro rcl nctantly had to announce an in create in rates of power sup plied this year to more than 850 municipal hydro systems d p cliff ltf vice chairman of qnurlo hydro si hod he wan the principal speaker at the anniial meeting of central ontario district nff 4 ontario municipal electric association held af the coriateusltpo hotel in mf iro toronto the- foceuhc win attend ri by some iso municipal utility mem kers from jax aurora bramp toe east york tobicok hj orcetown marttum mlssisisu ga milton newmarket north york pakvttle port credit kichmond hill scayboto stouft villc toronto wpodhridge and the borough of crrk the speaker ssld that fuian cbii construction program ts expensive but when high price of delays occasioned by strikes late deliveries of equipment and equipment failures was added to spiralling costs on all wldrs the situation called for the form of action that hydro uas recent ly mnd reluctantly forced to take the announcement of an increase aver eia approxim ately six per cent in rates of po wer supplied to the 335 munlc tpal utilities in the hydro sys lerrt iom municipalities may be able to absorb tho increase in most caces however it is expec ted to be passed on totthe con sumer for thr municipalities are also contending with escsl alloy costs ontario hydro rid the local utitttion have beer fighting tho fistng tide of inflation for some yoorb evidence of the cooper ative effort to- bold tho lme may be been in the fet thstrate have actually been reduced in some case while in other mun icipahties there hae been noj u q centrironurtoixs increases in power rates in 13 years or more 1f ave go back jo 1w0 jio base year for the general con sumer price index we get an idea of what a bargain electric ity in ontario really is the av cratfe ho me maker u now paying a 1 w for the goods and bcrv icci ihc bought for in 1940 that represents an increase of nearly 50 per cent in the cosb of living during the same period the average cost of electricity to tho residential customer in on tario has increased by about 1 10 of a cent per kilowatt hour or 10 per cent this in apite of sharply rising prices particular ly over tho pat few years in all phases of hydro operations mr cliff staled i during the annual dinner john t armstrong a former mayor of georgetown and the present chairman of -ceorge- town hydro- electric commission was honoured for his is years of service as a hydro conunis- iloner mr armstrong who is 3 past president of central ont ario district no 4 omea wai proented ith a jramed ctrti ficae by 1st vlo ohalrman p v cliff of ontario hydro presentation also was made b4he 968 rcsulcn donild tricf no 4 om ea to arthur m meen dfc m p p the rotlr ini president of the district a sociafion mrmeri in his cap acity of immediate past prcsld enl will continue to servo on the executive of the district as social i on he received a hind some desk bet in rrcknitlon of hin succe si ul ynr as presjiuviu of central ontario dunct 4 omt a the speaker at the dinmr meeting was hon uoberl b welch qc wpp provincial secretary and minister of cit izenship the subject of his ad dixs was looking into our second century lets play bridge i m ii ii 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 by bill coats tc rcrr it has been said that no trump contract are harder to play thin auit contract the ruaaon ktm to be that tile addition of a trump auit hcjpa declarer to maintain control of the band another reason that 1 have no ticed ia that at no trump de clarers often just take thiirhtih cards before tbey developed their tricks this hand will illustrate my point the dealer is north and bast west are vulnerable north sk j 3 i 1iq 9 3 1 k 0 8 4 37 c p t west u1s1 h a j 8 a da j ca 5 1 eait h k 10 3 a south 510 d 6 17 4 10 7 3 u h s t the blddw northtast pass pass 1 h paii 3 nt opening lead onus soulh vass pass wesc c 2 nt all pass four of dlaiai a few comments on the bid dlntf east has twelve points in hmh cards but with his strength so scattered and no aces in his hand ha should pass west ap pears to have tufmcen hlsh card points but with all four aces he adds one point this cmsuhishaadoverthcusualrui trump opening rantfe west should open one club ratherv thin- one of a major in order to make things cisirr for hui partner in caae kau has only four or five point after the diamond opt runj lead declarer can count mm tricka on top thoro i oni spade two hearty two h nn onds three clubs and out fur ther heak can bo developi d t uy hiwcvcr this is n t tin way that duplicate brilu i mu ar won nork it thn wiy to dr velop good habiti l no trillnp contracts at the time thr hilul w k jill ycd declarer mndc a rdli r ih rut lead of a liw h nortli put up thr ijlnr and rotiirm d diamond dcclurcv won pud lid a spade 4h thi quuc i v h ii tm third round of spadis wm lnd dcclaror discovi nvl that hu- thlrtccnth ipslc was 10 three riuhiis of club ihiui d tluit thty would not im is ui nil as the spadis had bun uif hirer led a heart to uvim jii i jed the jjst vparic nortjl shmvid tik mucii i onv in bis discards oil tn chili leads and tho lavt spadi u in i he discarded three dlillinnil from a suit that uas scl up ill clarer confidently iuhii north for the hi art qui n twelve tricks was a rui- au ard for this imairimtivc pli low much poorer the rt ults those dcclann who simply ca shed their hich cink mondays result indivulinl competltioil 1st mn ill ity ashley 2ndfuajm louoo- nlan and illll cojth nl filnr a coats thb o ht thursday jan uth ivavi latt 8 mrs f baker is new st andrews ucw head v florence ilakcr became prjut nl of st andrews unl ltd church avonn n at the an nuul iiu 4 tint on january 10th uln r oftii rs instalhd by uov 1c c johnston wire mrs lra u odiums vioe pr nl mr marjotir ack nid i- irour mrs tvelyn m irttn truiinr mrs itetty riclup prtiiram convener mrs lun mi mjiitni mtnrm nhip jnd flowi r coiivpmr mrj- hel in mult rson fnnnro chairman mr- m iritrie ovir swul cor hi r mr ann i slnrnnjf ot i7tn and mnd aiuoti mri jnit yisinr inillctpt editor my l huh tvdrdjtial enrdvr lr mirjorm arlroyd prrss jitd pnhviruv mri bra wod lj mi j m irlm anderson and mr ivcbn mjvlin ladrshp ti u irdt lollrlin tho tm uni the r tiruil pre uitjit mr 1 vi rm itj di r u i prtscnted w ti i jift ii mrs lara wod she them all the long awwt the short flndthe 22nd canada farm industrial equipment show coliseum buildings exhibition park toronto ontario january 24 25 26 27 1968 m m your frit aitatjufcft rem yaut uxal form lurjubtfll qtaltr glen eden winter resort is rxximgjpularhjhiblicl the ifalton conservation au we wt re the fir i i thonty s gamble with cleo lden southern onlirio and winter bportt area t hettinnin mnv mj to pay off ekt alllhontv churil the aulhonty took over oper humphn sjid list i atlon jbt the area a car alio i 1 f after its priate promnter went and uith a ft r i34i a wamed ceutircate rionouring him for is years of dedicated service- to georgetown hydro is presented to john t armstrong by d p cliff 1st vice chairman of ontario hydro nl the annual meeting of district 4 omea takes iode members on trip to australia fiji the first meclltlk of 1060 of the countess of strathmorc chapter iode took place on monday january 8 at the home nljtati and moritery mackenzie 10 valleyview hd the itebent presided and there were 20 members present the secretary read the min utes of the last meetini thu was followed by the treasurer t wport a letter of resignation was received with rejpret from mrs e lincc education secretary mrs o hunter save her report bhe distributed 112 iode cal endar throuchout all the geor gciown public schools the sep arate school and the liiiiil whool lh is yearly project of the chapter mrs hunter also rop- orted she had received two let ters of thanks from the succi si ful student who were awarded 25 for the general proficiency award in grade 11 and a spec lal centennial award of 35 for the studini showing the most progress in grade 13 tticii- were students attending gcor gctown district high school mri ft ballantlne secretary of services home and fliroad read a leltcr of thanks front h1dl headquarters in appreciation for the knitted vests and ottier knitted tfoods which he had re cently forwarded to them a report was uivcn on the christmas card fund raising project thu was quite success ful and a substantial amount was added to the gconral funds hie itcicnt thanked all thost wild cats plague huttonville 1 people jl huttonville rounied by pride of wild cats an elderly resident of the vll ue lux been worried by theo cats who live in the ruins of a bam ixjimd her b6mt hie on tar humane societ in pooka vllle wan auniatledtaiid one of its oolcera martin horon of brampton drove to huttonville to itrvettkate tlid problem he naid that tmirfe were over 20 cats there he caught two a black one and a tfrey one but the black one escaped oond trap vhen he opened the trap that be hod cuuuht it in it attack him and bit fiuht tlurouifh his leather love and tcratched htm uiroush hin clothinif tb grey one waa t ferodout aod became o frantic tryinl burvt out of the cgo that it split jta jhead open and had to be put ut of its agony mr huran rvported tile plight 1 the cat to a member of tha lilntuacotujy 1ownilup office stall and hntve cyril clark re huwtwl sbllliiiuitli h camiu bbhtrol officer of the township to inveuliifate tlielihptli nine cu mr smith spent over au hour in huttonville and wiw only one cat and what u mnre atatcd lit could not ttce any trncei of a lare numlxr of cats one woman rt- ported she taw nine atri stalknn up tho path wj by her housi defence contract to varian firifch a ccortfelown firm vurlan auociates of canada ltd lia iwjon awarnieil a contract by thi depai tiiitnt of difince lrl ultiun it is announctd by induiitry mlniitw c m irury the contract valued at 34 03j hi for the atlpply if tthwl u it i one of ml utitluikilied iiliwe onlrji la totaltuij pearly 4 million awarded ri cently by tha department uho had worked to hard on th committee the next fund raising effort will be the annual valentine dance to be hi id february 0 the folloumc members were added to the committee mri jame ivans mrs denncy char lei mrs sam iennce and mrs j r armslron member were atain reminded to forward recipes for a cool book to tlr k barber or mrs i itobert barbir tins concluded tho business part of the meeting then iol i low the nominations for the el ectnin of office ri for the com infi tar mm fd wuin mrs it narber uid mrs sam penricel nftreid to convini the nominal in coninnltic a most delightful and enter tuninp propram foiloaed uliei tin itifint miss l liclccrie llrolireu mr ram arimtion3 uho tool i r iu mbtrs on a most- intirlilm trip by uaj ofl cotound slides to australia and all the plirts he visited on lhe way i iji nrv talan i hone konc lokyo to namu a few iaul wj ihosi n by tht llo tary lub alonf uith six other younj ncn l6 npusui caiudi tlianks was oppressed on boialf of uie mlinbcrs by mrs o hun tcr lunch vii nved by the liikstfts assihti d by mri l jotjjcs mru 01irr huntir and mm h anhtonjll mrs james lv ins thanked tho luihtrhsi s jnd tho lunch com mittcl bankrupt and in tplle of ob- pr3vemcnts to tin i i mectionh from mtny quarten development of om f about the authority enlerin ufl ulll inn the aki business decided a to arr3 all nut m turning the area into reputable winter sports fac ility now after upending mor than 10 000 to rerade the hill build a laryer chalet and j lis tall new wow making equipment the authority u beginning to taste success inthe first 11 day of op eration the area has taken in more money than it did in all of last years 58day season field officer dave murray told i the authority executive last week 4nd the original intention of nutfint it a facility to be en joyed by the whole family is heira realised he said aince the katinr rtnk and toboggan run are r as much action as the ski xlope but the tmeitpected popularity ha created tome problems most serious of which is park int this is being solved this wetk by bulldozing a new lot for 00 cars in it ii i i i k irnl t in 1 in fit i i thjsvltal1 young religion many paths one god many colours wise nmut many countries one world your ind tuf itftml kalllfmi topt i avr 1 al ii t it vfuolirt of wofltuj itiliiv of cod fo o4f rj tvy cull i irlvt bua it fl opt bol u i i wl ut you ar ooumg faf lolofnnot on uptm ruvli 15 loll boaj tooiiro oaha is of cfcottgeyown 5 normandy boulevard georgetown mtts m- qarh scrrary inspected cleaned free qften a thorougli cleaning is all thats heeded reslor ihm beauty of your diamond rinfl while her we inspect your ring for loose diamonds or worn settings and recom mend repairs tf this seems advisable to prevent loss of your precious gemv remount older diamonds and other preaoirt itonci look larger ttnd lovelier in the modern new slender mountings dtbp i n4nyd ayandwewiug la dyqualea n modern- izmrj your jewellery witmatest style mounts johrpboughton jewellers certified watchmakers h main shr narih 8774313 lets give to the flowers for all 1 occasions wedding abranoemtnts coraag m stmclalty cut flowers and funeral designs wire flowers rosedale koral m aiismt sr tr 7 2ts2 ifexacofuelcaiief is on the job twulkixotwcbulu1- cal fiml vc teluuu contort bad an ilna ott ahpaya ooana dm fewa t em3l 16md too mill my junmkuit ihb sur bailey oll salts no 7 highway west georgetown i 774031 rehabilitate disabled people men if you are out when the homi canvasscr calls please mail your pink enveiope direct to campaign chairman mrs j mary cooper 45 rosefird dr georgetown or call 8774474 this advertisement sponsored by the following firms youngs pharmacy deboer movers j b mackenzie a son ltd delrex smoke shop phillips chrysler dodge barrogers cleaners dyers golden i georgetown i dairy jish chips wigo tv a appliances shoprite sc to si storr

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