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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 8, 1968, p. 4

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i- i own i by him nw umlteaf 23 main street south georgertowti 6nttrio wt7wbh publhhw s- page4 thursday february 8th 1968 editorial reverse positions opening of etqustlngs new senior publtl school t stewrtown markv an hist feric jeytn dpcttlon while traditionally the larger the community the better hp school fdciliti now the township has a tehooj superior jn it physical accoutriments end in the variety of education offered to students then presently exists in george- town it was a revetation particularly to town people who attended frtdays opertirkj to fearn fhat rural stodemti wift now be tak ing instfuctionin homepconomk5rndus trial arts a modern phase for what used to be called manual training and to see a science room and special art room as well as a library the trend to senior schools s evident today in georgetown the eastern part of town is served by one srftool devoted to the senior grades and it is probable that this will b extended a some fjjture time by creation of another in the other part of town do we or dont we comment there are distinct adyantegei in being able to specialize in subjects whtb rotary system and in providing such facilities as stewerrtown now has ln one building which woifld be economically impossible otherwise this is offset to some extent by the necessity of providing transportat ion which is not only oosfty but creates ie additional problem of having all the children at school all day rvith the conse quent need far noonhour supervision it is likely j that local school trustees will be closely watching the stewarrtown experiment though of course an such planning will be coming urcler the jurist diction ofa central school board slated to be introduced next january the main question will be whether the benefits derived from such introduc tions as industrial arts and home economics for ejementflry school puplli ere worth the considerable expense involved in the equip ment and extra teaching skills needed wav sugar and spice by bill smiicy beautiful dreamers tye had qtjiieadtwiltsion in claw the other day about dreams school kida have a na tural reluctance to revealing their inner selves especially to teachers and parents but after we got warmed up i was wuh ing id had a tape recorder it i faacinatlng u removed barriers decision of a newlyappoinled clerk- edmimstrator or georgetown lo turn down the position has left georgetown council in the position of either readvertising or of forgetting the whole thing perhaps it is all for the best for sur ely council will now get together and dec ide first whether such a position is nec essary end if so what a new mans duties will be and what salary will be paid in the opinion of at least three coun cil members the town has no need for such a man others claim he would bo a coordinator and the opponents argue back that there would be trouble in expecting such a man to be senior in position to bet terpaid town employees certainly if would appear from opin ions expressed at the meeting two weeks ago that there is a diversity of opinion and no dcarcut definition of what council would expect the new man to do there is even at least a temporary problem of where to put him in an a i ready crowded muviiapm building it would seem to us that at present the own is quite adequately served by its pres ent staff we have a town clerk with several years of experience a capable treasurer at- watch out marlene a former georgetown woman is out o wrest marlene dietrichs glamorous grandmother title and anyone who saw her picture in last weeks herald and read of her accomplishments would vole for her hands down a university degree is not easy to come by at any age and not all the young spirants fresh out of high school make it to start university after raising a fam ily of five is a chore in itself add to this returning to high school to complete grade sessmenf commissioner and a new townnenj gineer who lias promised to take over much of the engineering formerly allotted to consultant firms as georgetown grows there will be an increasing need for a central coordina tor certainly but council should give more study to the qualifications they are seeking before proceeding any farther a clerkadministrator coordinator town manager or whatever you like to call him must be no less than the general man ager of a business he will have ability and tact a general knowledge of accounting and office procedure familiarity with municipal law purchasing and assessment and at least an elementary knowledge of engin eering provided such a man is available we wager that his salary will be at a much higher level than is offered to date but even more important when the time finally cornel to engage such a man coimcil of that hay will have to reorient its thinking too and become more of a policy making group rather than dealing with the mass of detail which up to now has been lealously guarded as the right of elected representatives the tie that bhtds professional development day planned for teachers by tom ramautartlngh gdorgtown p d chairman district 12 the professional develop ment day for district 12 uill be held on february 16 at the port credit secondary school 70 mitteou road kant port credit the theme it interna tlonal objectives m edicjilot the momintf programme will include registration audio visu al and book display uelcome president a address and a film ed address entitled education uind stocking or fire kinrfllnif by sir alec clegtf vmting com monwealth fellow and chief ed tication officer for the wm kid mi uf yorkshire kniand each teacher in given a capy of the peech by hi proffikioiial de velopment ueprextntatlve ano it is expected that the speech will tie read and taaeheri will take part in the dihcuwjon follow in the film a panel discussion will be led by di t i hatke of the university of waterloo mr a bowers of the north york board of lducation mr c j mccaftr past president of the osstv v itli mr it davis of harley to halton end merit that wu agreed to was caused by a typographical error which went unnoticed in the house of commons tite stttinga on the aub- ject matter of abortion continue it 1 now expected that these hearings will carry through to almott the end of february whether the committee i rea dy to submit a final report by this uma will depend on wheth er the committee attempts to get statistical information from other countries hu been iuc cessful ill the view of the com- mlttre wlly observation drv harry haruy mp for hilton the debate en the broad costintf act has continued in the house of commons the home of common hu passed man of the noncontroveriial claul3 and hat proceeded to de bae th clauses remaining movt of the debate haa ben pro longed by the effort5 of two minn berg ofth house of com mom liberal ralph cowao and bra mule second jo scliooll separatist giles g repair the color hint hfer are some colour hints to improve the appearance of the outside of your home does the chimney look too bit or too i mall for the resoj the houid if ao paint it the lime colour u the exterior wall to make it leu noticeable hoof look too high paint it a dark colour and it appears to be lower georgetown herald 13 a tough grind for even the smartest high school student and you gt an idea of what mrs joo hursrof acton has tacklod and sue cessfully mastered the former nan hale of town received her ba die lor of arts degree at the univer sity of guelph last week and is now con sidering a further year at the ontario col lege ol education in preparation for a tea ching career her family and friends are justifiably proud of her achievement and the herald odds its congratulations no problems that youth l centre wouldnt solve i 18 queen street mention youth in we are rwtwllv inensted in teena who iear mr wllor arl mjrfd we havo flf jobi youll have to pardon my o 1m done and plenty of res writing it may be a iittlei poiisibillly to be ditdied out in xkppy bacau i am very tired tin n ue offer our facilities i juit inched hanjunj tin- dances trtid outwit a to rut uindoiuii painting the woodworl raking the lawn halting the lawn was toujfh he cause of all the snow but some how i tinmajted the rest of my time w taken up uio veiling the sidewalk washing the ar learn mg to cook kcrubhmf some floors repairing the sink building a boat and bcttbitf job the people who read thla will probabjy think that 1 flip ped and why shouldnt they who in their rijfht mind would expect people to do this a for beittjt bored lite never i can go to the restaurant pool hair bowling alleya or to the youth b coffee house in cedarvale la your editorial you didnt no mr kditor the bored tetni ut many in numlmr you mv in yuur editorial wlvat hap pened to the days when you could ko uimfow shopping it i very deprenif to uo window shopping nowadays lhe price of artlrlcs is atrocious another fault of window shopping in georgetown is that it would take you rifteeif to twenty min utes to walk up and down main street another fifteen or tweri ty to walk up to the plaza and ten minutes to cover the stores up there or if you really want to have fun go up and watch the trains coming and going some other exciting ideas for bored teens la to go to the council meeting monday nlghu watch nino make a piua watch thorn press clothfej in barrators or look at the floral displays in pauline s for thaus tccii uho are not inclined to athletic sports run up and down the sidewalk h anyone asks why you are doing this tell them you are bored and art keeping busy if that h too much join the organization callwl mpbthcb or in nhnrt mr peatsona bored teens heart club band membership can be obtainad from any of the prcitmt running candldatea for hl job you aho say in the ditotifll if you have health imagina tion energy your only comp laint should be there are only 24 hours in a day to further add to thl you should say that there are only 48 noun in two days does this nuke sense it all comas back to the sams thing georgetown baeda a youth centre incidentally i didnt re- crlve any phone calls concerning the youth centra thla only goes to prove the pyple of george town dont give a damn about ideas expressed by young pso as moderator a luncheon break uill take place from 11 30 a m to 1 pm hoast beef dinner will be served to those who have bought tlclt- ft during the hweheoft prio 4 dijtsy w audio visual sci ence and technical equipments as well as booki can be seen m thh gymnasium tiieru are 2 companies taking tpart this display the afternoon programme starts at 1 pm it uill take the form of a symposium with the following hmbguurq japan i ii s ussh west germany and tho iligb commission of austra lis the moderator of this sym podium will lie dr pg cornel of the university of waterloo occupation teachers of all schools will join the ccnual peel vocational school and bri tannia vocational school by vi sitihgt tlochegtrfrmiltcrt bow manville and warrendale with miss kopp of souui peel charge while othern will visit hagersvillc rrotro toronto and windsor schools with mr goor te smith in charge art teachers will ko to hum llton witlimr g maci arlsne of the mlhtissauga boord of kdu cation as convener rubllshad by homa nwtjattra llmitd georgetown ontario walter c buhn publisher garfield mcgllvray production superintendent terry harley ailaen bradley news kditor accountant mrs irene niven the senate has now pajcsh anne currie reporter the divorce legulation and it has received royal absent a1- a though several amendment advertising msnager were proposed irr the sciau no wu clark dave hastings significant changes were mademyles gilson johnmccumenu in the legislation the only am- gorge young the whole thing was iparfcad by a short passage of poet dy lan thomass ceeolcti6ns of childhood in which ufa is a iumblad mnd unreal as a draam u ends th memories of child- hood have no order and ho and tbotruw dreamed later in life that ha could fly a4 a child ive hd- this dream many tim es and i waken from lfoollng wonderful but then irlcrrible sadneas comes over mc as i re allze it wes just a dream some of the kids havo had th same dream it takei dif ferent forms some flap their arms until thcry gain altitude thn just sort of glide mine is always the same i uko a long running broad jump and by sheer will power keep my feist from touching down again i never get more than ten inches off the ground but im flying swiftly and easily and surely swooping around obntacld and absolutely freo of the surly earth one boy admitted a recurrent dream in which he 11 at hat in the world serlei basejj loadsd home run neoded to win bh game seventy thousand people are screaming come on ian come on dan time togat up for school same chap confessed to a dream that would fascinate sig gy kreud he wa buying a new pair of pants tried them on took them off for the tailoring came out and found hit old panu gone he walked nil the way home with no pantf and wasnt the least bit embarras sd a girl confessed that she of ten dreams that she 1 the cen tre of things a big broadway star just fcbout to launch into the greatest musical in hhtorv with every eye on her she is the wrl leapt likely to be a great star though a delightful pemon who will make an cecccl lent nurse a grand unfa and mother another about big dogs who are almyk going to cat her still another droarm of cowboys and indians and shes always the cowboy- and by golly aho looks like cowboy iahca long logged and laconic a grade 12 gary cooper who needs only a hand tolled bull durham smoke to complete the image another boy dreams that lie haj had a wqrd run through him but doesnt feci a thing from there w got into the lhi- slnes of whether of not you can foel and small and hear in drcanvi whether theyre in col- or then wj got into the theorr that if you have a nightmare and actually htt bottom at the pni of that fall or that jne monllr uitthm up vith you youll jic because your heart will uop j this jcjd came up in nie toda and sild sir uib irtgshr t dreamt i fell six tuories and i hit bottom and i didnt die did you bounce i enquir ed or did you unconsciously bproad your uings and land gently nope t landed hard but i uu lay there all sort of apread out but not hurting and not dead i was trying io jump into a puddle arid i mksod it clad youre still with us i countered but youve ruined on i of our thtoriat he waa dallghtatfhffa was th en who had th sword run through him about once a week and doesnt faal a thing another taachera theory squelchsd drcamu are groat im all for them kven nightmaroa are good for you you can wake up with pounding heartina coldsweat scared out of your living wits but what can compare with that relief that glorious comfort as tho thing gradually fade and you realize that you are alive and it is warm and safe and ming in your own bed the only thing that is boring about dreams ii whcn other pcoplo try to descfibetheirs word op the wjsek absimtif alcoholic wormwood a green aromatic liquor containing nnise etc next walks word abstemious business directory government hm movd to takuj r hteatunts to limit tavdcbate on 41ip broadcasting act vand if these measures are auccesidul the debate should conclude by tbii nd oc next week chiropractor donald a oay dc appoidttntnti mad cll tr 73401 3d miiisi girjlown news echoes from th hrildi of 10 tid 20 yaan ago t chiropractor garalrf w corixh dc op dally by houm cmlla umntei 774431 da mln st norfh no bastk holiday i his year utcro uill bo io nclionl holiday at lisltr tlma in ontario instead thtre vi lie a win ter holiday the wcok 6l lmarch 17th and the third week of each aucceedlne march good friday aiid easter mon day will colrtlnun to im achool holldayi 9 well but puplla will ha attending achool for the bal ance oi the kaiter week pie so dont alt buk and crlt- ictte the youth telling uj to griv up and quit crylnit thais all i have to lay i now think i will io read a ood book 1 jbn kiicrton 19si lee king who liaa baen at rhe kinqtton branch of thi canadian ank of commarca for fourteen years rs tfie now accountant at the bankibraricftheren ron brifjrrty 8 hewwn croac gava a brilliant perform ance last weak whan hejslayed the starring role in lhe bramptgn player production of charlie i aunt ten years of accident fra driving for brewers ware housing were rewarded last wednasday avening when jack crawford of glen williams was presented with a bonus cheque and gold lapal pin at th brewers s an- nuauttaffic safety banquat in kitchener anthony gas explorations ltd acton have brought in a now gas well on the norman bird farm at the corner of th 5th n and slewerltown sideroad government tesls show it will produce 600000 cubic faet per day 194s i norman bl hill has bean elected by acclamation to fill tho council vacancy created in ward 2 by the resigna tion of harry halo if local housewives will cooperate in saving power wher ever possible power shutdowns in georgetown may be unnecessary a temporary emergency arising from sub normal rainfall in quebec last autumn ha resulted in a sarlouf power shortage in southern ontario in geor getown industrie have given full cooperation in the emergency some plant have achieved a tan per cent reduction in power by shortening dally working hours merchants havo cut out some interior afore lighting wher ever possible walkitt curttls ohtomltrisys 11 majji sl s brampton phone 4511474 hour tttm to b pta tuesday to saturday friday p a hi to d p ra lvetilnss by appointment f i nm i ii robert r hamilton obtomatruit lit mountalnview roid south ciitctui bide for appelntrrtant itfawi barragers cleanersshirt launderer tr 7m79 18 main s 10ti guelph all work dona on premise wallaci thompson 3rd division ceurt clerk m cenimlsslenar ttlyaj csorgbtown animal clinic 106 geelpb street dr r b caskln clinic open 0 mon wed saturday 8 pm pri ill aje w h carr frofeulonal enolhear comultlne fenolneer ontario land surveyor office 1773211 773300 honte optomitrist l ivl brown 0 d 35 mill st per appointment phone 7 73471 monuments pollock ii campbslll designs on hequest inspedt our work in greenwood cemetery ttodnb 6j17sw tfl water street north salt koller construction is now inslalllnq aluminum siding windows doors all work guaranteed free ostlmates call 7710j

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