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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 18, 1968, p. 4

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1 ljttilalirucaiilit jiia r georgetown herald publlahed by hm nowipatmr limited 22 mln slraar south gaorgalown ontario w c biihn publisher page 4 thursday july 18th 1968 editorial comment r j important decisions georgetown council ts facing tin un pormnt and far reaching cuciion on i wtici will affect the community fuufe i h ima at that of 193- when delrex fobdlvmoiv came into oeing in t4x day the wa rvo past exper- leoce o draw upon tb town was caught up in the excitn ment of an eypantion which doubled the towns physical proportion brought more industry more people and homes a shop ping plaza and the consequent benefits ind disadvantage of rapid prowtn the ekunuc proposal an extension of lie original delrex development would mean a nrrula surge forward after a tern perirgoff period which has giuen george town i chance to get its sea legs tei tnousand more people a second high school and more elementary school more water an extension to the sewage disposal plant more municipal employees kxj a bigcjei febilding to house tiiem more parks and recreation facilities re all farc- tors which must be considered council has wisely engaged a consult ing firm to examine the brumac proposal rvd recommend what action the town i in thi mail baq defies authorities will reopen resort at rosslake n n georgetown ont should take the report has now been presented aki is beirg given derailed scruiiny by the town fathers wrth hits available they thould be in a much bejler poihohhdn tho oouricil r number of a decade ago to decide on the iw4t action to take certainly it l important to look at every angle of expansion to take into con sideration every expense which large growth brings experience has showed that municipal swvices do not grow in xhct proportion to population a town of six thousand for instance gek by with a 3 or a man police force while a town of 15000 needs five times thi numbw the same holds rue for most municipal departments a paid fire depart rrveot and ambulance service more accom modatioi for swimming and skating more parks increased policing re all matiers which must have earnest consideration we expect council 1o give the consult ants report their her scrutiny and to come up wimi a proposal to brumac which will be fair to the town s present and future population and to the development firm need apartment policy apartment building seem to be one of town council s thorniest problems at pre sent at one time regulations were gov erned by the buildincj by law and prov d jng an applicant complied with this th procedure was cut and drted recently this by law was rhsnqef nd each application is now iuboct o councils okay udgcd on its own merits this ha led only to confusion and place an onerous task on councillor as they debate each application so fa few epertrmen severs have won fair pom a variety of reason boo op each trm council rightly listen to eompjetnts by ireiden4 who fear apartment feutlcb rtes will have an adverse affect on thr popecty value but most of the other objections would eem to have little valid the punrwng board ha compiled a list of objection which cn hardly be taken lef lously in persuading council to turn down one application distance from store trhnivhin od t4wn not heinn near th bearing on whether a person should be al lowed to build apartments overloading of the sanitary sewer sys tern hat been frequently used as a turn down yet if this i the case at on coun cillor said jait week all building permits shoud be denied until a solution is found senior government apparently iocs- not see eye to eye with council on the question in one recent case the town ws ordered to rezone a small area to allow an apartment permrt which had been denied by council fcnd disapproved by the- towns planning board this could set pattern where cer- tenly any case could receive similar treat ment and a delaying action would mean only money spent by town and applicant in legal fees gorget6wn need ft clearly defined law approved by the ontario municipal board outlining where epertment can be built and what requirement the town will make from the builder the toonew this is done the sooner everyone will know dear sir i have enclosed a report com piled by me relative to the en closure imported on the kou- lake ewim area ainre 1066 lie pealed attexnptn haw tjren made by me to have trbe lifted by the hilton health urn i hut in no avail the closure has nreyenied me by order from atj vertuink in any way or reestab lishing this area it a mrvlce bo the public i have notified the unit that i am ignoring the order and plan on reopening it with required jlfeguard ami sa fety equipment j regrei having to conduct a bualnrsn tinder theae conditions bttt in vie of the number requesting to use these facilities particularfy when the water aotirce in no free rom pollution and dv eloped to aaaure the publfr a reavmably natv place to owlm u is my belief that the public be informed of the exact tit cunntancpt aurroundinir this cloture which had not only atrahsled my ehrtrrpris htit hus te an extent ntgmatixcd it i would appreciate yoiw rradin thr report with a vltw to pub luhinj it in prcparmi ilni n pflrt thrre is nothing slander ou to any official and havr prricnled thr rr port for the tnil alaff ti revuj rvquestinc their comment uh to aluratioti or correction a yet i havr not brd from tlwm and assume lhn meani ili validity lieve will feature he an added safety rosaiake aeaori waa opened in july 100s many eurpciae followed which were wot cci- templatd in reveal in tbeaa surprises i ahouid ilk to be rnphatic explicit and honest 1 he aurpraes i mention oune in the form of a cloture tha clo sure was approved by b haj- ton health unit be4n aigned by aaa med offtoer of hwlth tr stuart in absence of br hall in the report aubmitied by inspect sulllvaji dealfntf with conditions that wvrr found on lhn swim aftea ot that lme and aj repord by tii ullwan itv- flucnccd in part the closing order what thu report contai ned has never been divulged t havr repeatedly tried to dis cover what wa- the ootvtent of that report it wat liter pointed out to me that i had not complied with ocrtun standards contained in the boot of rules and regul tinns it aeenw that because this jryi wni artificially devej oped it muu fall jnto the cat egory of a witall awxm pool of the indoor type and must com ply with rulm 8tipjatei m the booklet as follow sugar and spice by bill siviil y we need parent power an inurtini and riott frlfhtenlof mnurutlcm of th tkau u til rpldly incrai lot pojnuaxltj of the concept of power amoot the million of word with wklah w r oomtinty bombardad by the nun madia that ona popa up with alarmioc frequency thara nothing wronj tritt th word itxlf m not a dirty word w dont get alarmed when we think of audi terma aa power piant power ihoat powar drill power of attorney or hookeye power play we arent aoeeked wijin we ihlnk ef menial power or phyt- leal powar or plrltual power tk word merely deriotai atrentih ours trtllv 1 i h hach nluit h- provl rlrd uith showrr bath ladlltle 5 lhe water rmkt pa rriod icaliy chionnati j j there miiat be lifeguard all petviaion at all time now it la practically unpoa mible or impractical rfor a awim area auch as hoealake to com ply with thee rejrulatiorut which apparently fcamixl the qfwforr wbmittmj thi rrpnrt bajds nt the cloture to thoae who limrn lo rrtv voire i r him to deenbe the j t 1 trtj lo lake project briefly where do we go from here aa 1 j reault of this closure thu rosslake resort sltuaud 3 ml uuth wtr gerg4own on lot 17 mtpu avenue the complex uhich ivearit my name commenced development lati in lfk4 and wan comple nwun aroa part of the roulake complex haj remained cloaed for two yeara two aeaaona tel in 1065 thr most impor it lw for thin reason that i but in the way it li uaed eo often theae dayi it baa snort ihtiaior connotation it bet undrtoni of hatred and nnseleu rebellion h tufgeau mashing tomebody or aome- thlng we have been careully tccll ma tired we have accepted be cause of timidity or indilyer- ence the ideaj of air power and union power and poutloaj power and ldbby power and now w have black pow er and student power both of them with built in provocations to violence ynd brutality the only one that seenu fairly harm lis it flower power but even thin is aisoclaled with drug iextial promiscuity and ajiar- ph it s fairly obvious that i can not mum this pernicious tide of power by writing a column ab out if but all you read era might remember onte in a while thit nvcry new power group chiseli away at your per itonal ficcdom an individual and also at the idea of peace and brotherhood for lh world tant feature of the projetl the kwtni irca which uas dev eloped from a ravine of bush like proportion wasteland otu dded with ahrub treea aa well aa larger tree which v em la its- uaed j lumber moat of the lakebed was ahaped by bulldo stara as this project progres sed we found it to our advan tig to creal an island in this ravine thus jtaing some won derfully developed old willow tres and w decided to aur round these tree with in artifl clilly built up island ko to pak j have undehaken this probe an investigation into tiie justifies turn of the closure so far in the investigation it has proved interesting but fruatreting the usual bureaucratic buckpatfn has been encountered thus no one seems to be responsible no one remembers ito one wants to associate themselvea with the context one of th principle figures in the order was itpec- tor sullivan who under inter rotation iii referesiofl to hts du ties had this to aay i am pcetd to do the dirty work for the superior official this inland v ben completed where they are at and the leii time ipeht hid the proportions of abogt ni fficial to admtt by councl in long nvdlvd dicuitnil 1m ion roughly 60 wide tai 1 his goes on nd on ou v ill never flet e govern- mis atd now after two years time 5objc ibirery would iem to have mtl up brickbats not bouquets nvwv time un rirtrin iirrlirit rmrnmw th- i th extensive publicity fjivon a young scohiah alowaway now enoynncj a luxury vacaton la canada jiiowt how far we hau con today in encouraging young people io break arway from normal behaviour tim we wfven thu 15 yearold would riave been apeedily returned home given good hiding by tin parents and ussd hi an obect lesson to other youngsters who might have similar ideas inalead w find that he has become aomething of a hero thanks to the da ly press and television a well meaning but misguided hamilton ma i has shellrd out inoney to have him spend several weeks aeerng ontario t attractions hit parents mi powe rhlef hkrwrtrw above sullivan dnrxvbea hia af tuation thua i cannot furnish yoii with the required irformbmi and will not discloe the infomutiod because i have ho authority and why are you attempting to pursue thia fttrthar under tho the tree are atill livinj the experiment has been wicceaaful in relation to the aurvnal of trees under theae conditions now eiirrounding tile island is a depth of about t water and from the mainland reaches a footbridge approximately 7i long of aturdy corwtrtiction and condition was built hieh enough to allow a pleasure eraft that i later dr muirt tha official who built and operate around the mgned tlie rloaure elprckwd lake i his aymruthj in ermneotion with i the prohlem waa not in favour all of this development wai witht the rulea and refutation arbficully contrticted and that are in the booklet took laontha to complete i might ay the various depuia of i in th6 elwinsian water rante from the beach le f r stiiart protnlaed a rvu further inspection to h trie for actjeptiivtf gate arlmis aion under these circumstances ah thia aeemi to reveal thai le malton jlcalth unit i pnvil esed with dictatorial powers it would also appear to mo tliat theee offlciila have in vague way admitted hliukhaitif i re gard these gentlemern as being reaponaible ifor the tnvo ymf closure of this mvim arel what is the future of pnvjlft- ly owned swim ontcrprlsea with the lifekuard problem al ways facing the operator not only from a financial afanri point ibut from thr aafcty aland potnl it is virtually impossible to reuulate your crowds it is not possible to supply accord intf to the ratio of 1 lifeguard for every 60 swimmer as sug rested armost impoasihte to comply with this both from the standpoint of financial re turn by the simple process of mathematics it would take oil of the dmiaslon derived to pay for the lifeiruard supervision and also it i not rxuoble to forecast the nosnber of ewirh mera each day or weekend it i not txxaible to forecaat the weather cm cool days few iswunanera turn lip whereas on hot days it could become over owded ltealblr this it la lalttrernely difficult to aupervisa clum ol tha wlm area accordlnir to llir 1 suggested rules now all area ou ncrs ajroe that lifctfuardiru la imporant very important it 11 my le lie that each operator is awaie of hue significance ond ue at asreed that aupervision he mamuined nd improved jiow ever it must be pajd hie pnv at operator must pay for the life guard from the revenue derived from his eslabliihnumt now in the fiovenuncnt opora ted arcaj n operaunf deficit can be overcome by taxation in other word a certain rale is atdli3hed for the admission ihia doea not cover the main tenajveo cost of ssvim area however in a sovoriwnenl pro- ieet the question of these costs i hrnot tiuiiortarrt appareirrrtyh now after lint little sermon i m going to reverse my stand and come out atrotttf for ano- thcr power roup us not a new one but its so fcejble that it nccdifartificial respiration and intravenous feeding 1m talking about parent tower 1 his used to be one of the biggest power groups m socle ty so we old squares well recil your parents told you to do something arid in mot cases you did it if you didnt you suffered the conseoeoces these ranged from being aeut to bed without supper to a good licking if vnur old man caught you unokuig at a tender age hed whale the tail out of you if you came in too late from a dance even though you were a young lady of 17 you might get a hair j bmk to lemr paterlor ilwuti ttnnlnf at cbool ji didnt nntaon it it horn baenim jouvl likely fit laoumr oa tbu if you hooted btcttfe you udnt work you war lovltod to a out and tt a job iwl wm pirit ptnrar may b ft louodi udme in tiua nltr t but it wwot pawu lend their childran than too and tried to direct umu toward uwtr own ood atany a clout on to mr or whaek on th tail 1 aod drvd vry of them and loved my parenla deeply today parow power la on th verge of extinction uoleaa wo can figure put something now in a hurry oh we atlll have a certain uthorlty when they are llttl ter all a alayejxid proba- by wont threaten to run away r become a hlopy if he geta a amack on uia bum but dont count on it th kids have us orfth run and hy knowjt thraatvn teansfar even wllh serrmtrilna aa harmless es curtlns th al lawanc r nashis f th car end you oat a threat rleht back that h or ih will laav hem we dont want lhm to nd ruin thlr llvs a w knu ckla undr kids have been running w ay from home for centuries but they usually ran off to aei or off to the city to get a job they dldn t run away to york ville or vancouver to become teenage pickings for the plmpa and pushers whoa for parent power how do w get it hack and georgetown herald published by horn nwspapra limited georgetown ontariii walter c blhn publisher garfield mesllvray production superintendent terry harley alleen bradley newa editor accountant valerie tort anna currle reporter frank mullin advertising manager lealle clark dave hastings uylea gllson john mcclemenbj ceorge young have cabled him all is forgiven enoy your self and he keeps bobbing up on television shows and in the newt columns depicted as a young adventurer to be emulated by ell the young dreamers who will be itching to try their luck in seeing foreign shores we don t blame th s young scotsman nor do we crniurti li m too much for his escapade he is at an age when we all dream of geltinq away from conformity of tee nn the world vel sloping down to depths of- vt a w rl lt whe instead in the main ewim area m w do blame tne adults who instead lpor01lnllte j o the rted cross water safety of of curbing tfiete instincts and letting young j in ihe n of stert kivow they cant got eway with it arel from 5 to g acres of lrreulnr h irrf sponsible behlviour shoreline and is a colorful dev elopment it has the bnikground of a large and heitltlful hush business directory donald a gay dc inlroduces blo enginkirinq the hew painless spinal thkiiapy so mill st caoroetown for appolnlrrient call ir3401 encouraging tucl hasn t yorkville taught u a good en ough lesson yet loronto i aubsequerltly nsceiv l a copy of this i he report was lencthy and describes in detail the ana in assessing the repoit i note there was hal yon xakt mfp jim snow reports h ar aim this wessc the leg lsleture have been dlacuaaing and dhatin th etlmatea oi the various deparunenu of the government thr department ft the attorney general vjftlch 4hhmrmmks al whld l has no bmh cfhrlllmell wivi prcaeotly conalderuiaf those est imatea ol the department of flnaacial aod comfnerdal af faira it would agvear from th amount of ut being made witk that oatibtitaa and the am mwt m leaaklation yet to t fin thia eeaaion ends that th adjournment date is al a part of queens hilhway 21 least several week off vet it was silted ivy the minister thht the leeonatrtictlnn of this udlil ink ihjlms of the of road will ha included residential property tax urdu i t planned programme but rtion act whereby the municip wl ll0t up p immediately alitles make credits to the pro perty owner for th basic shel m 1ijinday aftornoon we ter laemptton grant and the munirlpalitie reimbursed by urm of 2 studrnh from he rovnce of onurn for wm yulon terl hse crediu the ftra pajment an evch by he trfclnce to ue munic y d h lhe pallll who have tted ma their claim we mailed olt on u h p tuesdv july nth luml juldmgs ind aittng in al the i egislature they along i hkctlvm cnnfitmitinn this week from the honourable george gommr minister of highways that the proposal that the county of halton exchange with th department of high way that section of highway 23 which u part ot the tuelph una for that itmnmm with the accofnpanshngpltville students toured the toronto city hall the museum atxl also the loronto dominion centre complex let aecdort of hronte mi nam i ej niudiui iiiunufy mi uuiefl euudiui lllinufy has been approved under this exchange the department will take over th juriadlctlnrl and control of thw section of bron te hoad between no s highway and th queen kllxabech and rebuild it to dopartment nf highways standards making it the georgetown herald uhich iwkfrnu a mnkiiuh pic nu ntmn of lwza that mlfiht lurnw view in uii autumn r whlch woud jprdiw the mvimiiwr his ownmetit ttw wach on tin nrwslakf ciwllnj lh beieh caikiuiohh swim aiva is roughly tbont 2wj fmt iu pait safhy tvm rtj long and i vwnplptcly iandrd lifp i inifs ec urf in ord as mntivnh iworp it u conitructcd and deaiynrd to conform with gall nhils is n objective 1h hwuh linp han a eivtlf jfljh itrutx wro to ftuimmlng dp4hj a cordort o huoyn war klnjj tb 4 drnlh in ftnclvored nioti the entire fcwim bivj ih lud eta safely watfr sfryict awistwi in diunlni th tmich ih important m tutyj rt thit ara inilud hpnn fed water moutc wiui added 6uro vf ltkkbcd niriiiis rising from thj bottom ihfnv jiin no wifwiu fend tin huddfn diop ntf or rookv cinvicnji so much r tlvt dsci ijilinu of hoedlako tvwim ittva aa dv eloped io 1066 made on the ivcach rra mon ttlopinif and ciadlnj wm oompmvd itwu an ml in if doiit special tlonllot la itftnn paid to child rn n iiby yard wth aaixl rxl alukd u i tila yard will jwrv 4 aafly iencn in hia report ji lnnhfd two miprovmiiu i jttfkt male il ntno to wns and saty fciw in a rw of thp dam it was thia report submitted to him u helntf insfrumrntal m jirolontf inif th closure iljyi commejtf you have not u yet removed th safety bazardit 3cliuiij tt your uwini area when que tinned b wax unable to dt witlm uwp iaxardi allow nui to dijjiv monwntarily piuiwmit to mr sulhvni report two daya prior to th cloup tlijj tftnueiuin prve ted mve with two carefully docu- nftotd advartueimoiuit sldn if hhjm vr miaw i wiijrwmed ytv ho niiid yon mum lnniel lately erji your fctwnnmini niitwi yod muat ubp advcahl- yoill pwuuavv u wy wmivutu si nil you will remand yolirsel ait bollix 1 nihil im any mihhap m that wau 1 and ttutt tcame ift ullcnuin nnpector sullivmii waa rquipved to uk plcturea prtuqinably to nupport his iind jtiftm iih hfciiuanl wutioitad rmd thi yar and w be wf iikxinthheit aid critlcired deflcttj ar overomv b tax ation ch of ixg autat in ron trjbutlntf toward their itnmten- anc this can not be applied to pnvilftly owned area guch ui tto4nuke 1111 th problem tmna us what ii th ifutur of nwini araa to b it would seom to m that- th rules and reula tloria tre an linoostubln sit untlon ax thebe rules desinevl o cripftle or atrane tlw typ of awim ara tikh ilosblalce tli onuj la beiiik jut on the fcrtuu lirtiiiaal pool which i ialr superviked yet uith i wwuublft afetv methods cm ployed there h still a risk nd people must he taught to re spect wlr lo timvo it is pri sibu that it will be unlawful to opwu a lare uim ana and projeeti larfler than the aiuficial pool will 1ve prohrhitev to th twim public it ia nvy pinion that the nujority of bwmuners piw r tlw dp watcr of lare ex pans llm piihlir will wek out these water vvan though they lack iiipervialon or lvtvpoiuihi bllliy asnry body of water must b rwpocted ijm ua talu a closer inou at ui tuittll hwim pool located on your jprivat vwoperty it it it liu a safety feme 111 ha a 46ate uoiwt tlie le to me it pre wit x a hauuvl to children isih taap m thnlveen ojaad by nfcfty authoritlei i will th eivction iwi develop toent of ilvgh private swim pool lie allowed to continui wheal thr is iwuter thore is rlak aiut w th nvestitiation coivtlthli iet ua go hack to th nils book in our democratic fcociaty hilej nd reulbtionh form a corben chiropractic clinic spinal x ray service available by apuernlnvanl 77u31 iv mill st old post owic barragers cusnrashlrt laundarara ix main s lgfl gurlph ah werk tion n irmls walker currie oftomitkistt 12 main st s bramptou rhona lh7t hnurs 0am to tt pm tuesday to saturday friday 0 am to 0 p ns kvenlugs by appointment wallacehionipson irtf blvlsln curt clark a commissioner jisrlg nfflila hail nilsilsttl ill liuteavneilng three regula tiimls imwi re ullpwed til take a rauonel approach in arrrvdng at a decision to tm liended down it is my opinion that thia deciaioil to cloae itoartlake without proper warning and co continued vn fg 5 mcbain and hulme oritarl land surveyara wlllawdal ill tim i miijlkssk ol s 87778 realdenc robert r hamilton optomtewsr 116 mountainvlew itoad south carrelsl nlilg car appointment octometrist lmdm 35 mill st for appointment prion ckokarrown animal clinic kmi guelph street omc hour 9s pm imooday to jviday doctor hour dll a tri monday to saturday g p m monday wednesday and friday m caskim clvjw b buckhell tivm hon 1771741 w h cam prflnl inglnaar coiauttlng inalnmr ontario land surveyor okic trraim 774300 hn monuments bollock camrbkll dtsigns on wcqutst inspect our work in greenwood cenjetery phone 21mo til water street north a a l t koller construdion la now installing aluminum sidih8 windows doom all work guaranteed rv atlmatm call 77i01 u

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