Park is Town staff's choice for new arena site BY FRANCES NIBLOCK Users of the aging Acton arena will be asked what they think of Town plans to build a new $4.1 million facility at Prospect Park. Based on the current financial information and technical date gathered, a Town staff report report named the Prospect Park site as the best location for an arena replacement. Debate on a detailed, site evaluation report will be postponed for 30 days to give the public time to comment and to give Town staff time to take a look at the proposed cost estimates and come back with a clearer picture. Halton Hills director of parks and recreation, Tom Shepard told Council last night (Monday) that the delay will also give owners of the other two sites on the short-list a last chance. "This is a clear notice tothemthattimeisrunningout.We will let them know that if there is an offer to be made or refined now is the time to come forward." If the arena is re-built at the park it would be just north of the existing building. The plans call for an additional 61 parking spaces for a total of 140-150, the same number as at the other two locations. Besides the current park location the other sites evaluated by staff include an eight-acre parcel in Acton east and an industrial site on Wallace Street, north of McDonald. Although the three Acton councillors are on record as supporting Call for action on dangerous road BY FRANCES NIBLOCK Three Acton Councillors who regularly use the busy Highway 7 and Trafalgar Road intersection have called for interim safety improvements at the site. Councillor Norm Elliott told Council last night that people are risking their lives daily trying to turn from Trafalgar Road'onto Highway 7. "I use that road daily and I know we are going to have a tragedy onourhands ifwe wait for the proposed four-lane reconstruction of Highway 7 west to Silver Creek," Elliott said. Town engineer Bob Austin told Council the Ministry of Tranportation won't install interim safety measures, such as traffic lights, because they would increase accidents at the location. Full-scale composting coming to Acton Acton will be ready when Halton Region gets into composting in a big way. Town Council has approved changes to its refuse collection bylaw that legalize the existing yard waste pick-up program and adds kitchen waste to the list of compostable materials that will be picked up regularly. Town engineer Bob Austin told Council last night (Monday) that Halton has called for proposals for a region-wide composting facility at the soon-to-open landfill in Milton. Austin also said the Town will expand its recycling program to include what is known as a three-stream system that would include collection of compostables, regular garbage and recyclables. Lasby Lane approved Plans for a 21-lot subdivision north of Acton's Bovis area have been ok'ed by Halton Hills Council. The Lasby Lane project, north of McDonald Boulevard and west of Churchill Road, includes 16 link houses and five single-family homes. The developer, Acto-Mon Developments, has also submitted plans to develop lands to the east of this proposal. the Acton east site there was little discussion at Council because all agreed that the debate would come after Acton arena users and the public have their say. Acton Councillor Norm Elliott told Council they would have to make some "hard-nose assessments" of the sites. "This is the second largest capital project considered in Halton Hills since regional government was implemented. I have some criticism of this report but I won't comment now. This long-term decision will affect future generations of Halton Hills residents and the location decision is critical." In anticipation of the Council decision to ask for input, Gord Chapman, spokesman for the user groups, set up a committee to look at the issue. "The users want anything but Prospect Park and I don't see anything in the staff report that leads me to believe that stance is wrong. But in fairness we need more input ourselves before making our final report, Chapman said yesterday. "To be blunt about it I believe that the current recommendation is based on economic grounds, solely on economic grounds and I think that they may have mis-analyzed. I have reason to believe the staff have a preference other than Prospect Park but felt it difficult to make any recommendation other than that, based on economic grounds," Chapman said. "In the past the staff would have preferred the Acton East site. That N would have been their preference. I think that the current recommendation is based on the way the numbers appears to come out. There's a $800,000 to a million dollardifferential forthe Prospect site, based on the way they've analyzed the information. I take issue with some of the analysis but there is a cost issue there. I think the current recommendation has been put out for discussion purposes, I think that's safe to say and it may change if the information changes," Chapman concluded. The site selection report will be presented to the public and arena user groups at a meeting at the Community Centre on Wednesday, Sept. 2 at 7:30 pm. SLUGGERS' ROW! Members of the Acton Lions Club Atom Boys minor softball squad patiently await their turn at bat during playoff action on the weekend. The boys defeated Hornby Blue 5-2 in the final game to take championship honours. See Sports for a game report. (Mike Albanophoto)