Dear Bryan and Dan, Thave a 1995 Dodge Ram pickup truck with 80,000 kms. I've had the rear brakes replaced twice due to oil con- tamination from leaking rear axle seals. THE NEW TANNER Lots of work remains for Heritage Halton Hills By FRANCES NIBLOCK The New Tanner "Not by a Tong shot." That's what Acton Council- lor Norm Elliott said when asked if Halton Hills Herit- age, the committee he sits on as Council's designate, has done enough to try to pre- serve Acton's heritage build- ings. "Heritage is tricky," Elliott said. "Just because a building is old doesn't make it significant and there are two aspects to heritage - ar- chitectural and historical." Elliott said they are ham- pered by a lack of money and a long and involved designa- tion process. "We're working with a budget of $7,000 to $8,000 -- it's a peanuts budget for the Heritage committee and, as a matter of fact, if the com- mittee hadn't received a lit- tle extra from council, it wouldn't have been that high," Elliott explained. Elliott said that there are other properties in Acton that should be looked at in terms of a heritage designation, but declined to name them in case identifying them trig- gered some action on the part of the owner, Two Acton buildings have been designated under the Act including the old Town Hall on Willow Street and Moorecroft, the former Beatty house on Church Street. "There are older homes, for example that need to be considered, and it would be a shame to see certain prop- erties disappear," Elliott said, noting that if Heritage Halton Hills had been around when Name this column! We assume that you have checked the rear axle housing surface (on which the seal rides) for corrosion, nicks and/or pit marks. A commonly overlooked compo- nent is the rear axle vent. The pur- pose of this vent is to prevent a build up of pressure or vacuum during vari- ous operating conditions. The vent is usually found on the top of an axle tube. It may have a rubber hose ex- tending it up to a higher point on the frame. A kinked or blocked vent hose could create a vacuum, drawing mois- ture into the housing that could con- taminate the oil. This could also cre- ate a pressure build up, forcing oil past the seals and onto the brakes. This type of problem is commonly seen in vehicles that are driven on dirt roads or off road. Send your column name suggestions to us! 853-0051 / Fax 853-0052 Include your name and telephone number! Why would these seals keep failing? THE PIZZA GIANT® DELIVERY GUARANTEE: We will deliver your hot, fresh, delicious pizza to your door within 33 minutes or you will receive $3.00 off your next order THE QUALITY GUARANTEE: We will replace your pizza or refund your money if you're not completely satisfied with your purchase. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1998 plans were made to add the fire hall onto the rear of the Town Hall, it probably wouldn't have been built be- cause it affected the over-all heritage aspect of the Town Hall Working under a Provin- cial mandate, and with dwin- dling dollars, Heritage Halton Hills identifies and tries to preserve buildings with historical or architec- tural significance. A property owner must agree before an historical designation is made. That designation re- Stricts what can be done to a designated building without Council's approval. Elliott said one of the first jobs of the committee this year would be to update and revise the heritage inventory of buildings in downtown Acton. HERITAGE INVENTORY: To date, two Acton build- ings have been designated under the Ontario Herit- age Act, the old Town Hall on Willow Street, above, and at upper left, Moorecroft, the former Beatty house on Church Street. 2 Pop 2 Panzerotti 2 Items Each + tax Pick Up Special Super Sunpay SPeciat 1 Large 2 Items 1 lb. Wings 2 Pop 3 Items 2 Pop Large 1 Item 1 Great Pizza Large Large Unlimited Toppings Med 2 Mediums 2 Items Each 2 Ibs. Wings 2 Pop > i | | 32 3-242F 103 Main St. N. Acton Hours: Sun-Wed: II a.m. to 11 a.m., Thursday 11 a.m. to 12 a.m., Fri-Sat 11 a.m. to 2.a.m.