THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1998 THE NEW TANNER Legion ladies receive awards By ANGELA TYLER _ On Safurday, March 7 the Ladies Auxiliary of the Acton Legion were treated to an appreciation dinner. The dinner was com- pletely prepared, served and cleaned up by the men's branch. After the dinner, there were a number of aux- iliary members who received pins for years of service. Phyllis Angel and Shirley Turkosz received their 45 year pin; Lily Higgins re- ceived her 35 year pin; Margaret Dunn received her 25 year pin and Mae Hoare received her Mother of Pearl pin for being over 65 years of age and 15 years of serv- ice. Lily Higgins, a dedicated Legion member and auxil- iary member was awarded a citation and a life member- ship pin for her voluntary 35 years of service. President Fern Shultis presented her with a bouquet of roses and a thank you for all her work. At 75, Lily, is still on the ex- ecutive and enjoys a busy life- style. Following the dinner and the pampering by the mens branch, 60 ladies were enter- tained by the music of Kent Tocher and his father Johnny. Mill expands Continued from page 1 during the construction but said that once the work is complete noise levels would drop because a wood-studded mill wall that was covered with aluminum has been re- placed with a steel wall with an insulated barrier and sid- ing. Also the wheat transfer pipe is now shorter and coy- ered with eight inches of in- sulation and coating so that will also cut down on the noise. "That cost us a small for- tune - we could have used the old pipe but to try to appease everyone and meet our re- sponsibility we've insulated that pipe and it's going to be much, much quieter," McIntyre said, adding that he has repeatedly told the neigh- bours to call him if they have a complaint and that he will attempt to deal with it. "It's true that we're not going to please everyone but we're not going to stop try- ing because we all plan to be here for long time," McIntyre said, noting that they do park some of their larger trucks off site and use smaller, quieter vehicles to make deliveries and pickups to the mill. A noise study done by the Town to look into the resi- dent's concerns concluded that noise levels were ex- pected to drop because of the expansion and that the exist- ing mill noise levels com- plied with noise guidelines. Despite that finding the Town's Site Plan Committee imposed some housekeeping conditions on the mill includ- ing installing rubber to cush- ion impacts on the loading docks and wrapping exterior grain pipes. DEDICATED LADIES: Acton Le: of service pins. Left to right, Higgins and Mae Hoare. gion Ladies Auxiliary members accept the years Shirley Turkosz, Phyllis Angel, Marg Dunn, Lily - Angela Tyler photo Community kitchen cookin' Organizers of Acton's Community Kitchen are looking for people who would like to take part in an innovative program that ae people plan for and cook meals in a group Twice a month a group of between three and five peo- ple will get together to plan, budget, shop and then cook five meals to take home. Each meal will cost $1 and the group cooking is a great way to share the work of cooking and to save time and money. One of the Community Kitchen organizers, Acton's Susan Kuechler, said that the cooking would be done at the Salvation Army Church kitchen under the supervi- sion of a nutritionist. "It's not just enough to provide food for people. We want to teach them how to plan nutritious," Kuechler explained on Friday. "We have one person from the Village Manor who wants - to live on his own, but needs to learn how to prepare meals and we have one young girl who is having a baby in April and she wants to be part of the program, but we need more participants." The Community Kitchen will operate Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Food ingre- dients and childcare will be provided. The Acton Com- munity Kitchen is a joint project involving Acton FoodShare, the Salvation Army Church. Heart Health and Cancer Risk Reduction Network, Halton Hills Sup- port Services and Informa- tion centre and Halton Chil- dren's Services. For more information call Susan Kuechler at 853-5610. AKEVIEW FLOORING & KITCHENS ad oa WE ARE MOVING To Town To Serve You Better! Open for Business March 16/98 (Closed March 13, 14, 15) We look forward to seeing you at our new location at 130 Mill St. E. (old Canadian Tire building) 853-4577 or 853-1190 Mark Your Calendar... Thursday, March 12 Give the gift of life at the Acton Red Cross blood donor clinic from 3:30-7:30 p.m. at the Acton Legion. Note the new hours and bring your health card or other identification. March 16-20 Acton Baptist Church invites children to a tropical ad- venture this March break. The Sonlight Vacation Bible School begins Monday, March 16 and runs until the March 20 from 9 a.m. to 11:45 daily. For more information call 853-0690. Bienvenida! The Acton Library will hold a week-long fi- esta with its March break in Mexico ea. On March 17 create an Aztec sun god at Crafts and More Day which runs from 10:45 a.m. until 2 p.m. On March 20 come to the li- brary for games, pifiatas, Mexican music and more, Monday, March 16 Confused about the recent provincial property tax reas- sessment will do to your taxes? Bring your questions to an assessment open house at the Acton Legion from 1-8 p.m. Tuesday, March 17 The Acton Horticultural Society meets at 7:30 p.m. at Knox Church. Guest speaker is Jack Lord from the Royal Botani- cal Gardens who will talk about attracting birds. All inter- ested gardeners are welcome. Call Max at 853-0001 Tuesday, March 24 The Halton Hills Skating Academy holds registrations for its Spring Skate 98 from 7-9 p.m. at the Acton Arena. For details call Barb at 853-0382 or Brenda at 853-3692. MR Patri sks : Day No Interest, No Payment for 1 Yea OR 12 Low Monthly Payments O.A.C. on All Furniture & Appliances 3 pc Sofa Set $125 mm Ceyi a) Entertainment | aaa Unit Ta $27* per month O.A.C. Light oak or cherry finish Quality _ Queen Size ea Mattress Sets From per month O.A.C. Thurs-Fri 10-8 "Fae HIG. Sat 9-5 | Halton aie : ; os * i ji ~ AURNITU