THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1998 THE NEW TANNER Tomato Soup 284 wi COLONIAL 2 SS Cookies LET THEM EAT BREAD: Miss Sorger's grade 5/6 class and Miss Crowe's grade ot 4/5 class completed their Medieval studies with a feast for classmates and parents wine i a at St. Joseph's school on Thursday. King Mirko Tonkovich (center) is joined by | his royal classmates, jesters, knights and peasants for food and merriment. - Angela on Ws Tyler photo Cancer canvassers needed By FRANCES NIBLOCK The New Tanner Officials with the Acton branch of the Canadian Can- cer Society have set an am- bitious goal for April's an- nual fundraising drive. Last year the Acton door-to-door campaign raised just over $25,000 and they hope to top that next month. "Acton is a very giving community and has always been very supportive of the door-to-door campaign and of the fund raising events that we have so I'm confident the campaign will do well," campaign chair Liz Bailey explained recently. "The Cancer Society is very close to a lot of people's hearts because many of them know someone who has or had cancer and they want to help. We have a very high per capita donation rate of about $7 per person which puts us right near the top of per capita giving in all of On- tario," Bailey said. Bailey has been campaign chair in Acton for nine years since the death of her neigh- bour and friend, Rowsell Colbeck who had chaired the campaign. "T used to help Rowsell and when she passed away I had a working knowledge of how the campaign operated so I agreed to help out and here I am." ee S 2 y, Some Mot First time on video The popular BBC Comedy Series Bailey, who also can- vasses for the United Way, said that they are looking for new canvassers willing to give up a couple of hours of their time during April. "Our canvassers are get- ting a little more elderly and we need more. We need ap- proximately eight to ten new people for the Kingham (Road) area and for rural routes," Colbeck said. Acton Branch president Cathy Gerrow said although Acton residents are commit- ted to donating to the cancer society, there is more compe- tition for donated dollars. "T would think that the most important thing that we do is raise money," Gerrow explained recently. "Without the money that we raise with our door-to-door campaign and other fund raising events that we have throughout the year, there wouldn't be as much money for research or to provide the other services that we offer." Of all of the programs of- fered in Acton by the Cancer Society, Gerrow said one of the busiest is transportation services, with 10 volunteers taking local cancer patients to the hospital for treatment or to their doctor last year. Programs offered by the Acton branch include Reach for Recovery, a program for breast cancer patients, and = "ny Meer ee Starring Michael Crawford as Frank Spencer Hours: Mon-Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday 12 - 5 p.m. 149 Church St. E. Acton ners Do 'We fm! Cancer Connection which twins survivors with patients battling the same kind of cancer. Gerrow said Acton has a very dedicated group of volunteers. "When you take into ac- count all the drivers, can- vassers, people who sell daf- fodils, the people on the Board and those who run the annual fund raising events like the Paul Murr golf tour- nament, it's a big group." Both Bailey and Gerrow are heartened by the latest cancer survivor statistics. When the Canadian cancer Society was formed 60 years ago one in five people treated for cancer recovered success- fully. Now, in large part due to the research funded by the Canadian Cancer Society, that figure is one in two. Bailey still, however, does have some concerns. "Tt's the lung cancer, es- pecially in women, that is on the rise. Younger women tend to be smokers and they seem to be ignoring the sta- tistics and the facts and choosing to smoke," Bailey said, adding that three types of cancer account for more than half of the new cases each year. Among women these are breast, colorectal and lung cancers and among men these are prostrate, lung and colorectal cancer. To help with fund raising, call Bailey at 853-0585. (@ LITTER CLEAN : OnEF BOVARDEE | Canned Pasta Beef or Mini Ravioli or Beefaroni RICH 'N READY Citrus -- Ais (4 SIGNAL Peanut Butter 1 kg 3 smooth or crunchy ale SESE Scoopable Cat Litter 10 kg q OUR BEST Complete Dry i Price Check reserves the ght o limit quanites : See ae at re. . a » Prive Chedl First! cton{gv@gCheck Foods Prices Valid Until March 28, 1998 (519) 853-0400