THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1998 THE NEW TANNER took time from their browsing and shopping to pose on the long weekend at the Acton Arena and Co Kelly Ann Backman, Cathy Gerrow, Mayor Marilyn Serjeantson, ft Kentner and Acton councillor Norm Elliott. -- Frances Niblock photo alive' road safety theme 'Stayin' .. Are you up for the chal- lenge of sharing the road, or are you an aggressive driver? That's the question Acton's Keith Black is ask- ing as he prepares for Mon- day's kick-off of the Halton Hills Road Safety Challenge Week which runs May 31 to June 6. Halton Hills is one of 23 Ontario communities to get provincial money for the road safety campaign and Black was chosen to chairing the event through his involve- ment with the Halton Hills Injury Prevention Commit- tee. Black, who said he sees aggressive and sometimes hazardous drivers on a daily basis, thinks the roads would be safer if people stopped competing when they get be- hind the wheel. "We are trained to be com- petitive and we don't often, what I call, ' notch-up' to a co-operative model," Black explained in an interview on Friday. "The co-operative model recognises that everybody is first and everybody is last and that you have to share the road and yield to the other situation," Black said, add- ing that it's not all bad out there. "T do see people yielding and letting other drivers in and sharing the road, but I also see a lot of aggressive drivers who are really a haz- ard." The theme of the road safety challenge is "Stayin' Alive" and although safe driving is a major focus there are also events scheduled in Acton and Georgetown all week dealing with drinking and driving, car seat safety, speeding and seatbelt and bicycle safety. "On June 2, CN Rail will present its Operation Lifesaver program to stu- dents at Robert Little school where the train tracks run the length of the playground. June 3, students at McKenzie-Smith Bennett school will take part in a bike rodeo. On June 4, parents can have their child's car seat inspected at a Child Car Seat Awareness Clinic at the Acton fire hall. The clinic runs from 3-7 p.m. and is by appointment only by calling 877-2238, ext. 8412. The focus is on seniors and teens on June 5 in Acton with three events scheduled. From 9:30- 11 a.m. there will be a seniors road safety pres- entation at the Acton Arena and Community Centre. Acton High will hold an Arrive Alive-Don't Drink and Drive assembly at 10 a.m., and there will be a car extracation demonstration in the high school parking lot at noon. Next week speeders who exceed the limit by 20 km/h may get a warning from po- lice as a new a new road safety initiative - a radar message board - is unveiled. The radar message which displays the speed of passing vehicles on a lighted board will be operated by citizens and community groups at various locations. Warning letters will be sent to those exceeding the limit by 20 km/h In Georgetown you can check out the OPP Seatbelt Convincer at the Georgetown Market Place on June 2 and 3 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. If you're over 16 you can expe- CANCER FUNDRAISER: Local officials and members of the Acton Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society for this photo to officially open the Society's antique show mmunity Centre. From left: Acton councillor Clark Somerville, Marilyn Forster Lo Turco, June Tribe, Pat rience the impact of wearing a seatbelt through a crash simulation. There's a truck safety clinic at the Alcott Arena on June 2, and a skate- boarding and inline skating safety clinic, also at Alcott, on June 5. Local, regional and pro- vincial politicians, along with top police and fire de- partment brass will officially kick-off the Halton Hills Road Safety Challenge Week on Monday May 25 at the Town's general committee meeting. ggielown! A place for God's values matters. A place where kids learn to solve everyday problems God's way. This year Trinity United Church was fortunate enough to acquire a copy of the vacation Bible school program "Veggietown Values." It is our desire to run this program as an ecu- menical event for the youth of our community, An information night will be held at Trinity. If you would like to be part of this event or if you would like to find out more information, please join us. here's no place like VeggieTown! Dates: Thursday, May 28th Time: Place: 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Trinity United Church Acton For more information, phone: 853-2090 Injustice theme for Daughters of Knox Daughters of Knox had a very interesting meeting on May 4", when the study material centered on "injustice", with members sharing their perceptions of injustices which are prevalent in the world today. A very favourable report was received on the recent St. George's Day beef dinner and silent auction. The fall bazaar was discussed, and it was reported that a partially-completed quilt has been donated, and will be completed for the bazaar. The June meeting will be a potluck dinner, with entertain- ment to follow. renee BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER FOR NEXT WINTER... CRUISING PARADISE! ABOARD BEAUTIFUL BOLERO! 1998/99 TORONTO DEPARTURES DECEMBER 1998 TO APRIL 1999 Ge RL TAT ONE WEEK CRUISE INCLUDING ROUNDTRIP AIRFARE FROM 1049 CARIBBEAN ITINERARY A DEC 23; JAN 16, 30; FEB 13, 27; MAR 13, 27 SANTO DOMINGO » SAN JUAN © ST/THOMAS » ANTIGUA ® DOMINICA ST BARTS * VIRGIK GORDA ® SANTO DOMINGO CARIBBEAN ITINERARY B DEC 30; JAN 23; FEB 6, 20; MAR 6, 20 SANTO DOMINGO » AT SEA » BARBADOS » ST. LUCIA SI. KITTS ST, MAARTEN © TORTOLA « SANTO DOMINGO CARIBBEAN ITINERARY C JANUARY 6 1] DAY SUPERCRUISE! SANTO DOMINGO © AT SEA'® ARUBA ® (URACAO BONAIRE » CARACAS © GRENADA © BARBADOS # GUADELOUPE ST. THOMAS « SANTO DOMINGO TRANSATLANTIC ADVENTURE CRUISE APRIL 3, 1999 OUR 16 DAY CRUISE OF A LIFETIME! 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