THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1998 THE NEW TANNER What's that ping? fe hat's that ping? swaxe mo QUESTION: / have a 1993 Ford Escort with a 1.9 litre engine. After driving for about J minutes, I get a buzzing noise from the engine area when accelerating. The noise seems to disappear after about 10 minutes. I've been told it might be pinging so I tried pre- mium gas but it didn't seem to make any difference. Any ideas to cure this problem? ANSWER: Pinging noises usually gets worse as the engine gets hotter. We think it is unlikely that is a engine pinging noise since it goes away after 10 minutes just when the engine gets up to operating temperature. We suspect a heat shield on the catalytic con- verter has broken loose, allowing it to vibrate at times. During the warm up cycle various engine and exhaust system components expand and flex from the sudden temperature change. The catalytic converter has one of the highest rates of "thermal stress" with temperature changes of over 800 degrees in a few minutes. Installing a very large worm type hose clamp around the shields should stop the noise. Student delves into police By FRANCES NIBLOCK The New Tanner From the unsolved axe murder of Robert Whiteside in 1867 in Ballinafad to the 1958 baseball bat slaying of an Acton boy by his mother -- it was the murders that as- tounded Halton police stu- dent research assistant Derek Lajeunesse as he helped com- pile a history of policing in Acton and Halton for a com- memorative book marking the 25th anniversary of Halton Regional Police and 145 years of policing in Halton. DEREK LAJEUNESSE One of Lajeunesse's first jobs was to compile a list of every police officer that ever served in Acton. 15 history "T started with the minutes of what was called the quar- terly sessions of the peace -- the court sessions that were held four times a year begin- ning in the 1850s. I went though 65 years worth of minutes and made a list of each of the people that was appointed to serve as a po- lice constable," Lajeunesse said, adding he's writing an overview of life in Halton to set the scene for the book. The rough draft of the book is scheduled to be com- plete this month and it should be printed and ready for sale on Jan. 1 next year. Send your automotive questions to Bryan & Dan c/o The New Tanner, 59 Willow St. N. Acton, L7J 1Z8 or fax (519) 853-0052. XY S q estes NEW MANAGEMENT: When classes resume next week Caroline Conn-Smith and Greg MacPherson take over as vice-principal and principal respectively at Acton High school. -- Maggie Petrushevsky photo New Acton principals here By MAGGIE PETRUSHEVSKY The New Tanner School won't re-open for a couple of weeks but Acton High school's new principal and vice-principal are al- ready in residence hard at the moving in and getting organ- ized. A resident of Lynden, principal Greg MacPherson and his wife have three chil- dren. Originally a physical education teacher, he has 28 years of experience with the Halton Board, most recently as principal at Burlington Central High school. Vice-principal Caroline Conn-Smith, her husband and two teenagers, are long- time residents of Kilbride and enjoy small communi- ties. She has 23 years teach- ing experience with the Halton Board and transferred to Acton from Aldershot High school. Her teaching centred around French and Spanish. MacPherson and Con- Smith both know and love the strengths of small schools. "It won't be long before we get to know everyone," she says. "I'm pleased to be here where there's immer- sion French so I can use my French with the kids outside the classroom." While uncertainty exists in some areas because of unresolved issues between teachers and school boards, "all the expected curriculum is in place and the staff hired to cover it," MacPherson says. "So many changes are coming from the mandatory government reforms that must be in place by next Sep- tember (1999)," MacPherson says. "That will have to be our main thrust for the com- ing year." Acton High school's enrollment is expected to be 564 for 1998-99. ¢ Timetables distributed ¢ Lockers assigned GRADE 9 Thursday, Sept. 3 ACTON HIGH SCHOOL PRE-REGISTRATION - SEPTEMBER 1998 Pre-registration Includes: * Student information verification forms collected * Acceptable use policy for computers forms collected * Yearbook/Student Card photos taken, student photos purchased ¢ Purchase of yearbook and student card/library card packages ¢ Student planning calendar distributed Pre-registration Schedule: 10:00-11:30 -- Gr. 9's whose last names start with A-L 11:30-1:00 -- Barbecue and orientation 1:00-2:30 -- Students whose last names start with M-Z All students must pre-register during one of the designated times. Further information was mailed to all students last week. GRADES 10-OAC Tuesday, Sept. 1 1:00-4:00 p.m. 5:00-7:00 p.m. "The number of murders just killed me," Lajeunesse said recently. "No pun in- tended, but I couldn't believe all of the killings." Lajeunesse is a third year history major at Wilfred Laurier University in Water- loo who couldn't believe his luck when he was offered a summer job that he really wanted -- historical research assistant for the police. Lajeunesse learned of the job through a friend, the daughter of Halton Consta- ble Bill McGrath of Acton, who is the commemorative book's co-ordinating author and will write the introduc- tion and chapter on policing in Esquesing Township and jf Georgetown. Lajeunesse spent a lot of time at the Halton Region Archives and the Ontario Archives where he was re- quired to wear special gloves to protect the documents, photos and artifacts. DENTURE SPECIALIST E. JUREVICIUS D.D. Construction & Fittings of New Dentures a) * Same Day Repairs & Relines + Free Consultations + Seniors Discount * Specializing in Problem Lower Dentures ACTON DENTURE CLINIC | 4] 16 Min st. B., Acton 853-0079 -THe SMOKE SHOPPE- 56 Mill St. East, Acton Unit A 853-0411 Serving Acton for Over 25 Years Tobacco, Lotteries, Used Books (on the United Church parking lot) THE HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD f aT, Advanced Registration Luvs i 1998-99 School Year For New Students -- Not Previously Registered ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS: JK to GRADE 8: Tuesday, September 1, 1998, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Junior Kindergarten registrants are required to be four (4) years of age by December 31, 1998. Catholic Baptismal Certificate required and necessary immunizations must be completed. FOR INFORMATION: Call your local Catholic elementary school Classes begin Tuesday, September 8, 1998 Bus routes posted at the main entrance of each school SECONDARY SCHOOLS: Monday, August 31 to Friday, September 4, 1998, 9:00 a.m. -- 3:00 p.m. FOR INFORMATION: Call Bishop B.F. Reding Secondary School -- 875-0124/5/6 1600 Main Street East, Milton Classes begin Tuesday, September 8, 1998 Bus routes posted at the main entrance of each school THE ADULT LEARNING CENTRE; HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD: Serving Burlington, Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills Registration for the Oakville and Burlington Campus: Anytime after August 31, 1998, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. FOR INFORMATION: Call The Adult Learning Centre -- 257-3688, 2350 Trafalgar Road, Oakville Classes begin Tuesday, September 8, 1998 James V. Sherlock Fred L. Sweeney Chair Director of Education