THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1998 12 : THE NEW TANNER A 50" wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Marchment was an opportunity for many former and present Actonians to renew acquaintances Saturday. Left to right, Frances Marcoux, Lois Lawson, Helen Campbell, Joan (White) Tyers, Norma Marchment, Muriel (Burns) Simpson, Irma Coles, Audrey Spielvogel, Joan (Jolley) Burton, Grace (Jolley) Yull, Lena (Lawson) Burns and Barbara (Lawson) Rankin. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Marchment celebrated their 50 wedding anniversary in the Terrace Room of the Le- gion Terrace apartments, Saturday, at an open house hosted by their family. Oktoberfest Dance planned On Oct. 24 starting at 8 p.m. the Branch will be hold- ing an Octoberfest Dance. Music will be supplied by Kent Tocher. This dance is not only free but is open to everyone. There will be a spe- LeEGIon NEws BRANCH TWO SPECIES OF MAMMALS ARE Pea OTS NOY Sea aCe PANDA GENERALLY IS CLASSIFIED AS PRESIDENT GERALD FORD GRANTS RICHARD CLUES ACROSS CLUES DOWN NIXON A PARDON FOR ANY GRIMES COMMIT- 1. Yellow tropical 1. Loveliness TED IN OFFICE. fruit 2. One who lives in SOVIET BALLET BASEBALL PLAYER HANK AARON BREAKS BABE RUTH'S RECORD OF 714 HOME RUNS. eISABEL PERON BECOMES PRESIDENT OF ARGENTINA AFTER THE DEATH OF HER HUSBAND. 4. Doughnut-shaped Anchorage DANCER MIKHAIL roll BARYSHNIKOV 3. Capital of New DEFECTS TO THE WEST. 5. Military vehicles York = KA980024 6. Primate with a long tail cial offer of Octoberfest sau- sages available. On Saturday, Nov. 14 buses have been arranged to take anyone wished to go to Casino Rama. Your bus trip, a meal at Rama and a meal back at the Branch is in- cluded in a fee of $10 per person. The bus will be leav- ing at 8:30 a.m. and returns at 5:30 p.m. Anyone wish- ing to attend must sign up by Nov. 8 at the Branch. Dinner tickets for the an- nual Remembrance Day Dinner are now available at the Branch at a cost of $5 per person. See you at the Branch. Aueqiy '¢ uvysety z Ainvog "| ABEAR, WHILE THE RED PANDA, umoq OR LESSER PANDA, USUALLY IS feyuow-9 syue_ c jeseq-p cucucg-; fiibbemeeubbl CLUES ACROSS CLUES DOWN ECT cts aU Gn a) Lo ee ee ee Siamsuy 8. Exclamation that denotes 3. Handbook on long-eared KA980021 = KA980023 KA980025 disgust dogs 10. Fungi spores 5. An imperturbable donkey 11. Securities market 6. N. American snake = 12, Hot dish 7. Crippled ghost, var. 13. Pertaining to a chamber 9. Arab garment, var. H OW ak Al af 14. Baby 16, Competently E 15. Stoppered bottle 17. CEO's 18. Opened 19. Antelope SAY ai | Ni rae 20. Celery (Spanish) 21. Cicatrix 22. Verse form ae Sound at 24. Origin, fig. ENGLISH: GOAT 25. Draw A BRASS WIND INSTRUMENT, wokesa "co SPANISH: CABRA THE TRUMPET Scent OFA ee fe LONG METAL TUBE THAT IS THE FIRST "WORLD CHAMPI a eedeE ig MICH ITALIAN: CAPRA ROO EON one tes In A ONSHIP" TENNIS COMPETITION 08 12 oidy 0c a ain IT HAS ee TOOK PLACE IN 1877 AT BSIES "6 I pajeosuy) °g] = VAL ES T AT ARE USED Tl spesH "LI uodRpy SI le WIMBLEDON, ENGLAND. IT HAS Aygedea 9] SIPPOD 'FL FRENCH: CHEVRE CHANGE THE PITCH. BECOME ONE OF THE most aos ue FAMOUS ANNUAL TENNI UlIqos UIIQQOH *L WUD "ZI GERMAN: ZIEGE TOURNAMENTS. oes eae Jenuew yoiueds -¢ Wd 8 ie 109§ "pf LATIN: CAPER fee eee KA980022 KA980026 NMOG SNOILLONTOS SSOWODV SNOLLN IOS