10 THE NEW TANNER HOME & GAAkDEN CHECK GUT THE DEALS FOR THE SEASON! THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1999 How to avoid allergy problems in the landscape Every year, thousands of people suffer from aller- gies, a condition known as seasonal allergic rhinitis. VACUUM REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES AND MODELS - 1000'S OF PARTS FREE ESTIMATES THE VACUUM STORE 785 Main Street E. 876-3394 Most allergy sufferers at- tribute their discomfort to plant pollen of all types and have pursued governmen- MILTON tal regulation of plants, mostly ornamental speci- mens, thought to cause al- lergic reactions. The truth of the matter is, not all pollen causes these seasonal reactions, and there is no steadfast tule as to what types of plants are producers of al- lergens. Sometimes, it's not the obvious plant causing the allergic reaction. For example, when ragweed pollen is disbursed, many people have a reaction, but since they don't see the tiny flowers on the ragweed, they assume it's the pollen from the larger flowered goldenrod which blooms at the same time. Allergy suffers have waged a war against the plants considered to cause the greatest problem -- those that are wind polli- nated and produce huge amounts of small, very fine pollen. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, since plants like pines and true cedars depend on wind for pollination and produce great amounts of waxy- coated pollen, but they do Good Fences may make good neighbours but good front porches make better friends ae ore S FF In, Acton JAt West Meadow Village in,Acton Pat Stuart Developments is creating a fabulous new community of distinctive front porch homes featuring all the top quality products and superior craftsmanship that you would expect from a custom home builder. We invite you to visit our model home centrally located minutes from all the incredible lifestyle amenities J lalton, fills has to offer! Bungalows on 40' lots from i$ 184,900 Model Home Hours Phase Il Now Open Mon., Tue., & Thurs. PSD fat PSD Developments ew. For a Preview Call "We Simply Build Homes Better." 3:00pm- 8:00pm Royal City Realty Sat. & Sun. ----: coeaee nta (905) 450-9344 12:00pm-6:00pm # Construction s (519) 853-2074 "A Family Building Tradition Since 1964." Acton ... Much closer than you think ! "Prices and specifications subpet lo change without notice E & OE not stimulate a reaction. Plants with colorful or fragrant flowers, usually insect pollinated, are con- sidered "safe," non-aller- genic plants because they produce their large, heavy pollen grains in relatively small amounts. The pollen are covered with a sticky substance and are not usu- ally carried by wind. Some insect-pollinated plants do, however, produce pollen in amounts large enough to cause allergic reactions, such as Russian Olives and Willows. Many molds and mildews are a large source of spores that affect peo- ple all year round. Other factors, such as air pollu- tion and dry windy condi- tions, accentuate allergic reactions. The individual's environ- ment also influences hy- persensitivity to allergens (substances causing a re- action) -- the greater the exposure, the greater inci- dence and degree of ill- ness. To avoid acute allergy problems in the home land- scape, several steps can be taken. Individuals suffering from allergies can make informed decisions about plant materials least likely to cause attack, choosing "safe" plants that have large or sticky pollen grains not likely to be transported by wind and female cultivars which do not pro- duce pollen at all. Keeping grasses mowed to appropriate heights decreases their pol- len production. Weeds, molds, and mildews should also be controlled. If there is an existing pollen prob- lem in your landscape, re- place that plant witha less allergenic selection. Pick-up or Delivery Local Grower -- minutes from Acton/Rockwood %0 Sod Laying Service Available 9308 #10 Side Road (West of Trafalgar) @FB-10 1 f eq EVERGREEN TREES SALE PRICED, * Blue Spruce * White Pine Oa alle ae SALE ENDS MAY 1/99 OR WHILE SUPPLIES LAST (519) 853-2480 TUITMAN'S py AcTon GARDEN CENTRE zl \ Hwy #25, 1% mi. south of Acton =