Chiropody Facts!! 2 THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1999 The practice of Chiropody is the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease, injury and dysfunction of the foot by therapeutic, orthotic or palliative means. Chiropodists perform a comprehensive clinical examination of the patient, take a relevant medical history, and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment, Who Are We? Chiropodists have completed a specialized three and a half year program of study that covers the following topics: anatomy and physiology, pathology, biomechanics (the study of movement), pharmacol- ogy, microbiology, pediatrics, sports medicine, anesthesiology, physical therapy, medicine and surgery. A chiropodist is trained in Canada or the U.K. and can be recognized by the initials D.Ch. or D,Pod.M., after their name. What Problems Do Chiropodists Treat? Pediatric problems -intoeing, curly toes, foot deformities, assist choosing of shoes, nail problems, warts Adolescent problems -gait problems, warts, sprains, strains, excessive sweating, athletés fool, sports injuries, ingrown nails Adult problems Sait problems, callus and corns, heel pain, skin fissures, neuromas, ingrown toe nails, warts, hammer toes, infections, bunions, ulceration, arthritic joints or any structural conditions that cause foot pain Systemic medical disorders -affecting the feet ie. diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, circulation disorders (atherosclerosis), and neuromuscular disorders (polio, Down syndrome, spina bifida, stroke, etc.) * Work-related problems caused by ill-fitting footwear (including safety footwear), prolonged standing, or job stresses imposed on the feet Sports injuries/problems -biomechanical disorders (excessive pronation etc.), strains, sprains, heel pain, turf toe, blisters, subungual hematoma' (blood blisters under the nail), muscle imbalances and other sports related injuries Senior adult problems 'nail care, corns callous, thickened nails, dry skin, brittle nails, arthritic joints. What Treatments Are Performed? -Debridement of painful skin lesions -Wound management 'Nail care -Taping-for pain reduction and stabilization Biomechanical assessment, gait analysis and orthotic prescription Diabetic foot management --_ -Wart removal For consultation/dppointment, call The Wellness Centre (519) 853-3460 Six-year-old Cole Peragine won a trophy and a $50 cheque at the Guelph Kiwanis Festival for playing the cello. - Photo submitted. CONSTABLE RIODLE'S Royal Jug City hae OTT : 9 CORMER ae eZ earl 12 . restaura nt ; Family Dining & Pizzeria tre TH Licensed under L.L.B.0. With Village Constable Bill Riddle The Best To Acton Since 1978 13-15 Mill Street East el 853-0300 =& YOURWAY In the Glenlea Plaza Singing Dog Cycle o ¢ Street Bike: ¢ Dirt Bikes ¢ ATC \ ° ATV Parts in stock for the Do-it-yourselfers Credit Card hints Do you have a social insurance card? Most ofus do. Where do you keep the card? I hope Custom Pipe Bending Lic. Safety Inspection Stn. (905) 702-0888 it is safe. 17 Agnes St. 12488 - 5th Line, Limehouse Do you know that the number should not [Acton 853-0900 i be given out to obtain credit cards or used | 20 Ib. Propane for identification? There are few occasions Braida g Henry Cylinder Refill this number should ever be used, because if BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Ss 1 Oinc. csr the ie a has - i there are Serving the Community E many things they can do with it. 'Tyler Transport Ltd. They could open a bank account in you ie Be 379 Queen SLE Acton }| name. They can probably use it to get credit 67 nye vend East 853-1550 cards from Zelllers, Eatons, The Bay and 853-1160 == gasoline companies. Once they have these Dan ae Dolliver credit cards guess whose credit rating will | NELLIS CONSTRUCTION ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR be cgoaeee alia ee .I.N. cards should only be used in safe Legal ee locations, such as your employer for Income Tax purposes and probably your bank. ROAD BUILDING 54 Mill St. E. Remember. Don't Be A Victim!! Tel, 853-2502 RAD EARTH MOVING Fax 853-1504 RR #1 Acton 853-0960 JETLINK Door to Door age ln tt} BTS aaa «Healthy Exercise aC CATH Pete's Auto Paint and Restoration 24 Hour Service ¢ Flatbed Service Epolenat Seni OMS (6 KA RATE Cars and Trucks of all sizes * Lockout service A i For a free estimate call: ° i emo eae Tyler Transport Ltd. Pete Hargrave Proprietor Pere & Gat Mon -Fri 6:30 - 9 PM 379 Queen St. E. = (519) gaesee 853-5848 EE Ry] 853-1550 6-year-old Cole Peragine excels at playing cello Cole Peragine, an Acton six-year-old, was please to receive a $50 cheque and tro- phy at the Spring Kiwanis Festival in Guelph. Cole was one of the many string students from the Suzuki String School of Guelph to receive awards. Cole has been playing cello ' for three years, an instrument he has wanted to play from the first time he saw a string instrument. His teacher, Sally Gross, is committed to Cole's progress. Cole's parents claim that their three year experience with the Suzuki string school has been the most valuable activity they have encoun- tered. The two other brothers have also benefitted. @ Lecion News Branco No. 197 By Joyce Buchanan Hello again: August seems to be filling. up with events; August 28 you are invited to a free corn roast at 8. Everybody wel- come. Also on August 28 there will be a four person team Golf Scramble. You should preregister with Carl Fisker at 853-2533, or leave your name at the Branch. This event is open to anyone, but space is limited. Also there will be food available back at the Branch after the Scramble. Summer is a hard time to keep track on members but we are trying to keep track of sick members; if you know some- one, or if we can help some- one, we appreciate hearing from you. We wish those who are sick a speedy recovery. Members on holiday - have a safe one. We still have Wednesday afternoon Bridge, Thursday afternoon Euchre and Friday night Euchre, plus the Satur- day afternoon Meat Draw. See you at the Branch. Leathertown Plaza... Cont. from Pg. 1 Young Street, between the liq- uor store and the CN Rail line. The U-shaped building would be at the back of the property, abutting existing homes at the rear, with 141 parking spaces, most of them at the front of the plaza. Acton Councillor Norm Elliott said local councillors are happy to see the project approved and praised Fread and Rivers for their commit- ment to rehabilitate the run- down site. "...and these gentlemen came forward --local entrepre- neurs -- who decided to see this through to the conclusion and unfortunately they had to spend a lot of money to do more studies to get to this point and I commend them for making that commitment," * Elliott said, adding he hopes things start happening on the site. Acton Councillor Rick Bonnette said area residents are satisfied with the latest design for the plaza and agreed it was unfortunate the developers had to update a retail impact study. Review of a previous market impact study showed the develop- ment wouldn't have an ad- verse impact on either the ex- isting or planned retail facili- ties in Acton. Fread said the buildings are deteriorating and he's now going through a "long, in- volved process" to get a demolition permit from the Town. "There are seven different approvals you have to get before you can put in your application for a demolition permit, including approval from the health department, the Region's water and sewer, Union Gas, Union Energy, the Town's engineering depart- ment," Fread said, adding a vacant gas station on the site will also be torn down. In June the Town ordered Bower Street Investments to secure the site to protect safety, or face stiff fines. An environmental assess- ment of the site turned up contamination from a previ- ous wood treating operation and it will have to be cleaned up prior to further develop- ment. Issues including grad- ing, drainage, access, lighting and buffering and screening will be dealt with through the site plan -- building permit process. Town planning director Bruce MacLean said the ap- plicant delayed the planning process by resisting requests for an updated market impact study, necessary to ensure the plaza wouldn't take busi- ness from existing or planed retail facilities. "T suppose when you add it all up it (approval) took a long time -- longer than it should have -- but a large por- tion of that time can be attrib- uted to the lack of the appli- cant supplying the study to us, the period of time he needed to have the study done and give it to use," MacLean said, adding that the turn around time for the Town to deal with the study and bring a report to Council was "reasonable." I LMM Me LU hh DENTURE SPECIALIST E. JUREVICIUS D.D. Construction & Fittings of New Dentures + Same Day Repairs & Relines Free Consultations * Seniors Discount * Specializing in Problem Lower Dentures ACTON DENTURE CLINIC &| 16 Mill St. H., Acton 853-0079