THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1999 Halton Business Develop- ment Centre will be able to better serve its growing list of clients in its new ground floor premises at the Halton Regional Adminsitration Centre on Bronte Road in Oakville. The new office space is larger than the previous Centre and offers street level entrance making it more con- venient and accessible for cli- ents. says Kate Johnston, Centre director. The new facilities were unveiled at a ceremony at- tended by federal, regional and provincial dignitaries in- cluding the Ontario Minister of Economic Development and Trade, the Hon. Al "The opening of the new Halton Business Develop- ment Centre confirms our gov- ernment's commitment to keep Ontario "Open for Busi- ness,' " said Mr. Palladini. "Small businesses are On- tario's number one job crea- tor, accounting for 80 per cent of new jobs and 40 per cent New home for Business Development Centre | | This Centre builds on our net- capital. work of 10 Small Business Small business seminars Enterprise Centres and 19 self- _ allow operators to learn about help offices across the prov- __ taxation, marketing and other ince." Our Business Develop- ment Centre has become one of Halton's major success sto- ries," noted Halton Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline. "From the beginning we have tried to provide one-stop sources of information and assistance to business opera- tors in Halton and especially to peopole who are contem- plating starting a new busi- ness." The Centre offers a vari- ety of services, starting with the registration of a new busi- ness with the Ontario govern- ment - something that used to involve driving to Toronto and standing in line for long periods of time. Beyond reg- istration, the Halton Business Development Centre's busi- ness consultants can assist entrepreneurs with develop- ment of a business plan which will maximize their of private sectoremployment. _ chances of attracting lending Tall Antiques at the RBG 1999 "Association lac. Admission $4.00 36th Burlington Antique Show & Sale Royal Botanical Gardens Centre 680 Plains Rd. West, Burlington Ontario, Canada Friday, October 15th, 1-9p.m. Saturday, October 16th, 10a.m.-Sp.m. Sunday. October 17th, 11a.m.-Sp.m. * Top Quality Dealers * Museum and Historical Displays * Refreshments: The Garden Café Carolyn B. Wilson Promotions ¢ (905)335-0511 Royal Jug City Ure QL ITT STs St et 853-2460 In the Glenlea Plaza Singing Dog Cycle ¢ Street Bikes ¢ Dirt Bikes ° ATC ° ATV Parts in stock for the Do-it-yourselfers (905) 702-0888 12488 - 5th Line, Limehouse BNE, @ 24 Hour Service * Flatbed Service ¢ Lockout Service * Boosting & Gas 853-5848 Dan C. Dolliver ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Legal & Topographic Surveys 54 Mill St. E. Tel. 853-2502 Fax 853-1504 AM AIE TE AL KS ed RA Where are your children? Are they at home, at a friend's place, playing sports, doing their homework? Are they volunteering to help seniors, or working a part-time job? It appears from the number of young people hanging out, loitering, damaging property, and littering that many partents do not know what their children are doing, or where they are. The Halton Police Service has received complaints from several residents and busi- nesses in town about the problem of youth who loiter, trespass, litter and damage other people's property, and have commenced a project to try and stop this problem from occurring. Many places in town have now given the Halton Regional Police authority to act as their agents to enforce the Trespass to Prop- erty Act which will result in fines to the offenders. Further, the Town bylaw provides for fines of $103. for littering public property. With Village Constable Bill Riddle necessary business skills. One-on-one counseling is readily available. The Busi- ness Development Centre, through its extensive compu- ter database and Internet connections, can also direct businesses to a vast array of statistical, demographic and marketing data and can point entrepreneurs to sources of information and assistance provided by governments at all levels. The Centre now has three major corporate partners, Royal Bank, Hewlett Packard and Bell Canada. Representa- tives of the three companies were on hand to participate in the opening event. "We like to think that our ability to at- tract corporate partners is a clear indication of the value the business community places on the services offered by the Business Develop- ment Centre, noted Director Kate Johnston. "We see our job as acting as a user-friendly source of assistance and information for businesses in the Halton Re- gion. So far our ¢lients and partners have responded very favourably," says Johnston. ACTON SENIORS' IRECREATION CENTRE By Dot Redekop Don't forget our Seniors Information and Wellness Fair on Oct. 26 at 10 a.m. Anyone requiring transportation, please phone the Centre at 853-5951 and let us know. Also, the time you would like to come. Someone will phone you back once all the arrange- ments are made. It will be one- stop shopping for the Seniors of Halton Hills. Lunch this Friday will be Mystery lunch. The cost is $6. Call The New Tanner WwW h your news tips! 853-0051 We have a trip to Rama on Wednesday, Oct. 27 leaving the Centre at 8:45 a.m. Anyone interested in darts, crafts, euchre, crib euchre, shuffle board, carpet bowling/ Come out and join in the fun. Just phone the Centre for any information. We could also use more voices for our choir. We are trying to get the heat regulated in our room so it will be more comfortable this winter. PETA oro PAINT AND a For a Free Estimate Call: 4923 7th Line, Eramosa RR 4 Rockwood RESTORATION oe Cars and Trucks of ty sO': Sizes Peter Hargrave Proprietor 856-9356 Custom Pipe Bending Lic. Safety Inspection Stn. 17 Agnes St. Acton es Braida & Henry YOURWAY 853-0900 BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Serving the Community | } for 40 Years 67 Mill Street East Acton 853-1160 RR #1 Acton 853-0960 EARTH MOVING FASHION & FUNDRAISING: The latest fall and winter fashions -- courtesy of Elizabeth's Fashions -- were paraded at Knox Church last Tuesday at the Acton Agricultural Society's fundraiser to re- build in Prospect Park. The models included Soci- ety members Marg Aitken (top left), Renata Georgeff (top right), Susan Hewitt (bottom left) and Stacey Moore -- Frances Niblock photo 8016 Hwy 7 Guelph Licenced under LLBO (between Rockwood & Guelph) SPECIAL SOUUWLAKI DIMMER $8.95 DON'T FORGET OUR SUNDAY BRUNCH OPENS AT 10:30 Our upper level facilities are available for your meeting, party, or other special occasions < For reservations call 763-9129