6 \ THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1999 Special Olympics winners BYELLENPIEHL The New Tanner Some of Acton's Special Olympians came home with more awards from the Oakville Hawkeyes Invitational Five- Pin Bowling Tournament last weekend. Acton #2 brought home the bronze medal by finishing with a plus 236. Team mem- bers were Connie Connelly, Doug Burns, Ellen Piehl, Gord Smith, John Tamzazie and coach, Carol Jordan. Although Acton #1 didn't win awards, they finished with a plus 146. That team consisted of Hal Gies, Betty- Anne Elliott, Adam Linzender, Lori Lindstead, Colin Key and coach, Darlene Labombard. WHAT DO THE KANGAROO, OPOSSUM AND BANDICOOT HAVE IN COMMON? '004 NMO alaH! GNId OL HONONS euler) elven sain 80 AVIS ONNOA SHL 'ONIMOAD ANNLNOD OTC ORO GON NY cc] INP EL aeP ela MOE A eels eh een Nh ela) enV AME Lee ene Piehl and Tamzazie both won individual category tro- phies. Ellen took the Ladies' High Triple Flat and Tamazie wae ina single game. The Acton Five-Pin Bowl- ers Association held their second scotch Doubles Tour- nament of the year Saturda' evening at the Acton Bowl- ing Lanes. First place went to Angie Ahearn and Sarah Perkins with 1100. Second place went to Bill Cripps and Donald Constable at 1083 while Tosha and Tina Peterson placed third with 1063. Then Sunday Acton Five also held their annual PST (President, Secretary and Treasurer ) Tournament at the Acton Lanes. emphasis. Ea 2. Verbs express some sort of __. 3. These words have positive, comparative and superlative forms. (Acton High basketball ) GIRLS The Acton High school junior girls' basketball team ended the season with an 8-3 record with a 50-24 loss to Nelson last Tuesday in Burl- ington. Acton had a strong first half but ran out of steam during the second half. Meghann Williams led the scoring with six points, Krista Kearns had five and Kim Roberts and Holly Goddard a pee s0ddar rH 'd was e top rebounder in the game. BOYS The Acton High school senior boys' basketball team, 8-1 in regular season play, earned a berth at the Ontario Federation of Schools Ath- Adjective Find There are 14 adjectives hidden throughout the scrambled puzzle below. See how many you can find and circle. The words go horizontally and vertically, backward and forward. Unscramble the letters below, and learn about four parts of speech. 1. These are exclamations that are used for oe Soaaip by (OFSAA) championship by downing Brampton Christian Academy three games to one last in last Wednesday's qualifier. Brampton won the open- ing game, but Acton came back to take the second game. In the third game Acton was down 19-12 before they pushed hard for a 28-26 win. Acton clinched a coveted spot at the OPSAA by win- ning the fourth game. The provincial tournament begins today (Thursday) in Owen Sound. Georgetown took the all- Halton title in 25-23, 25-11 games over Acton last Tues- day. SUBJECT MATTER: Joyce Caldwell-Grozier, left, of Touch of Harmony was recently interviewed by Mary Simpson, editor of the Therapeutic Touch Network newsletter for an upcoming issue. - Maggie Petrushevsky photo @ LEGION News BrancH No. 197 a= ByJOYCE BUCHANAN November is coming to a close and Christmas activities are ere to line up. Kids' Christmas party is Dec. 19 so you should be checking the list and help Santa out. The board is in the games room with the chil- dren's names on it. Tickets for the New Year's dance are going very well. If you haven't made your plans yet, better hurry. There will be a Turkey Roll on Dec. 11. Saturday, Nov. 27 we have a bus coming in from Waterdown around 2 p.m. so please come and make them welcome. Also on that date there is an open euchre at 1:30 p.m. sharp. Everyone wel- come. Sports Calendar is in for the year 2000. You should check it out as there are some changes. Also you must have your dues paid up in order to participate in any sports. Speedy recovery goes out to Keith Andrew who is hos- pitalized, Please hurry up.and get well. I'm sure I have some lights for you to fix. To the rest of our members who are ill we wish a Speedy recov- ery. Sympathy to the families of the members we have lost in the last month. Seniors' Dinner on Nov. 30 is pretty well sold out. See you at the Branch. ACTON SENIORS' IRECREATION CENTRE BEAUTIFUL MIGHTY ENORMOUS ROUND GREEN SMOOTH HEFTY STRONG INTELLIGENT SWEET LARGE THIN * IN THIS YEAR, LITTLE UGLY JOHN "JOHNNY APPLESEED" ode bP Ee eet CHAPMAN Hee BR Ss¥iT Bebe bk Bee PLANTED HIS. SiG TN GAR Nr Te Ne. is HOR Leola le alan PENNSYLVANIA. Ona UD -G*G BeNeh Tie oP Oe bk Wee te ee NNDSMLNOWRTN ANNOUNCED THE eNO LS OI up ala RT U..MG. E- T..N..D; u=0-R BeU.OMEaR wT. BeH=LeR yop. bee EA RR GEN O°R2M-O Us ° THE FIRST LOCK IN Oe8 oboleBed: Ee Mob G< Ti eee Ro EONS REN EW OY 8 aa SAULT STE. MARIE M-H T-0 OMS ULU:1I.G CANAL, JOINING SuOEGE REGS Ms [wma KC99B103 KC99B105 Grammar Scramble Ry word Omar aae SAY it in... English: APPLE Spanish: MANZANA italian: MELA French: POMME German: APFEL Latin: MALUM HLING WHAT IS THE MOST COMMON FAMILY NAME IN THE UNITED STATES AND THE UNITED KINGDOM? AAMSNY suonounfuog "fF ssaloalpy "¢ uonsy°Z suondafiajuy *{ A short novel F Can you guess what the bigger picture is featured here? INIDNF Fuld ¥-YIMSNY By DOTREDEKOP Everyone enjoyed the trip to Stage West last Wednes- day. The eats and shows are always good. Don't forget our Bazaar and Bake Sale this Saturday, Nov. 27 at the Cen- tre from 10 to 3. Our choir now has 19 members and are having a great time under the lead.1- ship of Barb Hobart . They practice every Friday morning from 10 to 11 a.m. They are joining with the Georgetown choir for the entertainment at our Christmas luncheon on Friday, Dec. 10 at 12 noon. Also they are going out to entertain others. Great work. We have a few seats left for the Guse Christmas show on Dec. 7. Mae Milton had two mooners and Ruth Burke had one last Thursday. Don't forget our evening euchre on Wednesday, Dec. 1 at 7:30p.m. Second level crossing crash costs a life A second level railway crossing accident in North Halton claimed the life of a man from California on Friday, Noy. 19. The train/SUV vehicle col- lision occurred at the Thompson Road level railway crossing in Milton around 5 a.m. The driver of the vehicle, Glen Zuest, of Brampton, ap- parently tried to negotiate around the rail crossing arms and the CP freight train hit the rear end of the sport utility vehicle. One rear seat passenger, a 35-year-old male from Los Angeles, California, who moved to Brampton four months ago, identified as Robbe Dea Dixon, was thrown from the vehicle. He was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver and a font-seat passenger, Matt Hanson of Brampton, were taken to Mil- ton hospital where Hanson was treated and released. The driver was transferred to Sunnybrook Hospital with suspected head injuries. The two train crew were unin- jured. Halton Regional Police in- vestigated and said alcohol is a factor in the collision.