x 4 THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2004 Halton Regional Police are investigating what has been called an unprovoked attack upon a Halton Re- gional Police Escort of- ficer in Milton court by a 17-year-old male on Fri- day, Feb. 20 at 1:05 p.m. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS Tree Conservation Bylaw Livestock Facility Guidelines (Odour) Halton Regional Council directed that the following be prepared as part of the five-year review of the Regional Official Plan: Tree Conservation Bylaw to replace the current Tree Bylaw in compliance with the new Municipal Act. The intent of the bylaw is to protect trees in greenlands and woodlands that are 0.5 hectare or larger. It also promotes good forestry practices in part through use of Forestry Management Plans. Under this new Bylaw, the destruction or injury to trees is prohibited unless exempted by legislation, for limited use by the landowner, or under a permit to be issued by the Halton Region. A Woodland Stewardship Program will complement the By-law. Livestock Facility Guidelines (Odour) to clarify how the provincial minimum distance separation requirements are to be applied to new residential uses near livestock operations and to new or expanding livestock operations among existing residences. The Guidelines also promote the use of Best Management Practices to improve compatibility between livestock operations and non-farm uses. Public Meetings will be held to explain and receive input on both of these topics: Please note that an Official Plan Amendment (Amendment 25) to incorporate changes Please watch for public notices on the open houses for Amendment 25. To Obtain More Information: The proposed new Tree Conservation By-law and Livestock Facility Guidelines (Odour) can be viewed at the Office of the Regional Clerk, 4151 Bronte Road, Oakville, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays. A copy may be obtained by contacting Isabel Telford at 1-866-442-5866 ext. 7195 or downloaded from our website at www.region.halton.on.ca/ppw/OPReview/default.htm NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE BY-LAW WATER & WASTEWATER On December 17, 2003, Halton Region released its Development Charge Discussion Paper, which was the first document released to the public related to the 2004 Region- wide Development Charge Update Process. Given that the residential water and wastewater area-specific development charge in By-law 65-99 expires on April 21, 2004, a Background Study has been prepared to propose a by-law that will undertake the following: 4. Replace the area-specific residential water and wastewater charges in By-law 65-99; and : : 2. Replace the region-wide residential and non-residential water and wastewater charges in By-law 117-99. The "Halton Development Charge Background Study for the Regional Water and Wastewater Development Charges By-law' will be available to the public on Tuesday, March 9, 2004, and can be obtained at the office of the Regional Clerk at 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6M 3L1. Public Meeting The Development Charges Act, 1997 requires that at least one public meeting be held prior to the passing of a development charges by-law, or any amendments to a by-law. The purpose of this public meeting is to present the Regional Water and Wastewater Development Charges Background Study and proposed by-law. It will be held d i dministrati All interested persons are invited to attend the public meeting and to make representations. Interested persons should note that the development charge proposals might change as a result of the meeting and any further staff reports. The final proposal and by-law will be presented to Administration & Finance Committee at its regular meeting of Wednesday, April 44, 2004 at 1:30 p.m. in the Halton Room. The final by-law will be presented to Council for approval on Wednesday, April 21, 2004 at 9:30 a.m. in Council Chambers. For Further Information Any questions should be directed to Paula Kobli at 825-6000, ext. 7184, Toll Free 1- 866-442-5866, ext. 7184, Regional Municipality of Halton, Corporate Services Department, 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6M 3L1. If you wish to appear as a delegation at any of the meetings, including the Public Meeting, please call Ms. Pat Crimmins, Deputy Clerk at 905-825-6000, ext. 7256. Tina Agnello Regional Clerk ee lect ee Ce eal ee ee Officer assaulted Police said a 17-year-old young person being held in resulting from the five-year review will soon be available for public review and comment. and Finance Committee: _ 905-825-6000 Toll fr TTY 905-827-9833 or visit us at: www.region. halton.on.ca custody and appearing in Milton court on Friday was being moved from one court room to another. The young person was not handcuffed during this Continued on page 11 NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE #1 Maple Avenue (Regional Road 11) Improvements Trafalgar Road (Regional Road 3) to Mountainview Road, Town of Halton Hills (Georgetown) Class Environmental Assessment Study, Schedule "B" The Region of Halton is conducting a study with the Town of Halton Hills to look at what can be done to improve the safety, operation and appearance of Maple Avenue (Regional Road 11) between Trafalgar Road (Regional Road 3) and Mountainview Road in Georgetown (refer to key plan below). The Maple Avenue (Regional Road 11) Class EA Study will be looking at ways to: + Improve the existing pavement and driving surface + Enhance the safety for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers + Improve traffic operations and roadway efficiency + Improve the appearance of the corridor The study is being conducted in compliance with Schedule "B" of Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Document. You are invited to attend our first (of two) public information centre scheduled for: we The open house will provide an opportunity for local residents and other interested individuals to meet the Project Team, to discuss the scope and goals of the study, and to provide input into the identification of key issues and potential improvement alternatives and evaluation criteria to be considered through the study. If you are unable to attend the PIC but want to obtain further details about the project or provide further comments, you may contact one of the individuals below. The map below shows the approximate limits of the study area. (6L GY 934) SNM HLXIS Mr. Nick Zervos, CET Mr. Richard Henry, P.Eng. Project Manager Acting Director of Engineering and Public Works Regional Municipality of Halton Town of Halton Hills * 1151 Bronte Road 1 Halton Hills Drive Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1 P.O. Box 128 Phone: 905-825-6000, Ext. 7632 Halton Hills (Georgetown), ON L7G 5G2 Toll Free: 1-866-442-5866 (1-866-4HALTON) Phone: 905-873-2601 Ext. 2313 Fax: > 905-825-8822 Fax: 905-873-3036 Email: zervosn@region.halton.on.ca Email: richardh@town.halton-hills.on.ca Ms. Suzanne Beale, P.Eng., P.T.O.E. Consultant Project Manager Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 9J2 Phone: 905-668-9363 Fax: ~905-668-0221 www.region.halton.on.ca/ppw/planningroads Fe eo)