THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2004 F lights from Toronto Roundtrip to: London (Gatwick) Depart: April 3 TCS1H Depart Toronto 1915 -Arrive Lon- don 0855 Return: April 17 $419 Acton Branch of Legion celebrating two anniversaries By FRANCES NIBLOCK The New Tanner Members and friends of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 197, Acton, will look backward and forward on Saturday as they celebrate several milestones at a spe- cial awards night and anniversary. party. It was 73 years ago, on March 27,1931, that the char- ter establishing the Acton Legion was signed. It was 30 years ago that the growing branch moved from the home it had known for 30 years on Main Street North, to a new building on Wright Avenue. Branch president George O'Donnell said this year's celebration is special, with a dinner, live entertainment, a dance and the awards, along with special guests, including all past presidents, life mem- bers and the Zone Commander. O'Donnell said while they look back and celebrate the rich history of the Branch, they would also continue to plan for a future that includes more charitable work that re- sults in thousands of dollars in annual donations to local groups and organizations. With 648 members -- ap- proximately 50 of them ia Cal | : 3 1 7 mB Canine Grooming Treat your pet to a spring makeover. « Small and Medium dogs. Reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Judy at 853-2991. Will board your pet too. Lot of TLC. veterans --O'Donnell said the Legion continues to fight an image ofa place for "old guys to go to reminisce about the war and drink and have a few smokes -- although we can't do that anymore," O' Donnell said on Friday, alluding to the Town's smoking bylaw that has restricted smoking in the Legion and will ban it totally as of July 1. "A lot of people don't re- alize we are a charitable organization," O'Donnell said, adding that may be partly the Legion's fault be- cause it tends to act quietly, without a lot of fanfare. One of the members who will help celebrate the Le- gion's 30 years on Wright Avenue is Gord McCutcheon, who chaired the building committee when the Main Street North build- ing became too small. The Legion purchased a 10-acre site from the Nelles family on Fairy Lake and be- gan planning for a new state-of-the-art building that opened in the fall of 1974. "It was without a doubt a shock to everyone that we had gone with such a large and well- equipped building," McCutcheon said on Satur- day, adding the building is WA used on a regular basis for meetings, weddings, parties and other social events. Looking back, McCutcheon said one of the memorable events at the new building was on the Sunday before Remembrance Day in 1975, when a helicopter de- livered a decommissioned Star MK3 Lockheed jet air- craft that was installed behind the Legion near the lake. "We purchased the plane for so much per pound and there was quite a crowd as it was lowered by the helicop- ter," McCutcheon said. A history prepared by Joe Hurst for Branch 197's 50th an- niversary, recounts how many veterans' organizations devel- oped after WWI, including a branch of the Great War Veter- ans' Association in Acton, L In 1925, the Canadian Le- gion of the British Empire League was founded, and in late 1930, permission was granted to form an Acton branch, with the charter be- ing dated March 27, 1931. The Branch's first home was in the former Beardmore and Company's arena club- house on the tannery lands, which the Legion used lease- free until 1945, when the space was needed again by Beardmore. The Legion purchased the former Lantz building on Main Street North, for $500, and moved to the new loca- tion, staying there for 30 years, through numerous ex- pansions and renovations, until it was outgrown in the early 1970's and the new building was constructed. APPRIECIATION: John Wagg, right, membership chair- man of Acton Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion receives a certificate of appreciation from Dep. Dist. Cmdr. Oliver Bilton, left, and Dist. Cmdr. MacMcLean, right, at the spring convention. - James Hayes photo BRANCH No. 197 | LEGION News By James Hayes P.R.O. Comrades, At the Zone B7 Spring Convention held at Branch 197 Acton last Sunday, our membership chairman John Wagg was presented with a Certificate Of Appreciation by District B Commander Mac McLean. This was for achieving a 100 per cent paid- up membership for 2003, over 2002. Well done, John. Remembrance Day Con- test. Local students who were successful at the District level are:- 8-year-old Amelia , Torraville from Robert Little °° School, Honourable:Mention for her colour poster in the * -- Primary Class. 12-year-old Kara Masse from St Joseph's school, 3" | place for her Essay-French; in the Intermediate class. Depart London TC51G/1530- Arrive To- ronto 1830 ' oe to these fine OT ; | The Anniversary and Manchester APa | "hat ks : at Ch Awards Dinner is upon us; Depart April 3 TC93H Depart Toronto 1920- _ ean - . a eee Arrive Manchester 0815 ATTENTION RESIDENTS OF ACTON sf Ladies Auxiliary Notes: Hello Comrades: We had another fun sports day in Brampton. Acton had | 11 ladies attend. Two ladies | were playing Euchre and nine ladies were playing darts. The Acton team consisting of Norma Titus, Sue Poulsen, | Gail Gibson and Peggy Harris won six out of eight games in darts and tied for first. Our trip to Toronto to see | Hairspray will require 20 to | 25 ladies to attend if we are to go. If we can't meet this | count then we will have to | cancel the trip. Dates to remember: April ; 1 -LA General Meeting | April 26 -LA Zone Conven- | tion - Port Credit | Yours in Comradeship, Peggy Harris President Return : Arp 17 $399 NOTICE LOW WATER PRESSURE ON [Depart Manchester TC93G/1615 -Arrive Toronto SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 2004 1845 As a result of work to connect a new watermain on Churchill Road North, the Town of Halton Hills (Acton) will experience significantly lower water pressure Alamo Car Rental on Sunday, March 28, 2004 for approximately six hours, from 6:00 a.m. to approximately 12:00 noon. Although the water pressure will be reduced, we Book your car do not anticipate a complete shutdown of your water supply at any time. z = . Arrangements have been made with the Town of Halton Hills Fire Group B Exclusive from Price $29/daily +tax Department to ensure that an adequate water supply will be available if Inclusive from Price $42 +Tax required during an emergency. Rates reflect savings Space is capacity controlled and subject to availability. Fligh yerated by Thomas Cook Airlines. Transportation taxes and Transportation related fe Churchill Road North will be reduced to one lane of traffic just north of Lasby Lane (at the Acton Curling Club) during this watermain work. For further information, please contact Leonard Verwey, Construction Supervisor at extension 7616, or Greg Ellis, Systems Operations Supervisor at extension 7706, of the Planning & Public Works Department. 519-853-1553 BES ste-be sist Lok] FAX: 519-853-1559 379 Queen St., Acton ON L7J 2N2 Be eee ae Service Since 1972"