WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 2004 THE NEW TANNER 5 Joveys Prices Effective from Sat. July 3, 2004 to Fri. July 5 AT} A Ready a 4 KRAFT sae is i ~ i " |] Kraft Peanut Butter & a ' r z Selected, 750g - 1 kg if Coke or Pepsi Soft Drinks ed, 12.2588 mL or 6x 720ml Parmalat. ik Large Whole Seediess Watermelon Product of U.S.A. Large 15 bb. average oy ie | Corn Flakes or AB Bran $25 g "LOOK AT THESE DEALS." « ALL HANGING BASKETS ¢ ALL OVAL AND ROUND DECK POTS « ALL ROSES, CLIMBERS, ANND ROSE BUSHES ° These deals and a whole lot more. Just come in and see Phil, Chelsey or Tina. wee saccades rome se cmos! om eae aco et aot -- ead George and Wayne put on a great outdoor country Jamboree on the Legion patio last Saturday with live entertainment, food and refreshments. If] were you I wouldn't miss their next one! It was a great time and great to see the people of Acton have a grand old time. Acton Market r=Cevaat vil els lar Vee, Vele la Se) =) oH We Are Always Place Plaza "READY TO SERVE" 372 Queen St. E. 853-1960 AOAC mT a KO LS FREE* OWL ewe guaranteed. No one else does this for you. (except Holidays) | Only Sobeys does. aa I a Ce 2b | VISA ig oem MeL ICY &