THURSDAY, JULY 22, 2004 THE NEW TANNER EWAG NEws EWAG in Rockwood would like to invite every- one to drop in at our new location at 106 Church St., to take a look around the store, or simply to say hello. During the summer, we are open Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. so come on down and check us out. During the month of July, our thrift store, The Encore Shop, is having a half price sale, All items are on for half price, with the excep- tion of brand new, hand-made or selected items. We continue to carry a large selection of clothing for infants, children, men and women, as well as pa- perback novels, children's books, toys and other small items, such as jewellery. Also, please feel free to drop off any donations of gently-used clothing, as well as paperbacks, and small toys. Donations can be dropped off during store hours, Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday from noon to 4 m. EWAG is looking for stu- dents to be on our "Senior helper" list. We like to have a list of students who would be willing to cut grass, help with flower beds, etc. If you are in Grades 7 and up, please call the EWAG of- fice and we will add your name to the list. Parents? Are you looking for fun programs for you and your little ones? EWAG and On- tario Early Years are running a variety of pro- grams throughout the summer. Tot-time will con- tinue to run throughout the summer on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (9:30 -- noon) at Rockmosa Com- munity Centre (downstairs). Also every Thursday in July and Au- gust, a picnic lunch will follow after Tot-time from 11:15 to noon. So bring your lunch and blanket and join us for a picnic outside the Rockmosa Community Centre. Feel like getting messy? On Wednesday, August 4, our one-time only program "Messy Play" will be held from 10 to 11:30 p.m. at Rockmosa Community centre. Come join us and get messy with lots of sen- sory fun! Wear your old clothes, and.come blow some bubbles, squirt some shaving creat, and show your creative side with play dough, hand and feet prints! Suitable for ages 2+. Other one-time programs in August are Tea Party! Call and register early! My Baby & Me is an ongoing program every Wednesday for parents to gather with their new babies from birth -- 12 months. Come on out and have fun meeting other new parents, share informa- tion, join in discussions and listen to guest speakers. Join us Wednesday at Rockmosa Community Centre (downstairs) from 2 to 3 p.m. Please contact Jane or Jacqueline at 856- 2113 for further information, and to register for any of these programs. EWAG is looking for re- sponsible volunteer drivers who would be willing to take seniors to medical and dental appointments. The VON is the first contact for people to try and get trans- portation to medical, dental and shopping, but some- times they are not able to provide this service. There- fore we need a few folks who are willing to provide transportation if necessary. If you are interested in be- coming a volunteer driver, please call Lynn at the Rockwood office or Gillian at the Erin office at 833- 9696. Are youa senior? Is there an activity or event that you would like to see happen in our community? Give us a call at EWAG and give us your input. Programs»will be planned in September according to what folks in our community need. We will try and meet those needs, but we need to hear from you. Also, if you are looking for an extra hand around the house or in the yard, please give us a call, and we will try to find a stu- dent in the community to help you. Food Bank is available to those in need in Rockwood, on Tuesdays between 9 a.m. and | p.m. Please call ahead to make an appoint- ment with Gillian at 833-9696. If you would like to make a donation to the Food Bank, we are always accepting donations of non- perishable food items. We are in need of instant cof- fee, tea, jam, fruit juice, cereal, canned fruit and shampoo. All donations are greatly appreciated. Our new.EWAG office in Rockwood is located at 106 Church St. (behind St. John's Anglican Church). Our phone number is 856- 2113. Our e-mail address is Please remember that we offer fax, laminating and photocopy- ing service for a small fee for those needing any of those services. We also carry government forms such as Social Insurance, OHIP and Canada Pension. Free Internet Access is also available at no extra charge. NEW SOUNDS: Writer/ Illustrator Paul Martin brought his Australian didgeridoo with him when he visited the Rockwood library last week to talk about dragons and folklore around the world - Maggie Petrushevsky photo BY MAGGIE PETRUSHEVSKY A group of youngsters in Rockwood are working on raising funds for 4-D pet shop over their summer holidays. The youngsters are man- ning a lemonade stand in the Crha driveway and selling .their cookies and drinks to area residents and workmen passing through the subdivi- sion on Rockwood's south end. Elizabeth Crha says the kids were inspired to help out after being present the night the store went up in flames. A Girl-Guide leader, Crha said they were just ending their meeting in the old Town Hall next door to the store when the alarm went off. Un- pleasant though the incident was, it provided a perfect les- son on how to react to emergencies and the girls dis- cussed it at their next meeting. Now her own children and a few others in the neighbour- hood have decided they want to help 4-D owner Dwayne BIG BUSINESS: Mark Crha, 8, has been pounding the pavement around his neighbourhood with a sign while Erin Kennaby, 10 (standing) and Jennifer Crha, 9, manned their refreshment stand to raise funds for 4-Ds Pet Shop, which was destroyed by fire in June. Absent from the picture were the rest of the fundraisers, Stevan Kelly and Jessica Michalsky. -- Maggie Petrushevsky photo Youngsters raise funds for 4- ets" Hitchcock get up and running again. Customers have supported the youngsters to the tune of just over $60 in one week of operation. Township of Guelph/ Eramosa Eden Mills Bridge (structure #82) Replacement Class Environmental Assessment INITIAL NOTICE Public Comment Invited The township of Guelph/ Eramosa hereby notifies all interested individuals and parties that the Township is considering improvements to the site of Eden Mills Bridge (Structure #82)locatedon York Street, 50 meters east of Barden Street over the Eramosa River in the community of Eden Mills, County of Wellington. The existing single lane, single 7 metre span concrete T beam bridge was constructed in 1925 and has been identified as being deficient with resect to physical condition, load carrying capacity and barrier protection. The bridge is posted with five (5) tonne load limit. This project is initially being conducted as a Schedule B activity in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Engineers Association | Municipal Class Environmental assessment document (June 2000). The public is encouraged to contact the Township or its consultants, R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited if you have any questions about this project. The owner is considering a variety of alternatives for this site. Once alternative solutions are developed, further notices will be published and information made available. For further information concerning this project or to inspect a copy of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment document, please contact: R.J Burnside & Associates Mr. Stephen Riley, P. Eng 3 Ronell Cresent : Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 4J6 Phone: (705) 446-0515 Fax: (705) 446-2399 Email: Township of Guelph/ Eramosa Mr. Larry Van Wyck 8348 Wellington Road 124 P.O. Box 3000 Rockwood, Ontario NOB 2KO Phone: (519) 856-9596 . Fax: (519) 856-2240 ~