~ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2004 THE NEW TANNER 19 HOT WHEELS: It wasn't for lack of trying, but no golfer was lucky or accurate enough to win this Chrysler Sebring in a hole-in-one contest at the second annual Three Musketeers golf tournament at Acton Golf Club on Saturday. Volunteer Jen Everson (right) allowed Lynda Bower (left) and Julia Roehrig, both members of ASAP -- the Acton Sports Action Park -- check out the car. Proceeds from the tournament will benefit ASAP, a committee that is working with the Town to build a skateboard park in Acton. - Frances Niblock photo Warm, humid air too late The arrival of warm Fs humid air into southern On- tario late this month was too little, too late for many Ontarians according to Envi- ronment Canada. Many locations in Ontario normally experience seven to 10 days each summer when the temperature rises above the 30-degree Celsius mark. That mark has only been crossed one or two times, at best, in many locations throughout the summer. The last time we had such a cool season was back in 1992, when we felt the ef- fects of the eruption of the Movnt Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines. August continued the cool temperatures that were expe- rienced in June and July, with monthly values running about two to three degrees below normal with the coolest areas in northwestern Ontario. Geraldton reported a record low mean tempera- ture for August of 13.2. In records kept since 1981, the August low was 13.4 in 1994. Frost has already been re- ported in northeastern Ontario where temperatures in Timmins dipped to --0.1 degrees on August 24. Other areas have also reported frost this month, about a month earlier than normal. August's rainfall in Ontario produced record highs and lows. Total rainfall at the Pe- terborough airport for June through August was a record 389.3 millimetres, which is the wettest ever since records were kept,(1969). This three- month total eclipsed the 342.1-millimetre record set in 1980. Included in this three- month total was the 103.0-millimetre rainfall measurement during the July 14-15 flood. Observers measured read- ings of up to 235 millimetres in other parts of the city dur- ing this storm event. By contrast, a record low for rainfall was set in Kingston in August of 26.6 millime- tres. Records have been kept for Kingston since 1961. Andy's ends Vet Clinic streak.. Continued from pagel7 Luca Mazzucco booted four of Andy's goals, Colin Adema the other. David McLean scored for the Vets. There is now only one more league game for the Under-14 teams before the play-off championships start, and all players are now get- ting excited about the climax to their season. Under-9: Leathertown Lumber - 3 Blasing Hill Emu Farm - 2 Attached photo. Avery George of Leathertown Italian & Steak EXCELLENT PICKING TOWATOES & CUCUMBERS Cabbages, Dill Herbs, Spanish Onions, Garlic, Broccoli, Beets, Zucchini, Sweet & Hot Peppers PICK YOUROWNAT "THE FARM?" - De Paoli Ready Picked Available (Please Call Ahead) Southwest of Georgetown-1km west of Trafalgar Rd. on 15 Sideroad, Stewarttown. First farm on north side of road The Farm 873-2050 « 877-7976 (home) Mon-Fri 8-5 + Sat 1-5, * Sun & Holidays 8-12 Lumber battles three Emu Farm players. activities. * Ride for Site + Paul Murr Memorial Golf * Halton Hills Firefighters + Lucas Longpre in Trust + Acton Firefighters Assn. + Kelly Jupp Memorial Golf * Halton Hills Candlelight Tribute + Acton Rotary House * The Raymond Getty Trust + William Osler Foundation ey THE ROYAL CANADIAN \ LEGION BRANCH 197 ACTON We wish to express our sincere thanks to Bill Graham and Elizabeth Green and the entire staff of Acton Sobeys for their outstanding contribution to the success of the first annual Sterling Silver Steakfest. The following worthy causes have benefited this year ie our fund raising + Acton Citizen Band * Canadian Cancer Society + Acton Minor Ball + Heart & Stoke Foundation *H.H.C.S.1. * CKWCC Veteran Tribute ~ + Eater Seals Telethon + Melissa Hasselman + Acton High School * Salvation Army We wish to thank the people of Acton for their continued support. + Juvenile Diabetes Research * Canadian Mental Health * Summit House =wurrer Will Idd) REO eA CRineeh i Ua Family selected for new Habitat home in Acton This family is headed by a working couple with two girls, ages 2 and 10. In ad- dition, the family has partial custody of two boys, ages 9 and 5, who visit several weekends throughout the month and love to go fish- ing with their Dad. All family members are long- time Halton Hills residents. The family currently re- sides in a basement of a house. Their living accom- modation lacks adequate kitchen and bathroom facili- ties, and there is no space where the family can sit to- gether around one table to share a family meal. Despite these challenges, the family has been successful in pro- viding a positive home atmosphere for their chil- dren. In fact, not only the parents but the three older children all signed the letter of agreement and partner- ship with Habitat and the older girl signed for her lit- tle sister. The family is thrilled with the opportunity to work to- wards having their own house and enjoying a home- cooked meal around a table in their own kitchen. The house soon to be built at 111 Crescent Street will also pro- vide adequate bedroom space for this family and will be in walking distance from the children's school. This partner family will join the already approved families from Oakville and Burlington, as well as addi- tional Halton Hill's families to be announced separately, in working to fulfill the re- quired sweat equity volunteer hours and family orientation workshops. The couple has extended family that is also.anxious to find ways to help contribute how- ever they can. Due to the short time be- tween this announcement and the planned ground breaking this fall, complet- ing the required 500 hours of sweat equity hours will be especially challenging; how- ever, the family is committed to meeting all obligations and looks forward to an op- portunity to buy a house of their own. The ground-breaking cer- emony will be held at 10 am Monday, September 13, 2004 at the Crescent Street-- site. Harry Reinders of R&M Construction, Acton has do- nated the basement excavation. Gilluco Con- struction Limited of Acton is lending Habitat the forms and donating all the con- crete. Habitat is still sourcing donations of lumber, win- dows, doors and flooring. STILL SMILING LOVE YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY (eG New Aoties Monday to Fridays - 10am to 10pm Saturdays - 10am to 6pm Sundays - 12pm to 5pm SEPTEMBER SPECIAL Buy 200 mins get 50 mins FREE Come in fo see all the exciting changes we are making throughout September ° (519) 853-1333