THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2004 THE NEW TANNER 3 Rockwood merchant's honesty saves Acton couple some grief BY MAGGIE PETRUSHEVSKY The New Tanner An elderly Acton couple le discovered honesty is not dead thanks to a Rockwood merchant and found the wallet was just as it had been left. All the money was there and all the papers. The man was even apologetic about hay- ing to go through the wallet to find a telephone number. The Spraggs offered the man money -- "even just to have din- ner on us", Mrs. Spragg said, but he refused saying he understood about the importance of the pa- pers the wallet contained. | _ School's back next Tuesday - Please drive carefully Salvage yards granted time to install fencing Town Council has granted requests from the owners/op- erators of two salvage yards for more time to install fences around their yards. The owners of both BCA. Services in Crewsons Cor- ners and Dixié Truck Centre on the Fourth Line now have until September 10, 2007 to fence their yards in compli- ance with the Town's salvage yard bylaw that re- quires the entire perimeter of the yard to be fenced. In the case of BCA Serv- ices, the owner has erected new fencing along the front of his yard and completed a 300-foot section of an east- ern boundary fence. Town staff said the west- ern boundary shares a mutual property line with another salvage yard and does not require fencing. The -owner asked for a three-year extension to fence the rear of his salvage yard that is adjacent to va- cant land. The operator of Dixie Truck Centre asked for an exemption to the fencing bylaw based on the fact that the premises already had a full perimeter chain link fence, there are no abutting residential properties and there have been no com- 'Town Digest plaints about noise or fenc- ing. The salvage yard bylaw says the fence must be either solid metal or wood painted a uniform earth-tone brown colour with a minimum height of 3 metres and a maximum height of 4.2 me- tre or 14 feet. FIRE STATS In the first six months of the year, Halton Hills Fire Protection and Prevention Services had answered 9,281 telephone calls -- an increase of 781 over the same period last year. Six hundred of those calls were of an emergency nature compared with 475 emer- gency calls during the same period in 2003. Ten people were rescued during the first six months of the year compared with 14 in the same period the previous year. Firefighters answered 25 structure fire calls, 10 vehicle accidents, 13 false reports and 55 mis- cellaneous events. There were 47 accidental alarm calls and 49 calls for mal- functioning alarms. Wednesdays were the busiest day of the week for calls and Tuesday and Sun- days the slowest. an pepotuniey to explore the meaning of life ALPHA COURSE: Explore the Christian Faith in a relaxed manner over ten thought provoking weekly sessions. Bethel Christian Reformed Church is offering a day- time session for women and an evening session for men & women, join us for a dessert & information night on Wednesday September 15% at 7:00pm. Both courses begin on Sept. 22. The evening session includes weekly dinner. Call 853-4493 Alpha' who retumed the husband's wal- let with nothing missing. Lorraine Spragg of Longfield Road said they don't know the name of their Good Samaritan, nor even if he is the owner of the Rockwood Esso station. They just know he saved them a tremen- dous amount of worry and aggravation. The Spraggs gassed up their van in Rockwood on their way back from St. Jacob's on Satur- day, then stopped in Acton for an ice cream. While Mrs. Spragg was in the store, Bob Spragg began search- ing for his wallet in the van glove compartment where he expected it to be. It wasn't there. They checked unsuccessfully in the store and discussed who needed to be notified about the loss as they were driving back to their house. "Bob was so upset he was almost in tears," Mrs. Spragg said. "There was $60 in the wal- AITENTION: Time is runing out! Put your entery into the Fall Fair Parade. EVERYBODY LOVES A PARADE AND WHAT BETTER WAY TO PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS OR CLUB? Enter a float in our annual ACTON FALL FAIR PARADE September 18, 2004 ucsiors ¥ Tee ~ petro Don't miss out... call today! was worried about." 519-853-5087 or 519-853-0570 When they arrived home she Terry Foster noticed the light on the telephone answering machine was flashing so she checked for messages. There was one -- from a man at the Rockwood Esso station say- ing he had found the missing wallet. They immediately drove back ** Spots are First come, First served.** ** This is family rated event ** TIGER | YOUR ALi CANADIAN FAMILY DISCOUNT STORE' COMMUNITY SUPPORT AND INFORMATION We invite the community to help celebrate the Isolated Seniors Project* Proje, One' Ct Hing. 'Disp fap Ghts nignet?* Do you know an elderly person who... * Lives alone * Has little contact with others ¢ Finds daily tasks difficult * May be living at risk Find out how we can make a difference! WHEN: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 WHERE: Acton Arena Community Room TIME: --_1:30- 4:00 p.m. ation contact Terri at 51