8 (-- Checkthe activities on these pages for Le fall activities =) Acton Jiu-Jitsu ! 6 Martial Arts and Self Defence for Adults & Children (519)853-2424 5A Mill Street, East, Acton ~~ «Proud members of the Canadian Jie Jitsu Associations E-mail: jiujitsul@sympatico.ca KIDS KURLING st THe ACTON CURLING CLUB & Thursday 6:30-8:00 pm November 4th ~ March 3th AIT ateya elem deers ke (children ages 6-10) Bantam Programme (teenagers ages 11-16) QUALIFIED N.<.<.P. INSTRUCTORS $55.00 pws Taxes COME ON OUT FOR A ROCKIN' GOOD TIME. QUICK! HURRY! We welcome Beginners and Advanced Curlers For further information call Lori @ (519) 856-4033 or Liz @ (905) 877-9890 |___ Contact the Club @ (519) 853-0110 Decorative Art Studio 77 Mill St. E., Acton, Ontario L7J 1H5 LEARN DECORATIVE PAINTING NO EXPERIENCE OR ARTISTIC TALENT REQUIRED! Open House & Registration Thurs. Sept. 9 10 am to 9 pm 10 am to9 pm 10 am to 5 pm Fri. Sept.10 Sat. Sept.11 (519)853-0777 www. paintinfriends.ca - THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2004 Fel Get busy-get active in 2004 Sign up for the activities on these pages nm Guide Seven dead birds with WNv found in Halton A dead crow found near the Trafalgar Road/Cornwall Road area has been confirmed positive for West Nile virus by the Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre in Guelph. This is Halton's sixth positive crow in 2004. A blue jay found in Burlington last Friday is the seventh bird con- firmed to have WNv. "This positive crow under- scores that no matter where you live in Halton you need to assume that West Nile vi- rus is present," said Dr. Monir Taha, Associate Medical Of- ficer of Health for the Halton Region Health Department, "The next four to six weeks will likely be the peak risk weeks for human illness. Per- sonal protection against mosquito bites is a priority now." Residents should protect themselves from mosquito bites especially dusk to dawn and at any time of day in places with high mosquito activity such as wooded areas. Maps showing the locations of positive birds, as well as standing water sites and catch basins larvicided are available on the Health Department's website at www.region.halton.on.ca/ health. "Through the Health De- partment's -- surveillance program, we're beginning to see more West Nile virus ac- tivity in Halton," said Dr. Bob continued on page 9 | AcTON SENIORS' RECREATION CENTRE By JuLttz Conroy 1* Acton Scouting Registration Night Tuesday, September 7, 7-8:30 p.m. 3 Acton Scout Hall, School Lane There are still a limited amount of tickets available to members and friends for the BBQ on Friday, September 17, starting at noon with a game of bingo to follow. A great meal is planned by Margaret and her committee, including corn on the cob, sliced meats, salads, rolls and butter and to finish Apple Blossoms. If you intend to come, please pick up your ticket at the front desk as soon as possible. The price is right, free to members and only $8 to non members. The cut off date is September 7. The winner of the 50/50 draw at the Centre last week was May Jarrett. The Friday lunches have been running all summer, and this Friday, September 3, is Pot Luck. Always enjoyable, with some great dishes to en- joy. Those members who picked up their September/ October newsletters please note the date for the Rama trip in September is incorrect. It is always the last Wednes- day in the month, so this month it will be September 29. As usual if you are inter- ested in this trip let Ruth know at 853-5124. Ruth tells me the 50/50 draw was won last week by Isobel Nicholls; the lucky birthdays winners were Sue Khan and May Hoare. It looks like it was Sue's lucky day. I hope her luck held out at Rama as well. Beavers (ages 5-7) Cubs (ages 8-10) Scouts (ages 11-13) Venturers (ages 14-16) Girls and Boys as of December 31st, 2004 Thanks to Acton Rotary Club Registration Fee Only $99 A SCOUTS CANADA Call Tom Niblock 853-0655 700 Yom At the Bid Euchre the mooner was Dorren Malcolm. Dave Dodgson put a plain- tive plea in my mail slot to ask that Darts be mentioned. They are hoping for some new members to play on Monday mornings. Judging from the laughter and com- ments I heard last year everyone had fun, even if you haven't played before you are sure of a warm welcome. What a great way to meet new friends while enjoying yourself. Another change to the newsletter: T'ai Chi will be held on Mondays 'in future. . Beginning Monday, Septem- ber 20 at 10 a.m. The new © instructor will be Wilfred Ranser from Guelph. We ask that you register prior to the start date so we know how many people would like to participate. During open house September 13-17 you will be able to see a demon- stration of T'ai Chi. Pick up the green sheet at the centre to see what other activities we have planned for your infor- mation. Board members will be here all week to answer your questions and hopefully you will wish to join the Cen- tre and participate in some of the activities we have planned. Loraine Fax has done a great job of keeping our photo album scrap book cur- rent, but she is unable to do it any more. Is there anyone who would like to take over this little job? (And perhaps the newspaper scrap book.) It isn't too time consuming. The pictures are mostly taken for you; you just need to be an organized person who can keep on top of the job. Both these albums are very impor- tant as it gives insight into the various functions, history and achievements of our Centre over the years. It is always fun to look back at the past and see old faces and memo- ries. Looking way ahead for all you organized people who have such busy lives, Thurs- day, Dec. 2 the travel committee has planned a trip to Lindsay to listen to St. Andrew's 80-member choir. They will be performing Christmas songs while in the shape of a Christmas Tree. Some of the younger mem- bers are over 40 feet above the main floor. You can either listen, or enjoy the sing-along with them. Before "heading for church" you will enjoy a mouthwatering dinner of ei- ther spare-ribs or a Christmas Turkey dinner. After the con- cert you will be visiting Fenelon Falls to enjoy the Christmas Island light display followed by a glass of hot apple cider while you view the lights. For more informa- tion visit the travel desk Monday or Friday mornings. SEN, OREN, % eC Recreation Centre Acton Seniors Recreation Centre . OPEN HOUSt/ REGISTRATION WEEK September f 3-17 = Shuffleboard demo. Monday September 3: Beginning at 9am Events include: Darts, Craft, Carpet bowling. Tuesday September 14: Beginning at 10 am Events include: Tai Chi, Birthday Tea Wednesday September 15: Beginning at 10am Events include: Line dancing, Fitness class demo Thursday September 16: Beginning at 10am COME OUT AND JOIN IN THE FUN! events include: Canasta, Bid Euchre Friday September 17: Beginning at 9am. Events include: Open house, Corn Roast , Bingo.