16 THE NEW TANNER THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2004 Terry Fox Run September 19 _ 87% of funds goes to Cancer research S by Jon Hurst On Sunday, September 19, the 24" annual Terry Fox Run will take place, rain or shine, at the Acton High School track. The official opening begins at 8 a.m. with Acton Citizen of the Year Max MacSween and Mayor Rick Bonnette present to cut the ribbon. Participants can arrive any time between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. to run, walk, jog or cy- cle some or all of the 25 laps around the track. The event is not a race or a competition, but an oppor- tunity for caring individuals ~ and their families to com- plete the fundraising event around the track at their own desired pace and length. Tn 1988, the Terry Fox Run became a Trust, independent from the Canadian Cancer Society, and received tax-ex- empt charitable registration as a public foundation. The annual event continues to be "known as The Terry Fox Run, while the structural or- ganization is known as The Terry Fox Foundation. The funds raised through the annual Terry Fox Run are used exclusively for cancer re- search and are distributed by the National Cancer Institute of Canada to fund the best quality research in Canada. "The Terry Fox Founda- tion is known for funding some of the country's bright- est and most innovative cancer researchers," says Dr. Michael Wosnick, NCIC's executive director. "Many of the milestones in our ability ' Contestants must be 16 * £e Friday, Come out for an evening of fun and compete for the title of Miss Acton Fall Fain 2004-2005 years of age or older, live in Acton, Rockwood Ballinafad or Limehouse OR attend Acton High School. Rehearsal at Prospect Park Tent on Thursday, September 16" at 5:30pm 4 For more info, or to register call Kelly at (519)820-6035 or Leigh at (519)853-2086(pager) ] 17 penses total 3 % to treat and manage cancer have been achieved thanks to research funded by the Foundation." Since the inception of the tun in 1981, the Foundation has raised a total of $342 million. Administration ex- and fundraising expenses total 10% which leaves 87% of all monies raised to go directly to cancer research. As well as raising money, the Terry Fox Foundation continues to share the story of Terry Fox, and to maintain the discipline, commitment and integrity that he exhibited throughout his Marathon of Hope, as he raised awareness among Canadians to the rav- ages of cancer and the need to find a cure. In 1999, during a visit to Acton, Terry's mother, Betty Fox, stopped at the crest of the hill on the Veteran's Highway as it enters Acton, to install a new sign on the large community board. It reads "Acton -- A Proud Terry Fox Run Community." Acton has been committed to Terry since 1980, and with the support of so many dedi- cated volunteers, participants and donators, it is our hope that this year we can see our total funds raised exceed half a million dollars. Terry once said, "Even if I don't finish, we need oth- ers to continue. It's got to keep going without me." Please join us on Sunday, September 19, and bring a friend, as we continue Ter- ty's dream of finding a cure for cancer. ONG "PIANO MAN" WCASES HIS -- ¢ e Music Quiz How much do you know about music-related trivia? Test your knowledge by taking the quiz below. Circle the answer you think is correct... 1. This is a unit of musical measurement indicating beats and >. When a male singer performs in a high- pitched voice, he is measures. singing a. score a. falsetto b. inches b. femaleo c. vibrato c. finale d. meter d. treble 2. In music, a note that is a white circle with no stem is calleda ... a. whole note b. half note ¢. quarter note d. none of the above 3. Women with deeper voices often sing this part of a harmony. a. soprano b. bass ¢. alto d. baritone 4. On an 88-keyed piano 6. Which of the following is not a type of piano? a. grand b. baby grand ¢. upright d. horizontal . What instrument family is the piano part of? a. brass b. percussion c. woodwind d. string . What key on the piano has no sharps or flats in its signature? how many times does aG the popular note 'C' bA appear? cB a. 3 dc b.8 c4 d.0 a8 FL d9vVS at 2EVZaT Sdansuy * TRIALS AGAINST GER- MANS WHO COMMIT- TED WAR CRIMES TOOK PLACE. SEVERAL PEOPLE WERE GIVEN A DEATH SENTENCE AS A RESULT OF THEIR CRUEL ACTIONS, * A UNIVERSITY IS FOUNDED IN TABRIZ, A CITY IN NORTH WEST IRAN. © GIAN-CARLO MENOTT! COMPOSES. THE OPERA "THE MEDIUM." KCO49204 yl word combination of three or more pitches sounded simultaneously AN EARLY VIEW of Stewarttown illustrates the ham- let's early beginnings. The view from an old photo includes from the right, the first council chambers, property of John Tracy, Bell's Paint Shop where rebel William Lyon Mackenzie's sympathizers congregated, Lawson's second mill and Mitchell's cooperage. (Che Villages of Datcon Dis) Stewarttown... Continued from 14 anyway when for a salary of $380 a year Charles McLellan attempted to educate 126 pupils in a one room building. Now there's a modern senior (middle) public school at the=.4op =-of = the "Stewarttown hill" across from St. Johns Anglican Church, originally a Methodist Church, but bought by the Anglicans in 1880. There was always an interest in sports in the village but history records that marathon runner Tom Longboat, a blood-Indian from the Six Nations Reserve near Brantford, chose Stewarttown for his head- quarters while training for marathons. He The original Stewarttown community boarded at Hill's Hotel and trained on the Sev- enth Line from Stewarttown to Hornby. Longboat gained fame when he won the Boston Marathon in 1907 and set a new record. He won many more cups and cash awards for his running ability but died at age 62 in poverty back at his Six Nations home. Like Tom Longboat, Stewarttown had its ups and downs but is now principally a quiet, pretty village with fine residen- tial areas. The original mill pond which was dammed for the first mill still exists but the mill is gone, replaced after a dis- astrous fire by the Halton Stove Co. Hall before it was remodelled in 1980 | Italian & Steak TOMATOES & CUCUMBERS Mon-Sat 8-5 Sun & Holidays 8-12 ok LET US ii@ YOU! He WELCOME OurHostess will bring gifts and greetings, along with helpful information about your new community. "Velo. SINCE 1920